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Advises That 890501 Response to NRC 890131 Request for Addl Info Re Environ Qualification of Bunker-Ramo Electrical Penetration Assemblies Responsive to NRC Concerns.Environ Qualification File May Be Subj to Future Audit
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 07/24/1989
From: Pickett D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Withers B
TAC-73346, NUDOCS 8907260239
Download: ML20247E621 (3)



E July 24,1989 Docket No. 50-482 i

Mr. Bart D. Withers President and Chief Executive Officer Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation Post Office Box 411 Burlington, Kansas 66839

Dear Mr. Withers:



By letter dated January 31,1989 (Gary M. Holahan, NRC to Bart D. Withers, Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation) you were requested to provide additional information regarding the resolution of issues involving the environmental qualification of Bunker Ramo containment penetration assemblies. You were specifically requested to furnish plans and a schedule to either provide an

- appropriate demonstration of qualification for the existing penetration assemblies, or replace the subject penetration assemblies with penetration assemblies which have been preslously demonstrated to be qualified per licensing criteria as appropriate for the Wolf Creek Generating Station.

By letter dated May 1,1989 (John A. Bailey, Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation to NRC) you provided information regarding (1) the similarity of the installed instrumentation circuits and the circuits which were tested; (2) insulation resistance values on control circuits installed at the Wolf Creek Generating Station; and (3) plans and schedules for obtaining supplemental qualification testing information for Bunker Ramo electrical penetration assemblies (EPAs) installed at Wolf Creek.

In particular, your letter concluded that the environmental qualification documentation currently in place at Wolf Creek supports the qualification of Bunker Ramo EPAs as required by 10 CFR 50.49.

We find your reply responsive to the concerns raised in our letter. The information contained in your environmental qualification file may be subject to a staff audit at a future date.



Douglas V. Pickett, Project Manager Project Directorate IV Division-of Reactor Projects III, 8907260239 890724 PDR ADOCK 05000482 IV, V and Special Projects P

PDC Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation cc: See next page DISTRIBUTION

< Docket: File" NRC PDR Local PDR PD4 Reading G. Holahan ADR4 F. Hebdon P. Neonan D. Pickett OGC-Rockville E. Jordan B. Grimes ACRS (10)

PD4 Plant File P. Shemanski AC t. 7 346 PD4/DIb PD4/LA PNoon'ad(" PD4yft:cs I


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FHebdon 07/iYl/89 07/2A/89 07/et/89

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p WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 k


July 24,1989 Docket No.52-482 Mr. Bart D. Withers President and Chief Executive Officer Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation Post Office Box 411 Burlington, Kansas 66839

Dear Mr. Withers:



By letter dated January 31,1989 (Gary M. Lolahan, NRC to Bart D. Withers, Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation) you were requested to provide additional information regarding the resolution of issues involving the environmental qualification of Bunker Ramo containment penetration assemblies. You were specifically requested to furnish plans and a schedule to either provide an l

appropriate demonstration of qualification for the existing penetration assemblies, or replace the subject penetration assemblies with penetration assemblies which have been previously demonstrated to be qualified per licensing criteria as appropriate for the Wolf Creek Generating Station.

By letter dated May 1,1989 (John A. Bailey, Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation to NRC) you provided information regarding (1) the similarity l

of the installed instrumentation circuits and the circuits which were tested; (2)insulationresistancevaluesoncontrolcircuitsinstalledattheWolf Creek Generating Station; and (3) plans and schedules for obtaining supplemental qualification testing information for Bunker Ramo electrical penetration assemblies (EPAs) installed at Wolf Creek.

In particular, your letter concluded that the environmental qualification documentation currently in place at Wolf Creek supports.the qualification of Bunker Ramo EPAs as required by 10 CFR 50.49.

We find your reply responsive to the concerns raised in our letter. The information contained in your environmental qualification file may be subject to a staff audit at a future date.

Sincerely, 4 v.aA Douglas V. Pickett, Project Manager Project Directorate IV Division of Reactor Projects III, IV, V and Special Projects Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation cc: See next page l

l Y

If i


' Mr. Bart D. Withers Wolf Creek Generating Station Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation Unit No. 1 y


Jay Silberg, Esq.

Mr. Gerald Allen Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge Public Health Physicist 1800 M Street, NW Bureau of Air Quality & Radiation Washington, D.C.

20036 Control Division of Environment Chris R. Rogers, P.E.

Kansas Department of Health Manager, Electric Department and Environment Public Service Comission Forbes Field Building 321 P. O. Box 360 Topeka, Kansas 66620 Jefferson City, Missouri 65102 Mr. Gary Boyer, Plant Manager Regional Administrator, Region III Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corp.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission P. O. Box 411 799 Roosevelt Road Burlington, Kansas 66839 Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 Regional Administrator, Region IV Senior Resident Inspector / Wolf Creek U.S.. Nuclear Regulatory Comission c/o U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Office of Executive Director P. O. Box 311 for Operations Burlington, Kansas 66839 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1000 Arlington, Texas 76011 Mr. Robert Elliot, Chief Engineer Utilities Division Mr. Otto Maynard, Manager Kansas Corporation Comission Regulatory Services l

4th Floor - State Office Building Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corp.

Topeka, Kansas 66612-1571 P. O. Box 411 i

Office of the Governor I

State of Kansas l

Topeka, Kansas 66612 Attorney General 1st Floor - The Statehouse q

Topeka, Kansas 66612 1

Chairman, Coffey County Comission Coffey County Courthouse


'Burlington, Kansas 66839 l

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