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Forwards Amend 87 to License DPR-6,safety Evaluation & Request for Fr Publication.Amend Changes Tech Specs in Support of Installation of New source-range Monitoring Instrumentation Expected During Current Cycle 22 Outage
Person / Time
Site: Big Rock Point File:Consumers Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/28/1987
From: Zwolinski J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Berry K
Shared Package
ML20209H046 List:
NUDOCS 8702050516
Download: ML20209H039 (2)


_ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

January 28, 1987 4

DcIcket No. 50-155 'DISTRIRUTION 6; JPartlow NRC POR ACRS (10) local POR RDiggs Mr. Kenneth W. Berry BWD1 Reading TBarnhart(4)

Director, Nuclear Licensing DVassallo MJohns, Reg. III Library

, Consumers Power Company JZwolinski WJones 1945 West Parnall Road CJamerson OPA Jackson, Michigan 49201 TRotella LHarmon OGC-BETH RBernero

Dear Mr. Berry:

ELJordan EButcher -

BGrimes NThompson UCheh BRP file



Re: Big Rock Point Plant The Commission has issued the enclosed Amendment No.87 t6 Facility Operating License No. OPR-6 for the Big Rock Point Plant. This amendment is in response to your application dated August 15, 1986.

The amendment changes the Technical Specifications (TS) in support of the installation of the new source range monitoring instrumentation.

Specifically, the TS will now reflect the features and teminology used with the new instrumentation. NRC staff understands the installation of the equipment will be performed during the current Cycle ?? refueling outage.

A copy of our related Safety Evaluation is also enclosed. The Notice of Issuance will be included in the Consnission's biweekly Federal Pecister notices.


Original signed by John A. Zwolinski, Director BWR Pro.iect Directorate #1 Division of BWR Licensing .


1. Amendment No. 87 to license No. OPR-6

?. Safety Evaluation ec w/ enclosures:

See next page

'Q' DRLt0WD1 Onl:nWolf 4ETH DAL:AWD1 CJamersod)f TRotella:

if/v/P6 OGgW h, JZwolinski i /td/86 h/'qf86 n/sf/86 {

0702050516 870120 gDR ADOCK 05000155 PDR

. o Mr. Kenneth W. Berry Consumers Power Company Big Pock Point Plant cc:

Mr. Thomas A. McNish, Secretary Consumers Power Company 212 West Michigan Avenue Jackson, Michigan 49201 Judd L. Bacon, Esquire Consumers Power Company 212 West Michigan Avenue Jackson, Michigan 49201 Pia Rock Point Plant ATfN: Mr. David P. Hoffman Plant Superintendent Route 3 Post Office Box 591 Charlevoix, Michigan 497?O Mr. I. Lee Moerland Chairman, Poard of Commissioners P. O. Box 218 Charlevoix, Michigan 497?0 Office of the Governor Room 1 - Capitol Buildino Lansina, Michigan 48913 Regional Administrator Nuclear Regulatory Comission Region III 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 Nuclear Facilities and Environmental Monitoring Section Office Division of Radiological Health P. O. Box 30035 ,

Lansing Michigan 48909 Resident inspector Big Rock Point Plant c/o U.S. NRC RR #3, Box 600 Charlevoix, Michigan 49720 .

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