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Confirms 871020 Telcon Re Final Submittal of Fundamental Nuclear Matl Control Plan,Per 10CFR74.31(b).Draft Sections Adequately Address Final Fundamental Nuclear Matl Control Plan Review Comments & Concerns
Person / Time
Site: 07001100
Issue date: 10/27/1987
From: Brach E
To: Mcgill P
NUDOCS 8711030353
Download: ML20236G939 (2)




I Return to NMSS/SGLB, 825-SS SGLB:RLJ Distribution:

70-1100 tDocket7 File 970fl100F j

SGLB r/f Combustion Engineering, Inc.

RJackson EWBrach Attn:

Dr. P. McGill DJoy RFBurnett Vice President, Manufacturing GGundersen A Della Ratta, RI 1000 Prospect Hill Road PTing PDR l

Windsor, Connecticut 05095 ESuarez RKeimig, RI Gentlemen:

This letter confirms a telephone conversation on October 20, 1987 between Mr. R. Sheeran of Combustion Engineering, Inc., and Mr. R. Jackson of my staff concerning the final submittal of your Fundamental Nuclear Material Control i

Plan (FNMCP) as required by 10 CFR 74.31(b).

We have determined that the responses in the form of draft FNMCP Sections telecopied to us on October 19, 1987 adequately address our final FNMCP review comments and concerns. Mr. Sheeran did agree to add a footnote to Figure I.4-1 regarding the calibration frequency of key measurement systems.

The footnote is to reference the appropriate section of the FNMCP wherein the l

l information is currently stated.

The addition of this footnote will finalize i

the incorporation of our FNMCP review comments contained in our letter to you dated October 2, 1987 and agreements reached during the October 6, 1987 NRC Headquarters meeting (reference our letter and enclosure to you dated October 13, 1987).

l l

In the above referenced telephone conversation, Mr. Sheeran stated that the final FNMCP including Annex (Revision 0 - dated the same as the incoming cover j

letter) would be issued in their entirety in approximately two weeks. The l

final FHMCP will incorporate all previously agreed to revisions which are not j

limited to the previously referenced NRC letter to you dated October 2, 1987.

We appreciate the dedicated efforts of your staff members, D. Parks and R. Sheeran, in the preparation of an acceptable FNMCP which meets the requirements and intent of 10 CFR 74.31.

Sincerely, Q1030353871027 C

ADOCM o70o1100 pog E. William Brach, Chief Licensing Branch Division of Safeguards and Transportation, NMSS cc:

D. Parks - CE Windsor R. Sheeran - CE Windsor SGLB SGLB /

SG See previous concurrence for RJackso(hv PTing' EWB ac Mr. Ting's concurrence. (10-23-87) 10/7'l/87

, 10/ /87 10/p/87

3 pnT 2 71987 We a]precia the dedicated efforts of your staff members, D. Parks and R. Sleeran ingthe realization of an acceptable FNMCP which meets the requirements and intent of 10 CFR 74.31.



E.WilliamBrach,IctingChief Licensing Branch /

l Division of Saffsguards


and Transportation, NMSS



D. Parks - CE Windsor


R. Sheeran - CE Windsor



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j DATE : 10/ F/87

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