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Informs That Intention to Utilize Sulfuric Acid in PNPP Circulating Water Sys to Lower Ph Is Anticipated to Be Completed in Nov
Person / Time
Site: Perry FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 08/10/1999
From: Jeffery Wood
PY-CEI-OEPA-031, NUDOCS 9908160122
Download: ML20210Q798 (1)




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John K. Wood agggo.Szy Vice.resdent, Nudaar Tac MO280BW9 August 10,1999 PY-CEl/OEPA-0315L Ohio Environmental Protection Agency Northeast District Office i

2110 E. Aurora Road Twinsburg, Ohio 44087 Ladies and Gentlemen:

On 6/16/99 a discussion was held between Donna Tizzano, Peny Nuclear Power Plant (PNPP) staff and yourself, regarding the intention to utilize sulfuric acid in the PNPP circulating water system to lower pH.

Both biocide and scale inhibitor are added to the circulating water system. The addition of sulfuric acid to lower pH will enhance the effectiveness of these treatments. He pH will remain at or above 7.0, which is well within the limits of the NPDES permit. As a result, less biocide and scale inhibitor will need to be added to the system, and a major waste minimization effort will have been realized.

PNPP currently has a 7,500 gallon tank containing sulfuric acid. De tank has been removed from service. Our RCRA Waste Minimization program has identified the potential to utilize the sulfuric acid as raw material in the cixulating water system to enhance the scale control and biocide control programs currently in place.

In the past, PNPP used Betz Depositrol 860D with sulfuric acid to control scale in the circulating water system. Under Director's Findings and Orders dated March 20,1998, PNPP was granted permission to replace the Betz Depositrol with Dynacool 1385. De proposal did not address sulfuric acid. De PNPP staff believes that lowering pH with sulfuric acid to enhance the effectiveness of these treatments is aheady pennitted via the Findings and Orders originally issued for the Betz Depositrol.

Dere are three benefits anticipated from lowering the pH. First, the scale control and the biofouling control treatments will be somewhat enhanced, thus increasing the effectiveness of the chemicals currently used. Second, the increased effectiveness of the treatments will result in less chemical addition. Finally, the use of sulfuric acid as a valuable raw material, will prevent it from entering the waste stream.

This treatment is anticipated to be completed in November. If you have questions or require addittunal information, please contact Donna Tizzano at (440) 280-5514.

' Very truly yours, W= _




NRC Document Control Desk (Docket No. 50-440)

'i O1 I NRC Project Manager l

,, NRC Resident Inspector 1

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