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Forwards TE Murley Granting Extension of 60-day Reporting Requirements Re USI A-46, Seismic Qualifications of Equipment in Operating Plants. Schedule for Plant Specific Implementation Required by 871201
Person / Time
Site: Hatch  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 05/05/1987
From: Crocker L
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: James O'Reilly
TASK-A-46, TASK-OR GL-87-02, GL-87-2, NUDOCS 8705130142
Download: ML20215M249 (1)



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Docket Nos.: 50-321 and 366-


Mr.' James P. O'Reilly

, Senior.Vice' President - Nuclear Operations t

..__ sGeorgia: Power Company QM P.O. Box 4545-Atlanta,2 Georgia 30302 gp l.; .

Dear Mr. O'Reilly:

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' Generic Letter 87-02, Reporting Requirements - Hatch Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2

%' . Generic Letter 87-02 was issued on February 19, 1987, to all utilities required to implement the requirements of USI A-46, " Seismic Qualification of

,f, . Equipment in Operating Plants." The letter required the utilities to respond

." -within 60 days. Subsequently, the Seismic Oualification Utilities Group

. (SQUG) fonnally requested an extension of the 60 day reporting requirements


for its member utilities.

-Enclosed for.your _information is a copy of a letter dated April 28, 1987, from

},;- Thomas- E. Murley, Director of NRC's Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation,

. granting that. request and requiring a schedule for plant specific

~ implementation by December 1. 1987.

( Sincerely,

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Lawrence Crocker, Project Manager

--Project Directorate II-3 Division of Reactor Projects-I/II


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j Mr. Neil P. Smith Chaiman Seismic Qualification Utility Group 801 18th Street, N.W.

A, Suite 300 D Washington, D.C. 20006 ll c


Dear Mr. Smith:

'.' n I have received jour letter dated April 10, 1987 requesting clarification of i- the 60-day reporting provisions of Generic Letter 87-02. In Generic Letter

r 87-02, the staff requested that each licensee subject to the USI A-46 equipment seismic adequacy verification requirements provide a schedule for implementation of the seismic verification within 60 days of receipt of the Generic Letter.


In your letter you stated that licensees who belong to the Seismic ,

Qualification Utility Group (SQUG) will ne unable to provide a schedule for  !

implementation at this time because the generic implementation procedures are '

.still under development by the SQUG and will not be finalized until the

. completion of s.everal trial plant reviews.

', p The staff hatfreviewed your request and concluded that it is appropriate to extend the 60-day reporting provisions of Generic Letter 87-02 for SQUG licensees until the generic implementation procedures are better defined and the trial plant reviews are completed. It is my understanding that the 3

" SQUG generic implementation procedures should be essentially complete before r October 1,1987. By that date at least two trial plant reviews will have been

' completed and the generic implementation procedures sufficiently defined and  :

.f 1 reviewed by NRC staff so~that licensees can plan and schedule their plant g specific reviews. '

", All licensees participating in the US! A 46 SQUG implementation program should provide the schedule for plant specific implementation no later than December 1,1987. The NRC staff will review and evaluate the generic procedures by October 1, to allow each utility 60 days to prepare their replies to the generic letter. l t

Sincerely, Thomas E. Murley, 0;. M m

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Office. of Nuclear Reactor Regulation .

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Mr. J. T. Beckham, Jr. Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Georgia Power Company Units Nos. I and 2 cc:

G. f. Trowbridge, Esq. .

Shaw, Pittman, Potts and Trowbridge 1800 M Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20036

-Mr. L. T. Gucwa Engineering Department Georgia Power Company P. O. Box 4545 Atlanta, Georgia 30302 Mr. - H. C. Nix, Jr. , General Manager Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Georgia Power Company -

P. O. Box 442 Baxley, Georgia 31513 Mr. Louis B. Long Southern Company Services, Inc.

P. O. Box 2625 Bimingham, Alabama 35202 Resident Inspector U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Route 1, P. O. Box 279 Baxley, Georgia 31513 Regional Administrator, Region II U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,

, 101 Marietta Street, Suite 3100 Atlanta, Georiga 30303 Mr. Charles H. Badger Office of Planning and Budget Room 610 270 Wtshington Street, S.W.

Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Mr._ J. Leonard Ledbetter, Comissioner Department of Natural Resources 270 Washington Street, N.W.

Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Chainnan Appling County Comissioners County Courthouse Baxley. Georgia 31513 l
