L-99-120, Forwards Annual Rept of Facility Changes,Tests & Experiments for BVPS Unit 1,IAW 10CFR50.59.Rept Provides Brief Description of Each Facility & Procedure Change & Summary of Safety Evaluations

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Forwards Annual Rept of Facility Changes,Tests & Experiments for BVPS Unit 1,IAW 10CFR50.59.Rept Provides Brief Description of Each Facility & Procedure Change & Summary of Safety Evaluations
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 07/22/1999
From: Jain S
Shared Package
ML20210G694 List:
L-99-120, NUDOCS 9908030183
Download: ML20210G688 (1)



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Beav Valley Power Etation Shippingport. PA 15077-0004 SUSHIL C. JAIN (412) 393 5512 Sey g, Pre ont July 22, 1999 Fax (724) 643-8069 e

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/ U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001


Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit No.1 Docket No. 50-334, License No. DPR-66 Report of Facility Changes, Tests and Experiments In accordance with 10 CFR 50.59, the Annual Repon of Facility Changes, Tests, and Experiments for the Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit No.1, is attached. This repon j

provides a brief description of each facility and procedure change and a summary of the safety evaluations. The annual repon covers the period of January 23,1998, through January 22,1999.

Each change was evaluated to determine (1) if the probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident or the malfunction of equipment important to safety previously evaluated in the Updated Final Safety Analysis Repon may be increased, or (2)if a possibility for an accident or malfunction of a different type than any evaluated previously in the Updated Final Safety Analysis Repon may be created, or (3) if the margin of safety as_ defined in the basis for any technical specification is reduced. In each case, it was determined that the change did not constitute an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59.


If you have any questions regarding this repon, please contact Mr. Mark S. Ackerman, Manager, Safety and Licensing, at (412) 393-5203.

Sincerely, 990003o18 dN2

$DR ADOCK 05000334 Sushil C. Jain I


Attachment j) 4 SC[{ DEUVERING c:

Mr. D. S. Collins, Project Mr. nager Mr. D. M. Kern, Sr. Resident Inspector 0UALITY N

Mr. H. J. Miller, NRC Region 1 Administrator g g-
