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Advises of Planned Insp Effort Resulting from Perry PPR Review,Which Was Completed on 990202.Overall,performance at Perry Was Acceptable
Person / Time
Site: Perry FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/26/1999
From: Grant G
To: Myers L
NUDOCS 9904070102
Download: ML20205G044 (32)


... -




REGloN lli o



'2 lisle. ILLINots 60532-4351

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March 26, 1999 Mr. Lew W. Myers Vice President - Nuclear FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company P. O. Box 97, A200 Perry, OH 44081



On February 2,1999, the NRC staff completed a Plant Performance Review (PPR) of the Perry Nuclear Power Plant. The staff conducts these reviews for all operating nuclear power plants to develop an integrated understandino of safety performance. The results are used by NRC management to facilitate planning and allocation of inspection resources. PPRs provide NRC management with a current summary of licensee performance and serve as inputs to the NRC's senior management meeting (SMM) reviews. PPRs examine information since the last assessment of licensee performance to evaluate long term trends, but emphasize the last 6 months to ensure that the assessments reflect current performance. The PPR for Perry involved the participation of all technical divisions in evaluating inspection results and safety performance information for the period March 1,1998, to January 31,1999. The NRC's most recent summary of licensee performance was provided in a letter of April 7,1998, and was discussed in a public meeting with you on April 21,1998.

As discussed in the NRC's Administrative Letter 98-07 of October 2,1998, the PPR provides an assessment of licensee performance during an interim period that the NRC has suspended its Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance (SALP) program. The NRC suspended its SALP program to complete a review of its processes for assessing performance at nuclear

- power plants. At the end of the review period, the NRC will decide whether to resume the SALP program or terminate it in favor of an improved process.

The plant was operated near or at 100 percent power from the beginning of the assessment period until July 1, when the reactor scrammed due to a spurious initiation of the reactor core isolation cooling (RCIC) system. The unit was connected to the grid on July 4 and remained at or near 100 percent power for the remainder of the period.

Overall, performance at Perry was acceptable. Progress continued to be made in enhancing station performance. Of particular note is that the operator performance issues raised in the last SALP report have been effectively addressed. Some recurring balance of plant material condition issues exist but the maintenance department has been effective in maintaining the overall good material condition of the plant. Engineering support to other organizations continued to be good. Plant support performance remained good and no major weaknesses exist in this functional area. Although there is a low threshold for problem identification and the corrective action program received close management attention, some recent failures to 9904070102 99032640j PDR ADOCK 05 G


' L. Myers '

i adequately implement the program have been identified. Some human performance and procedural adherence issues occurred during the period and improvement is needed in these areas.

4 Operators' performance improved during the period as they performed well during both routine operations and in response to transients. The plant was operated safely and conservatively 4

during the assessment period. Close analysis of plant indications resulted in the early detection

- of three minor fuel leaks. Several hundred control rod manipulations were performed essentially error-free to suppress the leaks. Shift briefings continued to be of high quality and operator panel attentiveness improved after problems were noted in this area early in this assessment period. However, some operator errors continued to occur due primarily to instances where procedures were not properly adhered to and to insufficient attention-to-detail while performing certain assigned tasks. In addition to normal core inspections, the resident inspectors will perform initiative inspections to assess operator adherence to procedures and attention-to-detail while performing routine plant operations.

Maintenance performance improved during the assessment period. Surveillance testing was thoroughly conducted with an appropriate questioning attitude when unexpected results were received. The maintenance work request backlog is maintained at a low level. However, persistent procedural adherence issues exist and human errors have occurred which has detracted from the otherwise good performance in this area. The material condition of the plant is good but some repetitive problems with feedwater heaters and control complex chillers have d'stracted and challenged plant operators. The maintenance rule has been adequately implementad; however, on a number of occasions, equipment has been considered available for maintenance rule trending purposes even though several operator actions may have been necessary in order for the equipment to perform its safety function. This practice could lead to inadequate plant risk assessment. In addition to normal core inspections, the resident inspectors will perform initiative inspections to assess the procedure adherence improvement i

initiatives implemented at the station and observe maintenance work activities during the


upcoming refueling outage.

l Engineering performance remained consistent. Engineering personnel have provided good support to the operations and maintenance departments especially with regard to failed surveillances. Considerable effort has been expended to resolve longstanding material condition issues through design changes. Severallicense amendments to resolve issues such as feedwater check valve leakage have been submitted for review leading to the upcoming outage. However, some staff have extended the due dates for developing and implementing corrective actions for deficient conditions which detracted from the otherwise good performance 1

in the engineering department's implementation of the corrective action program, in addition to normal core inspections, the resident inspectors will perform initiative inspections to review the implementation of modifications during the upcoming refueling outage.

Plant support performance remained consistent. The radiation protection (RP) and chemistry programs were well-implemented, and personnel performance was very good. Security performance was also generally effective. Although the security staff was pro-active in investigating and resolving other security issues, instances where fitness-for-duty procedures



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L. Myers

~ 3-were not properly adhered to detracted from the generally good performance in this area. No specific fire protection or emergency preparedness inspections were pericrined during the assessment period. However, inadequate understanding and implementation of the transient combustible material control program by plant personnel led to instances where cass, activities in the fire protection area were not adequately controlled. The performance during this period does not warrant any additional inspection effort above the normal core NRC inspection program. contains a historicallisting of plant issues, referred to as the Plant issues Matrix (PIM), that were considered during this PPR process to arrive at an integrated view of licensee performance trends. The PIM includes items summarized from inspection reports or other docketed correspondence between the NRC and FirstEnergy. The NRC does not attempt to document all aspects of licensee programs and performance that may be functioning appropriately. Rather, the NRC only documents issues that the NRC believes warrant management attention or represent noteworthy aspects of performance. In addition, the PPR may also have considered some predecisional and draft material that does not appear in the attached PIM, including observations from events and inspections that had occurred since the last NRC inspection report was issued, but had not yet received full review and consideration.

j This material will be placed in the PDR as part of the normal issuance of NRC inspection reports and other correspondence.

This letter advises you of our planned inspection effort resulting from the Perry PPR review. It is provided to minimize the resource impact on your staff and to allow for scheduling conflicts and personnel availability to be resolved in advance of inspector arrival onsite. Enclosure 2 details our inspection plan for the next 6 months. The rationale or basis for each inspection outside the core inspection program is provided so that you are aware of the reason for emphasis in these program areas. Resident inspections are not listed due to their ongoing and continuous nature.

We willinform you of any changes to the inspection plan. If you have any questions, please contact me at 630-829-9866.


/s/Geoffrey E. Grant Geoffrey E. Grant, Director Division of Reactor Projects Docket No. 50-440 License No. NPF-58


1. Plant issues Matnx
2. Inspection Plan i

See Attached Distribution DOCUMENT NAME: G:\\PERR\\lNSPPLN8.PER

  • See previous concurrences To receive a co py of this document, Indicate in the box 'C' = Copy w/o attach /enci *E' - Copy w/ attach /enci *N' = No copy OFFICE
  • Rill E
  • Rill lE Rlli l

l NAME-DuPont/mi Kozak Grant &/

DATE 03/26/99 03/26/99 03//W99' L OFFICIAL RECORD COPY l

L.- Myers 3-good performance in this area. No specific fire protection or emergency preparedness inspections were performed during the assessment period. However, inadequate understanding and implementation of the transient combustible material control program by plant personnel led to instances where certain activities in the fire protection area were not adequately controlled. The performance during this period does not warrant any additional inspection effort above the normahNRC inspection program.

uro contains a historical listing of plant issues, referred to as the Plant issues Matrix (PIM), that were considered during this PPR process to arrive at an integrated view of licensee performance trends. The PIM includes items summarized from inspection reports or other docketed correspondence between the NRC and FirstEnergy. The NRC does not attempt to document all aspects of licensee programs and performance that may be functioning appropriately. Rather, the NRC only documents issues that the NRC believes warrant management attention or represent noteworthy aspects of performance. In addition, the PPR may also have considered some predecisional and draft material that does not appear in the attached PIM, including observations from events and inspections that had occurred since the last NRC inspection report was issued, but had not yet received full review and consideration.

This material will be placed in the PDR as part of the normal issuance of NRC inspection reports and other correspondence.

This letter advises you of our planned inspection effort resulting from the Perry PPR review. It is provided to minimize the resource impact on your staff and to allow for scheduling conflicts and personnel availability to be resolved in advance of inspector arrival onsite. Enclosure 2 details our inspection plan for the next 6 months. The rationale or basis for each inspection outside the core inspection program is provided so that you are aware of the reason for emphasis in these program areas. Resident inspections are not listed due to their ongoing and continuous nature.

We willinform you of any changes to the inspection plan. If you have any questions, please contact me at 630-829-9866.

Sincerely, Geoffrey E. Grant, Director Division of Reactor Projects Docket No. 50-440 License No. NPF-58


1. Plant issues Matrix
2. Inspection Plan See Attached Distribution DOCUMENT NAME: G:\\PERR\\lNSPPLN8.PER To receive a co py of this document, indjcate in the box "C" = Copy w/o attach /enet "E" = Cgy w/ attach / encl"N" = No copy i

OFFICE Rill l8 Rill l6 Rll!

l l

NAME DuPont/ml Jh.


.fL Grant 03/1/99 i '/3 03/3/99 03/ /99 DATE 7


.,y L. Myers cc w/encls:

H. Hegrat, Manager, Regulatory Affairs R. Schrauder, Director, Nuclear Engineering Department


W. Kanda, General Manager 1

Nuclear Power Plant Department N. Bonner, Director, Nuclear Maintenance Department H. Bergendahl, Director Nuclear Services Department

- State Liaison Officer, State of Ohio R. Owen, Ohio Department of Health C. Glazer, State of Ohio Public Utilities Commission N. Hofstetter, Chairman, Geauga

. County Board B. Jordan, Director, Department of Emergency Services D. Wedge, Assistant Director, Department of Emergency Services G. Simmons, Geauga County Sheriff R. S. Boggs, Ashtabula County Commissioner W. Johnson, Ashtabula County Sheriff 1

E. Somppi, Emergency Management Coordinator The Honorable Robert Skilliter, Jr.

G. Adams, Genoa Village Administrator D. Fellows, Lake County Board President D. Dunlap, Lake County Sheriff R. McMahon, City Manager, Painesville K. Gauntner, Jr., County Administrator The Honorable Thomas M. Coffman The Honorable Dan Di Liberto The Honorable Julie Morales T. Neuman, President, Geneva City Council C. Zins, Geneva City Manager The Honorable Mario V. Marcopoli The Honorable Richard A. Hennig J. Suso, Mentor City Manager The Honorable John M. Rogers K. Molenaar, Administrative Director The Honorable Mort O'Ryan The Honorable David E. Anderson The Honorable Lorraine M. Fende The Honorable David Reed J. Sample, Administrator, Village of Madison l


.. ~ -...

g.;3 ;,1 L. Myers cc w/encls:

M. L. McCracken, Chairman, Madison Board of Trustees The Honorable John Turben The Honorable Georgette Allison The Honorable Joseph Dudas 1

The Honorable John Roskos

~ The Honorable Alan Di Liberto'-

l INPO-Distribution:

RPC (E-Mail)

G. Tracy, OEDO w/encls.

Chief, NRR/ DISP /PIPB w/encls T. Boyce, NRR w/encls Project Director, NRR w/encls Project Mgr., NRR w/encls J. Caldwell, Rlll w/encls B. Clayton, Rlli w/encls R. Lickus, Rlli w/encls SRI Perry w/encls DRP w/encls DRS (2) w/encls

- Rlli PRR w/encls PUBLIC IE-01 w/encis Docket File w/encls i


l 070001 4

t s

0 '



Pogo: 1 of 8 Dole:03/29/1999-United States Nuclear Regulatory Comm..ission Tim.: enss o2 Region a PLANT ISSUE MATRIX PERRY By Primary Functional Areo Funcilonal Template Dale Source Areo ID Type Codes item Description 02/26/1999 1999001 Prt OPS NRC NEG Prt 3B Inottention to detail by a Ecensed operator led to using the wrong section of an Operating hstruction for o 3,

system restoration activity. The operator identified his error and appropriately notified operations monogernent of the occurrence. Plant management provided trotning to operottons personnel Tec emphasizing the importance of self-checking and ottention to detail during work activities 02/26/1999 1999001 Prt OPS NRC POS Prt 1A The inspectors concluded that the licensee effectively replaced two circuit cards h the redundant reactMty control system. which was categorized as a medium risk molntenance actMty, through the use of good M*


briefings, effective command and control, and clear communications between operations and Tec maintenance personnel 01/12/1999 1998020 Prt OPS NRC POS Prt 1A The licensee continued to :,ofely and effectively monoge the effects of three minor fuelleaks in the core.

Operations and chemistry personnel remained focused on testing actMties.

g Tec 01/12/1999 1998020 Prt OPS NRC POS Prt1B Operations department personnel took prompt and effective actions in response to two outomatic iso!ctions of feedwater heaters.

3 3

Tec 12/02/1998 1998019 Prt OPS NRC POS PrtIB The inspectors concluded that the licensee continued to safely and effectively mitigate the effects of two minor fuelleaks in the core. The inspectors dso concluded that the operator observing and reporhng the Sec*-


minor problem found on a panel walkdown initiated prompt corrective actions for the fuelleck Tec 12/02/1998 1998019 Pri: OPS NRC POS Prt Operators generol!y exhibited good ottention-to-deton while performing their work as evidenced by the prompt identification ond resolution of a diesel generator tochometer power supply foHure Sec' T

Sec, Tec 10/22/1998 1998021 Prt OPS NRC NEG Prt 1C The annud requalification examination for licensed operators had been developed such that the minimum regulatory requirements were satisfied. However, specific weaknesses b the indMdual development of M'*
Sec, NRC-style performance evoluotions (Job Performance Measures - JPM format) and a lock of documented Tec monogement validation and review demonstrated a lock of quality control.

10/22/1998 1998021 Prt OPS NRC POS Prt 1A in generol. Rcensed operators at the plant specific simulator executed their duties b o sofe manner durbg obnormal and emergency conditions, and h occordance with station procedures and management g,

g, expectations. The licensee correctly identified minor deficiencies b indMdual performance which did not Tec impact the crew's ability to implement necessory sofeguards measures.

10/22/1998 1998021 Prt OPS NRC POS PrtIC Annud requalification examinations were administered according to program guidance and consistent with regulatory guidelines. Experienced evductors were hetng used to verify operator mastery of needed sk!Its.



Adequate evoluotion means were h place to provide positive feedback into the Ecensed operator Tec continuing training program. Tne variety of methods provided for operator feedback was o program enhancement.

Item Type (Compliance,Other), From 09/01/1998 To 03/26/1999

Page: 2 of 8 Dole:03/29/1999 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commiss. ion um.:enss:o2 -

Region a PLANT ISSUE MATRIX PERRY By Primary Funcflonal Aroo i

Functional Template Date Source Areo ID Type Codes item Description 10/22/1998 1998021 Prt OPS NRC POS Pd IC Licensed operator performance deficiencies requiring remediction training were Oppwpdately identifiec',

ossigned, and completed prior to returning on operator to licensed duties. Satisfactory operator 3g.

g *.

performance with noted weaknesses was given on oppropriote level of remediction training.

Tec 10/22/1998 1998021 Prt OPS NRC POS PrtIC The licensee oppropriotely maintoined individual operator licenses in on octive status and ensured the medicot fitness of each licensed operator consistent with program guidelines and in compliance with Sec-k c.

regulatory requirements.

Tec 10/20/1998 1998018 Prt OPS NRC POS Pd 1 A The inspectors concluded that a specio! evolution was effectively conducted to isolate and suppress a small fuel look. Operations department personnel maintained a high level of reactivtty control oworeness during 3g.*


the several hundred control rod manipulations which occurred during the speclo! evolution.

Tec 10/20/1998 1998018 Prl OPS NRC POS Prt 1B The licensee took prompt and conservative actions upon the report of possible seismic octivity in the vicinity of the plant. Operations department persorinel conducted verifications of key indicators and plant 5

5 -

h e,'

walkdowns, even though no seisrnic olarm was received.

Tec 09/08/1998 1998016 Prt OPS NRC POS Prt 2A Operations department personnel took prompt and effective actions in response to the automatic isolation o

e er, m

s w

ng m m

cW kc-*

See: SA volve hydraulic control subloops, and the foihre of on overage range monitor post-mointenance test.

Tec The operators effectively interacted during the events with open communications between all levels of the on-shift operating crews. The operators quicidy identified and responded to the situations and inifloted corrective action documents in occordonce with licensee management expectations.

02/26/1999 1999001-01 Prt MAINT NRC NCV Prt 2B The inspectors identified that a surveillance test to monitor the condition of the Unit 2. DMsion 3 bottery was not conducted in accordonce with the procedure. This failure to follow on opproved procedure was kc*


considered o Non-Cited Violation of NRC requirements Tec 02/26/1999 1999001-02 Prt MA!NT NRC NCV Pri-2B Plant personnel failed to odhere in oil cases to plant procedures governing the storage of items near safety-retated equipment. One Non-Cited Violation was identified concerning this issue 3,c.


Tec 02/26/1999 1999001-03 Prt MAINT NRC NCV Prt 2B The procedure for conducting surveillance testing of hydrogen igniters was revised to ensure that increased frequency testing would be performed in the future when necessary. The failure to perform the increased k c-

% c*.

frequency testing between March 15 and October 1,1998, was a violation of TS SR This Tec non-repetitive, licensee-identified cod corrected violation is being treated as on NCV, consistent with SectionVll.B.1 of the NRC Enforcement Policy. (NCV 50-440/99001-03(DRP))

01/12/1999 1998020 Prt MAINT NRC NEG Prt 2A Emergent equipment problems resulted in chollenges to plant operators and several entries into Technical Specification Limiting Conditions for Operation. In general, the issues were reso!ved prompffy: however, M c-h e.

repeat problems with feedwoter heater level control and control complex chillers continue to represent a Tec chollenge for plant staff item Type (Cornpliance.Other), From 09/01/1998 To 03/26/1999 i

Page: 3 of 8 Date: 03/29/1999 United States Nuclear Regulatory Comm..ission Tim.: ensse2 Recon In PLANT ISSUE MATRIX PERRY By Primary Functional Areo Functional Template Date Source Area ID Type Codes item Description 12/02/1998 1998019 Prt MAINT NRC NEG Prt 2B inattention-to-detail by a test performer and a unit supervisor, respectively, led to o dofo entry error durbg a hydrogen igniter surveillance test and a failure to identify the error during a review of the test results Se

Sec, Tec 12/02/1998 1998019 Prt MAINT NRC NEG Prt 28 A misinterpretation by the licensee of the Technical Specification (TS) boses regarding pressure in the secondary containment led operators to not recognize that a Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) entry g e*,

3 *,

existed during surveillance testing of the annulus exhaust gas treatment system fans. The TS LCO was not Tec exceeded h thisinstance 12/02/1998 1998019 Prt MAINT NRC NEG Prt 3A Inottention-to-detoit by on instrument and control (1&C) technicion led to incorrect chart paper being installed in the control panel suppression pool level chart recorder. The incorrect chart paper remained Sec'-


insto!!ed due to the failure of I&C technicians and operators to recognize this error during panel wdkdowns Ter:

until the inspectors identified it 7 days offer installation 12/02/1998 1998019 Prt MAINT NRC NEG Prt 3A Although licensee monogement hos recently taken actions to improve procedure adherence of the Perry Plant, the actions were not effective in ensuring personnel odhered to the procedurd requirement that the Sec-'


supervising operator manipulote control panel pushbuttons during hydraulic control unit testing octMties.

Tec Although a number of different supervisors and workers were aware of the procedural requirement, work was not stopped to revise the procedure to reflect the way the Job was planned 12/02/1998 1998019-01 Prt MAINT NRC NCV Prt 3A Procedural instructions were not completely followed while o scoffold was erected which resulted h the scaffold interfering with the operation of a safety-related containment vacuum breaker, This was similar to, 3,

3 7*

but not a direct repeat of, previously identified scaffold construction procedure issues Ter-12/02/1998 1998019 Prt MAINT NRC POS Prt l A Routine plant operations were chorocterized bY good teamwork and effective communications among work groups which resulted in the resolution of a moisture separator / reheater drain tank drain leak and the Sec: OPS

Sec, proper performance of the high pressure core spray system roorn cooler surveillance test.

Tec 10/20/1998 1998018 Prt MAINT NRC POS Prt1A Operations department personnel responded appropriately to obnormo! Indicottons for the rod control and t

information system. The coordination between the workgroups involved in the troubleshooting and repolt l

ge, 3,*,,.

was good distractions to the operators were kept to o minimum, and the problem was repaired in a timely 6



10/20/1998 1998018 Pit MAINT NRC POS Prt 2A Plant monogement demonstrated good involvement in the priorttization of the control complex chiH water motor replacement, the assignment of a project monoger for the work octMty, and during the oversight of ge, Sec.

the activity, which resulted in the motor being replaced in on efficient and timely manner.

Tec 10/20/1998 199801841 Prt MAINT NRC VIO lV Prt 2B The inspectors concluded that a fire watch demonstrated inadequate knowledge of his fire watch responsibilities during welding activities on the Division 1 diesel gererotor silencer. One violation was


identified when a fire watch inoppropriately ofiowed welders to perform hot work with a significant quantity Tec of wood in the immediate work crea.

Item Type (Compliance Other), From 09/01/1998 To 03/2' 6/1999

Page: 4 of 6 Date: 03/29/1999 Unit;d Stat:s Nuclear Regulatory Comm. ion iss nme:0nsss2 -

negion c PLANT ISSUE MATRIX PERRY By Primary Functional Area Functiono!

Template Date Source Areo ID Type Codes Item Description 10/20/1998 1998018 42 Pri MAINT NRC NCV Prt 2B

/fier deciding to use wood, maintenance department personnel ciid not initiate a transient combustible permit (TCP) for the temporary staging of the wood. The follure to generate o TCP was similar to, but not o g.

Sec, direct repeat of, other recent examples of problems with station personnel's awareness of when a TCP is Tec required.

09/08/1998 1998016 Prt MAINT NRC POS Prt 2B The inspectors determined that the licensee effectively incorporated probabilistic risk ossessment (PRA) techniques into daily plant operations. For example, a shift supervisor (SS) requested o new PRA value for g.


the potential loss of on emergency service water isolotion volve offer it was discovered that the vdve may Tec not open due to missing gear teeth. The SS questioned the initial PRA value that was provided and a recalculation of the va!ue resulted in the identification that the risk category was actuotty medium os opposed to low for this condition.

09/08/1998 1998016 Prt MAINT NRC POS Prt 5B The inspectors concluded that operations department personnel demonstrated a good questioning "O

O' g.*

See: 2B resistance-to-ground readings did not meet the acceptance criterion of fire survelliance test. Also, the Tec on-shift operating crew mode the appropriate Technical Specifications entries based on their ossessment of the HR test results.

07/08/1998 1998016 Prt MAINT NRC POS Pri SC The inspectors concluded ihot the licensee was proactive in replacing a degraded emergency service water pump in o planned outoge prior to its failure. While the outoge was completed within the allotted g'

3 time in the opplicable Technical Specification limiting condition for operottort better pionning for the mioge Tec could have resolved pump shaft design differences and could have reduced the on-line out-of-servk,e time for sofety-related equipment.

02/26/1999 1999001 Prt ENG NRC NEG Prt 4A The Unit 2. Division 3 battery was dectored inoperable offer the licensee identified that its age was greater than its rated lifetime and that increased frequency testing was required by Technical Specifications. The 3,g.


bottery was subsequently successfully tested.

Tec 02/26/1999 1999001 Prt ENG NRC POS Prt SC The Inspectors concluded that there was generally on oppropriate amount of monogement involvement in he corrective action program Sec' Se Tec 01/12/1999 1998020-02 Prt ENG NRC ViO IV Prt SC The inspectors concluded that not all aspects of the licensee's corrective action program guidelines were fully implemented. The repeated extensions of a due date for ocflons to address a potential over thrust 3g.


condition on a shutdown cooling volve resulted in the failure to promptly evoluote and resofve this situotion.

Tec which was a violation of NRC requirements.

12/02/1998 1998019 Prt ENG NRC POS Prt 4B The inspectors concluded that there was on oppropriate level of documentation for emergent equipment issues, that the process for requiring and documenting the need for on operobility evoluotion was M'

Sec, formalized, and that operability determinations provided proper justification to operations department Tec personnel itsm Type (Compliance.Other). From 09/01/1998 To 03/26/1999

Page: 5 of 8 Dole: 03/29/1999 United Stat:s Nuclear Regulatory Commission Tim.:07:ss:o2 -


PERRY By Primary Functional Aroo l

Functional Template i

Date Source Areo ID Type Codes item Description 10/20/1998 1998018 Prt ENG NRC POS Prt SB The inspectors concluded that a chemistry technicion property ondyzed a routine off gas somple wNch j

indicated a sman fuel pin leak had occurred and promptly notified the oppropriote station persomet. Also.


W' Sec,'

engineering department personnel provided good support for determining the location and suppressing the Tec leak.

i 09/08/1998 1998016 Prt ENG NRC POS Prt 4B The inspectors concluded that engineering department personnel were prompfty involved in the testing i

activ! ties and thoroughly pursued the resolution of the proper testing methodology for the hrs. The g *,

Inspectors considered that there was good supervisory and senior management oversight during problem Tec discovery. Investigation, and resolution of this issue.

09/08/1998 199801641 Prt ENG NRC NCV Prt SB The licensee performod o comprehensive root cause evoluction of the two reactor core isolation cooling turbine trips and identified that governor volve stem binding was the root cause of the trips. The information g.

g *,

developed through this evduction was appropriately disseminated to the Industry Tec 02/26/1999 1999004 Prt PLTSUP NRC POS PrtIC The RP staff effectively considered radiologicd hozords in preporing controls and instructions for the 1999 refueling outoge. For example, the ALARA Reviews and RWPs contained oppropriate radiologicd hold g.

g, points, cnticipated radiological conditions, and provisions for engineering controls, which were routinely Tec incorporated directly into the work orders. Extensive system flushes and training via work site mock-ups, which included the use of the Unit 2 facility, were dso planned to reduce radiction dose.

02/26/1999 1999004 Prt PLTSUP NRC POS Prt IC The licensee provided thorough radiologicd planning and strong oversight of diving work ossociateo'with the inclined fuel transfer system. The work instructions and radiological pionning documents containeo S '


oppropriate radiological controls and lessons leomeo from previous diving evolutions. The inspector Tec observed good communications between the RP staff and the diving crew ond effective control of the evolution.

02/26/1999 1999004 Prt PLTSUP NRC POS Prt1C The licensee's rodiction worker training program was well implemented. Trdning lesson plans provided on copr priate level of radiation safety instruction, which was consistent with NRC requirements. In addition, S -


the licensee conducted training exercises which effectively challenged trainees to demonstrate radiologicd Tec practices and to identify work area problems.

02/26/1999 IV99004 Prt PLTSUP NRC POS Prt 1C The quality assurance and RP staffs performed comprehensive reviews of the RP program. The ossessments f

were well pl nned and of appropriate scope. In additiort the RP staff ciso performed thorough evoluotions M *'

S 58 of RP performance indicators. The inspector concluded that these ossessments and evoluotions were t'

Tec effectively used to identify and to correct performance issues.

11/06/1998 1998022 Prt PLTSUP NRC NEG Prt IC The inspectors observed some problems concerning the content of chemistry procedures. For example, o n te in the routine chemistry sompling procedure contained directions which the stoff was not fully g.

Sec, Implementing. Although the chemistry staff was attempting to correct these issues and had performed a Tec complete review of the department's procedures, the staff had not identified the above problerTt which indicated a lock of rigor in the initial reviews.

11/06/1998 1998022 Prt PLTSUP NRC NOED Prt IC The licensee maintained the PASS as required by station procedures. Quality control results for 1997 demonstrated that the system was obtaining representative Equid somples. Although the testing results were g '.

3 not acceptoble for 1998, the licensee was taking actions to resolve testing problems and system operability Tec issues. In additiort the licensee provided PASS training to chemistry technicions which was comprehensive and included on evoluotion of technician performance.

Item Type (Compliance,Other), From 09/01/1998 To 03/26/1999

Page: 6 of 8 Date:03/29/1999 United Stat:s Nuclear R gulatory Cnmmission Tim.: o7:sss2 Region 11:

PLANT ISSUE MATRIX PERRY By Primary Functional Areo Functional Temploie Date Source Areo ID Type Codes item Description 11/06/1998 1998022 Prt PLTSUP NRC POS Prt 1C The licensee maintained a strong commitment to reducing corrosive impurities h the reactor coolant system.

Reactor coolant sulphate and chloride concentrations were molntoined at levels which were well below the 3,e.*


industry overages, in addition, the chemistry staff performed thorough evoluotions of chemistry trends and Tet of the levels of zinc in the reactor coolant system to reduce radiological source term. The inspectors otso noted effective teomwork 11/06/1998 1998022 Prk Pl'.SUP NRC POS Prt IC The licensee maintained oggressive control and monitoring of occumulated personnel dose. For examplo.

the RP stoff prepared monthly ALARA reports which documented each plant department's dose 3 *,


performance and compared that peiformance to established gods. For 1998, the licensee's annual dose Tet performance was projected to be one of the lowest in the industry for boiling water reoctors.

11/06/1998 1998022 Prt PliSUP NRC POS Prt 1C The chemistry staff irnplemented a sound quality control (QC) program for laboratory instruments. The inspectors found that instrument performance tests were property performed and that control chart data W *-


generally demonstrated only statistical vorlations in instrument performance. As o result of recent audit and Tet assessment findings, the chemistry staff had also taken actions to improve QC practices concerning certain instrument calibrations and overview of long-term instrument performance trends, 11/06/1998 1998022 Prt PLTSUP NRC POS Prt IC The Radiologicot Environmental and Chemistry Section staff performed effective monitoring of system operability for the meteorological tower instrumentation. The cofibrations and surveillances for the 3 '


meteorological tower were property performed, and the licensee property maintained the monitoring Tec instrumentation. The licensee thorough!y eviewed on issue related to the vendor's instrument cofibration practices.

I1/06/1998 1998022 Prt PLTSUP NRC POS PrtIC Chemistry technicions demonstrated effective anotytical techniques and proceoure adherence. For example, the technicians took steps to ensure that samples were not cross-contaminated. With some minot Sec-'


exceptions, the inspectors observed proper contamination control proctices and surveys of radiooctive Tet samples.

11/06/1998 1998022 Prt PLTSUP NRC POS Pri: IC Audits of the chemistry program were performed in good depth, and the stoff was taking oggressive actions to correct problems identified. For example, chemistry management was increasing the line orOonization's M*



involvement in the self assessment program and the supervisory stoff's review of QC dato results. Generally, i

Tec the inspectors found that the chemistry stoff had token oppropriate actions to correct issues identified in condition reports.

10/20/1998 1998018 Prt PLTSUP NRC NEG PrtIC Although the licensee's contamination control program allowed plant personnel to extend contamination creo boundaries in certain situotions, this policy was not consistently understood or implemented by Sec-Sec.

radiction protection technicions.

Tec 09/14/1998 1998017 Prt PLTSUP NRC NEG Prt1C The inspector found that the most recent ouait of the radioactive waste monogement and radicoctive waste and material shipping programs did not provide o comprehensive review. The audit focused on the Sec" Sec',

conduct of rocioactive waste control room operations and system material condition but did not fully assess Tet the shipping program or process control program implementation.

Item Type (Compliance.Other). From 09/01/1998 To OY26/1999

m Page: 7 of 8 Dolo:03/29/1999-United States Nuclear Regulatory Commiss. ion Tim.:or.ssa itegion e PLANT ISSUE MATRIX PEltRY By Primary Functional Aroo Functional Template role Source Area ID Type Codes item Description C,14/1998 1998017 Prt PLTSUP NRC NEG Prt1C The inspector noted slow progress in the RECS stoff's revision of radiooctive waste and materid shippbg procedures, which was started in early 1997. In addition, the inspector observed some weaknesses b the 3

  • procedures used for 10 CFR Port 61 scding factor ondyses. The RECS stoff had developed on oction pian to Tec ensure timely completion of the procedure revisions and pionned to review the instructions contoined in the process control program and odditional procedures.

09/14/1998 1998017 Prt PLTSUP NRC POS Prt IC The REMP was property implemented in occordance with the requirements of the Offsite Dose Cdculation Manud. Air sompting equipment was calibrated of the required frequency, and the REMP technidon g.



demonstrated good analyticd techniques. The 1997 and 1998 REMP sompte results were consistent with Tec normal fluctuations in bockground radiooctivity.

09/14/1998 1998017 Prt PLTSUP NRC POS Pri IC in generd the Radiological. Environmental and Chemistry Section (RECS) stoff property packaged and classified radiooctive materiot and waste shipments in occordonce with regulatory requirements. Although

Sec, some inoccurocles were identified. the shipping documentation and low level waste manifests contained Tec the information required by 49 CFR Part 172 and 10 CFR Port 20.

09/14/1998 1998017 Prt PLTSUP NRC POS Prt 1C The inspector noted that personnelir volved in the radiooctive material shipping program were property trained. In addition, trotning lesson plans were comprehensive and presented a broad review of the Sec'*


radioactive shipping program Tec 09/14/1998 1998017-01 Prt PLTSUP NRC VIOIV Prt 1C One violation was identified concerning the foNre of the Icensee to ensure that scaling factors used to determine the activity of hard to detect radionuclides in radioactive waste shipments could be correlated M *-


with actud plant samples. In April of 1998, the licensee did not odequately evducte o poor correlation Tec between isotopic dato reported by its chemistry laboratory and a vendor. Consequently, the Ecensee implemented inaccurate radionuclide scaling factors which significantly underestimated the non-gammo radionuclides in radioactive waste shipments..

09/14/1998 1998017-02 Prt PLTSUP NRC NCV Prt 1C One NorCted Violation was identified concerning the ho% quote testing of the high dorm function g.


isolation for the containment ventilation exhaust radiction monitor. The Ecensee identified this problem and performed corrective actions to ensure that the issue was corrected.

Tec 09/08/1998 1998016 Prt PLTSUP NRC POS Prt 1C The inspectors concluded that the fire protection supervisor implemented effective corrective octions for two fire extinguishers which had been temporarily stored beyond the guidance allowed in the station's Sec

Soc E housekeeping procedure. However, a condition report was not initiated for this issue unti the inspectors Ter:

identified that Ecensee monogement's expectations were not met regarding entering this information into the corrective action progrom item Type (Compliance,Other), From 09/01/1998 To 03/26/1999

Page: 8 of 8 Dole:03/29/1999 United States Nuclear Regulatory Cor amission um.:ensss2 -

PLANT ISSUE MATRIX By Primary Functional Aroo Legend Type Codes:

Template Codes:

Functional Areas:

BU Bulletin 1A Normd Operations OPS Operations CDR Construction IB Opero* ions Dunng Transients MAINT Maintenance DEV Deviation IC Programs and Processes ENG Engineering eel Escalated Enforcement item 2A Equprnent Condition PLTSUP Plant Support IR Inspector follow-up item 2B Programs and Processes OTHER Other LER Ucensee Event Report 3A Work Performance UC Ucensing issue 3B KSA MISC Miscellaneous 3C Work Environment MV Minor Violation 4A Design NCV NonCited Violation 4B Engineering Support NEG Negative 4C Programs and Processes NOED Notice of Enforcement Discretion SA identification NON Notice of Non-Conformance SB Analysis P21 Port 21 SC Resolution POS Positive ID Codes:

SG1 Safeguard Event Report NRC NRC STR Strength Self Self-Revealed URI Unresolved item Ucensee Ucensee VIO Violation WK Weakness Eels are opporent violations of NRC Requirements that are being considered for escdoted enforcement action in occordonce with the "Generd Statement of Policy and Procedure for NRC Enforcement Action" (Enforcement Policy), NUREG-1600. However, the NRC has not reached its find enforcement decision on the issues identified by the Eels I

and the PIM entries may be modified when the final decisions are mode.

URis are unresolved items about which more Information is required to determine whether the issue in question is on acceptoble itern, o deviction, o nonconformance, or o violation. A URI may o!so be o potentid violation that is not likely to be considered for escdoted enforcement action. However, the NRC hos not reached its find conclusions on the issues, and the PIM entries may be modified when the find conclusions are mode.

k item Type (Complianct Der). From 09/01/1998 To 03/26/1999

PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Perry Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = "SALP' ; SALP Area = ' Operations" Beginning Date

  • 2/28/1998* ; Ending Date = "9/30/1998*


8/21/1998 Negative IR 98013 NRC Operations 3A The inspectors identified two instances where valves were not appropriately locked in a closed position as required by plant procedures.

The inspectors concluded that this was a result of inattention-to-detail by non-licensed operators when they installed the valve locking devices.

This was considered to be a minor violation of adherence to procedures.

2 7/1/1998 Positive IR 98013 NRC Operations 18 Operator performance was good in response to the July 1,1998, scram and during the subsequent plant startup. The Unit Supervisor demonstrated good command and control of plant evolutions during the scram.

3 6/4/1998 VIO/SL-IV IR 98010 Licensee Operations 3A Two operator errors occuned, which were primarily due to inadequate attention-to-detail during the performance of routine tasks. Both of the errors also represented a failure to follow a procedure. The inspectors concluded that the failure of operators to appropriately follow procedures on two occasions led to two personnel errors involving the removal of an incorrect fuse and installation of an incorrect light bulb.

4 6/4/1998 Negative IR 98010 NRC Operation:

3B The inspectors identified foumxamples of deficiencies that indicate inconsistent operator attentiveness and awareness of control room panels. The inspectors continue to be concemed about the varying level of attention to detail and questioning attitude exhibited by operators in their routine panel observations.

5 4/20/1998 Positive IR 98009 NRC Operations 1A Shift turnovers and activity briefings continued to be thorough and the overall conduct of operations was conservative and professional.

Annunciators were consistently and appropriately responded to and emergent equipment issues were resolved promptly.

6 3/10/1998 Positive IR 98006 NRC Operations 1A The inspectors concluded that shift tumovers and briefings were thorough, emergent equipment issues were usually addressed in a timely manner, and the overall conduct of operations was professional with appropriate focus on safety (Section 01.1).

7 3/10/1998 Negative IR 98006 Licensee Operations 1A The failure to establish and maintain an adequate verification process resulted in an operator error during control rod manipulations (Section O1.2).

Page 1 of 4

' S' 'S' PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Perry Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = *SALP" : SALP Area = ' Operations" ; Beginning Date = "2f28/1998*. Ending Date = "9/30/1998*


3/10/1998 Negative IR 98006 NRC Operations 1A The quality and of control panel walkdowns continued to be of concem to the inspectors. Although a licensed Operator identified that a containment isolation valve had failed, he did not report this condition to management. In addition, other operators failed to identify the condition during panel walkdowns for four hours (Section 01.3).

9 3/5/1998 Positive IR 98007 NRC Operations 1A Control room operators effectively coordinated plant personnel during maintenance and testing evolutions to identify expected plant response and annunciator alarms.

10 3/5/1998 Negative IR 98007 NRC Operations 1A Shift crew briefings and tumovers were consistent and effective scurces IR 98007 of information to ensure continued safe operations. However, special evolution ' riefings and turnovers were not always conducted in c

accordance with program guidance.

11 3/5/1998 Positive IR 98007 NRC Operations 1A Formal communications resulted in an effective exchange of information IR 98007 among operators and other plant personne!. Generally, commands and directions were clear and concise with repeat backs being expected.

12 3/5/1998 Negative IR 98007 NRC Operations 1A Work control pre-job briefings emphasized procedure compliana,

contingency action plan, and termination criteria with attention on celf checking and personal safety. However, the pre-job briefing for a reactor core isolation cooling post-maintenance test failed to include quality control personnel which resulted in an unnecessary challenge to plant operatars when an unanticipated heatup of the suppression pool above an administrative limit occurred.

13 3/5/1998 Negative IR 98007 NRC Operations 1A A wide diversity in time intervals between panel walkdowns and te quality of panel monitoring raised a concem that operators were indifferent to indication problems and, in some cases, lacked a questioning attitude.

14 3/5/1998 Negative IR 98007 NRC Operations 1C Control room deficiency identification and tagging guidelines were not clearly established and communicated through procedures and instructions.

15 3/5/1998 Negative IR 98007 NRC Operations 3A During the perforrr'ance of wo* under a safety tagout, an operator removed the wrong safety tag and installed a fuse in the wrong panel which energized a system tagged out for maintenance and jeopardized personnel safety.

Page 2 of 4

/29/1999 PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Perry Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = *SALP' ; SALP Area = ' Operations * ; Beginning Date = '2/28/1998* ; Erdng Data = '9/30/1998*

DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES CESCRIPTION 16 2/28/1998 NRC Operations SALP 15 Ends Page 3 of 4

3/29/199.9 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PIM TA",LE LABELS A counter number used for NRC intemal editing.

The date of the event or significant issue. For those items that have a clear date of occurrence use the actual date. If the actual date is not known, use the date DATE the issue was identified. For issues that da not have an actual date or a date of identification, use the LER or inspection report date.

TYPE The categorization of the issue - see the TYPE ITEM CODE table.

SOURCE The document that contains the issue information: IR for NRC Inspection Report or LER for Licensee Event Report.

ID CY Identification of who discovered the issue - see table.

SALP SALP Functional Area Codes - Engineering, Maintenance, Operations, Plant Support and All/Multipla (i.e., more than one SALP area affected).

SMM CODES Senior Manager Meeting Codes - see table.

DESCRIPTION Details of the issue from the LER text or from the IR Executive Summaries.

TYPE ITEM CODE NOTES SENIOR MANAGEMENT MEETING CODES DEV Deviation from NRC Requirements Eels are apparent violations of NRC 1

Operational Performance:

TID Escalated Discretion - No Civil Penalty requirements that are being considered for A - Normal escalated enforcement action in accordance B - During Transients EEI' Escalated Enforcement Issue - Waiting Final NRC Action LER License Event Report to the NRC with the

  • General Statement of Policy arjd C - Programs and Processes Procedure for NRC Enforcement Action 2

Material Condition:

Licensing Licensing issue from NRR (Enforcement Policy), NUREG-1600.

Misc Misce!!aneous (Emergency Preparedness Finding. etc.)

However, the NRC has not reached its final A - Equipment Condition NCV Non-Cited Violation enforcement decision on the issues B - Programs and Processes Negative Individual Poor Licensee Performance identified by the Eels and the PIM entries 3

Human Performance:

P3 sitive Individual Good Ucensee Performance may be modified when the final decisions A - Work Performance are made. Before the NRC makes its Strength Overall Streng Licensee Performance B - Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities enforcement docuon, the licensee will be C - Work Environment URI" Unresolved inspection item provided with an opportunity to either VIO/SL-1 Notice of Vio!ation - Severity Level I (1) respond to the apparent violation or 4

Engineering / Design:

VIO/SL-il Notice of Violation - Seventy Level 11 (2) request a predecisional enforcement A - Design ViO/3L-Ill Notice of Violation - Severity Level 111 conference.

B - Engineering Support

Problem Identification and Resolution:

e e

n sa A - Identification acceptable item, a deviation, a ID BY mnconformance, or a violation. How-ver, B - Analysis C - Resolution the NRC has not reached its final Licensee The licensed utility conclusior's on the issues, and the PIM NRC The Nuclear Regulatery Commission entries may be modified when the final Self-Revealed identification by an event (e.g., equipment breakdown) conclusions are made.

Other identification unknown Page 4 of 4


/29/1999 PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Perry Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = *SALP', SALP Area =

  • Maintenance", 3eginning Date = "2"28/1998*, Ending Date = '9/30/199B*


8/21/1998 Positive IR 98013 NRC Maintenance 28 Special turbine control valve testing was performed in a controlled and conservative manner. The testing personnel thoroughly evaLated data al each power level prior to increasing power and continuing with the test.

l Engineering department personnel provided good support throughout the I test by completing a thorough safety evaluation and providing timely l

evaluation of the test results.

2 8/21/1998 Negative IR 98013 NRC Maintenance 3A The inspectors identified four instances where scaffolds were constructed l

by maintenance personnel closer to safety-related equipment than was a!! owed by plant procedures without the proper engineering review. The inspectors concluded that this was a result of inattention-to-detail by I

maintenance workers and was considered a minor violation of adherence l

to procedures.

3 8/21/1998 Iasitive IR 98013 NRC Maintenance 5B After performing a risk assessment of an online electrical Division I outage, plant management rescheduled some of the planned activities to lower the risk associated with the work. The inspectors concluded that this was indicative of effective management involvement in plant activities and conservative decision-making.

4 6/18/1998 Positive IR 98013 NRC Maintenance 5B On June 18,1998, the licensee held a site-wide standdown to emphasize the policies for procedural adherence. The inspectors considered the standdown to be an effective method of reinforcing expectations on procedural adherence 5

6/5/1998 Positive IR 98012 NRC Maintenance 2A The licensee tested engineered safety features ventilation filtration l

systems as required by Technical Specifications and station procedures.

Test results indicated consistent system performance, and visual inspections did not identify any material condition problems.

6 6/4/1998 Negative IR 98010 NRC Maintenance 2A The inspectors identified three procedure adherence violations of minor significance associated with housekeeping and equipment control activities.

7 6/4/1998 Negative IR 98010 NRC Maintenance 2A The inspectors noted an increase in the number of emergent equipment issues over recent inspection periods. Some items resulted in distractions to operators or entry into Limiting Conditions for Operation.

In each case, the licensee resolved the issue promptly.

8 5/22/1998 Positive IR 98011 NRC Maintenance 2A Treatment of medium and low-voltage power circuit breakers under the Maintenance Rule was satisfactory.

Page 1 of 6

/29/M9 PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Perry Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = *SALP* ; SALP Area =

  • Maintenance * ; Beginning Date = '2f28/1998* : Ending Data = '9/30/1998*



5/22/1998 Negative IR 98011 NRC Maintenance 2A SC Most safety related DC breakers had not yet been refurbished despite their age and the observed hardened grease in most of the ABB low voltage breakers. The licensee committed to accelerate the refurbishrnent plan for the DC breakers.

10 5/22/1998 Negative IR 98011 NRC Maintenance 2B The licensee was using an unevaluated cleaner on the 5 kV and 15 kV medium power circuit breakers. The maintenance procedures specified an ammonia-based glas. = leaner to clean the breaker's electrical components. The licensee used "Windex Glass Cleaner" which was not an evaluated cleaner.

11 5/22/1998 Weakness IR 98011 NRC Maintenance 2B The implementation of the vendor manual control and vendor interface program in the past was not effective. The program was suffering from inadequate involvement by equipment-knowledgeable staff, insufficiently aggressive or tenacious follow up with uncooperative vendors, and out-of-date vendor contact information. The latest version of the vendor manual control and vendor interface program should improve the state of switchgear verdor manuals. This area was considered a weakness.

12 5/22/1998 Negative IR 98011 NRC Maintenance 38 2B The NRC team concluded that lack of training on the Gels contributed to the inadequate implementation of the test procedures and considered this a weakness.

13 5/22/1998 Negative IR 98011 NRC Maintenance SA No documented breaker failures were recorded that could be directly attributed to breaker problems after the licensee refurbished all AC breakers in 1995/1996. The team noted that since breakers had been swapped between switchgear cubicles and breaker serial numbers were not being consistently recorded on work orders, the repetitive breaker failure data could not be easily obtained. The team also noted that the licensee had not yet established a program for trending breaker repeat failures and routine maintenance deficiencies.

14 5/22/1998 Weakness IR 98011 NRC Maintenance SA SB No specific audits or self assessments were performed in the areas of breaker maintenance or operations. This area was considered a weakness.

Page 2 of 6

3/29/1999 PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Perry Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Colurnn = "SALP* : SALP Area = " Maintenance *, Beginning Date = *2/28/1998*, Ending Date = '9/3c/1998*

DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 15 5/22/1998 Strength IR 98011 NRC Maintenance SB There was very good evaluation and disposition of NRC, vendor, INPO.

and other industry experience information. The operating experience reviews (OER) program procedures were generally comprehensive and workable and the OER database was complete with respect to circuit breaker information identified beforehand by the team. The individual OER evaluations were generally thorough and the resolution of issues expressed in NRC generic communications, operating experience reports, Part 21 reports and vendor letters was very good. This area was considered a strength.

I 16 5/20/1998 VIO/SL-IV IR 98011 NRC Maintenance 2B 4B The preventive maintenance procedures for the low-voltage power circui:

breakers reviewed were generally of a type appropriate to the circumstances and included appropriate qualitative and quantitative acceptance criteria. However, various errors were identified in test reports reviewed for solid state trip devices. Similar errors were identified by the licensee as a result of the team's request to review additional test reports. The instantaneous trip function of circuit breaker EF1B04 was tested for instantaneous pickup at 2270 amps instead of the upper limit of 2160 amps. A violation was cited.

17 5/8/1998 VIO/SL-IV IR 98010 NRC Maintenance 2A The inspectors identified a procedure adherence violation involving the improper control of transient combustibles during maintenance activities.

The inspectors were also concemed that supervisory and fire protection personnel did not display adequate attention to detail in reviewbg the administrative control of the transient combustibles.

18 5/4/1998 VIO/SL-IV IR 98010 NRC Maintenance 3A The inspectors identified a procedure adherence concem with the performance of a surveillance test which resulted in a violation. The inspectors were also cencemed that operations supervision failed to identify an omitted step during review of the data package.

19 4/20/1998 Positive IR 98009 NRC Maintenance 2B Maintenance and surveillance activities were completed effectively and IR 98009 satisfactoriiy, without problems. There were appropriate briefings prior to the activities, adequate controls in place during the activities, and results were reviewed in a timely manner. Activities during a reactor downpower and complex surveillance tests such as high pressure core spray system and main steam isolation valve tests were well coordinated arid performed without incident.

Page 3 of 6

' S'*S PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Perry search soned by Date (Descending) and sMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = *SALP", sALP Area = " Maintenance *, Beginning Date = *2/28/1998* ; Ending Data = '9/30/1998*

DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 20 4/20/1998 Positive IR 98009 NRC Maintenance 2B 3C The licensee acted in a thorough and conservative manrar in response to a Division 11 DG su:veillance test failure by conducting 62 tensive testing, including tests of associated and redundant systems. The licensee also demonstrated conservative judgement in common mode failure considerations, and by increasing the frequency of testing during its investigation for the cause of the DG load swings experienced during the initial surveillance test.

21 4/20/1998 Negative IR 98009 NRC Maintenance 3A The inspectors concluded that applicable proceduru ms were not followed when the ESW pump house crane was leiA aended with a load engaged and the electrical disconnects closed.

22 4/20/1998 Negative IR 98009 NRC Maintenance SC Although the human factor problems associated with a poorly designed diesel generator (DG) jacket water level gage have been known for several years, the licensee has not resolved the problem and, therefore, operators were unable to a! ways accurately monitor jacket water level when the DG was in a standby readiness condition.

23 3/10/1998 Negative IR 98006 Licensee Maintenance 3A Work control was not fu!!y effective in two instances. During repair of the combustible gas compressor, poor communications between engineering and maintenance personn(1 esulted in the installation of the wrong part.

During work on a hydraulic control unit, loose items were not property controlled within the suppression pool swell region (Sections M1.1 and M1.2).

24 3/10/1998 Negative IR 98006 NRC Maintenance 3A Licensee personnel did not always adhere to scaffolding storage and installation instructions which led to scaffolding being stored improperly and erected in close proximity to safety-related equipment (Section M2.1).

25 3/10/1998 Negative IR 98006 Licensee Maintenance 3C 2B The licensee identified that environmental qualification program reccmmendations to disassemble and inspect residual heat removal and low pressure core spray system motors every ten years were not appropriately implemented. Once identified, the issue was thorcughly evaluated (Section E2.1).

26 3/5/1998 Negative IR 98007 NRC Maintenance 2B Prior to reactor core isolation cooling system maintenance, a pre-job walkdown failed to identify the inaccessibility of several steam jet plugs.

Additionally, maintenance personnel failed to document management's action to correct work procedure problem.

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$29/1999 PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Perry Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = *SALP" ; SALP Area = " Maintenance' ; Beginning Date = '2/28/1998* : Data = '9/30/1998*

DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP GMM CODES DESCRIPTION 27 3/5/1998 Negative IR 96007 NRC Maintenance 28 A reactor core isolation cooling system testing evolution was conducted within procedural guidelines. However, a number of deficiencies had been identified in the planning and implementation of the testing process.

Page 5 of 6

3/29/1999 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PIM TAOLE LABELS A counter number used for NRC intemal editing.

The date of the event or significant issue. For those items that have a clear date of occurrence use the actual date. If the actual date is not known, use the date DATE the issue was identified. For issues that do not have an actual date or a date of identification, use the LER or inspection report cate.

TYPE The categorization cf the issue - c 6 ine TYPE ITEM CODE table.

SOURCE The document that contains the issue information: IR for NRC inspection Report or LER for Licensee Event Report.

ID CY Identification of who discovered the issue - see table.

SALP SALP Functional Area Codes - Engineering, Maintenance, Operations, Plant Support and All/ Multiple (i.e., more than one SALP area affected).

SMM CODES Senior Manager Meeting Codes - see table.

DESCRIPTION Details of the issue from the LER text or from the IR Execuive Summaries.


DEV Deviation from NRC Requirements Eels are apparent violations of NRC 1

Operational Performance:

ED Escalated DiscreGon - No Civil Penalty requirements that are being considered for A - Normal escalated enforcement action in accordance B - During Transients eel' Escalated Enforcement issue - Waiting Final NRC Action with the

  • General Statement of Policy and C - Programs and Processes LER License Event Report to the NRC Procedure for NRC Enforcement Action L! censing Ucensing Issue from NRR (Enforcement Policy), NUREG-1600.

2 Material Condition:

Misc Miscellaneous (Emergency Preparedness Finding, etc.)

However, the NRC Ms not reached its final A - Equipment Condition NCV Non-Cited Violation enforcement decision on the issues B - Programs and Processes Negative Individual Poor Licensee Performance identified by the Eels and the PIM entries 3

Human Performance:

P7sitive Individual Good Licensee Performance may be modified when the final decisions A - Work Performance are made. Before the NRC makes its Strength Overall Strong Licensee Performance B - Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities enforcement decasion, the licensee will be C - Work Environment URl" Unresolved Inspection item provided with an opportunity to either VIO/SL-I Notice of Violation - Severity Level I (1) respond to the apparent violation or 4

Engineering / Design:

VIO/SL-il Notice of Violation - Severity Level ll (2) request a predecisional enforcement A - Design VIO/SL-ill Notice of Violation - Severity Level lit conference.

B - Engineering Support

Problem iden scation and Resolution:

Weakness Overall Weak Licensee Performance e

sue e

s ar acceptWe item, a deviation, a ID BY nonconfoncance, or a violation. However, B - C - Resolution the NRC has not reached its final Licensee The licensed utility conclusions on the issues, and the PIM j

NRC The Nuclear Regulatory Commission entries may be modified when the final Self-Revealed !dentification by an event (e.g., equipment breakdown) conclusions are made.

Other identification unknown q

Page 6 of 6

f29/1999 PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Perry Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = "SALP" ; SALP Area =

  • Engineering *, Beginning Date = *2/28/199B* ; Ending Date = '900/1998*


8/19/1998 Positive IR 98014 NRC Engineering 5A SB The inspector determined that the licensee : as effective in identifying and implementing corrective actions to notices of violation, unresolved items, inspector follow up items and licensee event reports. Root cause evaluations were thorough, accurate and well documented. Staff involvement in the corrective action process was good.

2 6/4/1998

. Positive IR 98010 NRC Engineering SA 48 The licensee demonstrated a good questioning attitude in the identification of inadequate logic testing of mdiation monitors. The relay contacts were promptly satisfactorily tested.

3 5/22/1998 Positive IR 98011 NRC Engineering SC The licensee initiatN sggressive corrective action to address NRC concems identifier 994 relative to inadequate breaker maintenance.

Subsequently, in 1KS/1996 all AC power circuit breakers were refurbished.

4 5/18/1998 VIO/SL-IV IR 98011 NRC Engineering 4A Calculation PRDC-0007, " Voltage Drop of DC Control Circuits," dated May 18,1998, lacked rigor in terms of design input < and conclusions. In addition, design control measures were ineffective I.i that design reviews failed to identify these deficiencies. A safety assessment, performed during the inspection, was acceptable to support an interim opera' ility o

determination. The licensee indicated that a long term resolution would be developed to conservatively demonstrate on a continuing basis that the DC system could perform its intended function. A violation was cited.

5 4/8/1998 Positive IR 98005 NRC Engineering 4B Overall, engineering support to fire protection activities improved through the effective resolution of discrepant fire door seal ratings and fire hazard analysis revisions.

Page 1 of 2

3/29/1999 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PIM TALE LABELS A counter number used for NRC intemal editing.

The date of the event or significant issue. For those items thF have a clear date of occurrence use the actual date. If the actual date is not known, use the date DAM the issue was identified. For issues that do not have an actua date or a date of identification. use the LER or inspection report date.

TYPE The categorization of the issue - see the TYPE ITEM CODE table.

SOURCE The document that contains the issue information: IR for NRC Inspection Report or LER for Licensee Event Report.

ID CY Identification of who discovered the issue - see table.

SALP SALP Functional Area Codes - Engineering, Maintenance, Operations, Plant Support and All/ Multiple (i.e., more than one SALP area affected).

SMM CODES Senior Manager Meeting Codes - see table.

DESCRIPTION Details of the issue from the LER text or from the IR Executive Summari, -


  • Eels are apparent violations of NRC 1

Operational Performance:

ED Escalated Discretion - No Civil Penalty requirements that are being considered for A - Normal escalated enforcement action in accordance B - During Transients EEI' Escalated Enforcement Issue - Waiting Final NRC Action with the " General Statement of Policy and C - Programs and Processes LER Ucense Event Report to the NRC Procedure for NRC Enforcement Action Lic nsing Licensing Issue from NRR (Enforcement Policy), NUREG-1600.

2 Material Condition:

Misc Miscellaneous (Emergency Preparedness Finding, etc.)

However, the NRC has not reached its final A-Equipment Condition NCV Non-Cited Violation enforcement decision on the issues B - Programs and Processes Negative Individual Poor Licensee Performance identified by the Eels and the PIM entries 3

Human Performance:

P t sitive Individual Good Licensee Performance may be modified when the final decisions A - Work Performance Strength Overall Strong Licensee Performance are made. Befog,the NRC makes its 8 - KnowleQe, Skills, and Abilities enforcement demion, the licensee will be C -Work Environment URI'*

Unresolved Inspection item provided with an opportunity to either VIO/SL-l Notice of Violation - Severity Level I (1) respond to the apparent violation or 4

Engineering / Design:

VIO/SL-il Notice of Violation - Severity Level II (2) request a predecisional enforcement A - Design VIO/SL-lil Notice of Violation - Severity Level til conference.

B - Engineering Support

Problem en cation and Resolution:

whe her th ue n es on s a acceptable item, a deviation, a ID BY nonconformance, or a violation. However, B-Analysis C - Resolution the NRC has not reached its final Licensee The licensed utility conclusions on the issues, and the PIM NRC The Nuclear Regulatory Commission entries may be modified when the final Self-Revealed Identification by an event (e.g., equipment breakdown) conclusions are made.

i Other Identification unknown i

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l 32S'S PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Perry Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Colurnn = "SALP*, SALP Area =

  • Plant Support". Beginning Date = *2/28/1998*. Ending Date = '9f30/1998*


9/8/1998 Positive IR 98015 NRC Plant 1C The licensee promptly implemented compensatory measures to Support compensate for damaged security equipment during a severe lightning storm, as required by station security procedures. The damage resulted ;

in significant efforts in order to compensate for and repair failed components. Station management supported the repair effort. The components were repaired or replaced in a timely manner.

2 9/8/1998 Positive IR 98015 NRC Plant 1C Based on performance tests, the inspector concluCed that the explosive Support and metal detectors and x-ray machines were prr;erly calibrated.

However, the operability of selected models of tt 3 explosive detectors has been a challenge for the licensee, based or a review of the monthly out of service hours for search equipment. The mensee was pursing resolution with the vendor. This did not significantly impact the search process because the licensee had ampie machines in place to assure timely ingress.

3 9/8/1998 Positive IR 98015 NRC Plant 1C The licensee tested and maintained security systems as required by the Support security plan. Test results showed consistent performance. Visual inspections did not identify any material condition problems. However, the inspector identified a problem with the monitoring of the offsite radio by the Local Law Enforcement Agency (LLEA). Specifically, the LLEA did not respond to the licensee's test radio transmission. This issue was resolved by the LLEA prior to the conclusion of the inspection.

4 9/8/1998 Positive IR 98015 NRC Piant 1C The licensee performed a thorough investigation of an incident (12/97)

Support involving an employee's discovery of L:1 alcoholic beverage in the protected area.

5 9/8/1998 VIO/SL-IV 1R 98015 NRC Plant 1C The inspector identified that the drug portion of a for cause test Support conducted based on the odor of alcohol was not timely. The for cause testing was required on December 19,1998. The drug test was not conducted until December 23,1998. This is a violation of Fitness For Duty Rule which requires a test "as soon as possible" after receiving credible information that an individual is abusing drugs or alcohol. FFD testing data showed four other instances during 1996 and 1997 involving j for cause testing based on the odor of alcohol when the drug portion was conducted one to four days after the test was deemed necessary.

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3/29/1999 PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Perry Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Colurnn = *SALP' ; SALP Area =

  • Plant Supper", Beginning Date = *2/28/1998* ; Ending Data = '973o/1993*


9/8/1998 NCV IR 98015 Licensee Plant 1C Two non-cited violations were identified conceming a reported FFD event Support involving a licensed operator who tested positive for alcohol on December 19,1997: a supervisor failed to ask alcohol-related fit %s-for-duty questions during an unscheduled tour call out; the Supervism, Nuclear Security Operations failed to conduct a confirmatory test for alcohol.

7 9/8/1998 Positive IR 98015 NRC Plant 1C SB Self-assessments of the security program were thorough and provided Support good findings and recommendations. The security staff properly evaluated and addressed identified findings.

8 8/21/1998 Negative IR 98013 NRC Plant 1C The inspectors identified that sleeving used to contain leakage from the Support "B" control rod drive pump was not properly secured and was not terminated within a controlled contamination area. This deficient condition did not result in the spread of contamination and was corrected by the licensee. The area of the plant was readily accessible and the condition should have been identified by plant workers who had performed work or tours in the area. The inspectors concluded that this was an additional example of inattention-to-detail by plant workers.

9 6/5/1998 NCV IR 98012 Licensee Plant 1C One Non-Cited Violation was identified conceming the failure to properly Support implement procedures during the issuance of a vacuum cleaner on December 20,1997. Due to personnel error and a lack of self-checking, the staff failed to perform a radiological survey of the vacuum cleaner during issuance. The licensee performed a thorough investigation of the incident and implemented corrective actions to prevent recurrence.

10 6/5/1998 Positive IR 98012 NRC Plant 1C The 1997 Annual Environmental and Effluent Release Report was well Support written and demonstrated that radioactive effluents were maintained below regulatory limits. The licensee continued to implement initiatives to reduce the quantity of gaseous and liquid effluents released to the environment. For example, the licensee established goals to reduce plar,t effluents to levels consistent with top industry performance. The inspector observed that the Radiological, Environmental, and Chemistry Section staff effectively monitored and trended effluent releases and communicated the results to plant management.

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PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Perry Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Cofumn = "SAU" ; SALP Area = *P%nt Support" : Beginning Data = *2/28/1998* ; Ending Date = '9/30/1998*

DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 11 6/5/1998 Negative IR 98012 NRC Plant 1C The inspector identified a problem with the testing frequency of the B train Support of the annulus exhaust gas treatment system, which would have resulted in a missed surveillance of the high efficiency particulate air filtration train.

12 6/5/1998 Positive IR 98012 NRC Plant 1C The licensee effectively maintained the interim radioactive waste storage Support areas and minimized the quantity of waste held in these areas.

Inventories and radiological surveys effectively identified the contents of these facilities and the radiological conditions. The licensee also achieved progress in removing radioactive waste stored in the Radwaste Building. Although the staff performed inventories of these areas, the contents of some containers were not fully characterized.

13 6/5/1998 Positive IR 98012 Self-Plant 2A The material condition of process and effluent radiation m]nitors was Revealed Support acceptable. Based on calibration records, the inspector concluded that effluent and process radiation monitors were also properly calibrated.

14 6/5/1998 Negative IR 98012 NRC Plant 2A The operability of the liquid discharge monitor had been a challenge for Support the licensee. Although the licensee had performed actions to improve performance, the monitor was inoperable for extended periods of time in 1996 and 1997.

15 6/5/1998 Positive IR 98012 NRC Plant 3B A chemistry technician properly replaced filters on an effluent radiation Support monitor. The technician demonstrated effective procedure adherence and sample handling.

16 6/5/1998 Positive IR 98012 NRC Plant SA Self assessments of the radioactive effluents program were thorough and Support provided a broad review of program elements. The staff properly evaluated and addressed audit findings.

17 6/4/1998 Negative IR 98010 NRC Plant 3A The inspectors were concerned that access control procedures were not Support uniformly followed by station and contract personnel. This procedure adherence concern is concurrent with procedure adherence concems seen in other departments throughout this inspection period.

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/294 999 PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Perry Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = "SALP* ; SALP Area = " Plant Support" ; Beginning Date = *2/28/1998*, Erxing Date = '9/30/1998*

DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 18 6/2/1998 VIO/SL-IV IR 98012 NRC Plant 1C The licensee maintained proper radiological postings and barriers for Support contaminated areas and high radiation areas. The inspector also noted improvements in the status of high radiation area barriers and observed that access to safety related equipment was relatively unencumbered by radioactive contamination. However, one violation was identified conceming the failure to adequately pr t a radiation area within the Radwaste Building. Specifically, the inspectors identified that caution signs were not placed at all entrances to the radiation area.

19 5/21/1998 VIO/SL-IV IR 98012 Licensee Plant 3A SA One violation was identified conceming the failure of an individual to Support adhere to radiation work permit requirements. Specifically, the individual,

failed to wear a thermoluminescent dosimeter on 13 entries into the radiologically restricted area, including an entry into a high radiation area.

Although the licensee identified the problem and performed a thorough evaluation of the incident, the RP staff missed several opportunities to identify and correct the problem, prior to each of the individual's entries into the radiologically restricted area.

20 4/8/1998 Negative IR 98005 NRC Plant 1C A number of fire protection program discrepancies were identified by the Support inspector with regard to the penetration seal program and the coefficient of friction used in the hydraulic calculation for the sprinkler system.

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A counter number used for NRC intemal edidng.

The date of the event or significant issue. For those items that have a clear date of occurrence use the actual date. If the actual date is not known, use the date DME the issue was identified. For issues that do not have an actual date or a date of identification, use the LER or inspection report date.

TYPE The categorization of the issue - see the TYPE ITEM CODE table.

SOURCE The document that contains the issue information: IR for NRC Inspection Report or LER for Licensee Event Report.

ID BY Identification of who discovered the issue - see table.

SALP SALP Functional Area Codes - Engineering, Maintenance, Operations, Plant Support and All/ Multiple (i.e., more than one SALP area affected).

SMM CODES Senior Manager Meeting Codes - see table.

DESCRIPTION Details of the issue from the LER text or from the IR Executive Summaries.

i TYPE ITEM CODE NOTES SENIOR MANAGEMENT MEETING CODES DEV Deviation from NRC Requirements Eels are apparent violations of NRC 1

Operational Performance:

ED Escalated Discretion - No Civil Penalty requirements that are being considered for A - Normal escalated enforcement action in accordance B - During Transients eel

  • Escalated Enforcement issue - Waiting Final NRC Action with the " General Statement of Policy and C - Programs and Processes LER License Event Report to the NRC Procedure for NRC Enforcement Action 2

Material Condition:

Licensing Licensing Issue from NRR (Enforcement Policy), NUREG-1600.

Mirc Miscellaneous (Emergency Preparedness Finding. etc.)

However, the NRC has not reached its firial A - Equipment Condition NCV Non-Cited Violation enforcement decision on the issues B - Programs and Processes Negative Individual Poor Licensee Performance identified by the Eels and the PIM entries 3

Human Performance:

Positive Individual Good Licensee Performance may be modified when the final decisions A - Work Performance are made. Before the NRC makes its Strength Overall Strong Licensee Performance B - Knowledge, Skills, and Ab:lities enforcement decision, the licensee will be C - Work Environment

URI, Unresolved inspection item provided with an opportunity to either VIO/SL-l Notice of Violation - Severity Level I (1) respond to the apparent violation or 4

Engineering / Design:

VIO/SL-Il Notice of Violation - Seventy Level 11 (2) request a predecisional enforcement A - Design VIO/SL-ill Notice of Violation - Seventy Level ill conference.

B - Engineering Support

" URis are unresolved items about which C-Programs and Processes VIO/SL-IV Notice of Violation - Seventy Level IV Weakness Overall Weak Licensee Performance 5

Problem Identification and Resolution:

wh e h u

e o s A-Identification acceptable item, a deviation, a ID BY nonconformance, or a violation. However, B - Analysts C - Resolution the NRC has not reached its final Licensee The licensed utility conclusions on the issues, and the PIM NRC The Nuclear Regula;ory Commission entries may be modified when the final Self-Revealed Identification by an event (e.g., equipment breakdown) conclusions are made.

Other Identification unknown Page 5 of 5

PERRY INSPECTION / ACTIVITY PLAN IP - Inspection Procedure Tl - Temporary Instruction Core - Minimum NRC Inspection Program (mandatory all plants)

Regional initiative - Discretionary inspections NUMBER OF TYPE OF INSPECTION NRC INSPECTION /




March 1 - 5,1999 RegionalInitiative @

Licensed Operator Examination 3

March 15 - 26,1999 IP83750 Outage Radiation Protection 1-2 April 12 - 16,1999 (Outage)

Core IP73753 Insentice Inspection 1

Outage (April 1999)

Core IP37550 Engineering & Technical Support Core IP40500 Problem Ident., Res., & Prevent.

7 July 12 - 30,1999 IP37001 50.59 Safety Evaluation Program RegionalInitiative @

IP81700 Security (SEC2) 1 July 12 - 16,1999 Core IP82701 Emergency Preparedness 1

July 12 - 16,1999 Core Program Maintenance Notes:

@ Followup on previously identified concems.
