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Informs That Requirements to Pay Fee Under 10CFR170 for Review of Pilot Plant Application for Use of Revised Accident Source Term Methodology for Perry Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1,waived for Reasons Stated
Person / Time
Site: Perry FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/11/1999
From: Funches J
To: Myers L
NUDOCS 9903160161
Download: ML20207H992 (5)





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3 REGULATORY COMMISSION wAsHWOToN, D.C. 30006 000 March 11, 1999 i

Mr. Lew W. Myers Vice President - Nuclear, Perry Centerior Service Company P.O. Box 97, A200 Perry, OH 44081

Dear Mr. Myers:

This letter is to inform you that the requirement to pay a fee under 10 CFR Part 170 for the i

review of your pilot plant application for the use of the revised accident source term methodology for the Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Unit No.1 (TAC No. M96931) has been waived. For the reasons stated below, an exemption from the 10 CFR Part 170 fees for the review of the August 27,1996 (PY-CEl/NRR-2076L), submittal and the supplementv submittals of April 9,1997 (PY-CEl/NRR-2162L) and July 22,1998 (PY-CEl/NRR-2299L), is gra,jed in accordance with 10 CFR 170.11(b)(1).

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has encouraged licensees to submit applications for the revised accident source term methodology under one umbrella sponsoring organization, e.g., the Nuclear Energy institute (NEI). More than a decade of research has led to an

' enhanced understanding of the timing, magnitude, and chemical form of fission product releases following commercial nuclear reactor accidents. The results of this work have been summarized in NUREG-1465, " Accident Source Terms for Light-Water Nuclear Power Plants," (issued February 1995), and in a number of related research reports. Application of this new knowledge to operating reactors may result in cost savings without sacrificing.eal safety margin. In addition, safety enhancements may also be achieved.

The November 25,1996, SECY-96-242, "Use of the NUREG-1465 Source Term at Operating

- Reactors", informed the Commission of the staff's approach to allow the use of the revised accident source term described in NUREG-1465 in design-basis analyses for operating nuclear power plants. SECY-96-242 described the staff's plan to undertake a rebaselining assessment of two plants to further evaluate the issues which would be followed by a review of five pilot plant submittals covering a wide range of revised source term applications. The Septembwr 4,1998, Staff Requirements Memorandum SECY-98-158, "Rulemaking Plan For implementation of Revised Source Term at Operating Reactors," directed the staff to promptly complete the pilot initiatives and use that experience to s2sist in preparation of the regulatory guidance, standard


review plan,'and rulemaking associated with this effort.

The Perry submittal serves as the lead pilot plant for review. This first of a kind application of the revised accident source term provides the technical justification for increasing the allowable


leakage rates for the main steam isolation valves and the elimination of the main steam isolation

. valve leakage control system. The Perry submittal will be beneficial for the entire industry. In

. the October 1,1998, public meeting with NEl regarding the status of staff efforts in d

9903160161 990311 PDR ADOCK 05000440 p





Mr. Lew W. Myers implementing the revised accident source term, NEl reported that an informal survey of licensees indicated that 41 of 43 licensees contacted were planning to utilize the revised accident source term at their facilities.

Based on the foregoing, I have determined that an exemption from the 10 CFR Part 170 fees for the review of the August 27,1996, submittal and the supplemental submittals of April 9,1997, and July 22,1998, is appropriate. This exemption is authorized by law and is granted in accordance with 10 CFR Part 170.11(b)(1).

Invoice Nos. RLO253-97, RLO435-97, RLO437-98, RLO595-98, and RLO135-99 have been cancelled. The $58,858.00 paid to date for the review of the Perry revised accident source term submittal (TAC No. M96931) will be refunded. You should receive the refund in approximately 30 days. If you have any questions, please contact Ellen Poteat at 301-415-6392.

Sincerely, M

V Jesse L. Funches Chief Financial Officer Docket No. 50-440


Summary Billing Report cc: See next page i

l l


Mr. Lew W. Myers March 11, 1999 implementing the revised accident source term, NEl reported that an informal survey of licensees indicated that 41 of 43 licensees contacted were planning to utilize the revised accident source term at their facilities.

Based on the foregoing, I have determined that an exemption from the 10 CFR Part 170 fees for the review of the August 27,1996, submittal and the supplemental submittals of April 9,1997, and July 22,1998, is appropriate. This exemption is authorized by law and is granted in accordance with 10 CFR Part 170.11(b)(1).

invoice Nos. RLO253-97, RLO435-97, RLO437-98, RLO595-98, and RLO135-99 have been cancelled. The $58,858.00 paid to date for the review of the Perry revised accident source term submittal (TAC No. M96931) will be refunded. You should receive the refund in approximately 30 days, if you have any questions, please contact Ellen Potest at 301-415-6392.

Sincerely, Jes ukhM 8Y Chief Financial Officer

- Docket No. 50-440


Summary Billing Report ec: See next page Distribution PDill-2 R/F Docket File PDR CMiller, NRR OGC NUDOC (ML-61)



OCFO R/F SHudson. OCFO/RF LHerr, DCFO/RF LTromper, OCFO invoice File RLO253-97 $896 invoice File RLO437-98 -82,162 invoice File RLD595-98 5131 invoice File RLO135 $54,773 invoice File RLO435 97 -8896 DOCUMENT NAME:

G:Vlaf9-007 To receive a copy of this document, indicate in the box: "C" = Copy without enclosures "E" = Copy with enclosures "N" = No copo OFFICE PM:PDill-2 l

LA:PDill-2 l

D:PDill-2 l



NAME DPickett*





DATE 12/27/98 12/29/98 12/29/98 12/30/98 12/31/98 mm g




NAME SColkns*

Poteat/DW4W GJackson/DDandd TRothschild J JTurdici F 01 03/J99 37 d


CFO NAME STs@str-JFunches,g DATE 03@ Mil 03/ /99 jf 03/ /99 03/ 199 03/ /99



  • see previous concurrence page gipu 15J001


L. Myers Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2 FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company cc:

James R. Williams Mary E. O'Reilly Chief of Staff FirstEnergy Corporation Ohio Emergency Management Ageri:y 76 South Main St.

Akron, OH 44308.

_2855 West Dublin Granville Road Columbus, OH 43235-7150 Resident inspector's Office Mayor, Village of Perry U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission P.O. Box 100 P.O. Box 331 Perry, OH 44081-0100 Perry, OH 44081-0331 Radiological Health Program Regional Administrator, Region ill Ohio Department of Health U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission P.O. Box 118 i-80* Warrenville Road Columbus, OH 43266-0118 Lise, IL 60532-4531 Ohio Environmental Protection Sue Hiatt Agency OCRE Interim Representative.

DERR-Compliance Unit 8275 Munson.

ATTN: Mr. Zack A. Clayton Mentor, OH 44060 P.O. Box 1049 Columbus, OH 43266-0149 Henry L. Hegrat Regulatory Affairs Manager Chairman FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company Perry Township Board of Trustees Perry Nuclear Power Plant 3750 Center Road, Box 65 P.O. Box 97, A210 Perry, OH 44081 Perry, OH 44081 State of Ohio William R. Kanda, Jr.,' Plant Manager Public Utilities Commission FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company East Broad Street Perry Nuclear Power Plant Columbus, OH 43266-0573 P.O. Box 97, SB306 Perry, OH 44081 Mayor, Village of North Perry North Perry Village Hall -

4778 Lockwood Road North Perry Village, OH 44081 Donna Owens, Director Ohio Department of Commerce Division of industrial Compliance Bureau of Operations & Maintenance 6606 Tussing Road P. O. Box 4009 Reynoldsburg, OH 43068-9009

c e.

11/24/98 12:29:49 Pese No.

1 NRC -- Summary sittins Report Irwolces Deted / /

Report Sorted by Irwolce Number; Tec N a N96931 Regular Non-Regular Total Plant Docket #

Irwolce ID Date Type Maurs Mours Mours Maurly cost Contract Total PERRY 1 050-00440 RL0135-99 11/07/98 AMEN 436.9 0.0

-436.9 54,773.40 0.00 ~

54,773.00 PERRY 1 050-00440 RLO253-97R1 01/20/97 AMEN 7.0 0.0 7.0 896.00 0.00 896.00 PERRY 1 050-00440 RLO435-97 04/28/97 AMEN 7.0 0.0 7.0 896.00 0.00 896.00 i

PERRY 1 050-00440 RLO437-98 04/27/98 AMEN 16.5 0.0 16.5 2,161.50 0.00 2,162.CS PERRY 1 050-00440 RLO595-98 07/20/98 AMEN 1.0 0.0 1.0 131.00 0.00 131.00 j

.sesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssmansens Total Irwolced:

468.4 0.0 468.4 58,858.00 0.00 58,858.00 i

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