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Requests Amend to Fsar,Describing Rupture Discs & Administrative Controls,Tests & Surveillance That Recipient Has or Intends to Have Over Discs,Within 30 Days of Ltr Receipt.Listed Items Should Be in Tech Spec Format
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 07/09/1976
From: Stolz J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Dunn C
TAC-6232, NUDOCS 8710270151
Download: ML20245C328 (2)


. _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -

^ Distribution: /7 d .' . b Docket Files \20 l NRC PDR IE (3) 1.ocal PDR H. Smith JUL 0 01976 UlR #1 File D. Fischer R. C. DeYoung V. Benaroya F. J. Williams

  • t0lz Docket !!o. 50-33/' 39 bec: J. Buchanan, !! SIC E. Hylton T. B. Abernathy, TIC dr. C. 4. Dunn

, ACRS(16)

Vice President, Onerations Division Duquesne Licht Conpany 1135 Sixth avonue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219

Dearfir. Dunn:

This letter is in renard to the explosive runturo discs installed in the main stean valve roon at Deaver Valley Powor Station l' nit Fo. I and discussed in Detail 0.c. of Inspection t'o. 70-13 which was sent to you


by our Office of Insnection and Enforcement by letter dated June 10, 1976. #

The purpose of t'ese rupture discs is to provide a vent arra in the evrnt of a postulated pipe runture in the nain stear valve roon.

Deference to Section 4.1.3 of f ppendix D to the Final Safety Analysis

!!eport (FSf R) descriles these rupture discs as desianed to blo'. out at 0.5 pounds p r square inch dif ferential pressure to provide.. the required vont area. The discussinn in tha W P, does not, however, nahe any nnntion of an exnlosivn assist. Tha discussion ale,n decs not describe uhat Hnd of tests or surveillance will bo conducted to assure thn onornhility of the dovices, the adelnistrativo con +rols that vill be used to nrevent disarning of the deviccs, and the controls that will be used under the plant operatine condition when the devices are disarne'i.

Our concern in this Patter is the notential effect that a loss of vent area could have on safety related couirrrnt located in the nain steam valve roor. In this rer'ard, we request that uithin thirty days of receipt of this letter yon provide us with sufficient information, by annndnont to the FKAR, describing the runtt're discs and the administra tive controls, tests an i surveillance that you have or intend to have over tVse runture discs. L'e request that the surveillance, tests an<' administrative controls Fe provided in tho fornat of a technical specification which is applicable at any tire that the plant is onorated in nnerational '!o:ies 1, 2, 3, and 4 as defined in Table 1.1 of linpendix A to thn plant operatinc license.

OF P'tC E W ..

8710270151 760709

.v..~.- PDR, ADOCK 05000334 - -

P P 98.

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fctua AlCOl8 (Kn. 943) AIOt 0240 W u. s. oos s tueu seer raiwisev a or rece t es

J. O C JUL 0 91976 If, for exanple, it is your intention to provide an alternative vent aren when the rupture disc exalosiva device is disamed, then an analysis should be provided to verify that the alternative vent area is adequate.

If you have any furthor questions regardin0 this ratter, please contact us.

Sincerely, Original Sigucd by John F. Stolz g J. F. Stolz, Chief Licht Uater Pcactors F. ranch I'o,1 Division of Project f!anaqenent cc: Corald Charnoff, Fsq.

Jay E. Silberg, Esq.

Sh w , Pittnan, Potts and T rowbridae 1000 ti Strent. ". U.

Dashington, D. C. 20006 V.arin Carter, Esq.

Sorcial issistant Sttornev General rureau of '<'ninistrative Fnforcervnt ,

5th Floor, D:ecutive House Parrisburo, Pennsylvania 17120 Joseph A. Fricker, Jr.

I.ltility Counsel City of Pittsbura

313 City - Count" Puildinq Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219 fir. ft. Stokes Uestirchoose Flectric Corporation P. O. Fox 355 Pittsburnh, Pennsylvania 15230 fir. D. !'annan Stone S lleMtnr innineerinq Corporation 225 Franklin Street Coston, "assachusotts 02107 LWR #1 DSS.t DS LWR #1 a , , , a >-

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