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Discusses Closure of TACs MA0525 & MA0526 Re Response to RAI Concerning GL 92-0,Rev 1,Suppl 1, Rv Structural Integrity. Info in Rvid Revised & Released as Ver 2 as Result of Review of Response
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 07/12/1999
From: Dan Collins
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
To: Cross J
GL-92-01, GL-92-1, TAC-MA0525, TAC-MA0526, TAC-MA525, TAC-MA526, NUDOCS 9907190197
Download: ML20209G570 (5)


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July 12, 1999 Mr. J. E. Cross President-Generation Group Duquesne Light Company Post Office Box 4 Shippingport, PA 15077




Dear Mr. Cross:


On May 19,1995, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued Generic Letter 92-01, Revision 1, Supplement 1 (GL 92-01, Rev.1, Supp.1), " Reactor Vessel Structural Integrity," to holders of nuclear operating licenses. In issuing the GL the staff required addressees of the GL to:

(1) identify, collect and report any new data pertinent to the analysis of structuralintegrity of the reactor pressure vessels (RPVs) at their nuclear plants, and (2) to assess the impact of that data on their RPV integrity analyses relative to the requirements of Sections 50.60 and 50.61 to Part 50 of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR 50.60 and 10 CFR 50.61), and to the requirements of Appendices G and H to Part 50 of Title 10 of the Code of FederalRegulations (Appendices G and H to 10 CFR Part 50).

On August 17,1995, you submitted your initial response to GL 92-01, Rev.1, Supp.1. and provided the requested information relative to the structural integrity assessments for BVPS-1 and BVPS-2. The staff evaluated your response to GL 92-01, Rev.1, Supp.1, and provided its conclusion relative to your response on August 2,1996. However, since the time of the staff's closure letter, the Combustion Engineering (CE) Owners Group and the Babcock and Wilcox (B&W) O'vners Group have each submitted additional data regarding the alloying chemistries of beltline welds in CE and B&W fabricated vessels. The additional alloying data were submitted in Topical Reports CE NPSD-1039, Revision 2, CE NPSD-1119, Revision 1, for CE fabricated RPV welds, and BAW-2325, Revision 1, for B&W fabricated RPV welds. In addition, Chicago Bridge and Iron (CB&l) BWR data were submitted in Topical Report BWRVIP-46. As a result of the efforts by CE and B&W, the staff determined that additional information was necessary relative to the structuralintegrity assessments for your plants. On April 8,1998, the staff issued a request for additional information (RAI) in regard to the alloying chemistries of beltline welds, your assessment of surveillance data for your facility, pressure-temperature (P-T) limits, and pressurized thermal shock (PTS) assessments for BVPS-1 and BVPS-2. In general, with p'

respect to the contents o' the RAI, the staff requested that you reassess the alloying

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J. E. Cross. chemistries for the beltline welds and RPV surveillance welds relative to the chemistries provided in the applicable topical report, and provide the impact of any changes to the best-estimate chemistries for your beltline RPV welds on the structuralintegrity assessments for your facility relative to the requirements of 10 CFR 50.60,10 CFR 50.61, and

. Appendices G and H to 10 CFR Part 50, as applicable to the licensing bases for your plants.

You provided your response to the staff's RAls for BVPS-1 and BVPS-2 on July 9,1998. As a result of the staff's review of your responses to GL 92-01, Revision 1, GL 92-01, Rev.1, Supp.1, and the Supp.1 RAI, the staff has revised the information in the Reactor Vessel Integrity Database (RVID) and is releasing it as RVID Version 2.

The new database ~ diskettes are posted on the world-wide-web at a location which is linked to

- the NRC home page (http://www.nrc. gov /NRR/RVID/index.html ). We recommend that you review this information. If the staff does not receive comments by September 1,1999, we will assume that the data entered into the RVID are acceptable for your plant. No additional c information is necessary with regard to the structural integrity assessments. Future submittals on P-T limits, PTS, or upper shelf energy (USE) should reference the most current information.

.This closes the staff's efforts in regard to TAC Nos. MA0525 and MA0526. The staff appreciates your efforts in regard to this matter.


/ag/f,[Ac Daniel S. Collins, Project Manager, Section 1 Project Directorate i Division of Licensing Project Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Docket Nos. 50-334 and 50-412 cc: See next page 1

i l

J. E. Cross..

chemistries for the beltline welds and RPV surveillance welds relative to the chemistries provided in the applicable topical report, and provide the impact of any changes

' to the best-estimate chemistries for your beltline RPV welds on the structural integrity


assessments for your facility relative to the requirements of 10 CFR 50.60,10 CFR 50.61, and j

Appendices G and H to 10 CFR Part 50, as applicable to the licensing bases for your plants.

You provided your response to the staff's RAls for BVPS-1 and BVPS-2 on July 9,1998. As a i

result of the staff's review of your responses to GL 92-01, Revision 1, GL 92-01, Rev.1, Supp.1, and the Supp.1 RAI, the staff has revised the information in the Reactor Vessel Integrity Database (RVID) and is releasing it as RVID Version 2.


The new database diskettes are posted on the world-wide-web at a location which is linked to

- the NRC home page (http /www.nrc. gov /NRR/RVID/index.html). We recommend that you


review this information. If the staff does not receive comments by September 1,1999, we ' Nill 1

assume that the data entered into the RVID are acceptable for your plant. No additional i necessary with regard to the structuralintegrity assessments. Future submittals on P-T limits, PTS, or upper shelf energy (USE) should reference the most current information.

l 1

This closes the staff's efforts in regard to TAC Nos. MA0525 and MA0526. The staff 1

appreciates your efforts in regard to this matter.

Sincerely, Original signed by:

f Daniel S. Collins, Project Manager, Section 1 Project Directorate l Division of Licensing Project Management


Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation i


Docket Nos. 50-334 and 50-412 cc: See next page DISTRIBUTION:

Docket File MO'Brien ACRS PUBLIC DCollins MEvans, RGN-l PDI-1 Reading OGC Alee SBajwa DOCUMENT NAME: G:\\PDI-1\\ Beaver 1&2\\Ma0525.wpd To receive a copy of this document, Indicate in the box: "C" = Copy without attachment / enclosure "E" = Copy I


with ettachment/ enclosure "N" = No copy 0FFICE PM:PDI


lE LA:PDI g$kl SC:PDI fdl l

l NAME DCollins //L M0'Brien/flF(S SBajwp h%

DATE 9/d/S$


C} Ch G\\W DA Official Rbcord Copy J

July 12, 1999 J. E. Cross -.

i chemistries for the beltline welds and RPV surveillance welds relative to the chemistries provided in the applicable topical report, and provide the impact of any changes to the best-estimate chemistries for your beltline RPV welds on the structural integrity assessments for your facility relative to the requirements of 10 CFR 50.60,10 CFR 50.61, and Appendices G and H to 10 CFR Part 50, as applicable to the licensing bases for your plants.

You provided your response to the sta'f's RAls for BVPS-1 and BVPS-2 on July 9,1998. As a result of the staff's review of your responses to GL 92-01, Revision 1, GL 92-01, Rev.1, Supp.1, and the Supp.1 RAI, the staff has revised the information in the Reactor Vessel z

Integrity Database (RVID) and is rel msing it as RVID Version 2.

The new database diskettes are post: an the world-wide-web at a location which is linked to the NRC home page (http://www.nrc. gov /NRR/RVID/index.html). We recommend that you review this information. If the staff does not receive comments by September 1,1999, we will assume that the data entered into the RVID are acceptable for your plant. No additional information is necessary with regard to the structural integrity assessments. Future submittals on P-T limits, PTS, or upper shelf energy (USE) should reference the most current information.

This closes the staff's efforts in regard to TAC Nos. MA0525 and MA0526. The staff appreciates your efforts in regard to this matter.


Sincerely, J

l Original signed by:

l Daniel S. Collins, Project Manager, Section 1


Project Directorate I i

Division of Licensing Project Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket Nos. 50-334 and 50-412 cc: See next page DISTRIBUTION:

Docket File MO'Brien ACRS PUBLIC DCollins MEvans, RGN-l PDI-1 Reading OGC Alee SBajwa DOCUMENT NAME: G:\\PDI-1\\ Beaver 1&2\\Ma0525.wpd To receive a copy of this document, Indicate in the box: "C" = Copy without attachment / enclosure "E" = Copy with ettachment/ enclosure "N" = No copy _



lE LA:PDI a /l$Af1_,l SC:PDI dl l

l j

NAME DCollins //L M0'Brien/(/// V/

SBajwp V(A -


4 DATE 7/4/6 9 9M lIY Ob Official RbcorEl Copy J

Bravar Valley Powcr Station, Units 1 and 2 Jay E. Silberg, Esquire Duquesne Light Company Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge Beaver Valley Power Station 2300 N Street, NW.

PO Box 4 Washington, DC 20037 Shippingport, PA 15077 ATTN: Kevin L. Ostrowski, Division Vice Duquesne Light Company President, Nuclear Operations Group Safety and Licensing Department and Plant Manager (BV-SOSB-7)

Mark S. Ackerman, Manager (2 Copies)

Beaver Valley Power Station Bureau of Radiation Protection PO Box 4, BV-A Pennsylvania Department of Shippingport, PA 15077 Environmental Prote ction ATTN: Michael P. Murphy Commissioner Roy M. Smith Post Office Box 2063 West Virginia Department of Labor Harrisburg, PA 17120 Building 3, Room 319 Capitol Complex Mayor of the Borough of Charleston, WV 25305 Shippingport Post Office Box 3 Director, Utilities Department Shippingport, PA 15077 Public Utilities Commission 180 East Broad Street Regional Administrator, Region I Columbus, OH 43266-0573 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 475 Allendale Road Director, Pennsylvania Emergency King of Prussia, PA 19406 Management Agency Post Office Box 3321 Resident inspector Harrisburg, PA 17105-3321 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Post Office Box 298 Ohio EPA-DERR Shippingport, PA 15077 ATTN: Zack A. Clayton Post Office Box 1049 Duquesne Light Company Columbus, OH 43266-0149 Beaver Valley Power Station PO Box 4 Dr. Judith Johnsrud Shippingport, PA 15077 National Energy Committee ATTN: S. C. Jain, Senior Vice President Sierra Club Nuclear Services (BV-A) 433 Orlando Avenue State College, PA 16803 Mr. J. A. Hultz, Manager Projects & Support Services Duquesne Light Company First Energy Beaver Valley Power Station 76 South Main Street J. J. Maracek Akron, OH 44308 P. O. Box 4, BV A Shippingport, PA 15077
