05000412/LER-1999-007, Forwards LER 99-007-00, Forced Shutdown Due to Inoperable EDG, Per 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(i).Rept Is Delayed Due to Util Needing Addl Three Days to Address Event Issues on Reportability & Provide Addl Safety Implications Info

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Forwards LER 99-007-00, Forced Shutdown Due to Inoperable EDG, Per 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(i).Rept Is Delayed Due to Util Needing Addl Three Days to Address Event Issues on Reportability & Provide Addl Safety Implications Info
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 08/19/1999
From: Ostrowski K
Shared Package
ML20211C868 List:
L-99-129, NUDOCS 9908260120
Download: ML20211C865 (2)

LER-1999-007, Forwards LER 99-007-00, Forced Shutdown Due to Inoperable EDG, Per 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(i).Rept Is Delayed Due to Util Needing Addl Three Days to Address Event Issues on Reportability & Provide Addl Safety Implications Info
Event date:
Report date:
Reporting criterion: 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)
4121999007R00 - NRC Website






. 'A @

Telephone (412) 393-6000


SNppingport. PA 15077-0004 August 19,1999 L-99-129 t

Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit No. 2 Docket No. 50-412 License No. NPF-73 LER 99-007-00

/Jnited States Nuclear Regulatory Commission

/ Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 In accordance with Appendix A, Beaver Valley Technical Specifications, the following Licensee Event Report is submitted:

LER 99-007-00,10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i), " Forced Shutdown Due to Inoperable Emergency Diesel Generator."

This Licensee Event Report is being submitted thirty-three days after the date of discovery, contrarv to 10 CFR 50.73(a) which allows up to thirty days to submit a Licensee Event Report. An additional three days were needed to address event issues on reportability and to provide additional safety implications information.

The NRC resident inspector at the Beaver Valley Power Station was informed of the delay on August 16,1999.

Sincerely, x2kk


K. L. Ostrowski Division Vice President Nuclear Operations and


SR k hk $$N12 Plant Manager g4 8


Attachment w

The Nuclear Professionals l


LER 99-007-00 L-99-129 Page 2 c:

Mr. H. J. Miller, Regional Administrator United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region 1 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA 19406 Mr. D. S. Collins BVPS Project Manager United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington,DC 20555 Mr. David M. Kern BVPS Senior Resident Inspector l

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mr. J. A. Hultz Ohio Edison Company 76 S. Main Street Akron, OH 44308 INPO Records Center 700 Galleria Pa:kway Atlanta, GA 30339-5957 Mr. Michael P. Murphy Bureau ofRadiation Protection Department of Environmental Protection RCSOB-13th Floor P.O. Box 8469 Harrisburg, PA 17105-8469 Manager, Nuclear Licensing and Operations Support Virginia Electric & Power Company 5000 Dominion Blvd.

Innsbrook Tech. Center Glen Allen,VA 23060