IR 05000443/1986056

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Partially Withheld Physical Security Insp Rept 50-443/86-56 on 861124-26 (Ref 10CFR73.21).No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Physical Barriers (Vital Areas),Lighting, Compensatory Security Measures & Access Control
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1986
From: Bailey R, Keimig R
Shared Package
ML20207N141 List:
50-443-86-56, NUDOCS 8701140016
Download: ML20207N145 (5)






Report N /86-56-Docket No. 50-443 License No. NPF-56 Licensee: Pubite Service of New Hampshire P. O. Box 330 Manchester, New Hampshire Facility Name: New Hampshire - Seabrook Nuclear Station Inspection At: Seabrook, New Hampshire

Inspection Conducted: November 24-26, 1986 Date of Last Physical Security Inspection: June 23-27, 1986 Type of Inspection: Routine, Unannounced Physical Security Inspector : hr /2"4 /"

R A . Bailey, ysic ity Inspector date

, Approved by: #, /&.5/ 4 R. Keim Chie , afegsards Section, date


Division o Radia n S #ety and Safeguards Inspection Summary: Routine, Unannounced Physical Security Inspection on November 24-26, 1986 (Inspection Number 50-443/86-56)


Areas Inspected: Records and Reports; Testing and Maintenance; Physical Barriers (Vital Areas); Lighting; Compensatory Security Measures; Access Control (Personnel, and ' Vehicles); Follow-up on Security Program Event Reports; and Inspector Follow-up Items (IFI).

Results: The licensee was in compliance with NRC requirements in the areas examined.

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DETAILS Persons Contact I Public Service of New Hampshire D. Moody, Station Manager W. J. Temple, Licensing Coordinator T. G. Pucko, Senior Licensing Engineer C. W. Roberts, Manager, Security and Computer Systems R. E. Cyr, Maintenance Manager W. J. Hall, Regulatory Services Manager S. J. Ellis, Security Department Supervisor D. Perkins, Licensing Engineer C. J. Seymour, Quality Assurance, Security Systems W. C. Howe, Security Manager, Green Mountain Security C. T. Goodnow, Chief of Security, Green Mountain Security U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission A. C. Cerne, Senior Resident Inspector D. G. Ruscitto, Resident Inspector The inspector also interviewed other licensee employees and members of the Green Mountain contract security organizatio . MC 30703 - Exit Interview The inspector met with the licensee representatives listed in paragraph 1 at the conclusion of the inspection on November 26, 1986. At that time, the purpose and scope of the inspection were discussed and the findings were presente No written material was provided to the licensee during this inspectio . MC 92700 - Follow-up on Security Program Event Reports THIS P Ae arp.nMi CONTMNS St.FEG!! GDS ggest,1,MN, M'A IS !!OI f 0Il ?UBUE 015Ct05'M.1115 INIMUN'#

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1His PARgGnt.P!i QQNTAINS SAFEGUARDS INFORIAATc M10 IS NOT FOR PUBLIC DISCl03URE. IT is INTEF.T10N All'I LEFT BLAN . MC 92701 - Status of Inspector Follow-up Items (IFI's) Physical Security Program (Closed) IFI 86-29-02: Expediting entry to vital areas during emergencies by plant personnel. The inspector observed that the licensee had refined the vital area access control procedures. Key plant personnel are now provided a means to expeditiously enter vital areas during plant emergency situations. These new procedures do not degrade the security effective-ness of the vital area (Closed) IFI 86-29-03: Inspector observations of potential deficiencies in the protected area barrier. The inspector observed that the licensee had addressed the inspector's concerns and took appropriate corrective action. A change to the Physical Security Plan (PSP) was submitted to NRC as require (Closed) IFI 86-29-07: Inspector observations of potential deficiencies concerning the transportation of material and supplies into the protected area. The Senior Resident inspector determined through periodic observations that the licensee was providing adequate security when bulk material and supplies were being transported into the plant protected are . MC 81038 - Records and Reports The inspector conducted an audit of logs and records for, abnormal conditions, significant operating changes and trends, required entries,and proper reporting. The following logs and records were reviewed: Security Shift Activities Log (May to November 1986),

Maintenance Request Log, Personnel Termination Notices, Background In-vestigation Files, Psychological Testing Results, and Contractor Screening Records. Security Activity Log entries were compared with outstanding maintenance work requests to determine if work had been completed. While no violations were identified, the inspector observed that the licensee had identified and was in the process of correcting an administrative deficiency in the method of updating the maintenance request log to re-flect completed work. The inspector conducted a sampling of work requests that had been completed and determined that the requested work had been l





performed and that a security representative had conducted a test before vstoring the system to use. The Itcensee was in the process of rewriting the maintenance control procedures to effect proper close-out of main-tenance work r! quest Inspector Foltow-up Item (IFI 86-56-01) MC 81042 - Testing and Maintenance The inspector observed that a testing and maintenance program was de-veloped to provide support to the security organization. Procedures for conducting routine testing on security related equipment were available for use. The inspector selected several test procedures for review. No deficiencies were identifie . MC 81054 - Physical Barriers- Vital Areas ims rANAGRAPli CONTAINS SAFEGUARDS INFORMAlla : AND IS NOT FOR PUBLIC DISCLOSURE,IT is INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK.






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l Inspector Follow-up Item (IFI) 86-56-02 MC 81062 - Lighting t

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The inspector conducted a tour of the protected area and the Main Steam Chase (East) during the hours of darkness on November 22, 1986, and observed that the lighting conforms to the NRC-approved physical ' security pla . MC 81064 - Compensatory Security Measures During this inspection, the licensee conducted a test on the plant electrical system that provides power for all security related equipmen ;

The security force successfully demonstrated that they could provide ade-quate compensatory security measures whenever there is a total loss of normal and alternate power. The inspector observed that compensatory posts were manned by members of the security force during the test and operators in the Secondary Alarm Station (SAS) were able to advise the inspector on the deployment status of security force members during this i test. The security force members posted in the SAS effectively demon-strated that they were monitoring the actions of the Central Alarm Statio . MC 81070 - Access Control - Personnel The inspector determined that the licensee has developed an access authorization program for the protected and vital areas. A review of access control files and procedures was conducted and no deficiencies were noted. The inspector advised the licensee to conduct audits of the con-tractor screening programs that have been accepted for granting unescorted access rather than to wait until the annual security program audit is conducted in October 1987. This initial audit would provide a sufficient basis for determining whether there is a clear understanding of the access .

authorization program on the part of contractors. The licensee acknowl- '

edged this and stated that they would begin auditing their contractor screening programs now to ensure that there is full compliance with the access authorization progra Inspector Follow-up Item (IFI) 86-56-03


11. MC 81074 - Access Control - Vehicles


The inspector observed vehicles being processed at the main vehicle gate for entry into the protected area. Since plant licensing on October 17, l 1986, the NRC Resident inspectors have also observed vehicles being pro-  ;

cessed prior to entry with materials and supplies at other than the main vehicle gate. Security force members conducted their searches and per-formed their duties in accordance with the NRC-approved physical security plan and implementing procedures. No deficiencies were identified.


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