IR 05000344/1986014

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Insp Rept 50-344/86-14 on 860414-18.No Noncompliance or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensed Operator Training Program,Design,Design Changes,Mod Program & Open Item Closeout
Person / Time
Site: Trojan File:Portland General Electric icon.png
Issue date: 05/12/1986
From: Mendonca M, Pereira D
Shared Package
ML20198H982 List:
50-344-86-14, IEB-79-14, NUDOCS 8605300628
Download: ML20198J023 (7)


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Report No. 50-344/86-14 Docket No. 50-344 License No. NPF-1


Licensee: Portland General Electric Company 121 S. W. Salmon Street Portland, Oregon 97204 Facility Name: Trojan Nuclear Plant Inspection at: Rainier, Oregon Inspection Cond d: Apr'1 14- , 1986 Inspector: eaug M [/2 d D. B. Pereira, Reactor Inspector Date Signed Approved By: h.% h Ac de th6 M. M. Mendonca, Chief Date Signed Reactor Project Section 1 Summary:

Inspection During the Period of April 14-18, 1986 (Report No. 50-344/86-14)

Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection of the licensed operator training program, design, design changes, and modifications program, and open items close out. The inspection modules followed were: licensed operator  ;

training (41701), design, design changes, and modification program (37700), items closeout (92700).

Results: No items of noncompliance or deviations were identifie ,

' 8605300628 860513 PDR ADOCK 05000344 G PDR t

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DETAILS Persons Contacted

  • W. S. Orser, General Manager
  • C. A. Olmstead, Manager, Quality Assurance Department
  • J. D. Reid, Manager, Plant Services D. L. Bennett, Supervisor, Control and Electrical
  • R. P. Schmitt, Manager, Operations and Maintenance
  • C. H. Brown, Operations Branch Manager, Quality Assurance A. Puzy, Office Supervisor
  • G. A. Zimmerman, Manager, Nuclear Regulation Branch H. F. Moomey, Trojan Resident, Oregon Department of Energy
  • S. Richards, Trojan Resident, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  • J. K. Aldersebaes, Manager, Nuclear Maintenance and Construction K. W. Hanson, Shift Supervisor W. J. Reeve, Control Operator G. G. Perrin, Shift Supervisor S. R. Nichols, Training Supervisor
  • Denotes attendance at exit interview conducted at Trojan Nuclear Plant on April 18, 198 . Design, Design Changes, and Modifications The design changes and modification program was examined for conformance with the requirements of the Technical Specifications (TS) and 10 CFR 50.59. The inspection included a verification that the modified systems were installed in accordance with the approved design by examining the installation records, reviewing test records, and ensuring revisea procedures relating to the modifications were completed and approve The following systems' design changes were examined to assure that they were reviewed and approved in accordance with 10 CFR 50.59 and that the reviews were technically adequate: Instrumentation 1) Plant Design Change (PDC)77-155 - Install new seismically qualified recorder 2) PDC 81-064 - Install flow instrumentation for individual steam generator blowdown lines 3) PDC 81-073 - Replaced auxiliary feedwater flow transmitters 4) PDC 82-050 - Installed new pressure transmitters for holdup tank Reactor Coolant System 1) PDC 81-018 - Installed stainless steel protective boxes over reactor coolant pump vibration pickups


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2) PDC 82-055 - 11odification of safety and relief valves and pipe and installed water slug diversion devices in the relief lines 3) PDC 83-043 - Replumbed the pressurizer level transmitter upper sensing lines 4) PDC 84-081 - Pressure test to locate leaks, seal weld tbe ,

leaking connections, and provided system modifications to ,

prevent leaks on the reactor vessel level indicating system Emergency. Core Cooling Systen 1) PDC 81-094 - Installed separate power supply for Residual Heat Removal suction valves position indication and status light for control power breaker position Containment Systems 1) PDC 81-106 - Replaced hydrogen vent containment isolation valves with qualified replacements designed to have easily replaceable elastomeric or metal seat ) PDC 83-054 - Provided environmentally qualified disconnects on

, solenoid valves for the containment hydrogen analysis system sampling valves and reactor vessel head vent valve ) PDC 83-059 - Replace limit switches on chilled water containment isolation valves with environmentally qualified equivalent Plant and Electrical Power Systems 1) PDC 80-086 - Replace diesel auxiliary feedwater pump batteries, and battery hold-down bracket ) PDC 83-053 - 11odify diesel generator start circuitry to block high crank case pressure signal on receipt of an auto start signa ) PDC 77-009 - Install volt meter switch on non preferred 120 volt a-c Buse Radwaste System 1) PDC 76-442 - Install two oxygen monitors in the common discherge of the waste gas compressor ) PDC 79-105 - Install Post-Accident Sampling System The inspector verified for the above plant design changes that the following actions were performed:


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. Design changes were reviewed and approved in accordance with Technical Specifications and established Quality Assurance / Quality Contro Design changes were controlled by established procedure Administrative Order (AO) 5-1 Rev. 17 entitled " Plant Changes and Alterations" describes the processing of Plant Design Changes and Plant Configuration Changes at Troja The licensee conducted a review and evaluation of test results, and verified they were within established acceptance criteri The scope of the testing was adequate to demonstrate the operability of the modified system / componen Test deviations and problems were resolved and retesting accomplished satisfactor The inspector examined that the as-built drawings were revised, updated and incorporated into the appropriate design and piping and instrumentation drawings prior to system startup. The inspector verified that the above selected design changes were listed on the required 10 CFR 50.59(b) annual report to the NRC. The operating and surveillance procedures were modified as necessary for the above design changes in accordance with the Technical Specification The licensee's des-ign, design changes, and modifications program activities appear to be conducted in accordance with the licensee commitments, regulatory requirements, and Technical Specification No violations or deviations were identified in this are . Licensed Operator Training The licensed operater training program was evaluated for conformance with the requirements of the Technical Specifications (TS), regulatory

. requirements, and licensee commitment The inspection included a review of records of individual licensed operators who had failed a portion of their annual examination. The inspector reviewed records for five shift supervisors, one assistant shift supervisor, five control operators, and two operator trainees to ensure that requalification training was adequately documente The review of the above individuals' records indicated that they contained the following: documentation of attendance at all required lectures documentatioa of required control manipulations copies of performance evaluations documentation of additional training received in identified deficient areas documentation that procedure reviews and/or self-study had been completed a -

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f documentation that required reading of routed material had been completed approval to resume licensed duties for those individuals who failed th'e annual requalification examination

  • documentation of medical exams and! qualifying conditions of licensed operator to assume licensed dutie annual written examination and the individual's responses The inspector determined the present pass rate for requalification exams and for initial licensed operator qualification exams over each of the past three calendar years. The table that follows presents the present pass rate for both initial and requalification exams over each of the past three calendar years:

1984 1985 1986 Reactor 100% 84.21% 100%

Requalification Operator Exams Senior Reactor 100% 89.47% 94.44%

Operator Initial Reactor 71.43% No Exam No Exam Licensed Operator Given Given Exams Senior Reactor 100% No Exam 100%

Operator Given As the above table indicates the licensee pass rate appears to be acceptable in qualifying licensed personnei for operation The inspector reviewed the progress of the licensee with respect to accreditation by the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) with the training supervisor. The licensed operators (control room operator and senior control room operator) and non-licensed operators program was approved and accredited by INPO in December.1985. The chemistry and radiological protection technicians program has the self-evaluation program scheduled to be completed in August, 1986. The maintenance (electrical and mechanical), instrument und control personnel, and the shift technical advisor personnel programs have the job analysis. phase completed, and the licensee is presently working ~ on the task analysis phase. These programs are planned by the licensee to be completed b June, 1987, as discussed during the exit-intervic The licensee's licensed operator training program appeared to be conducted in accordance with the licensee commitments, regulatory requirements, and Technical Specifications. The record review indicated that the licensee's records are complete and that the appropriate training documentation was kept and available. The present pass rate for initial and requalification-exams appeared acceptable to ensure qualified reactor operators are adequately trained. Progress toward accreditation by INPO in regards toward training will continue to be monitore No violations or' deviations were identified in this a're . Follow-up on Previous Inspection Findings

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I (Follow-up Item IE Bulletin No. 79-14, Closed) Seismic Analysis of Safety-Related Piping Systems


I&E Bulletin 79-14 was issued to PGE on October 3, 1979. This bulletin and revisions required examinations of piping supports inside and outside containment on safety-related piping system s The licensee's letters dated October 30, 1979, February 1980, and January 19, 1981 documents the preliminary results of the field walkdowns of all safety-related piping with diameter greater than 2 inches, which was conducted during the 1979 and 1980 Refueling Outages, and tentative results of all computer input verification and reanalysis of safety-related piping systems. The licensee's letter of September 17, 1981 provides supplemental results of the January 19, 1981 letter and updates information'on the as-built condition of the safety-related piping systems. A total of 542 isometric drawings were reviewed by the walkdowns. Piping and hanger design on 189 isometrics were subsequently determined to require reanalysis. The results of the reanalyses completed have identified the need for modifications on 83 pipe supports and the addition of three new supports. The support modifications range from the addition of minor stiffening plates to the installation of support bracings. Seventy-five of the required 83 modifications, as well as the three new supports, have been completed. The remaining support modifications were completed by January 1, 198 The licensee's letter of December 28, 1981 supplements the PGE letter of September 17, 1981 regarding seismic analysis of the safety-related piping systems. As discussed in the September 17, 1981 letter, 83 pipe supports were identified for modification as a result of the reanalysis completed at that time. Modifications of all 83 pipe supports had been complete Of the other open items in the September 17 letter, the reanalysis of the pipe supports on the reactor vessel head seal leak-off line has been completed. The result of the reanalysis identified insufficient deposit of weld material on pipe supports, although the pipe loading was still less than the yield value. The support welding was corrected, prior to resumption of power operation (Mode 1) for Cycle 5 in 198 The December 28, 1981 letter advised that in addition, a reanalysis of nine valves would be performed and would include consideration of valve accelerations on pressurizer safety, relief, and block valves,


and nozzle loadings on excess letdown line valve The licensee's letter of April 12, 1982 provided the results of seisn.ic reanalysis of the nine valves. Four valves had been reanalyzed to demonstrate their acceptability without modification However, due to difficulty in the seismic calculations, the reanalysis of the remaining five valves had not been completed at that dat PGE expected to reanalyze the remaihing five valves by August 198 ;

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The licensdets' letter of December 30, 1982 provided the compl'e te




result of the reanalysis of nine valves, including.a description of k'. y modifications, if any. The reanalysis had been completed #


satisfactorily for seven valves with no modifications -required.

, Modifications for=the' remaining two valves had been identified in order to qualify these valves to higher seismic acceleration The reanalysis of the relief valves resulted in. modifications t ' replace'the bonnets and yokes on these valves. These modifications '-

had been further evaluated in light of the analysis presently being


accomplished to ' satisfy NUREG-0737 criteric and the requirements of-10 CFR 50.44(c)(3)(iii).

P Since all analysis had been successfully completed and required modifications performed, JE Bulletin 79-14 is considered close The inspector interviewed personnel and reviewed correspondence to verify that reanalysis,. modifications, and walkdowns wereicompleted in accordance with bulletip requireisent '

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' Exit Interview

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The inspector met with the licensee representatives denoted in paragraph s 1 on April 18, 1986, and summarized the , scope apd findings of the inspection activitie ' /' '

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