IR 05000443/1986030

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Addendum to Insp Rept 50-443/86-30 of Items Inspected During Emergency Plan Implementation Appraisal Followup on 860609-13 for Inclusion in Section 4
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/01/1986
From: Lazarus W, Thomas W
Shared Package
ML20204H940 List:
50-443-86-30, NUDOCS 8608080258
Download: ML20204H945 (6)






Report No.

50-443/86-30 Docket No.

50-443 License No.

CPPR-125 Priority


Category B-1 Licensee:

Public Service of New Hampshire P. O. Box 330 Manchester, New Hampshire 03105 Facility Name:

Seabrook Unit 1 Inspection At:

Seabrook, New Hampshire Inspection Conducted:

June 9-13, 1986 Inspectors:



/M W. l(pfaru t J enior E Specialist date






W.' Thomas, EP Sphtiali stV V '

[ date Approved by:


W. L Warus,(Jhief, Emergency date Preparedness Section l

8608080258 860801 PDR ADOCK 05000443 G






Follow-up on Previous Inspection Findings (Closed) IFI (85-32-07): Complete arrangements with offsite service groups to ensure availability of offsite support during emergencies.

An updated agreement letter with Seabrook Fire Department, dated May 14, 1986, was incorporated into the plan by Amendment 59 to the FSAR. The letter includes provisions for ambulance transportation to local medical facilities. Training modules for offsite fire fighters were approved and on April 15-17, 1986, 12 fire fighters from Seabrook Fire Department received training on plant access / egress and medical emergencies.

In addition, Amendment 59 to the FSAR specifies annual training for offsite support groups, including medical and fire fighters.

The emergency equipment and supplies designated for Exeter Hospital have been completed in accordance with procedure ER-8.1 inventory sheet. All arrangements with offsite groups under this item are considered complete.

This item is closed.

(Closed) IFI (85-32-12/13):

Ensure that arrangements for transportation of onsite contaminated / injured personnel are made and described in plans and procedures.

Section 10.5.2 of the plan and procedure ER-4.4, "Onsite Medical Emer-gency" have beer revised to show that the Seabrook Fire Department will provide transportation for onsite contaminated / injured personnel. An updated letter of agreement was completed with the Seabrook Fire Depart-ment (see Item 85-32-07),above).

Provision for annual training for local fire support and local ambulance service has been incorporated in the plan.

This item is closed.

(Closed) IFI (85-32-15b): Qualification criteria for assignment to positions in the Emergency Response Organizations (ERO) were not specified.

Appendix A to the plan, " Emergency Response Organization Position Defi-


nitions," was revised by Amendment 59 to the FSAR to show qualification criteria for the members of the ERO.

In addition, the personnel assign-ments that are also described in Appendix A are commensurate with the individual's routine operational position, i.e., duties during emergencies are similar to those performed during routine operations. This item is closed.

(Closed) IFI (85-32-19):

Finalize the meteorological system design consistent with FSAR commitments and revise the description in the plan.

On May 9. 1986, the licensee submitted a proposed change to the plan as well as similar proposed changes to Section 2.3 of the FSAR which updated


the description of the Seabrook meteorological monitoring program. This update was incorporated into the plan by Amendment 59 to the FSAR. This item is close.


(Closed) IFI (85-32-20):

Provide for backup meteorological measurements representative of conditions in the vicinity of the site.

Amendment 59 to the FSAR (plan) provides for an arrangement between Yankee Nuclear Services Division (YNSD) and Weather Services International (WSI)

for backup meteorological data including a terminal in the emergency oper-ations facility (EOF).

The plan also provides for backup weather data from National Weather Services (NWS) offices, hourly data from Pease Air Force Base (13 miles away) through WSI, Portland, ME, and Concord, NH NWS stations.

Procedure ER-5.6 provides instructions for the dose assessment coordinator at the EOF on WSI System Operations.

In addition, Section of the plan was revised to provide for corporate meteor-ological support available on a 24-hr. emergency call basis.

Further, corporate meteorological support personnel can access EOF weather data.

Backup power to the onsite meteorological tower instrumentation is still being evaluated by the licensee. The licensee has stated that the evalu-ation and actions to enhance meteorological system reliability will be completed by December 31, 1986.

Based on the provision for multiple backup sources of meteorological data, one of which is considered to be representative of conditions in the vicinity of tha site, and the licensee's commitment to resolve the onsite meteorological system reliability by the end of the year, this item is closed.

(Closed) IFI (85-32-21):

Provide a method for notification of impending severe weather to the control room.

An arrangement (document date of April 30,1986) through the Power Supply Department, Public Service of New Hampshire provides for notification to the Seabrook control room of impending severe weather. A supporting procedure, New Hampshire Satellite Operating Procedure #21, " Operations During Emergency Situations," issued in May 1986, provides instructions i

for notifying Seabrook of severe weather and other potentially severe situations (e.

g., bomb threat, CBR attack, natural phenomena). This item is closed.

(Closed) IFI (86-18-01):

Emergency Plan, Appendix A, does not specify which responsibilities of ERO staff members may not be delegated.

Appendix A to the plan and plan implementing procedures have been revised



to specify those responsibilities of the Short Term Emergency Director,


Site Emergency Director (decision to make recommendations on protective l

actions is specified in procedures, not in plan) and the Response Manager l

that may not be delegated, including the decision to notify offsite l

authorities and make protective action recommendations. The licensee i

committed to further revise Appendix A to the plan, by a future amendment to the FSAR, to specify that the Site Emergency Director has the non-


l delegable responsibility to make protective action recommendations to i

offsite authorities. Based on the revisions to the plan and procedures t

i -





and the licensee's commitment to further revise the plan to be consistent with plan implementing procedures, this item is closed.

(Closed) IFI (86-18-03):

Periodic radiological retraining of the hospital staff has not been developed or scheduled.

The revised plan (Section 12.2.2 and Figure 12.2) and procedure ER-8.2 provide for annual retraining of the hospital staff.

(Initial training was developed and provided to the staff (IR 50-443/86-18, p. 9)). This item is closed.

(Closed) IFI (86-18-05). METPAC Operator and sample analysis personnel are not described in the plan as augmentation personnel.

Appendix A and Figures 8.4 and 12.2 (training matrix) have been revised to identify the METPAC Operator and sample analysis personnel as part of the ERO. This item is closed.

(Closed) IFI (85-18-06):

Procedure ER-1.4 does not provide for (or allow)

any protective action recommendations (PAR) to be made unless a General Emergency has been declared.


Appendix A of the plan (Amendment 58 to the FSAR) and procedure ER-1.4 (Rev. 04, 6/3/86) now require a protective action recommendation during a Site Area emergency, prior to the declaration of a General Emergency.

The Seabrook Station " required reading" arrangement on this procedure revision was initiated on June 12, 1986, to inform shift superintendents


and unit shift superintendents, as well as other required personnel in the


ERO, that ER-1.4 has been changed in this regard. This item is closed.

(Closed) IFI (86-18-09): Complete the revision to ER-4.4, "Onsite Medical Emergency."

Proceciure ER-4.4 has been updated to include ambulance support by the Seabrook Fire Department.

Revision 2, effective June 5, 1986, has been approved and issued and was used during the medical drill on June 11, 1986.

This item is closed.

(Closed) IFI (86-18-10):

Complete and implement the Exeter Hospital Radiological Procedure Manual.

The Exeter Hospital " Decontamination and Treatment of the Radioactively Contaminated Patient" procedure has been completed. Draft #3, issued in May 1986 was used during the medical drill on June 11, 1986. This item is closed.

(0 pen) IFI (86-18-16): Distribute interim public information brochures, providing basic.information concerning what action to take on siren


activation, where to receive additional information, etc.









The interim public information brochure is in the final stages of preparation.

However, distribution has not yet been made. On May 6, 1986, the licensee confirmed by letter SBN-1028 that the interim brochure-will be mailed by fuel load. This item remains open pending this mailing.

(Closed) IFI (86-18-23):

ER-1.3, Attachment 1, does not identify the on-shift HP technician as an alternate advisor, to be consistent with ER-4.1.

ER-1.3, Attachment 1, has been revised to add the on-shift HP technician as an alternate advisor.

This item is closed.

(Closed) IFI (86-18-26):

Item e of plan, pgs. A-1 and A-2, should be identified as a non-delegable function.

Appendix A of the plan has been revised to reflect that item e, reclas-sify the emergency, is a non-delegable responsibility.

It was noted the Appendix A has been renumbered and pages A-1 and A-2 are now A-48 and A-49, respectively.

This item is closed.

(Closed) IFI (86-18-27): The listing of primary and alternate staffing in Appendix A to the plan is not consistent with ER-2.1 (e.g., SED).

Appendix A of the plan (Amendment 59 to the FSAR), ER-2.1A (Rev. 03) and Seabrook Station organization charts (approved April 25, 1986) were reviewed and found to be consistent.

This item is closed.

(Closed) IFI (86-18-28):

Revise ER-1.1 and FSAR to be consistent with emergency action levels (EALs) of NUREG-0654.

Section 5 of the plan and ER-1.1 have been revised (Amendment 58 and Rev. 04, respectively) and are now consistent with each other.

In addition, on April 2, 1986, the licensee submitted a cross-reference between the Seabrook EALs and NUREG-0654 which confirms that the EALs are consistent with the guidance criteria of NUREG-0654.

This item is closed.

(Closed) IFI (86-18-31):

Verify thz all letters-of-agreement are i


Agreement letters between Seabrook Station, Exeter Hospital, and Seabrook Fire Department have been updated and incorporated into the plan. Section 12.3 of the plan specifies that, on an annual basis, written agreements

with outside support organizations and governmental agencies will be evaluated and the agreements will be reviewed and updated or recognized as current.

ER-8.4 implements this plan item. The licensee stated that


j all letters of agreement in the plan are presently current. This item is





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Steps 18-20 of form 2.2B (contained in ERs-1.5 and 2.2) require use of the HP-41 calculator to project dose at the site boundary, 2 miles, and 5 miles.

This requirement cannot be met with the present HP-41 system and software.

(See paragraph D.1, item 85-32-14d).

The inspectors verified that revised Form 2.28, Revision 4 contained spaces for the - following information; radioactive release rate data, meteorological data, and off-site exposure data, including dose rates and integrated doses at the site boundary, 2 miles, 5 miles, and 10 miles for whole body, and thyroid.

The inspectors also verified that the revised HP-41 system and software provides the capability to project doses at the site boundary, 2, 5 and 10 miles. Control room personnel have been trained in the use of initial dose projection equipment and procedures.
