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Submits Info That Clarifies Guard Responsibilities to Assure Effective Application of Regulatory Requirements in Protecting SNM from Sabotage.Response Requested Affirming Practices for Implementing Requirements of 10CFR73.40
Person / Time
Site: Yankee Rowe
Issue date: 12/01/1975
From: Boyd R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Groce R
NUDOCS 8011210056
Download: ML20148J071 (2)



1 I

Dec ket No. 50- 3


$U3 Yankee Ato,ic llectric Co-enny d ATT : Mr. 'onert D. Gence 1.iceraine insinocr IHIS DOCUggyT CONT 4fy3 20 Turnpike : cad POOR Westboro, Massachusetts 015S1  %. gyaIlTV PAGE3 Gent le-en :

1 l RE: Yanken-Wouc Atomic Pouer Station The subject of ruard responsibilities in protectin~ special nucler

.I material tro, the f t and snbotane is beine reviewed by the "uclear

'! Peculatory Co .ission. The purpose of this letter is to clartfy one asrect of these retconsibilitie= so as to assurc offcctive application of regulatory requirements in this irrortant area.

1 Nuclear reactor facilities are recuired, under 10 CFR 73.40. te l provide ohysical protection and to i r.olement the securitv plon

submitted to the Co-ission. A necessary ele-ent fnr amorevn1 of the plen of c nuclear power reactor is the provision of cunris.

We expect that the resconse requirements for these cucrds aill be the see as called out in 10 CFR 73.50 (g)(2) which recuirca that ruards resnondine to a possible threct shall determine if a threat I

exists, assere the cytent o f t he th ro at . and initiate meswreg to

' neutralize the threat , either by actino on their orm or bv c,ili-~

for assistance fron local law enforcement authcrities, or both, i It onwars e50t the option for cuorr's takinc actirn on their c"n er d' calling for outside assistance ray conceivably be cubject to -is-interoretation. The current reculation conte-nlates that ausrds a re to be instructed that their first triority is to asness the extet of the threat and convey to the proper law enforce nent authoritiac the nature of the threat. They should then , or sirultaneousiv t: j j possible, take action on their own to counter the threat , d e f e r rin l d ac tion pending the crrival of reinforcements caly in those instances l in which a cuard's life vould be placed in needless peril .when faced with an overwhelming f orce. In such instances. cuards could be j expected to take prudent delayinc action whenever nossible wh,i l a l

,' j hhf[ g;q


' Your early resnonse to this letter vould be very -och annreciate , j cither affirning th at your present orsctices for innle entine the L

l i;

i Ynkee Ato-ic c:lectric Cerovny --

l i

i recuireren ta of 10 CFR 73.40 are consistent uith thia view for the

implenectation of !i73.50 (~)(2) or ,dvising us of any deviation f rom this sporoach, and in the latter case, ind ie n t irv
the cause of such deviation.

i Sincerely, 16w a r 5. T.oyd, ectine Directer Diviaion ot Peactor Licensin '

Ottice of Nuclear Reactor D. mileti n ec: .1 r . Donc1d G. Allen. President Yankee Atonic Electric Corgany DISTRIBUTION 20 Turnpike ?. cad Docket File 17e s t bo ro , Maasachusetto 01531 NRC PDR Local PDR Creen field Public Library ORB #1 Reading

402 l'ain Street RSBoyd l Greentield !!aanschusetta 01581 KRGoller RAPurple TJCarter ABurger SMSheppard Attorney, OELD OI6E(3)

I ACRS (16) i DEisenhut TBAbernathy JRBuchanan i


.i '

l i

l j



,ni l O F ,,c

  • RL ORB #1 RL:04 # OELDt RL;NKQ.OR/AD.


I ABurger:de RIurple _.

3 ,gp /MTC us.s m o KRGoller _

RSBoyd . _ _ _ _ . . _ . .

g o.,,, 12/12/75 12//.. [/..7.. 5..... 1.2../L%/. 7.. 5. .... ..1. 2/18/.7. 5.... _.12/P.. /.7. 5 .,

j Form AEC 318 (Rev. 9 53) AECM 0240 W u. a; oOVERNMENT PRINTING OPP CES 1974 336-186