IR 05000443/1993006

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Safety Insp Rept 50-443/93-06 on 930329-0402.No Safety Concerns or Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Radioactive Liquid & Gaseous Effluent Control Programs, Including Mgt Controls,Audits & Air Cleaning Sys
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/12/1993
From: Bores R, Jang J
Shared Package
ML20035F694 List:
50-443-93-06, 50-443-93-6, NUDOCS 9304220181
Download: ML20035F696 (6)













Repon ho.

50-443/93-06 Docket No.

50-443 License Nos.




bTorth Atlantic Energy Service Comoration P.O. Box 300 Seabrook. New Hampshire 03874 Facility Name:

Seabrook Nuclear Power Station

Inspection At:

Seabrook. New Hamoshire Inspection Conducted:

March 29-April 2.1993 V






J//d. Jang, Sr. Radiation SpecialV date Effluents Radiation Protection Section (ERPS), Facilities Radiological Safety

and Safeguards Branch (FRS&SB)


/l4 [/41 4' M h


Approved by:

jgdobert J. Boref Chief, ERPS, date



FRS&SB, Division of Radiation Safety


and Safeguards



laspection Summary:

Announced safety inspection cf the radioactive liquid and gaseous effluent control prognms including: management controls, audits, air cleaning systems, calibration of effluent / process radiation monitoring systems, and implementation of


the above programs.



Within the scope of this inspection, excellent implementation of the above programs by the Chemistry Depanment was observed. The responsible individuals in the Chemistry Department had excellent knowledge to implement the above programs. No safety


concems or violations were identified.


h 9304220181 93041343j PDR ADOCK 05















1.0 Individuals Contacted



1.1 Licensee Individuah


E. Darois, HP Suppon Supervisor W. DiProfio, Assistant Station Manager


J. Gallagher, Chemistry Supervisor

J. Grillo, Operations Manager l

J. Hart, Licensing.


D. Iseman, I&C Sup( rvisor

A. Legendre, Licensing i

W. Leland, Chemistry / Health Physics Manager

J. Linville, Chemistry Depanment Supemsor

T. Murphy, Technical Projects

W. Nichols, I&C Supervisor



J. Rafalowski, Health Physicist

D. Robinson, Chemistry Supervisor j

J, Sobbotka, Licensing


L. Tardif, Chemist


M. Toole, I&C Supervisor


1.2 NRC f

i N. Dudley, Senior Resident Inspector


R. Laura, Resident Inspector

Denotes those present at the exit interview on April 2,1993.

Other licensee-l

employees were contacted and interviewed during this inspection.


i 2.0 Pumose i

The purpose of this inspection was to review the licensee's ability to control and i

quantify effluent radioactive liquids and gases, and paniculates during normal and '

emergency operations.


3.0 hianagement Controls 3.1 Pmgram Changes q

The inspector reviewed the organization for administation of the radioactive'

t liquid and gaseous effluent control programs and discussed with the licensee.

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any changes made since the last inspection conducted on September 23-27, j

1991. The inspector determined that the administration of the radioactive i

liquid and gaseous ef0uent control progmms remained the same as at the time

of the last inspection in this area.

3.2 Review of Radiological Semiannual Effluent Recons The inspector reviewed the semiannual radioactive effluent release repons for y

the second half of 1991 and all of 1992. The inspector also reviewed the annual radioactive effluents dose report for 1992. The annual radioactive


efnuent dose repon pmvided a summary of the assessment of the maximum l

individual dose resulting from routine radioactive airborne and liquid effluents.

The inspector determined that the licensee met the Technical Specification requirements and them were no anomalous measurements, omissions or trends in these repons.


Audit The inspector reviewed the 1992 Quality Assurance Audit Repon Numoer 92.


A06-OL This audit covered the radioactive liquid and gaseous effluent control programs, and the implementation of the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM). - The inspector noted that the audit was conducted by the QA Depanment with assistance from other technical personnel. The inspector

noted that the audit covered the stated objectives and was very thorough and of.

i good technical depth. The audit identified one minor finding and one.

I observation which were not significant to public health 'and safety. The responsible department responded to these findings in a timely manner. The

inspector stated that the scope and technical depth of the audit were excellent to assess the radioactive liquid nd gaseous effluent control pmgrains.

4.0 Radioactive Liauid and Gaseous Ef0uent Control Programs


The inspector reviewed the following procedures and sew 8ed radioactive liquid and gaseous effluent release permits as pan of the examination of the implementation of Technical Specification and the ODCM tequirements.

i o CX 0917.01 Liquid Effluent Release o CS 0917.02 Gaseous Ef0uent Release-

o CS 0917.03 Unmonitored Plant Release i

o CS 0910.02 Gaseous Waste System Sampling o CS 0910.03-Liquid Waste System Sampling-a l



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4 o CS 0910.10 Gaseous Effluent Sampling

The inspector discussed with the licensee various aspects and actions regardmg


the above procedures. The inspector noted that the licensee understood these aspects and actions to be taken during normal and emergency operations. The J

inspector determined that the above effluent control procedures were j

sufficiently detailed to allow performance of all necessary steps. The inspector also determined that the reviewed radioactive liquid and gaseous effluent discharge permits were completed and met the Technical Specification requirements for sampling and analyses at the frequencies and lower limits of detection established in the Technical Specifications. The inspector had no


further questions in this area.



During discussions with the Chemistry Department staff, the inspector noted that the responsible individuals had excellent knowledge in the areas of: (1)

radioactive liquid and gaseous effluent controls, (2) effluent Radiation l


Monitoring Systems (RMS), (3) quantifying the total amount of liquid and i

gaseous effluent release using the RMS, (4) protection of the public health and


the environment, (5) actions to be taken for an unmonitored plant release, and (6) ODCM requirements.


Based on the review of the above procedures, release permits, and discussions

with the licensee, the inspector determined that the licensee implemented excellent radioactive liquid and gaseous effluent control programs.



5.0 Calibration of Effluent / Process Radiation Monitorine Systems (RMS)

The inspector reviewed the most recent calibration results for the following l

effluent / process RMS.



t o Steam Generator Blowdown Flash Tank Radiation Monitor (R-6519)

o Waste Liquid Test Tanks Radiation Monitor (R-6509)


o Turbine Building Sump Pump Radiation Monitor (R-6521)

o Primary Component Cooling Water Monitors (R-6515 & 6516)

o Containment Purge Radiation Monitors (R-6527-A & B)

o Plant Vent Wide Range Gas Monitor (R-6528)

o Condenser Air Evacuators Discharge Monitor (R-6505)



o Waste Gas Compressor Inlet Radiation Monitor (R-6503)

o Waste Gas Compressor Discharge Radiation Monitor (R-6504)

o Main Steam Line Radiation Monitors









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l The inspector also reviewed the most recent flow meter calibration results for j

the following RMS.



o Waste Liquid Test Tanks Radiation Monitor (R-6509)


o Steam Generator Blowdown Flash Tank Radiation Monitor (R-6519)

I o Plant Vent Wide Range Gas Monitor (R-6528)




The I&C Department had the responsibility to perform electronic, radiological


and flow meter calibrations for the above RMS. All reviewed calibmtions-i were perfonned at the required frequencies and results were within the


licensee's established acceptance criteria. The inspector also reviewed selected

.l functional test results for several monitors and all reviewed results were within j

the licensee's acceptance criteria.


During the review of radiological calibration results, the inspector independently verified several calibration results including linearity tests and


conversion factors. Using the licensee's raw data, the inspector perfonned


statistical analyses (linear regression) for comparison. The inspector i

detennined that these independent comparisons were excellent. The inspector


discussed with the licensee the benefit of using a statistical method (e.g., linear j

regression method) to detennine the linearity and the conversion factor. The


licensee stated that the method will be evaluated and incorporated in the near



-l Based on the above reviews, the inspector determined that the licensee has an j

effective calibration progam for the effluent / process radiation monitors.

.I 6.0 A_ir Cleaning Systems I

The inspector reviewed the licensee's most recent surveillance results for the following air cleaning systems as part of the examination of the implementation of the q

Technimi Specification requirements and FSAR commitments.



(1) Containment Purge Exhaust



(2) Primary Auxiliary Building l

(3) Control Room Recirculations (Tmins A & B)

l (4) Control Room Emergency Cleanup-l (5) Fuel Storage Building Exhausts (Trains A & B)

l (6) Containment Structure Recirculation (7) Containment Enclosure Emergency Exhausts (Trains A & B)









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The following surveillance results were reviewed and all reviewed test results were j

within the licensee's Technical Specification acceptance criteria and FSAR



o Visual Inspections

o In-Place HEPA Leak Tests


o In-Place Charcoal Leak Tests o System Air Flow Capacity Tests


o Delta Pressure Tests -


o Laboratory Tests for the Iodine Collection Efficiencies j

f Based on the above reviews, the inspector determined that the licensee implemented the requirements for the above systems effectively. The inspector had no further questions in this area.


7.0 Exit Interview The inspector met with the licensee representatives denoted in Section 1.1 of this inspection report at the conclusion of the inspection on April 2,1993 at the Seabrook



site. The inspector summarized the purpose, scope, and findings of the inspection,.



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