IR 05000344/1986035

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Meeting Rept 50-344/86-35 on 860827 Re Util QA Audit of Limitorque Procurement of Peerless Motors for Valve Operators
Person / Time
Site: Trojan File:Portland General Electric icon.png
Issue date: 09/11/1986
From: Chaffee A, Mendonca M
Shared Package
ML20210A630 List:
50-344-86-35-MM, TAC-42502, NUDOCS 8609170302
Download: ML20210A667 (15)


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Report No. 50-344/86-35 Docket No. 50-344 License No. NPF-1 Licensee: Portland General Electric Company 121 S. W. Salmon Street Portland, Oregon 97204 Facility Name: Trojan Inspection at: Rainier, Oregon



Inspection conducted: August 27, 1986 Inspectors:



, M. M. Mendonca, Chief Date Signed to:%ects ection 1 Approved By: b #

. 1 Y //

A. E. Chaffee @ puty Director Irate (sl:gned Division of Reactor Safety and Projects Summary:

. A meeting was held on August 27, 1986 concerning the Portland General Electric Company's quality assurance audit of Limitorque procurement of Peerless motors for valve operators.



8609170302 860911 PDR ADOCK 05000344 G PDR

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j 1. Meetina Participants



j NRC Participants i,

a D. F. Kirsch, Director, Division of Reactor Safety and Projects i A. E. Chaffee, Deputy Director, Division of Reactor Safety and Projects '

M. M. Mendonca, Chief, Reactor Projects Section 1 '

D. Willett, Reactor Inspector


Portland General Electric Company (PCE) Participants r i 4 C. A. Olmstead, Manager, Nuclear Quality Assurance i G. Zimmerman, Manager Nuclear Regulation Branch

. E. Davis Electrical Branch Supervising Engineer


A. N. Roller, Manager, Electrical Engineer  ;



i 2. Meetina


l On August 27, 1986 at 10:45 a.m., a meeting commenced at the Region V ,


office in Walnut Creek, California, with the individuals listed in 1 l paragraph I above. The meeting was in regard to a PGE Quality Assurance  !

! (QA) audit in August 1986 of Limitorque valve motor operator procurement j program from Peerless.  ;



This meeting was called at PGE's request and commenced with Mr.


Zimmerman's presentation of an agenda (Enclosure 1). Mr. Olmstead then


presented Enclosure 2, the history that lead to the QA audit and PCE's j two basic findings. Mr. Olmstead then presented the details that lead to


the two basic findings as follows:


1. Inadequate Configuration Control (Criterion III)



s. Peerlese Design, material, or process control changes were not



reviewed and approved by Limitorque.


b. Peerless motor specifications developed and utilized by  !

, Peerless were not reviewed and approved by Limitorque. [



c. Acceptance test criteria for Peerless motors and electrical test data were not reviewed, approved, retained and/or  ;

j controlled by Limitorque.

I d. Documented evidence for above items 1.a. b or c were not l available at Limitorque.

j 2. Inadequate QA Program implementation i

! a. Limitorque QA Program requirements were not incorporated into Purchase l

! Ordera or specificationsfor equipment from Peerless. l


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b. There were no procedures or QA program controls to maintain configuration control, e.g., how Peerless is to process changes to materials that are considered " equal". ,

c. There was no documentation that Pearless' QA Program was reviewed and approved by Limitorque. QA program imposed on Peerless 7/85.

d. There were no Limitorque audit plans.

e. Limitorque audit checklists were incomplete, e.g., no action required or evaluation given for an item found outside program requirements.

Therefore, the licensee concluded that these findings raise a potential l question into the environmental qualification of Limitorques valves with Peerless motor.

, Messrs. Davis and Roller then presented Enclosure 3, that tabulates the

i effect of these findings on Peerless valves motors at Trojan. Mr. Davis pointed out that the first eight motors on the list (Enclosure 3) are


Direct Current (DC) motors that were the subject of a PGE part 21 report I and follovup (See Enclosures 4 and 5). Part of the history discussed by

- Mr. Olmstead was that four of these DC motors were rejected by PGE on receipt inspection after refurbishing at Peerless for Limitorque. Also this was an indicator to PGE that helped initiate the August 1986 audit.



For the eight DC motors, PGE stated that they have requalified the valves in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.49 (DOR Guidelines) and therefore the licensee feels that the valves meet the environmental qualification requirements. The licensee also plans to replace the motors at the next outage.

For the remaining valves on the list (Enclosure 3) the licensee noted that shipment dates were prior to 1975 and therefore the testing that was done in the 1975 time frame assured environmental qualification of those valves.

Mr. Olmstead then presented Enclosure 6 that specifies planned corrective actions, e.g., Limitorque has committed to PGE to get the documentation specified as needed by the August 1986 audit and to establish a configuration control program.


Mr. Kirsch then indicated that Region V would communicate PGE's findings


to NRC headquarters for consideration of the need of an information notice and feedback into the NRC inspection of Limitorque. l The meeting, so concluded at about 12 noon.



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August 27, 1986 10:30 a.m. ,

Walnut Creek. California


Introduction Background Information NRC Indicators PCE Experience


PGE QA Audit / Inspection I- ,

PGE EQ Program and Documentation



Identification of Problem Valves of Concern Systems Affected Corrective Action Confina Extent of Problem - Recertify Limitorque Engineered Corrective Action 10 CFR 21 Report


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SA2/kal 1106W.886 l _ _ _

O$ 3 g D D Enclosure 2




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NRC/FGE Meeting re Limitorque August 27, 1986 QA History j . Most Furchases QA Code D i . 11/84 First QA Code A Furchase Order

. . Qualified Limitorque Full Scope Vendor

. PCE Audit March 1985

. PGE Survey June 1986 ,


f ,

. PGE Audit August 1986 ,


1986 Audit


1 . Focus on F.O. for Motor Rework


. Involved EQ Checklist Questions

) . Two Findings Relating to Limitorque/ Peerless Interface

. Inadequate QA Program Implementation a . Inadequate Configuration Control l .


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Page 1 of 4 MOTOR-OPERATED YALVES WITH PEERLESS MOTORS Motor Shipsment Operator Safety Ftanction Location Date Comuments 1. CY3004A1 AFW Floer Control MSSS 1985 2. CT3004A2 AFW Fleet Coatrol MSSS 1985 3. CY300451 APW Flow Control MSSS 1985 4. CY3004B2 AFW Flow Control MSSS 1985 5. CY3004C1 AFW Flow Control MSSS 1985 6. CY3004C2 AFW Flow Control MSSS 1985 7. CY3004D1 APU Flow Control MSSS 1985 8. CY3004D2 AFW Flow Control MSSS 1985 9. MD112D Isolation CCP Supply from Auxiliary <1975 Per E-2. safety function com-RWST plete before severe environ-ment occurs.

10. M0112E Isolation CCP Supply from Auxiliary <1975 For E-2, safety function'com-RWST plete before severe environ-ment occurs.

11. M02053A Containment Spray Isolation Pipe Pen <1975 For E-2, safety function com-plete before severe environ-ment occurs.

12. MD2053B Contalrunent spray Isolation Pipe Pen <1975 For E-2. safety function com-plete before severe environ-ment occurs.

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Page 2 of 4 NDTOR-OPERATED VALVES WITN PEERLESS NDTORS Notor Shipment Oeerstor Safety Punction Location _ Date Comuments 13. NO3296 CCW Inlet Isolation to RCPs Containment 04/73 Train B 14. NO3300 CCW Outlet Isolation from containment 04/73 RCPs. Train A 15. NO3301A CCW to containment Air Cooler containment 03/73 Valves NO3301A through NO33148 are for isolation of indivi-dual containment air coolers. l


16. NO3301B CCW to containment Air Cooler containment 03/73


17. NO3302A CCW from containment Air containment 03/73 Cooler 18. NO3302B CCW from containment Air Containment 03/73  :

Cooler ,

19. NO3305A CCW to Containment Air Cooler Contalrunent 03/73  ;

20. NO3305B CCW to Containment Air Cooler containment 03/73 21. NO3306A CCW from Containment Air containment 03/73 t cooler i

22. NO33063 CCW from Containment Air contairument 03/73 -

j Cooler i  !

,I 23. NO3309A CCW to Contairument Air Cooler Containment 03/73 [

24. NO3309B CCW to Containment Air Cooler Contalrument 03/73



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Motor shipment


Operator Safety Punctica Location __ Date Comments

i 25. M03310A CCW from containment Air Contsbunent 03/73 i Cooler.


) 26. M033105 CCW from Containment Air containment 03/73 Cooler

., 27. M03313A CCW to containment Air Cooler containment 03/73


28. M03313B CCW to containment Air Cooler Containment 03/73 I 29. M03314A CCW from Containment Air Containment 03/73 Cooler l 30. M03314B CCW from Containment Air containment 03/73

! Cooler 31. M03320 CCW Outlet Isolation from containment 04/73 RCPs, Train A t

32. M08112 containment Isolation for RCP Containment 06/72

] Seal Water Return 33. M08703 RHR Hot-Leg Injection Pipe Pen 06/72 l Isolation


34. M08716A RHR Hot-Leg Injection, Auxiliary <1975 Train A 35. M087168 RHR Hot-Leg Injection. Auxiliary <1975 Train B


36. M08804A RHR Isolation to Charging Auxiliary <1975 l

Pumps il




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( Page 4 of 4 l NDTOR-OPERATED VALVES WITH PE m . ras N01DRS l


l Motor Shipment l Operator Safety Function _ Location Date Comments 37. N088048 RHR Isolation to SI Pumps Auxiliary <1975 l

38. N08806 SI Isolation from RWST Auxiliary <1975 39. N08807A CCP Isolation from SI Aux 111ery <1975

! Suction 40. N088078 CCP Isolation from SI Auxiliary <1975




41. N08923A SI Pump A Suction Auxiliary <1975 Isolation t 42. N089238 SI Pump B Suction Auxiliary <1975 Isolation l 43. N08924 Charging Pump Suction to Auxiliary <1975

! SI Pump Suction Isolation i


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Enclosure 4



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bc Messrs. Cithers, Yundt, Lentsch, Ors:r, Clast0co, Steelo, Morg, 1. Burton,R.J2rdin,A.M21a,T.Chan,)IS TNP:Cov REL F:NRC Chrono, PGE to NRC /



MD Wmers vtehemost s

May 6, 1986 Trojan Nuclear Plant Docket 50-344 License NPF-1 Mr. John W. Martin Regional Administrator, Region V U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cetraission 1450 Maria Lane, suite 210 Walnut Creek CA 94S96-5368


Dear 31r:

TROJAN NUCLEAR PLANT 10 CFR 21 Defect Report Valve Operator-Motor Lead Insulation The attached 10 CFR 21 Defect Report identifies a defect which we have t evaluated to be reportable in accordance with 10 CFR 21 requirements. The defect results from an apparent deviation in the quality of the motor lead insulation in replacement motor actuators installed at Trojan.during the 1985 refueling outase. The supplier of the motor actuators, Limitorque Corporation, has been contacted and has been made aware of the results of our 10 CFR 21 Evaluation.

l Please df. rect any questions you may have regarding the technical issues to Manager Nuclear Plant Engineering, Mr. R. L. Steele.



Bart D. Withers l

l Vice President e Nuclear

N Attachment # J. W. Lentsch [

c: Director, Inspection and Enforcement M. -

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Consission W. S. Orser Washington DC 20555 (. P. Yundt


(' Mr. Lynn Frank, Director l

l State of Oregon Department of Energy l


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10 CFR 21 DEFECT REPORT k Portland General Electric Company Report mumber: 86-01 121 BW Salmon Street Report Date: May 6, 1986 Portland, Oregon 97204




messonsible officer: Mr. 3. D. Withers Vice President Buclear l Date Responsible Office Received Information: May 6, 1986 Basic Component or Activity: Electric Actuator (Valve Operator)

Type: SMB-000; 2 ft-lbs ,

125 Volts DC, Wominal i PGE Purchase Order 3-29175 Limitorque Order No. 3M4535



Firs Supolvinz Basic Compon2D1: Limitorque Cot? oration

- PO Box 11318 Lynchburg, Virginia 24506 Description of Defect and Substantial safety Hazard That could be caused:

i[ As reported in Trojan Licensee Event Report No. 50-344/86-01, following a ( Flant trip on February 8, 1986, operation of the "A" train auxiliary feedwater (AFW) flow control valve (CV-3004D1) to the "D" steam geners-tor was interrupted. The power supply fuse to the valve motor operator blew because of a motor lead short circuit. As indicated in LER 86-01, the probable cause of the blown fuse was the breakdown of the internal motor lead insulation resulting in a short circuit path to the grounded case of the valve operator.

During further evaluation and inspection of the AFW flow control valve operators, the motor lead insulation has exhibited a brittle nature.


Movement of the leads during maintenance could cause cracks in the


brittle insulation. The weakened insulation would then be subject to failure under the normal vibration and operating environment of the motor actuator.

The Limitorque Corporation was contacted regarding the brittle nature of tha insulation. Limitorgue provided PCE with a repair procedure (appli-cation of Ray-Chem heat shrink tubing over the existing leads) should additional failures be identified. Further discussions with Limitorque indicate that the brittle condition of the insulation may be a quality control problem with the subcontractor (H. K. Porter) that supplied the motors to Limitorque. Consequently, Limitorque has established a program for the repair of the valve actuators that were supplied to Trojan with the apparent insulation defect. PCE informed Limitorque that an


evaluation under 10 CFR 21 would be performed.


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( The results of the 10 CFS. 21 evaluation indicate that a substantial safety hazard could axist should the insulation breakdown prevent the closure of an AFW flow control valve. During a fee 6 water line break accident, the AFW flow to the affected feedwater line must be isolated.

This action assures that suffielent feedwater flow is delivered to the  !

intact feedwater lines and steam generators. The inability of the operator to take action to.close the valve within 10 minutes would defeat i the safety function of the AFW System to deliver an adeguate vol me of  !

feedwater to the intact stoaa generators.

P=%r and Location of such Ceonents in Use at the Tro3an Wuelear plant:

The Trojan design (Four-Loop Westinghouse Pressurised Water Reactor) uses a total of eight AN flow control valves in two redundant and independent  :

safety-related trains. The valves are located in the Main Steam Support Structure between the Turbine Building and the Containment Building.

This is the only application for this particular type of direct current (de), 125-volt, valve motor actuator at Trojan.


Corrective Action:

The motor leads for the motor actuators will be replaced with properly


insulated wire as recossended by the Limitorque Corporation. Svery effort will be made to complete this work prior to the conclusion of the


refueling outage on June 11, 1986. A completion date of August 1, 1986 (' will be met in any case.

Other pertinent Information:

The motor actuators with the apparent insulation problem were installed in the Trojan Nuclear Plant in accordance with Plant design change, RDC S4-104. The AFW flow control valve actuators were upgraded in order to meet the environmental qualification requirements for electrical equipment located in the Main Steam Support Structure. The modification l was completed during the 1985 refueling outage,



Attached for reference is a copy of the Certified Information Sheet from j

the Limitorque Corporation Which provides specific details regarding the electric actuator.

This report represents both the initial and final written notification to the NRC of the 10 CFR 21 defect.


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.. P.O. Box 11318, Lynchburg, VA 24506 CERTIFIED INFORMATION SHEET - ELECTRIC ACTUATOR k, Umitorque Order No. NN515

- .


customerName Portland Oregon General Electric Co. ._.. -


Customer P.O. No. 8 0 NO- -

M-29175 a m n . 3 a


Motor 2 Ft.Lbs. Sultable for Volts

. Unit Type & Size $2-000


Phase Cycle 125 Volts 1900 RPM DC Approximate Amps Approximate Approximate Amps 15.9 H.P. .144 Full Load 1.6 Locked Rotor O w.ath.rproof O Subm.r.ibie < ei. for nrs.)

Unit Enclosur.

Explosionproof Ciass Group (s) Div. b Nuclear


Outline Drawing: 02-403-0245-2 E,og onAtw 1 t

. Wiring Diagram: 15-476-1340-3 c.y -) g w so, n . 2 . I-Limit Switch Compartment Hester 120 volt 25 watt Motor Heater 120 volt 40 watt ConuclXts mpeneuz1HsetXX XXXX XXXOSalHINa5 XbmpupplistXXXXXXXXXXXXX280(KX X

{ 5s8pplied C supplied Mechanical Dial Position Indicator sOpplied supplied Ratio Spur or Bevel Gear Attachment

Handwheel Diameter inches (If other than standard) O ith spinner Position A ] B supplied ppplies to ElectricIManual Combinations only)

Tagging and Romams:

Inside Containment, Safety Related. Qualified per Limitorque Qualification Report #B0009 In accordance with the actuator qualification, motor "T" drains must be field

, installed in place of the two lowest motor drain plugs. Motor 'T" drains are l

tagged and located in the Limit Switch Comoartment on shipment from Limitorque.



ENCt.05ED: (1) Diaro Mylar _._

p All drawings and information listed above are certified for construction. Please advise us at, once should you require any changes or corrections, as we are proceeding to manufacture m -

_ , _

accordance with the above information.

Revision By i Limitorque Certification Department i Name M L L,im.g m oste FEB 051985 o.te "




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Enclosure 5


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- Mecces. Withers Tundt, Lentsch, Or0cc, Olmstcco, Steelo. Horg,


, R. Burton, R. J:rd:n, A. H21m, T. Chan,).IS TNP:COV REL F:NRC ChronD, PCE t3 ERC /

fiXtland General Electric Coityxviy U Ben D Winers Vke Presdert


l l


June 6, 1986 l

Trojan Nuclear Plant Docket 50-344 License NPF-1 Mr. John B. Martin Regional Administrator, Region V


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cosmission


1415 Maria Lane, Suite 210 Walnut Creek CA 94596-5368


Dear Sir:

TROJAN NUCLEAR PLANT Purther Information Relative to (r 10 CFR 21 Defect Report In a letter dated May 6,1986, PCE sent Region V a 10 CFR 21 Defect Keport (No. 86-01) identifying defects discovered in the motor lead insulation for the auxiliary feedwater (AFW) flow control valves at Trojan. This letter provides further information relative to the actions taken to correct those defects.

As described in the subject Defect Report, the motor lead insulation for the AFW flow control valves has exhibited a brittle nature. Movement of

- the leads during maintenance could cause cracks in the brittle insulation.


The weakened insulation would then be subject to failure under the normal vibration and operating environment of the motor actuator.

To correct this defect, suspect motors were sent to the motor operator vendor (Limitorque) for repair, and spare motors were ordered. When Limitorque returned the repaired and spare motors, four of the motors were adequately repaired; however, the remaining motors had the insulation leads frayed or exhibited low insulation resistance readings. This late in the refueling outage, replacement motore cannot be shipped to Trojan before the -

Plant's scheduled startup.

Pending receipt of repiscenent motors, four of the originally affected motors (ie, those motors not sent to Limiterque) have been repaired by k


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Mr. John B. Martin June 6, 1986 page 2


coating the existlag leads with GE RTV-21 and enclosing them with silicone-coated fiberglass braid insulation (Varglas silicone rubber sleeving).


Both ends of the sleeving have also been sealed with GE ETy-21. -These materials have been evaluated against the environmental qualification requirements for their location in the Main steam Support Structure. This evaluation has confirmed the qualification of the materials for their application in accordance with the D0R Cuidelines. PGE considers the valves operable per Technical specification 1.6, and to satisfy the provisions of Technical Specifications 3/ and 6.13.


These motors were originally purchased in 1985 to the latest environmental '

qualification requirements (NUREG-0588, Category 1). Since separate effects testing has been used to qualify the silicone-coated fiberglass sleeve and RTV-21, the repaired motors can only be qualified to the DOE


Ouidelines. Paragraph (1) of 10 CFR 50.49 states, " Replacement equipment must be qualified in accords.nce with the provisions of this section unless there are sound reasons to the contrary". Regulatory Guide 1.89 (Revi-sion 1), Section C.6 defines sound reasons to the contrarf. Regulatory Position C.6.e allows the use of replacement equips.nt qualified in


accordance with the D0R Cuidelines if replacement equipment qualified in accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR 50.49 is not available to meet installation and operation schedules. However, in such case, the replace-ment equipment may be used only until upgraded equipment can be obtained and an outage of sufficient duration is available for replacements. PCE intends to install upgraded equipment as soon as it becomes available, consistent with the Plant's operating schedule.

I l

In the subject 10 CFR 21 Defect Report, it was indicated that the brittle condition of the insulation may be a quality control problem with the l subcontractor (H. K. Porter) that supplied the motors to Limitorque. The subsequent repair defects described above appear to be due to poor workman-ship by H. K. Porter and lack of quality control inspections by both H. K. Porter and Limitorque. In order to more completely evaluate and con-


- firin these deficiencies, PGE is planning to perform an evaluation and audit of Limitorque to verify the adequacy of their quality control practices in assuring the environmental qualification of these motors. No replacement motors will be accepted by PCE pending completion of an evaluation of the quality control processes used by Limitorque as they relate to these perceived problem areas. Discussions are currently underway with Limitorque to schedule this evaluation and a complete vendor audit. It is expected that an evaluation can occur within the month. However, schedule constraints at Limitorque do not permit a complete QA audit until sometime in August.

In summary, WUREG-0588 qualified replacement motors for the AFW flow con-trol valves will not be available until sometime after the 1986 refueling outage. The repaired motors are at least environmentally qualified to the w_,.....

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.- W C1Sf18r8IBOCitiCM Mr. John 3. Martin June 6, 1986 C'

Page 3 D0R Ouidelines, and will be repisced with upgraded actors, once 'they are

, received and confirmed to ba qualified to EUREG-0588 (category 1) require-monts, and an outage of sufficient duration is available for work on the AFW System.

Sincerel ,

art D. Withers Vice President Euclear





0591P c: Director, Inspection and Enforcement d


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission C. Yundt


Washington DC 20555 Mr. Lynn Frank, Director S State of Oregon W. 5. Orser # /

Department of Energy


A/A 8A J. W. Lentsch



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R. L. Steele l

- N C'. A. Olmstead (.

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  • * e o S Enclosure 6



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NRC/PGE Meeting re Limitorque ,

August 27, 1986



QA Corrective Actions

. Limitorque Audit of Peerless

. Limitorque Establish Configuration Control

. Follow-Up Audits


- . NRC



. Nuclear Supplier QA Connittee





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