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Documents Telcon Conducted on 990929 Between M Underwood of Oh EPA & D Tizzan of Pnpp,Re Request to Operate PNPP Sws,As Is,Until Resolution Can Be Obtained
Person / Time
Site: Perry FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 09/30/1999
From: Jeffery Wood
To: Underwood M
PY-CEI-OEPA-032, NUDOCS 9910200046
Download: ML20217E711 (1)




,O 4408 John K. Wood 440-280 5224 Vice President. Nudear Fax:440-280 8029 September 30,1999 PY-CEl/OEPA-0321L Attention: Marie Underwood Ohio Environmental Protection Agency l

Northeast District Office 2110 East Aurora Road Twinsburg, Ohio 44087 j

Ladies and Gentlemen:

His letter documents a telephone call conducted on September 29,1999, between Ms. Marie Underwood, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA), and Ms. Donna Tizzano, Peny Nuclear Power Plant (PNPP),

concerning a request to operate the PNPP service water system, as is, until a resolution can be obtained.

The PNPP service water system supplies raw Lake Erie water to the make-up water pretreatment system The pretreatment system clarifies, softens, chlorinates and dechlorinates the incoming raw water. The clarit...

process uses cold time softening with ferrous sulfate added for coagulation. The equipment, sized for two una operation, is an up-flow clarifier that requires a 180 gpm minimum flow rate to maintain the sludge bed, which is needed for turbidity reduction. Constant operation of the clarifier is required to minimize sludge bed upset and suspended solids. The clarified and softened water is stored in a 200,000 gallon tank called the clea well. Water stored in the clearwell is used as a source of water for other plant systems. Note, if the clarification equipment needed to be secured for maintenance, city water can be supplied directly to the clearwell to maintain the plant's water supply. Since plant water demand is approximately 130 gpm, any excess softened water will be decanted from the clearwell. Permanent plant design routes this overflow to the stormdrain. Overflow of the clearweil occurs regularly due to the required process flow rate of the clarification equipment.

The clearwell water is essentially the same as potable water, an approved component of storm drainage. Its chemical makeup is very similar to the Lake County potable water supplied to the PNPP.

Since no environmental benefit would be realized by switching to potable water for the clearwell supply, the PNPP staff hereby requests permission to continue to operate the clarification equipment with service water. He PNPP staffis prepared to meet with the OEPA at your earliest convenience to discuss resolution.

If you have questions or require additional information, please call Ms. Donna Tizzano at (440)280-5514.

Very truly yours, 424GM

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NRC Region III NRC Resident inspector g

NRC Project Manager g


NRC Document Control Desk (50-440) l 9910200046 990930 I

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