IR 05000275/1981018

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Forwards IE Insp Repts 50-275/81-18 & 50-323/81-12 on 810703-31.No Noncompliance Noted
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 08/05/1981
From: Crews J
To: Crane P
Shared Package
ML16340B982 List:
NUDOCS 8109030064
Download: ML17095A441 (4)


g 58)

Dockets Nos40-275 XEBQZXfg~j Pacific Gas aad Electric Company P. 0. Box 7442 San Prancisco, California 94106 Attentioa:

Mr. Philip A. Crane, Jr.

Assfstaat General Counsel a ilIl'h "'

SEP 02198tm


. Gentlemen'

This xefers to the routine monthly inspection conducted by Mr M. Meadonca of this office from July 3 to July 31, 1981, of activities authorised by NRC Construction Pe@aft Nos, CPPR-39 aad CPPR-69d aad to the discussion of our findings held by Mr Meadoaca with Mr. Thoraberry sad other members of your staff at the.conclusfon of the iaspectioa, Areas emaafaed duxing this inspection are described ia the enclosed iaspection report.

Wfthfa these areas, the inspection consisted of selective examinations of procedures aad representative records'nterviews vith personnel, and observations by the inspector No items of noncompliance'ith NRC raquiremeats were identified within the scope of this inspection ~

DR ADOCK 05000275 G


Hendonca:jg fcf



PO~ hBC-31d (Rer. M1) kXCK0140 IA nt OOViIISIISCN'.tIIIMTINOOiiIsICQ tnTl nd~ Idd Ia accordance wfthIROCZR 2.790 of the Ccmmfssfon's ragulatioas, a copy of this letter and the enclosed iaspectioa report will be pliccd in the NRC's Public Document Room, If this report contains any fnformatfon that you believe to be exempt from disclosure under 10 CPR 9 5(a) (4) ~ it is necessary that you (a) notify this office by telephone within tan (10) days from the date of this letter of your intention to file a request for withholdfngi and (b) submit within 25 days frofa the date of this letter a written applf cation to this office to vithhold such information, If yourreaa4ipt of this letter has been delayed such tLat less than seven (7) days are available fox'our review, please notify this office promptly so that a aev due date may be estab1.fshed Consistent, with section 2 790(b)(1), aay such application must be accolpaaied by an afffdauit executed by the owner of the 54%aaatfon vhich identifies the document or pert sought to be withheld, and which contains a full, statemeat of the reasons on the basis vhich ft is clahsaci that tha informscion should ba uithhald fram Imblic disclosure ggP(

109030064 810805 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY QgI


pacific Gas and Electric Company-2-gUG, 5 198$

This section further requires the statement to address with specificity the considexationa listed in 10 CPR 2.790(b) (4) ~

The information sought to be withheld shall be incorporated as far ae possible into a separate part of the affidavit. If ve do not hear from you in this regard within the specified periode noted above, the report vi11 be placed in the Public Document Room ShouLd you have any queatione concerning thia inspection, ve vi11 be glad to discuss them tith you



IE Inspection Report Noei 50 275/81-18 50 323/81

cc v/o enclosures J. O. Schuyler, PGE Z. D. Shiffer, PGZ W

Ai Raymond~


C ~ Thornberry (Diablo Caayon)

Siacdrelyy Orsginal signed by


M. Sternberg for J. L. Creme, Chief Reactor Operationa Pro)ecta Branch Sent to DMB for DCS processing Distributed by RV:

RV PDR (2)

RHE (ltr)

Resident Inspector State of CA (Hahn/Johnson)

S. Silver (rpt only)