ENS 55148 | Susquehanna | | 22 March 2021 14:05:00 | Offsite Transport of Potentially Contaminated Person | |
ENS 54996 | Limerick | | 13 November 2020 07:45:00 | Automatic Reactor Scram Due to High Reactor Pressure Signal | |
ENS 54691 | Susquehanna | | 3 May 2020 12:21:00 | Automatic Reactor Scram Due to Main Turbine Trip | |
ENS 54283 | Three Mile Island | | 17 September 2019 14:28:00 | On-Site Non-Work Related Fatality | Fatality |
ENS 52658 | Susquehanna | | 3 April 2017 14:45:00 | Exclusive Use Transport Vehicle Exceeded Contact Dose Rates | Exclusive Use |
ENS 52617 | Cardinal Health | PA-0415 | 17 March 2017 11:00:00 | Agreement State Report - Transportation Accident Damaging Licensed Material | |
ENS 52513 | Beaver Valley | | 27 January 2017 11:41:00 | Unusual Event Declared Due to Unverified Fire Alarm in Containment | |
ENS 52415 | Three Mile Island | | 7 December 2016 23:00:00 | Unisolable Reactor Coolant System Boundary Leakage | |
ENS 51968 | Limerick | | 1 June 2016 13:00:00 | Manual Reactor Scram Due to Unexpected Core Flow Change | |
ENS 51455 | Three Mile Island | | 6 October 2015 01:15:00 | Alert Declaration Due to Fire in the Auxiliary Building | |
ENS 51014 | Susquehanna | | 26 April 2015 02:10:00 | Offsite Medical Transport for Potentially Contaminated Worker | |
ENS 50847 | Limerick | | 24 February 2015 02:40:00 | Automatic Reactor Scram on Reactor High Pressure Signal | |
ENS 49865 | Beaver Valley | | 2 March 2014 05:13:00 | Unusual Event Declared Due a Fire Alarm in the Containment Building | |
ENS 49342 | Susquehanna | | 14 September 2013 07:30:00 | Manual Reactor Scram Due to Feedwater Transient During Shutdown | |
ENS 49099 | Susquehanna | | 7 June 2013 16:03:00 | Manual Scram Due to a Reactor Water Level Transient During Startup | |
ENS 48500 | Susquehanna | | 9 November 2012 09:20:00 | Rps Actuation Resulting from Low Reactor Water Level | |
ENS 48055 | Susquehanna | | 28 June 2012 17:53:00 | Loss of One of Two Offsite Power Sources | |
ENS 47814 | Susquehanna | | 7 April 2012 17:54:00 | Transport of Potentially Contaminated Worker | |
ENS 47371 | Weatherford International, Inc. | PA-1030 | 21 October 2011 04:00:00 | Agreement State Report Involving Apparent Stolen Density Gauges with Cs-137 Sources | Moisture Density Gauge Stolen Reactive Inspection |
ENS 47273 | Peach Bottom | | 18 September 2011 08:44:00 | Transport of Potentially Contaminated Injured Worker | |
ENS 47048 | Three Mile Island | | 14 July 2011 17:19:00 | Offsite Notification Due to Inadvertant Siren Actuation | Siren |
ENS 47034 | Ga Covey Engineering | PA-1426 | 7 July 2011 19:40:00 | Agreement State Report- Damaged Soil Moisture Nuclear Density Gauge | Moisture Density Gauge |
ENS 46903 | Limerick | | 29 May 2011 09:02:00 | Automatic Reactor Trip Due to Low Pressure in Ehc System | |
ENS 46644 | Susquehanna | | 26 February 2011 01:27:00 | Unit 1 Hpci Inoperable Due to Steam Leak | |
ENS 46641 | Limerick | | 25 February 2011 14:10:00 | Manual Scram Due to Recirculation Pump Trip | |
ENS 46164 | Susquehanna | | 10 August 2010 13:11:00 | Alert Declared Due to Freon-12 Leak in Reactor Building Chiller | |
ENS 46057 | Susquehanna | | 30 June 2010 13:55:00 | Offsite Notification Due to Sulfuric Acid Spill Onsite | |
ENS 45930 | Susquehanna | | 15 May 2010 03:01:00 | Manual Reactor Scram Due to Increasing Reactor Water Level | |
ENS 45534 | Susquehanna | | 1 December 2009 23:00:00 | Onsite Flooding Caused by Make-Up Supply Line Failure | |
ENS 45514 | Three Mile Island | | 22 November 2009 03:45:00 | Radiation Release in Containment Associated with Steam Generator Removal | |
ENS 45336 | Susquehanna | | 9 September 2009 13:30:00 | Emergency Sirens Out of Service | Siren |
ENS 45193 | Peach Bottom | | 10 July 2009 16:31:00 | Elevated Tritium Levels Found in On-Site Well | |
ENS 45115 | Susquehanna | | 6 June 2009 13:00:00 | Voluntary Notification - Moving Irradiated Steam Dryer in a Shielded Container | |
ENS 44257 | Susquehanna | | 2 June 2008 18:40:00 | Shipping Cask Arrives with a Loose Bolt | |
ENS 43918 | Susquehanna | | 18 January 2008 22:03:00 | Offsite Notification Due to Receipt of Package That Exceeded Allowable Contact Dose Rate | Exclusive Use |
ENS 42342 | Susquehanna | | 16 February 2006 07:35:00 | Injured Person Taken to Local Hospital | |
ENS 42081 | Susquehanna | | 26 October 2005 14:20:00 | Loss of Power at the Emergency Operations Facility | |
ENS 42054 | Limerick | | 13 October 2005 02:24:00 | Automatic Scram Due to Reactor High Pressure Signal | |
ENS 42034 | Susquehanna | | 3 October 2005 16:48:00 | Offsite Notification Made to Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (Pema) | |
ENS 41918 | Susquehanna | | 14 August 2005 23:10:00 | Fire Alarm in Training Building Due to Loss of Power | |
ENS 41585 | Susquehanna | | 10 April 2005 15:50:00 | Technical Specification Required Shutdown Due to Failed 125V Dc Battery Charger | Downpower |
ENS 41281 | Susquehanna | | 22 December 2004 20:00:00 | Offsite Notification Made to Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (Pema) | |
ENS 40711 | Susquehanna | | 28 April 2004 17:07:00 | Unusual Event Decleared Due to an Electrical Failure in a Non-Vital Load Center Located in the Unit 2 Reactor Building | |
ENS 40616 | Susquehanna | | 28 March 2004 11:37:00 | Offsite Notification Due to Three Car Accident | |
ENS 40733 | Susquehanna | | 21 March 2004 16:32:00 | Invalid Actuation of Containment Isolation Signals in More than One System | |
ENS 40571 | Susquehanna | | 6 March 2004 10:28:00 | Offsite Notification at Susquehanna Involving a Traffic Accident | |
ENS 40564 | Susquehanna | | 3 March 2004 17:45:00 | Offsite Notification of Injured Individual | |
ENS 40531 | Susquehanna | | 18 February 2004 05:00:00 | Offsite Notification to Pema of Mislabeled Container | |
ENS 40367 | Susquehanna | | 2 December 2003 19:15:00 | Offsite Notification Due to Onsite Fatality | Fatality |
ENS 40284 | Pennsylvania Dot | | 30 October 2003 16:00:00 | Potential Damage to Troxler Density Gauge at a Construction Site | Troxler Moisture Density Gauge |