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Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re Licensing of Plant Since Jan 1986.Forwards App D Documents.App C & E Documents in Pdr.App E Documents Partially Withheld & App F Documents Completely Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 5)
Person / Time
Site: Perry  FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 08/08/1986
From: Grimsley D
To: Hiatt S
Shared Package
ML20212K371 List:
FOIA-86-297, RTR-NUREG-0887, RTR-NUREG-887 NUDOCS 8608220036
Download: ML20212K366 (7)




%  ! g8 M Ms. Susan L. Iliatt OCRE Representative 8275 Munson Road IN RESPONSE REFER Mentor, OH 44060 TO F0IA-86-297

Dear Ms. Hiatt:

This is in final response to your letter dated April 18, 1986, in which you requested, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), copies of records since January 1986 regarding the licensing of the Perry nuclear power plant and records pertaining to the Comission's April 17, 1986, decision to vacate the Appeal Board's March 20, 1986, Memorandum and Order regarding OCRE's motion to reopen the hearing regarding the January 31, 1986, earthquake.

The six records identified on the enclosed Appendix C are already available for public inspection and copying at the NRC Public Document Room (PDR) under the PDR assession numbers identified at the descriptions of the records.

The 18 records identified on the enclosed Appendix 0 are now available for public inspection and copying at the PDR in file F01A-86-297 under your name.

Copies of these 18 records are also enclosed.

The two records identified on the enclosed Appendix E are withheld in part pursuant to Exemption (5) of the F0IA (5 U.S.C. 552(b)(5)) and 10 CFR 9.5(a)(5) of the Comission's regulations. These two records are from the files of the 3

Office of the General Counsel regarding the operating license for the Perry nuclear power plant. These records contain predecisional legal analyses, opinions, and recomendations of the Office of the General Counsel and reflect the deliberative process within the Office of the General Counsel in its effort to advise the Comission on this issue.' The release of the withheld portions of these records would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process. The released portions of these two records are enclosed and are now available for public inspection and copying at the PDR in file F01A-86-297 under your name.

You will be billed separately by our Division of Accounting and Finance in the amount of $3.30 for the enclosed 66 pages.

The 15 records identified on the enclosed Appendix F are withheld in their entirety pursuant to Exemption (5) of'the F0IA (5 U.S.C. 552(b)(5)) and 10 CFR 9.S(a)(5) of the Comission's regulations. These records are various ,

memoranda and notes maintained by the Comission and the Office of the General Counsel which contain predecisional advice, opinions, and recomendations regarding the Perry nuclear power plant. These documents contain no reasonably segregable factual portions.

I 1

8608220036 PDR FOIA 860808 HIATT86-297 PDR ,

4 h

Ms. Hiatt -

2-Pursuant to 10 CFR 9.15 of the Commission's regulations, it has been determined that the information withheld is exempt from production or disclosure and that its production or disclosure is contrary to the public interest. The person responsible for the denial of portions of documents 1 and 2 on Appendix E and document 15 on Appendix F is Mr. James A. Fitzgerald, Assistant General Counsel for Adjudications and Opinions. The person responsible for the denial of documents 1 through 14 on Appendix F is Mr. John C. Hoyle, Assistant Secretary of the Commission.

These denials ~may be appealed to the Commission within 30 days from the receipt of this letter. Any such appeal must be in writing, addressed to the Secretary of the Commission, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555, and should clearly state on the envelope and in the. letter that it is an

" Appeal:from an Initial FOIA Decision."

This completes NRC's action on your FOIA request.

Sincerely, i


( M>y i Donnie H. Grimsley, Director i

Division of Rules and Records

Office of Administration a


As stated -

t i

4 I I 4

1 i


-r- e-e- <~ - r , m e------w - g v- g r, ,,

Re: F01A-86-297 APPENDIX C Records Subject to F0IA-86-297 Already in PDR

1. 02/03/86 Motion to Reopen the Record and to Submit a New Contention in the Matter of the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. et al (Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2)'

Docket Nos. 50-440 OL, 50-441 OL, by intervenor Ohio Citizens for Responsive Energy (Acc. No. 8602100442) (7pages)

2. 03/20/86 Attachment 1 to Secy 86-109: ALAB Memorandum and Order, Docket Nos. 50-440 OL and 50-441 OL (Acc. No. 8603210141) (20 pages)
3. 03/27/86 ALAB Order (Acc. No. 8603310171) (1page)
4. 04/10/86 Transcript Page 19 of Public Meeting, (1page) subject: Periodic Briefing on NT0L's (A. No. 8604180040)
5. 04/18/86 Memorandum and Order CLI-86-07 (Acc. No. 8604210259) - (9 pages)
6. 04/25/86 Memorandum for Herzel H.E. Plaine.from Samuel J. Chilk re: Staff Requirements-Affirmation / Discussion and Vote, 5:00 p.m.,

Thursday, April 17, 1986, (Acc. No. 8605020384) (1page) l l


. , , -.. .~ . -- . .. .- . - - - - - - - . _ . .

t i- - Re: F01A-86-297 APPENDIX D i Records in PDR File F0IA-86-297 4

1. Undated Perry Power Plant Organization-Chart (1 page)
2. Undated CEI Staffing - Perry Power Plant Slides Used During Comissioner Bernthal's Site Visit (6 pages) l 3. _01/29/86 Memorandum from James Meyer from T.A. Rehm re:

! -Background Information in Perry 1 Nuclear Power Plant i for Commissioner Bernthal_(10 pages)-

4. 01/30/86 Agenda for-Commissioner'Bernthal's Visit to Perry Nuclear Power Plan (1 page) j 5. 01/30/86. Agenda for Commissioner Bernthal's Tour of Perry Nuclear-Power Plant (2 pages) y!
6. 01/30/86 Agenda for Comissioner Bernthal's Site Visit (l' page)


7. 02/18/86 Letter to Chairman Palladino from Connie Piteo re

i, January.31, 1986 earthquake in Ohio (1 page)-

! 8. 02/20/86 Memorandum for Carl Kammerer from Nunzio J. Palladino re:

}- Follow-up to Markey letter'(1 page).

t i 9. 02/25/86 Letter to Congressional Affairs from Senator John Glenn

! enclosing letter to Nunzio Palladino from Robert E. Hagan (2 pages)


10. 02/28/86 Letter to Robert Bernero from Anne L. Forristall're:

Perry Nu. clear Plant's Loading of Fuel an the Issuance of a Low-Power Operation License to Cleveland Electric -

t Illuminating Company (1 page)

11. 02/28/86 Letter to Nunzio Palladino from John F. Seiberling re:

February 6, 1986, meeting (1 page)

12. 03/11/86 Letter to Nunzio Palladino from Morris K. Udall re:
Hearings concerning the January 31, 1986 earthquake (2pages) i

. 13. 03/11/86 Memorandum for the Comission from Carlton Kammerer re:

Comission Level Documents Related to Perry Earthquake (4 pages)

14. 03/14/86' Memorandum for J. Del Medico from Walter Magee re:

L Comission Level Documents Related to Perry Earthquake-(1 page)

I 15. 04/16/86 'AffirmationResponseSheet(1page) i l


16. 04/18/86 Affirmation Response Sheet (1 page)
17. 04/18/86 Memorandum for Andy Bates from Pat Davis re: JKA Views on Perry Order (5 pages) 18.'03/13/86 Memorandum for the Commission from Victor Stello re:

Planned Low Power Licensing of Perry, Unit 1 (23 pages) aM


.a i

l Re: F0IA-86-297 Appendix E Records Subject to F01A-86-297 Withheld in Part


_1. 01/28/86 Monitoring Report re: -Perry OL (withheld: 2 pa of first and second page; released: 1 paragraph)ges, balance

2. 03/28/86 Monitoring Report re: Perry OL (withheld: 2 pages, balance of first page and second page; released: 1 paragraph) e

t Re: F01A-86-297 APPENDIX F.

I Records Subject to F01A-86-297 Being Withheld in Entirety

1. Undated Draft Comission Memorandu'm and Order (3 pages)
2. Undated Attachment-to SECY 86-109A.- Draft Commission Memorandum and Order (3 pages)-
3. Undated Attachment'3 to SECY 86-109, Draft Commission Memorandum-and Order-(4 pages) c 4. 04/08/86 Attachment 2 to SECY 86-109, Draft Memorandum and Order (4 pages) i
5. 04/15/86- SECY-86-109, subject: Perry Appeal. Board Decision to-Hold an Exploratory Hearing on Safety Significance Issues Raised in Intervenor's Motion to Reopen (7 pages)
6. 04/15/86 Note to F. Bernthal, "SECY on Perry Appeal Board Decision to Hold an Exploratory Hearing on Safety .

Significance of Issues Raised in Intervenor's Motion to t Reopen" (2 pages) i

7. 04/15/86 Vote sheet of T. M. Roberts on SECY-86-109, " Perry Appeal Board Decision to Hold an Exploratory Hearing on Safety l

Significance of Issues Raised in Intervenor's Motion to 4

Reopen" (2 pages) -

8. 04/15/86 Vote sheet of F. Bernthal on SECY-86-1.09~(1 page)
9. 04/16/86 SECY-86-109A, subject: Perry. Appeal Board Decision to Hold an Exploratory Hearing on Safety Significance of Issues Raised in Intervenor's Motion to Reopen (2 pages)
10. 04/16/86 Vote sheet of N. J. Palladino on SECY-86-109 (5 pages)
11. 04/16/86 VotesheetofL.W.ZechonSECY-86-109(2pages)
12. 04/16/86 Memo-for Affirmation signed by A. Bates, SECY, SECY-86-109, " Perry Appeal Board Decision to Hold an Exploratory Hearing on Safety Significance of Issues Raised in Intervenor's Motion to Reopen," (1 page with attached

. 4-page draft Memorandum and Order regarding Perry)

13. 04/17/86 h te sheet of F. Bernthal on SECY-86-109A (1 page)
14. 04/22/86 Memo from A. Bates to Commissioners, Staff Requirements l Memorandum, (1 page with attached 1-page draft. memo from 1

S. J. Chilk to Commissioners " Staff' Requirements -

I- Affirmation / Discussion and Vote," 5:00 p.m., Thursday,

! April 17, 1986

15. 05/15/86 Memorandum for N. J. Palladino from J. Fitzgerald re:

l 4

" Circulation of a paper on DD-4, Perry" ('ge)


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