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Provides Individual Exam Results for Applicants Who Took Mar 1999 Initial License Exam.Information Considered Proprietary in Accordance with 10CFR2.790.Without Encls
Person / Time
Site: Perry FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/12/1999
From: Dave Hills
To: Duffield J
NUDOCS 9904190284
Download: ML20205P028 (2)


p April 12,1999 Mr. John P. Duffield Training Department Perry Nuclear Power Plant First Energy Nuclear Operating Company Post Office Box 97 Perry, OH 44081

Dear Mr. Duffield:

This letter is to provide you with individual examination results for your applicants who took the March 1999 initial license examination. In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790, this information is considered " proprietary." The enclosed information supplements and is in addition to the examination report which will be issued shortly.

The following information is enclosed with this letter:

i : Completed ES-501-2, Power Plant Examination Results Summary, which summarizes the examination results. Allindividuals passed the examination. : A copy of each individual's license. : Operator Licensing Examination Report, ES-303-1, and ES-303-2, if applicable. These reports provide individual examination results for each applicant. : ES-401-7, written examination and answer sheets for each applicant.

Enclosures 3 and 4 provide information identifsd by the maminers for each individual applicant.


Through your Systems Approach to Training (SAT) Program, we expect you will review the results and provide appropriate remedial training for individuals independent of their overall pass status. Each applicant has authorized the release of this information to your facility by signing Elock 19A of NRC Form 398.

P DR bd V

J. P. Duffield 2.

April 12,1999 If you have any questions pertaining to this information, please contact me at 630-829-9733.

Sincerely, Original signed by:

David E. Hills, Chief Operations Branch


Docket No.: 50-440


As stated cc w/ enclosures 1 and 2 ONLY:

L. W. Myers, Vice President, Nuclear Distribution:

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NAME DRMcNeil:mab DEHills DFIA DATE 04/12/99 L4v 04/12/99 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY E