MONTHYEARML20210N5781999-08-0303 August 1999 Notice of Violation & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in Amount of $55,000.Violation Noted:On 980116,licensee Contractor Discriminated Against Contractor Electrician Due to Employee Involvement in Protected Activity ML20210P3251999-08-0303 August 1999 Notice of Violation from Insp on 980129-0527.Violation Noted:On 990116,Willimas Power Corp (Wpc),Contractor for Naesco,Discriminated Against Wpc Electrician Due to Employee Involvement in Protected Activity ML20210P3431999-08-0303 August 1999 Notice of Violation from Insp on 990129-0527.Violation Noted:On 980116,G Pageau Engaged in Deliberate Misconduct That Caused Naesco to Be in Violation of 10CFR50.7 ML20198C1441998-12-11011 December 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 981004-1114.Violation Noted:On 981113, a Service Water & a Cooling Tower SWS Removed from Service to Conduct Planned Maint on SWS Valve & Applicable TS Action Statement Not Identified & Tracked ML20236W2411998-07-30030 July 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 980517-0704.Violation Noted:On 980504,licensee Did Not Take Action to Promptly Identify Whether Steam Pressure Protection Channels for a & D Steam Generators Operable,After Three Found Inoperable ML20217L8231998-04-27027 April 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 980201-0328.Violation Noted:On 980313,inspector Identified That Four Individuals Performing Work Inside Posted Contaminated Area Failed to Comply W/Radiation Work Permits & Posted Instructions ML20217L0631998-04-0101 April 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 971207-980131.Violation Noted:Measures Not Established to Assure That Significant Conditions Adverse to Quality Promptly Identified & Corrected ML20203E4091998-02-20020 February 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 971215-18 & 980120-21. Violations Noted:On 970313,licensee Changed Procedures as Described in UFSAR & Failed to Perform Written SE to Determine That Change Did Not Involve USQ ML20199L3191997-11-20020 November 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970816-1004.Violation Noted:Mfp Reassembled & Tested W/O Terminating Lead (D4) Defeating Electrical Trip Capability of MFP ML20211G0061997-09-23023 September 1997 NOV from Insp on 970616-0815.Violation Noted:Staff Changed Lineup of Safety Injection Sys Test Header from Primary Drain Tank to Refueling Water Storage Tank W/O Properly Changing Procedure Os 1005.05,Safety Injection Operation ML20210N5811997-08-13013 August 1997 Corrected NOV Consisting of Revised Pages ML20196J6501997-07-30030 July 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970522.Violation Noted: Vehicle Number Ldv 16-02 Found Unattended W/Keys in Ignition & Running & Not in Control of Authorized Person ML20140D1241997-05-30030 May 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970304-0414.Violation Noted:On 950305,35 Licensee Designated Vehicles in Use Outside Protected Area for Purposes Other than Servicing, Repairs,Emergencies or Moving Supplies from Warehouse ML20133A5351996-12-24024 December 1996 Notice of Violation from Insp on 961001-1129.Violation Noted:On 940127,licensee Implemented Change 1 to Rev 7 to Station Procedure, Startup Feed Pump Operation, That Authorized Sys Configuration During Normal Plant Operation ML20135A1381996-11-22022 November 1996 Notice of Violation from Insp on 960813-0930.Violation Noted:On 960821,inspector Identified Three 4 Inch Floor Drains in EFW Pump House Covered with Tape During Painting Activities,Which Constituted Change to Facility ML20058P9531993-10-15015 October 1993 Notice of Violation from Insp on 920310-13.Violation Noted: Licensee Determined That Records Required to Be Maintained by Commission Regulations or License Conditions Not Complete & Accurate in All Matls Respects ML20056H2261993-08-31031 August 1993 Notice of Violation from Insp on 930615-0726.Violation Noted:Maint Workers Identified Need for & Installed Electrical Jumper W/O Performing Work Request Scope Change IR 05000443/19930101993-06-22022 June 1993 Insp Rept 50-443/93-10 on 930511-0614.Violation Noted But Not Cited.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Operations, Radiological Controls,Maint & Surveillance,Engineering & Technical Support & Security ML20128E2941992-12-0101 December 1992 Notice of Violation from Insp on 921013-1116.Violation Noted:On 921110,containment Air Lock Seal Leakage Had Not Been Verified for Over 72 H After Plant Had Entered Mode 4 & Air Lock Had Been Used for Multiple Entries ML20058P7901990-08-16016 August 1990 Notice of Violation from Insp on 900625-0729.Violation Noted:Circuit Breakers Feeding Power Distribution Panels Found to Have Been in Shut Position for 78 H During Mode 1 Operation ML20034C9631990-05-24024 May 1990 Notice of Violation from Insp on 900410-0513.Violations Noted:No Procedures Established for Operation of Isolation Valve of Turbine First Stage Pressure & for Covering Position of Purge Isolation Valve of Wide Range Gas Monitor ML20043B3581990-05-0808 May 1990 Notice of Violation from Insp on 900305-0409.Violation Noted:Operability Not Demonstrated Until 900309 Following Closing of Containment Air Lock Exceeding 72-h Requirement ML20006F3041990-02-20020 February 1990 Notice of Violation from Insp on 891212-900124.Violation Noted:Prescribed Safeguard Against Primary Sys Overpressure Not Fully Implemented on 900106,resulting in Operation in Mode 5 W/Supply Breaker Tagged Out But Not Locked ML20006E4511990-02-0505 February 1990 Notice of Violation from Insp on 891106-10.Violation Noted: Licensee Failed to Demonstrate Qualification of Installed Asco Valve Configuration,By Either Test or Analysis ML20247R5851989-05-25025 May 1989 Notice of Violation from Insp on 890228-0424.Violation Noted:Valves CS-V625 & CS-V176 Found Mispositioned & Measures Established to Implement Procedure to Verify Closed,Locked & Chained Position of Valves Found Inadequate ML20206F8741988-11-0909 November 1988 Partially Withheld Notice of Violation from Insp on 880926-29 (Ref 10CFR73.21) ML20155E6141988-10-0606 October 1988 Notice of Violation from Insp on 880706-0906.Violation Noted:On 880224,start Failure Occurred on Train B Emergency Diesel Generator Which Was Not Reported to NRC Until 880722 ML20236B9921987-10-21021 October 1987 Notice of Violation from Insp on 870707-0908.Violation Noted:One Train of Control Room Air Intake Radiation Instrumentation Incapable of Isolating Control Room.Licensee Corrective Actions Did Not Preclude Repetitive Failing ML20237H8411987-08-19019 August 1987 Notice of Violation from Insp on 870720-24.Violation Noted: Safety Tagging Operations Improperly Controlled.Svc Hearing List Encl ML20236E6551987-07-28028 July 1987 Notice of Violation from Insp on 870505-0706.Violation Noted:Safety Evaluation Not Performed to Ensure Mod Did Not Involve Unreviewed Safety Question & Responsible Station Staff Members Unaware of Mod Initiated by Operation Dept ML20206L6291987-04-10010 April 1987 Notice of Violation from Insp on 870103-0309.Hearing Svc List Encl ML20205G3951987-03-23023 March 1987 Notice of Violation from Insp on 870219-20 ML20211P9761986-12-12012 December 1986 Notice of Violation from Insp on 860916-1110 ML20211F7591986-10-22022 October 1986 Notice of Violation from Insp on 860708-0915 ML20198J4161986-05-28028 May 1986 Notice of Violation from Insp on 860310-21 ML20204A0241986-04-29029 April 1986 Notice of Violation from Insp on 860203-0331 ML20137Z8721985-10-0303 October 1985 Notice of Violation from Insp on 850603-14 IR 05000708/20080271985-09-18018 September 1985 Notice of Violation from Insp on 850708-0827 ML20055B6081982-07-0808 July 1982 Notice of Violation from Insp on 820601-18 ML20054F7921982-05-26026 May 1982 Notice of Violation from Insp on 820323-0503 ML20052C2881982-04-19019 April 1982 Notice of Violation from Insp on 820216-0322 ML20041B7251982-02-10010 February 1982 Notice of Violation from Insp on 811117-820108 ML20039B5101981-12-0303 December 1981 Notice of Violation from Insp on 811005-1116 ML20032D3401981-10-28028 October 1981 Notice of Violation from Insp on 810824-1002 ML20009H6501981-07-22022 July 1981 Notice of Violation from Insp on 810526-0626 ML20004F1691981-05-26026 May 1981 Notice of Violation from Insp on 810406-0508 ML19347E7221981-04-17017 April 1981 Notice of Violation from Insp on 810302-0403 ML20003H6081981-03-18018 March 1981 Notice of Violation from Insp of 810202-27 ML20003G2641981-02-27027 February 1981 Notice of Violation from Insp on 810102-30 ML20004D8401981-01-20020 January 1981 Notice of Violation from Insp on 801124-1231 1999-08-03
MONTHYEARIR 05000443/19990101999-09-24024 September 1999 Insp Rept 50-443/99-10 on 990726-30 & 0809-13.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Corrective Action Program IR 05000443/19990051999-08-25025 August 1999 Insp Rept 50-443/99-05 on 990621-0801.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Aspects of Licensee Operations, Engineering,Maint & Plant Support ML20210P3431999-08-0303 August 1999 Notice of Violation from Insp on 990129-0527.Violation Noted:On 980116,G Pageau Engaged in Deliberate Misconduct That Caused Naesco to Be in Violation of 10CFR50.7 ML20210N5781999-08-0303 August 1999 Notice of Violation & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in Amount of $55,000.Violation Noted:On 980116,licensee Contractor Discriminated Against Contractor Electrician Due to Employee Involvement in Protected Activity ML20210P3251999-08-0303 August 1999 Notice of Violation from Insp on 980129-0527.Violation Noted:On 990116,Willimas Power Corp (Wpc),Contractor for Naesco,Discriminated Against Wpc Electrician Due to Employee Involvement in Protected Activity ML20211A7351999-07-29029 July 1999 EN-99-029:on 990803,notice of Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in Amount of $55,000 Issued to Licensee.Based on Severity Level III Violation Involving Licensee Contractor That Discriminated Against Contractor Electrician IR 05000443/19990061999-07-26026 July 1999 Insp Rept 50-443/99-06 on 990510-0620.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Aspects of Licensee Operations, Engineering,Maint & Plant Support,Including Security Controls IR 05000443/19990011999-06-21021 June 1999 Insp Rept 50-443/99-01 on 990321-0509.Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Aspects of Licensee Operations,Maint, Engineering & Plant Support IR 05000443/19990031999-05-20020 May 1999 Insp Rept 50-443/99-03 on 990308-0408.Non-cited Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Engineering Activities Which Included in-depth Review of PCCW Sys IR 05000443/19980111999-02-26026 February 1999 Insp Rept 50-443/98-11 on 981228-990207.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Operations,Engineering, Maint & Plant Support IR 05000443/19980101999-01-28028 January 1999 Insp Rept 50-443/98-10 on 981115-1227.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Aspects of Licensee Operations, Engineering,Maint & Plant Support ML20198C1441998-12-11011 December 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 981004-1114.Violation Noted:On 981113, a Service Water & a Cooling Tower SWS Removed from Service to Conduct Planned Maint on SWS Valve & Applicable TS Action Statement Not Identified & Tracked IR 05000443/19983011998-11-25025 November 1998 NRC Operator Licensing Exam Rept 50-443/98-301 (Including Completed & Graded Tests) for Tests Administered on 981016- 981016-23.All Five SRO & All Four RO Applicants Passed All Portions of Exam PNO-I-98-051, on 981112,licensee Shutdown Seabrook Station, After Visual Insp Indicated Damage to Main Generator a Phase Output bus.One-week Outage Planned to Troubleshoot & Repair Bus Ductwork.Licensee Did Not Issue Press Release1998-11-13013 November 1998 PNO-I-98-051:on 981112,licensee Shutdown Seabrook Station, After Visual Insp Indicated Damage to Main Generator a Phase Output bus.One-week Outage Planned to Troubleshoot & Repair Bus Ductwork.Licensee Did Not Issue Press Release IR 05000443/19980061998-11-0606 November 1998 Insp Rept 50-443/98-06 on 980823-1003.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint,Engineering & Plant Support IR 05000443/19980081998-10-16016 October 1998 Insp Rept 50-443/98-08 on 980921-25.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Long Term MOV Program Under GL 89-10 Program at Seabrook Station & Will Review long-term MOV Program Under GL 96-05 IR 05000443/19980071998-10-0202 October 1998 Errata to Insp Rept 50-443/98-07 on 980803-07,including Coversheet & Executive Summary Pages IR 05000443/19980091998-09-28028 September 1998 Insp Rept 50-443/98-09 on 980803-07.Violations Noted.Major Areas inspected:medium-voltage & low-voltage Power Circuit Breakers IR 05000443/19980051998-09-25025 September 1998 Insp Rept 50-443/98-05 on 980705-0822.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint,Engineering & Plant Support Re Licensee Security Facilities & Equipment in Areas of Protective Area Assessment Aids ML20236W2411998-07-30030 July 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 980517-0704.Violation Noted:On 980504,licensee Did Not Take Action to Promptly Identify Whether Steam Pressure Protection Channels for a & D Steam Generators Operable,After Three Found Inoperable IR 05000443/19980031998-07-0909 July 1998 Insp Rept 50-443/98-03 on 980602-04.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Insp Observed & Evaluated Licensee Biennial full-participation Exercise in Simulator Control Room,Technical Support Ctr & Operations Support Ctr PNO-I-98-022, on 980611,Seabrook Station Commenced Plant Shutdown After Declaring Control Bldg Air Conditioning Sys Inoperable.Licensee Evaluating Problems Associated W/Air Conditioning Sys.State of Nh Has Been Notified1998-06-12012 June 1998 PNO-I-98-022:on 980611,Seabrook Station Commenced Plant Shutdown After Declaring Control Bldg Air Conditioning Sys Inoperable.Licensee Evaluating Problems Associated W/Air Conditioning Sys.State of Nh Has Been Notified IR 05000443/19980021998-06-12012 June 1998 Insp Rept 50-443/98-02 on 980329-0516.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Engineering,Maint & Plant Support ML20217L8231998-04-27027 April 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 980201-0328.Violation Noted:On 980313,inspector Identified That Four Individuals Performing Work Inside Posted Contaminated Area Failed to Comply W/Radiation Work Permits & Posted Instructions IR 05000443/19980011998-04-27027 April 1998 Insp Rept 50-443/98-01 on 980201-0328.Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Engineering,Maintenance & Plant Support ML20217L0631998-04-0101 April 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 971207-980131.Violation Noted:Measures Not Established to Assure That Significant Conditions Adverse to Quality Promptly Identified & Corrected IR 05000443/19970081998-02-27027 February 1998 Insp Rept 50-443/97-08 on 971212-980131.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Aspects of Licensee Operations, Engineering,Maint & Plant Support ML20203E4091998-02-20020 February 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 971215-18 & 980120-21. Violations Noted:On 970313,licensee Changed Procedures as Described in UFSAR & Failed to Perform Written SE to Determine That Change Did Not Involve USQ IR 05000443/19970091998-02-20020 February 1998 Insp Rept 50-443/97-09 on 971215-18 & 980120-21.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Maint IR 05000443/19970991998-01-23023 January 1998 SALP Rept 50-443/97-99 for 960505-971206 IR 05000443/19970071998-01-0707 January 1998 Insp Rept 50-443/97-07 on 971005-1206.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Engineering,Maint & Plant Support Re Implementation of Security Program IR 05000443/19970061997-11-20020 November 1997 Insp Rept 50-443/97-06 on 970816-1004.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Operations,Engineering, Maint & Plant Support ML20199L3191997-11-20020 November 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970816-1004.Violation Noted:Mfp Reassembled & Tested W/O Terminating Lead (D4) Defeating Electrical Trip Capability of MFP IR 05000443/19970051997-10-27027 October 1997 Insp Rept 50-443/97-05 on 970825-0910.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Process of Operating Experience, Trending,Tagging & self-assesment ML20211G0061997-09-23023 September 1997 NOV from Insp on 970616-0815.Violation Noted:Staff Changed Lineup of Safety Injection Sys Test Header from Primary Drain Tank to Refueling Water Storage Tank W/O Properly Changing Procedure Os 1005.05,Safety Injection Operation ML20211G0121997-09-23023 September 1997 Insp Rept 50-443 on 970616-0815.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint,Engineering & Plant Support & Emergency Preparedness Program ML20210N5811997-08-13013 August 1997 Corrected NOV Consisting of Revised Pages IR 05000443/19970031997-07-30030 July 1997 Insp Rept 50-443/97-03 on 970415-0615.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint,Engineering & Plant Support ML20196J6501997-07-30030 July 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970522.Violation Noted: Vehicle Number Ldv 16-02 Found Unattended W/Keys in Ignition & Running & Not in Control of Authorized Person ML20140D1241997-05-30030 May 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970304-0414.Violation Noted:On 950305,35 Licensee Designated Vehicles in Use Outside Protected Area for Purposes Other than Servicing, Repairs,Emergencies or Moving Supplies from Warehouse IR 05000443/19970021997-05-30030 May 1997 Insp Rept 50-443/97-02 on 970304-0414.Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Engineering,Maintenance & Plant Support PNO-I-97-025A, on 970426,protest Related to Twentieth Anniversary of Mass Arrest at Seabrook in 1997 Update Made. Forty Protestors Arrested for Trespassing After Climbing owner-controlled Fence1997-04-28028 April 1997 PNO-I-97-025A:on 970426,protest Related to Twentieth Anniversary of Mass Arrest at Seabrook in 1997 Update Made. Forty Protestors Arrested for Trespassing After Climbing owner-controlled Fence PNO-I-97-025, on 970426,Clamshell Alliance Planning Twentieth Anniversary civil-disobedience Rally at Seabrook Site. Licensee Made Special Arrangements to Escort Reporters to Cover Demonstration from Inside Site Boundary Fence1997-04-25025 April 1997 PNO-I-97-025:on 970426,Clamshell Alliance Planning Twentieth Anniversary civil-disobedience Rally at Seabrook Site. Licensee Made Special Arrangements to Escort Reporters to Cover Demonstration from Inside Site Boundary Fence IR 05000443/19970011997-04-0808 April 1997 Insp Rept 50-443/97-01 on 970114-0303.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Operations,Engineering,Maint & Plant Support IR 05000443/19960111997-03-0707 March 1997 Insp Rept 50-443/96-11 on 961130-970113.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint,Engineering & Plant Support ML20133A5461996-12-24024 December 1996 Insp Rept 50-443/96-10 on 961001-1129.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint,Engineering,Plant Support & Assurance of Quality ML20133A5351996-12-24024 December 1996 Notice of Violation from Insp on 961001-1129.Violation Noted:On 940127,licensee Implemented Change 1 to Rev 7 to Station Procedure, Startup Feed Pump Operation, That Authorized Sys Configuration During Normal Plant Operation ML20135A1381996-11-22022 November 1996 Notice of Violation from Insp on 960813-0930.Violation Noted:On 960821,inspector Identified Three 4 Inch Floor Drains in EFW Pump House Covered with Tape During Painting Activities,Which Constituted Change to Facility IR 05000443/19960081996-11-22022 November 1996 Insp Rept 50-443/96-08 on 960813-0930.Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maintenance,Engineering & Plant Support IR 05000443/19960121996-11-0707 November 1996 Insp Rept 50-443/96-12 on 961021-25.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Insp:Organizational Charts,Applicable Procedures & Interviews 1999-09-24
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