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Discusses Util 690410 Exemption Request,Waiving Reporting Requirements of Exposure of Individuals Not Employed by Facility.Exemption Request Granted,Effective 690521
Person / Time
Site: Yankee Rowe
Issue date: 05/21/1969
From: Price H
To: Minnick L
NUDOCS 8011200381
Download: ML20148J024 (6)


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MAY 211969 3

License No. Dpt-3 Docket No. 50 29 Yankee Atomaic Electric Company W POOR Qgg PAGES 411 Stuart Street Boston, Massachusetts 02116 l Attention: Mr. Lawrence E. Minnick Vice President



Dear Sir:

nie have received your request dated April 10, 1969, for an exemption, which would waive, in part, the requirement in Section 20.408 for a report to the Comenission of the exposure of persons not technically employed by Yankee, at the completion of an individual's work assign-seent at Yankee's facility.

l You state that the exemption would be applied only to specifically identified groups of individuals employed by a Yankee related cesapany, and that reports rec ;1 red by Section 20.408 upon termination of employment of individuals in these groups would be supplied by the Yankee Atomic Electric Company within the tisse specified by regulation. You propose, in effect, alterestive procedures for submitting the informstion thet would be in the reperta normally j required by Section 20.408 at the completion of the individual's work )


We have reviewed the information in your request for exemption, in part, from the reporting requirements in Section 20.408 and have con-cluded that the requested exemption would not involve any addittecal risk to individuals and would not result in any loss of exposure information 7

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SURNAME > . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .

DATr > . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Form AEC-318 (Rev. 9-S3) AECM 0240 u s sovumaser esinnes ornca ine o-au-sir 8011200 N [


Yankee Atomic Electric Ceapany ultimately to be submitted to the Conanission in accordance with Section 20.408. Accordingly, w have determined pursuant to Section 20.501 that the exemption is authorized by law end will not result in undue hazard to life or property. Permiraion is hereby granted, effective this date, for Yankee to control exposures and reporting practices in accordance with the request in your letter dated April 10, 1969.


'( signed ) Harold L. Price Harold L. Price Director of Ragulation Distribution:

PDR (50-29)

DRL Read.

REG Read.

RPS Read.

Docket File S. Robinson, SECY HLPrice, DR CKBeck, DR MMMann, DR CLHenderson, DR RLDoan, DR PAMorris, DRL CFEason, AWC&RR RKShapar, OGC NDMason, DRL LRRogers, RPS JVNehemias, RPS Compliance FWestern, RPS Ha z e l Smi t h , A DM A>, . A n -

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License No. DPR-3 \

Docket No. 50-29 Yankee Atomic Electric'Qoupany /

411 Stuart Street \  ;

Boston, Massachusetts 02 16  !

l l

Attention: Mr. Lawrence E. Minniclq Vice Frasident


YA-2741, REQUEST F E ION l Dear Sirs  ;

L We have received your request datdApril 10, 1969, for an exemption, which would waive, in pat , the requirement in Section 20.408 for a report to theC selon of the exposure of persons not technically employpd Yankee, at the c"opletion of an individual's work assignmenk at nkme's facility.

You state that the exemption vocid be cpp ied only to specifically identified groups of individuals employed y a Yankee related company, and that reports required by Secti n 20.408 upon termination of employment of individuals in .hase groups would be supplied by the Yankee Atomic Electric Compa ty within the time specified by regulation. You further propos alternative ntrols and conditions in lisu of the reports required y Section 20. 8 at the completion of the individual's work assig ut.

We have reviewed the informati, in your request or exention, in part, from the report ing requirements in Section 0.408 arJ have concludei that the requested ear.asption would not i ;1ve any additional risk to individuals and would not result in any lo a of exposure information 1

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License No. DFR-3 '\

Decket No. 50-29 \

Yankee Atomic E10ctric Company 411 Stuart Str6et \

Boston, Massachusetts 02116-Attention: Mr. Lawrence E. Mi ick Vice President


YA-2741, REQUEST FOR ' MFTION Dear Sir WehavereceivedyourrequestdatedAqril 10,1969, for an eseg tion, which would waive, in part,zthe requirement in Section 20.408 for a report to the Comum4ssion of the arposure of persons not technically ownleyed by Yankee, at the completion of an individual's work assistament at Yankeq's facility.

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You state that. the vaanytion would be app 14ed only to specifically identified groups of individua}s empicr/ed by a Yankee related coagany, and that reports required by Sectip 20.408 upon termination of employment of individuals in these groupsk would be supplied by the Yankee Atomic Electric 'pany within t time specified by regulation. You further sta e that radiation esg nsures of all Yankee related coegany peregnnel would be re ated according to established administrative precedures, of which procedures you included copies in your r st. \

We have reviewed the information in your request for evenytion, in part, from the reporting requirements in Section' 20.406 and have concluded that the requested esemption would not involve any additional risk to individuals and would not result in any loss of exposure information l


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License No. DFR-3 i Docket No. 50-29 l

Yankee Atomic Electric Company 411 Stuart Street l Boston, Massachusetts 02116 Attention: Mr. Lawrence E. Niante l Vice President j


YA-2741, REQUEST FOR I ON Dear firs )

We have received your request dated Apri ,1969 for an exemption, which would waive, in part. the requirene ', in Section 20.404 for a report to the Cosmeission of the exposure o ' persons not technically employed by Yankee, at the completion of individual's work assign-ment at Yankee's facility.

You state that the exemption would be a ied only to specifically identified groups of individuals employs by a Yankea related company, and that reports required by se tion 0.408 upon termination i of employment of individuals in these a 1d be appplied by ,

the Yankee Atomic Electric Company with a the t specified by l regulation. You further state that ra ation eeures of all Yankee  ;

related company personnel would be res lated ece ding to estabitsbed administrative procedures, of which p edures y included copies in 1 your request.

'Je have reviewed the information in our request f exemptina, in from the reporting re utreme s in 8 action 20 40s and have part[udedthattherequeste conc exemp on would not i olve any ado;tional risk to individuals, would not re it in any loss o exposure information


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l b q j Yankee Atomic Electric ompany ultianstely to be subunitted the Comuni sion in accordance with Section 20.406, and would of etively ifill the intent of the

- regulation. Accordingly, per sion i hereby granted, effective this date, for Yankee to contro sexp res and reporting practices in accordance with the request id letter dated April 10, 1969.

Si rely, i

rold L Price rector Regulation l Distribution:

PDR (50-29)

DRL Read.

REG Read.

RPS Read. /

Docket File S. Robinson, SECY HLPrice, DR CKBeck, DR MMMann, DR CLHenderson, DR RLDoan, DR PAMorris, DRL CFEas on, AWC&RR HKShapar, OGC NDMason, DRL LRRogers, RPS JVNeh emias y RPS Compliance FWestern, RPS CO AWC&RR

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DR-2125 l

RPS: TAB RPS OGC ADR:ADM DR omet> . .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r Form AEC-Sla (Rev. 9 53) AECM 0240 s a sonemassi reinvies onics i sus o-au-sis

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