IR 05000443/1986002

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Insp Rept 50-443/86-02 on 860113-24.No Violation or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Storage & Handling, Records,Documentation Control,Surveillance Testing & Calibr & Testing & Measurement Equipment
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/10/1986
From: Chaudhary S, Finkel A, Hunter J, Jerrica Johnson, Winters R
Shared Package
ML20141C916 List:
50-443-86-02, 50-443-86-2, IEC-79-15, IEC-80-16, NUDOCS 8602240609
Download: ML20141C960 (23)






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Report N /86-02 Doctet N License No. CPpR-135 Licensee: Public Service Company of New Hampshire i 1000 Elm Street Manchester. New Hampshire 03105 Facility Name: 'Seabrook Station, Unit 1 Inspection At: Seabrook, New Hamr;s_ hire Inspection Conducted: January 13-24, 1986 Inspect es: ax MM #/ -

2[/d[64 A. Finkel, Lead f(eactor Engineer ' da'te Wan%s S. Chaucnary. Lea 6 Reactor Engineer 2klet

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2//g/gdi J. HunEr, React 6r Engineer ' da't e

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'date p R. WintErTi Reactor Engineer r

Approved by: r NLA ch e J//o/K'

J. JWnnson, C'nief, Operational Programs date Section, Operations Branch, DRS Inspection Summary:

Inspection on January 13-24. 1986 (Report No. 50-443/86-02)

Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection of the preoperational test program, including the review of procedures in the areas of receipt, storage, and handling, records, documentation control, surveillance testing and cali-bration and testing and measurement equipment and licensee actions on previous inspection findings. The inspection involved 179 hours0.00207 days <br />0.0497 hours <br />2.959656e-4 weeks <br />6.81095e-5 months <br /> onsite by four NRC region-based inspector Results: No violations were identifie PDR ADOCK O

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DETAILS 1.0 Persons Contacted New Hampshire Yankee

  • Austin, Licensing Engieer
  • Buchward, QA Supervisor
  • Cyr, Maintenance Manager
  • Pillsbury, Special Projects Manager
  • Jaquette, Licensing Engineer F. King, Section Leader
  • G. Kingston, Compliance Manager
  • B. Lizotte, Administrative Services Department Manager P. Lovett, Materials Control Foreman R. Morgan, Section Leader C. Provencher, Section Leader
  • G. Sessler, Engineering Services Department Supervisor E. Small, Supervisor
  • R. Streeter, Inventory Supervisor
  • P. Upson, Audit and Evaluation Supervisor
  • J. Warnock, Nuclear Quality Manager U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  • A. Cerne, Senior Resident Inspector
  • Ruscitto, Resident Inspector
  • Denotes those in attendance at exit meeting of January 17, 1986 and January 24, 198 .0 Licensees Actions on Previous Inspection Findings (Closed) IE Circular No. 79-15: This circular pertains to bursting of the high pressure hose and malfunction of the relief valve and "0"-ring in the main line assembly of the "SurvivAir-Mark I" self-contained breathing apparatu Seabrook station has not purchased this equipment to this Jate, and administrative controls are in place to preclude acquisition in future. This item is close (Closed) IE Circular No. 80-16: This circular pertains to operational deficiencies in Rosemont model 51000 trip units and model 1152 pressure transmitters. Seabrook station does not use either of the affected items, therefore this circular is not applicable at this plan This item is close (Closed) Violation 84-18-02: This item pertains to housekeeping practices in the plant area. Considerable management effort has been directed to improve the levels of cleanliness and general housekeeping on site.


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l Responsibilities for housekeeping have been formally assigned to the organ-ization performing the major work in any area. Documented inspections and surveillances are performed on a regular basis. Improvement in this area-has been noted, and documented by NRC in Inspection Report No. 50-443/85-1 The inspector also verified the generally good housekeeping and cleanliness practices by a walk-through inspection of the plant and the vicinity. This item is close ~

(Closed) Violation 85-15-09: This item pertains to various voiding of Nonconformance Reports (NCR's) due to misinterpretation of seismic support requirements for instrument tubing. The inspector verified that new defi-ciency reports (DR's) were issued to document and disposition the noncon-formance. Also, the personnel involved in the misinterpretation of re-quirements were instructed and retraine The inspector also verified that instrument tubing in question was removed due to a later design change, hence, the nonconformances were no longer valid. This condition was documented on new Deficiency Reports (DR# 93/1970A & 93/1969A). This item is close (Closed) Unresolved Item 85-15-06: This item pertains to the need for training for the pipe support design engineers in adhering to the proce-dural requirements for documenting design assumptions. The inspector verified the training records of the pipe support engineers and supervisors for UE&C procedures AP-22 and PSG-1-3001. This item is resolve .0 QA Program for Measuring and Test Equipment (M&TE)

The inspector ascertained that the licensee has developed and implemented a QA program for the control of measuring and test equipment that is in conformance with regulatory requirements and commitments as found in

10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion XII and Chapter 17 of the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR).

3.1 Seabrook Station Management Manual (SSMM)


The SSMM procedure, establishes the line organization responsible for the operation of the measuring and test equipment control program for the Seabrook Station, Unit 1. Paragraph 1.2.5 Maintenance Group, has delegated the responsibility of the M&TE program to the Instrumenta-tion and Control (I&C) Manager. Included in the I&C responsibility are the items associated with the reactor, its primary, secondary and auxiliary cooling and support systems, the turbine generator and as-sociated systems, electrical distribution instrumentation and ventila-tion systems and other support system . The Maintenance Group The Maintenance Group consists of a Maintenance Department, Instrumentation and Control Department and Radioactive Waste /

Utilities Department, with each department manager reporting


to the Maintenance Manage .

(G3 O).



3. Instrumentation and Control Department (I&C)

The Instrumentation and Control Department Manager is required to maintain the safety related instrumentation and control equip-ment located on site. The Seabrook Station Maintenance Program Manual, Revision 2, November 11, 1985 defines the preventive and corrective maintenance and surveillance testing program for the Seabrook Station. Each department that' operates safety-related instrumentation equipment may perform minor adjustments and up-keep such as panel checks'and battery replacement. However, the Instrumentation and Control Department performs all significant installation, upkeep, surveillances, calibration and repair of I&C equipment. This department also operates the calibration facility for all non plant-installed equipment for this sit The I&C department supervisor is responsible for maintenance on plant installed safety-related instrumentation and control com-ponent and systems for the Seabrook Station, Unit .2 Measuring and Test Program The licensee has established a program to ensure that equipment is calibrated prior to being placed in service. The program has in place a formal system to ensure that the following areas are controlle Calibration Frequency, -


Equipment Data Cards, and


preventive Maintenance Histor . Calibration Frequency The licensee used the following sources for establishing the preventative maintenance frequencies:


manufacturers' recommendations


environmental qualification reports,


operating experience (company or industry history), and


regulatory agencies' codes and requirements 3. Information - Only Equipment Data Equipment data card files have been established for all systems, components and structures that have been identified as requiring preventive maintenanc l l




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3. Preventive Maintenance History l

Preventive maintenance history is recorded into a history card file established for each system, component and structures within the scope of the Maintenance Program. The maintenance history includes the following data:



reference to the appropriate Repetitive Task Sheets (RTS),

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the initials of the implementing personnel,


manhours expanded to complete the preventive maintenance,


the date maintenance was performed..and


any applicable comment The above data are reviewed by the technician's foreman and supervisor before signing the completed block for:


a formal review of the preventive maintenance records, and


an assessment of the preventive maintenance, its frequency and its schedule. If the maintenance history reviewed requires additional work to be performed the responsible foreman or supervisor will issue the necessary work order to perform the task. (Reference 1, section MA 3.2, Repetitive Task Sheets)

3.3 Maintenance and Calibration Procedure Review The inspector reviewed the maintenance and calibration procedures listed below to ensure that as a minimum the procedures reflected the




Acceptance Criteria,


Test Precautions, if applicable,


Prerequisites, and l


Initial Conditions (as found).

3. Procedures Reviewed 150601.137, Revision 01, M&TE Calibration Procedure for Wallace & Tierman FA-187 Mercurial Manometer, SORC No. 85-10, 150601.125, Revision 00, M&TE Calibration Procedure for GTC 42116-001 Porta-Lab. SORC No. 85-02, 150601.162, Revision 00, M&TE Calibration Procedure for l Liquid Volume Containers. SORC No. 86-01, l

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IS0601.088, Revision 00, M&TE Calibration Procedure for '

BBC Ground Shield Sensor SORC No. 84-15,

!. 150601.101, Revision 01, PATE Calibration Procedure for i Outside Micrometers. SORC No. 85-02,  ;

! IX1662.111, Revision 01, Reactor Coolant Flow Loop 1

, Protection Channel I Calibration. SORC No. 85-24,


IX1656.932, Revision 00, Power Range Channel N42. Protection j Channel II Calibration. SORC No. 84-21, ,

'; IX1654.410, Revision 2, 1-MET-T-5847L Temperature (43' and 150' Elevations) and Temperature-Calibratio SORC No. 85-2 i The eight procedures reviewed by the inspector included the cri-teria of paragraph 3.3 above. The test and calibration equipment accuracy exceeded the items being tested by at least 4X (the cali-

bration laboratory criteria). The inspector verified that the


following requirements were included in the operating procedures:


Warm-up or energized time identified,


Ambient Temperature listed and relative humidity. listed,


AC and DC voltage listed with i tolerances,

{ .

Data sheets with acceptable limits listed,





Requirement for evaluation of test results for spect-


fication compliance, and


Supervisor's signature and date.


3. Data Review A review of the test data sheets associated with the eight proce-dures listed in paragraph 3.3.1 above verified that the following information was identified on the test data sheets.



Precautions: Defines the operational modes for calibration,


Prerequisites:- Defines equipment ranges for the electrical,


gages, radiation criteria and mechanical requirements, and i



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Returning Channel to Service: Requires the technician to verify that the equipment is put back into the original configuratio No violations were identifie .4 Control and Calibration of Measuring and Test Equipment


Procedure MA2.3. Revision 2 Procedure MA2.3, establishes the system that is used to identify, j control, maintain and calibrate measuring and test equipment (M&TE)

that is used to test, repair, align and calibrate Seabrook Station equipment and systems. This procedure also provides qualification requirements for technicians performing calibrations on M&TE.-

3.4.1 Equipment / Item Control 1 An M&TE Checkout Sheet (Form MA2.3A) is required to be filled out for

each item of issued M&TE. The information on this form provides in-

ventory control and identifies history of use in the event of calibra-


tion failure l 3.4. Notification of Unsatisfactory M&TE I

j If the M&TE equipment is found to be out of calibration or defec-

tive, the calibration supervisor forwards a Notification of Un-satisfactory M&TE (Form MA2.3K) to the controlling supervisor

! for action and disposition. The form, MA2.3K, requires the controlling supervisor to determine if the subject M&TE used affected such areas as test results or system operation. If the review indicates that the M&TE did invalidate the test results

, then the system requires that the areas in question be reviewed

for the appropriate corrective actio , During the last six months (July-December 1985) an out of cali-


bration M&TE condition was identified. The inspector verified

that the requirements of the Maintenance Program Manual, section MA2.3, Control and Calibration of Measuring and Test Equipment,

, were followed by the licensee and that the corrective action i criteria of Form MA2.3K were followe l No violations were identifie ! 3.5 QA Program for Surveillance Testing and Calibration The inspector ascertained that the licensee has developed and imple-mented the following program control and evaluation techniques that


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! 8


i comply with the surveillance testing, calibration and inspection re-


quired by Section 4 of their " draft" Technical Specification. The

. licensee has also described their approach to Inservice Inspection


of Pumps and Valves as prescribed by 10 CFR 50.55 a(g).



The Seabrook Station Test Control Program Manual (SSTC), Revision 3, dated November 25, 1985 establishes the measures to be used to control the testing and surveillance of systems and components for this site.


. The SSTC applies to Technical Specification surveillance requirements-(surveillances) and other tests. The program encompasses construction verification tests, preoperational tests, preventive / corrective main-tenance tests, start-up tests, Technical Specification surveillances, 2,

and, special tests and experiments commencing with initial fuel load.

1 The SSTC program manual as describes above does not cever routine measurements, inspections, examinations, chemical sampling or radia-l tion surveys. These items are covered under other licensed programs j and were not reviewed during this inspection perio .

3.5.1 Technical Specification Surveillance Schedules and Performance i procedure TC2.2 Revision 0

l This procedure establishes the responsibility for maintaining a master j index of required surveillance testing, test frequency, item No.,

1 status, test type, and responsible group. Procedure TC2.2 is being

reviewed and has not been 50RC approved. The Master Surveillance i Schedule (MSS) program which will provide the data requirements of j TC2.2 is scheduled to be completed by Westinghouse Corporation by

April 1, 1986. The licensee expects a 30 day debug /use program to

{ be completed by May 1, 198 .

The delivery and use of the MSS program is considered an unresolved

) item. (86-02-01)


3.5.2 Inservice Testing Program


i The Inservice Testing Program, dated December 23, 1985, is in draft form. The licensee has informed the Nuclear Regulatory Commission


(NRC) on December 20, 1935, letter No. SBN-909, that they intend to submit the initial 120 month ISI Program to the NRC staff for review


within six months of the receipt of Unit l's operating license.

l This procedure summarizes the applicable requirements of the ASME '

Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Division 1 Section XI, Subsection i

IW It also provides test quantities, frequencies, and acceptance criteria. Appendix 0 of this manual lists those pumps which fall i

under the scope of Section XI inservice testing. The scope of this i program will be reviewed in a later NRC inspection at this site.

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3.6 Test Control Program (TCP)

The Test Control Program defined in the Test Control Program Manual (SSTC) establishes the measures necessary to control the testing and surveillance of Seabrook Station systems and components. The SSTC Manual establishes the following responsibilities:


Surveillance testing, calibration and inspection,


Evaluation of surveillance test results,


Action required on failures or malfunctions, and


Review and trending of data and result .6.1 Surveillance Test Documents The inspector reviewed 25 surveillance test procedures which were selected from the I&C computer program for compliance to Technical Specifications'(TS). The I&C computer program is part of the Master

Surveillance Schedule (MSS) program that is discussed in paragraph 3.5.1 of this report. A verification of these I&C procedures as part of the MSS program will be performed during the closeout of unresolved item 86-02-0 .7 Calibration of Safety Related Components Not Identified in Technical Specifications As discussed in paragraph 3.4 of this report, the licensee's calibra-tion program is defined in procedure MA2.3, Rev. 2, Control and Cali-bration of Measuring and Test Equipmen The licensee has established and is presently implementing a formal system that controls and evaluates calibration of safety related in-struments. The following measuring devices are not included as M&TE items:


Installed Seabrook Station equipment,


Health physics instruments (controlled and calibrated per radiation protection procedures),


Chemistry Instruments (controlled and calibrated per Chemistry Department procedures),


Reactor Engineering instruments (controlled and calibrated per Reactor Engineering Department procedures), and


Non-precision devices (such as rulers, tape measures, levels or indicators with no specified accuracies). T (a



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! 3.7.1 Training and Records Review 1'

The inspector selected the training records on the M&TE staff for verification and compliance with requirements of the Maintenance

Program Manual SSMA, dated October 29, 1985. The records were main-tained in an up-dated status with all personnel complying to the l SSMA criteria.


3.7.2 Calibration and_ Loss Control Records The inspector randomly selected 10 records associated with the cali-bration history of equipment that was within the scope of the MA , calibration program. In all cases the data was in compliance with the program as defined in MA2.3. The records dealing with items



lost were also documented and controlled in the M&TE file .8 Test Control program Manual (SSTC)

The licensee's Test Control Program Manual identifies test procedures i

that define the required series of tests and equipment that are used i during plant operational phase to indicate that the systems are opera-ting within their assigned ranges. One example of these types of pro-cedures is TC3.1, Inservice Testing and Inspection. The licensee has


developed test procedures that address the subject of control and


evaluation of test results of in plant equipment. The procedures reviewed by the inspector indicate that the licensee complies with the requirements of Regulatory Guide 1.33, Quality Assurance Program 4 Requirement, Revision 2, February 1978.


No violations were identifie , 3.9 Chemistry Department Equipment

Administrative Procedure, CP8.1 Verification of Analytical Systems
Performance describes the Chemistry Department QA/QC program The i

majority of the electrical equipment that the Chemistry Department

, uses have microprocessors as the basic system, and these types of items are self-calibrating. Therefore, the requirements of procedure MA2.3 do not apply to the majority of equipment that is used by the


Chemistry Department (CD).



If the CD uses standard plant equipment such as volt meters and gage blocks then the requirements of procedure MA2.3 apply and the plant equipment is controlled under the site calibration program.

No violations were identifie .


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4.0 Audits The inspector reviewed the licensee's audit program to verify implementa-i tion of program elements required by 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVIII


and paragraph 17.2.8 of the FSAR. In addition, several audit reports con-tatning deficiencies and/or comments, were reviewed for content and timeli-ness, the qualifications.of the individuals performing audits, and the 1 audit schedules, i

The audit program is described in the Nuclear Production Operations Quality Assurance Program Manual (0QAP),' Revision 3, effective November 25, 1985 and the New Hampshire Yankee, Seabrook Station Nuclear Quality Group '

Management Manual (NQMM), effective June 7, 1985 respectively. It was determined that the requirements and commitments stated above were ade-quately covered in these manuals.

j 4.1 Audit Reports

The following audits were selected for review:

I Report N Subject i


84-A06-1 Receipt Inspection and Material Control l 85-A05-1 Receipt Inspection and Material Control


85-A05-1 Fire Protection Program 85-A05-1 Measuring and Test Equipment

All of these audit reports had been issued within the time specified



in the 00AP and HQMM manual Responses to deviations and comments

{ were also received in a timely manner, reviewed by Quality Assurance i

and closed. In several instances Quality Assurance did not accept the response and the audited organization responded to the QA questions in a satisfactory manner. To further investigate the effectiveness i

of the audit program, inspections were made of the Measuring and Test

Equipment, Receiving Inspection and Material Control areas. In per-i forming the audits both an entrance and exit meeting was held with appropriate management of the audited organization to discuss the.
purpose and results of the audit. When deviations or observations

! were noted a responsible individual in the audited organization signed i the draft of the form describing the deviation or observation, i

No violations were identified.

4.2 Auditors Certification The NQMM requires Lead Auditors to be certified in accordance with ANSI N45.2.23. A review of the certification packages for the Lead

. Auditors who performed the four audits was made. All of the packages



reviewed showed that the Lead Auditors were qualified and properly certified.

l No violations were identified, i '

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4 4.3 Audit Schedules In reviewing the audit schedule it was noted that all areas were audited at least bi-annually as required by the NQMM, and most were audited annually. Tne schedule is updated each time an audit is performed and at least quarterly. In updating the schedule, areas where there have been programmatic problems are given special atten-tion either by more frequent full audits or partial audits of the problem area i No violations were identifie .0 Receiving Inspection and Material Control


The inspector reviewed the licensee's preparation in order to verify the

! effectiveness of the licensee receiving inspection and material control activities as required by 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, criteria VII, VIII, and

XIII and paragraphs 17.2.7, 17.2.8, and 17.2.11 of the FSA .1 Procedure Review

The receiving inspection and material control procedures contained in the Procurement and Materials Control Program Manual (designated SSPM


by the licensee), Chapter 5, Materials Receiving, Handling and l Storage were audited by the inspector. It was determined that these

procedures were adequate in meeting the applicable parts of the above j requirements.

5.2 Material Handling 4 All material received by the licensee is routed to the receiving ware-i house located onsite but outside the protected area. To verify the

effectiveness of the receiving operations the inspector examined the

,i methods used in the warehouse for classifying, separating, handling,


inspecting and distributing of the items received. Expendable supplies

, such as paper, pencils, etc. are inspected for quantity and shipping '


damage, inventoried and sent to the storeroom for issue. Non-safety related hardware is inspected as required by the purchase order and


the results reported on the Receiving Inspection Form. When accepted,

this material is either sent directly to the user or inventoried a stored. Safety related material is segregated into a fenced area within


the warehouse until receiving inspection has been completed. Accepted products are either sent to the storeroom for issue, stored in the warehouse or sent directly to the requestor. In all cases safety re- >

, lated material is clearly tagged or labeled and kept segregated from


non-safety related material. On a sampling basis the following four '

. receiving documentation packages (850A0176, 0199, 0266, and 0294) were l


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reviewed to determine that the system was working effectively. In all cases the documentation was acceptable. The inspector noted that ap-proximately 300 pounds of welding electrodes were tagged " Hold". In-vestigation disclosed that the material certifications specified an ASME Code addenda different from that on the purchase orde The electrodes were held pending engineering disposition of this discre-pancy. The inspector verified that individuals performing receiving inspection were certified in accordance with ANSI N45.2.6, and that precision measuring devices available in the receiving inspection arca were within their calibration perio Receiving inspection and material control in the warehouse were found acceptabl .3 Material Control Examination of the material control methods in the issue storeroom located within the protected area on the first floor of the Admin-istration Building was conducted. Except for a limited number of items, such as spools of wire, material was stored in enclosed cabi-nets. The inspector opened a sample of the drawers and in all cases the material was either all safety related or all non-safety relate Retrievability is accomplished by referring to the inventory list that indicated the location of the item by cabinet, drawer and bi Coated welding electrodes not in sealed containers were stored in heated ovens with calibrated temperature controls. Issue is control-led using issue slips containing the work order number. Material Control in the issue storeroom was found acceptabl The third storage area examined by the inspector was a warehouse located offsite. This warehouse is used for storage of little used supplies. No safety related material was observed at this locatio It was observed that all three storage locations were maintained to


meet the requirements of ANSI N45.2.2 Level No violations were identifie .0 Records Management System The inspector reviewed the licensee's program and examined documentation with cognizant licensee personnel to assure the adequacy of the records management system. The basic requirements for collection, storage, and maintenance of Quality Assurance records are described in 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVII, the plant technical specifications, and the FSA These requirements are implemented by the licensee's Quality Assur-ance Program by utilizing the Records Management Program Manual and sup-piementary operating procedures and policies. To verify the adequacy of the system, and the ef fectiveness of procedure implementation, the inspec-tor reviewed the following documents:

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Field QA Group Procedure 5; "QA Records," Rev 3, May 27, 1981,


ANSI N45.2.9, " Requirements for Collection, Storage, and

! Maintenance of Quality Assurance Records for Nuclear Power

! Plants," 1974,



New Hampshire Yankee Nuclear Production Records Management i

Program Manual, (NPRM), Rev 1, December 3, 1985,


Instructions for Site Records Management System; 9763-RM-1, Rev 6, November 1, 1985


Supplement to NPRM - Document Control Center Operating Policies and Procedures.

l Based on the above review, discussions and personal observations, the l inspector determined the following:

6.1 Records Management Program l

l The licensee's Nuclear Production Records Management Program Manual l


(NPRM) establishes programmatic and procedural management responsibi-lities and controls regarding the collection, storage, transfer, and maintenance of record Those individuals responsible for generating or processing records pertaining to the engineering, construction or operations phases are required to follow the NPRM and supplemental procedure .2 Document Control


The licensee's Document Control Department is divided into three sections that report to the Department Supervisor and implement the NPR The Seabrook Yankee Document Control Center (SBYDCC) receives, films, indexes, retrieves, stores and dispositions Record Turnover Project (RTP) record The SBYDCC was developed by Yankee Atomic Electric Company to provide for the efficient control and transfer of construc-

, tion phase records. The responsibility for operation of the SBYDCC


was transferred to the licensee in November 1983. The facility is staffed by United Engineers and Constructors (UE&C) clerical employees under the supervision of the licensee section leade The Operations Records Receipt and Processing Section receives, logs, indexes, films and retrieves operational records and correspondence The section processes operational and construction records film to



meet archival storage requirements; forwards records to the Controlled Document Section; and dispositions records according to procedure ,

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The section also receives and processes aperture cards from UE&C (Philadelphia), as well as hard copy foreign prints or controlled distributions from the UE&C site document control center for infor-mation purposes. This section is staffed by licensee personnel and a Document Control Center section leade The Controlled Document Issuance and Distribution Section maintains Nuclear Production group records in a controlled environment which meets archival storage requirements; issues and distributes controlled documents; maintains satellite files; indexes controlled documents to indicate controlled status; and handles superseded controlled docu-ments as required by procedure. This section is staffed by licensee personnel and a Document Control section leade .3 Construction Records Construction Phase Records are received at the SBYDCC through the re-cords turn-in and turn-out process and logged onto the Nuclear Con-struction Records Management System database. Records within the scope of the operating program are transmitted to the Document Control Center (DCC) and logged onto the Nuclear Records Management System database. The filmable records are processed for archival storage whereas the non-filmable records are retained in hardcopy. The film and hardcopy records are indexed and input into the appropriate data-base in accordance with procedures. The indexed documents may be re-trieved by accessing a computer terminal, in the Document Control Center or satellite areas, and determining the location of the docu-ment from the information on file. The computer indexed records con-tain information regarding retention time, location, controlled copy distribution locations, and reference documents if applicable. The backup system to the computer is a hardcopy index of all records receive .4 Record Retention The licensee has established record retention times in the proposed technical specifications and the NPRM and insures they are imple-mented by requiring that each record entering the Document Control Center have a retention time filled in on the transmitta The time is checked against lists'found in the NPRM by Document Control Center personnel. The SBYDCC utilizes the Records Index and Current Issue List (RICIL) to check the retention times. It is the contractors responsibility to determine retention times and include the infor-mation on the transmitta ~



6.5 Record Storage The licensee utilizes two vaults, located in the DCC_and SBYDCC, for the storage of microfilm and hardcopy records. The vaults meet the requirements for fire resistance and environmental control. After filming, the hardcopy records are returned to the contractor for storage or stored by the licensee in a.nonarchival storage _ facilit The licensee maintains a user copy of the filmed records in the DCC and SBYDCC and requires that all hardcopy records removed from the document control areas be signed out. The licensee maintains an effective control of records by restricting access, to the DCC and SBYOCC records processing, controlled and vault areas, to DCC person-nel and those escorted by DCC personne .6 Record System Training The DCC Department Supervisor presently teaches two classes familiar-izing personnel with the computer indexing system and retrieval pro-cess. All Nuclear Production personnel are scheduled to attend the operations class and construction personnel attend the Records Turn-in Trainin .7 Record Backlog The licensee informed the inspector of a backlog in indexing some con-struction phase records on the computer. These records are filmed and the hardcopy is stored in the vaul They are readily retrievable through the use of the master index. The licensee has added a second shift to help deplete the current backlog of records to be computer indexe .

68 Documentation Retrievability The inspector selected a random sample of documents to determine the retrievability of stored record The records selected (Attachment 1)

consisted of 50RC meeting minutes, personnel qualifications, procure-ment documentation, receipt inspection reports, drawings, and startup test packages. The inspector verified that the construction phase records sampled were turned-in according to procedure The inspector also verified that the selected records were listed on the master in-dex, properly stored and readily retrievabl The licensee's micrographic based system and incorporated computer based index and retrieval process provide for an efficient records management system that is adequately controlled and implemente No violations were identifie I l

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7.0 Document Control The inspector examined documentation and reviewed procedures with cognizant licensee personnel to determine the adequacy and effectiveness of controls for distribution of documents affecting quality. The basic requirements of a document control program are contained in 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion VI, plant technical specifications, and the FSAR. Tnese requirements are implemented by the licensee's Quality Assurance Program Manual, Reporting Management Program Manual, Design Control Program Manual, and Reporting Program Manual. To verify the adequacy of the program, the inspector reviewed the following documents:


New Hampshire Yankee Nuclear Production Design Control Program Manual (NPDC), Rev 3, November 21, 1985


New Hampshire Yankee Nuclear Production Reporting Program Manual (NPRE), Rev 4, December 23, 1985


New Hampshire Yankee Nuclear Production Records Management Program Manual (NPRM) Rev 1, December 13, 1985


Supplement to NPRM - DCC Operating Policies and Procedures Based on the above review, discussions and personal observations, the inspector determined the following:

7.1 Document Control System The Controlled Document Issuance and Distribution section of the Document Control Department maintains an index which indicates the status of controlled documents. The index includes information for drawings, manuals, technical specifications, FSAR and procedure The section also issues and distributes controlled documents and insures that superseded controlled documents are dispositioned according to procedur .2 Drawing Control System Drawing control is implemented through the Design Control Program Manual. The manual requires that as-built drawings be distributed in a timely manner. Proposed changes to drawings and revisions to drawings are reviewed, approved, and issued in the same manner as original drawings. Interim issue drawings reflect design changes l and control the design implementation work activities. The interim drawings are controlled separate from the original drawings' and stamp-ed with the applicable Design Coordination Report number. Obsolete drawings are stamped superseded and placed in a historical file for reference. Any discrepancies found between as-built drawings and the as-constructed facility are handled on a Station Information Report (SIR).

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7.3 Station Information Report (SIR)

The Station Information Report (SIR) is used to analyze and resolve potentially reportable concerns related to the operations of the plant'.

The licensee informed the inspector that the SIR will be used to re-port any problem that requires evaluation. A Nonconformance Report-(NOR) is generated and processed according to the Reporting Program Manual if required from the SIR evaluation. A Design Coordination Report is generated when the corrective action requires a design change. The Design Control Program Manual provides the controls for insuring that design related activities are adequately performe The inspector selected a random sample of controlled documents to de-termine the cor.sistency with master indices. The controlled documents examined included proposed Technical Specifications, FSAR, three pro-

! cedures, two manuals, and ten drawings. The inspector verified that ,

l the revisions of controlled copies located in the document control center, the control room, the startup group, technical staff and ma-nagement offices were consistent with the master indices.

l Within the scope of this inspection, the document control procedures


and their implementation were adequate. The use of Station Infor-l mation Reports was not clearly defined or understood. The licensee

is in the process of clarifying the use of the SIR and ensuring that

, plant personnel are trained adequately. This item will be followed I

up in a later inspectio No violations were identifie .0 Quality Assurance Program - QA/QC Administration 3 The inspector reviewed the Operational OA Program Manual (0QAP) to verify that the licensee's program clearly identifies and documents the struc-


i tures, systems, and components to which the QA program applies; and that

! procedures and responsibilities have been established for making changes there to. The inspector reviewed the following documents:

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Final Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 17


Nuclear Production Operational 0A Manual, Chapter 2, Sections:


1.1.2; 1.1.3; 2.1.2; 2.1.3; 4.1.2; 4.1.3; 7.1.1; 7.1.2; 7.1.3; 8.1.1; 8.1.2; 8. !

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Based on the above review, discussions with station staff, and other ifcensee personnel, the inspector determined that the Operational QAP has identified the structures and systems to be covered by the QA program; general procedures,'and responsibilities have been. assigned including any changes to the manua No viclations were identifie .0 Unresolved Items Unresolved items are matters which more information is required 1ncorder to ascertain whether they are acceptable items,oor violations. AnIun-resolved item identified during this inspection is discussed in detail, in paragraph 3. .0 Exit Meetings rg The inspector met with licensee representatives (denoted in paragraph 1)

at the conclusion of the first half of the inspection on January 17, 198 At this interim exit inspector summarized the scope and findings of the inspection that occurred from January 13-17, 198 A final exit was held on January 24, 1986 whichsummErtzedthescopeand finding of the inspection that occurred from January 20-24, 198 At no time during the inspection was written material provided to the licensee by the inspecto .

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ATTACHMENT _1 Records Retrieved and Reviewed 50RC Meetino Minutes:

85-11, June 24,1985 85-24, November 1, 1985 Personnel Qualifications:

Lead Auditor QC Engineer--Level II Electrical & Mechanical Procurement Documentation:


Valves, Dresser Industries, November 30, 1983 Cation Bid & Mixed Bid Demineralizers, P. X. Engineering Corp., Inc, February 6,1980 Receipt Inspection Reports:

R4332, Various Sizes of Pipe, September 18, 1981 R5009, Thimble Guide Couplings, December 15, 1981 Drawings:

1-WLD-104, Reactor Coolant Drain Tank Pump A, Rev 0 1-CC-820206, Primary Component Cooling Log A, Rev 0

Phase I System Tests:

GSC-6-0, PDC-YPC-63 Water Inlet Control, June 28, 1984 ED-MCC-161, MCC-161 Eus, Distribution Panel & Breakers August 18, 1983 CHW-3.5, AAH-E-133B Air Cooled Condenser, July 26, 1983



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