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Advises of 860609-20 Independent Verification Insp at Facility,Using NRC NDE Van & Contractor Technicians.Nrc Will Select Welds from Structural Supports,Pipe Hangers & Electrical Tray Supports for Exam by NDE Van Team
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 05/12/1986
From: Ebneter S
To: Carey J
NUDOCS 8605190205
Download: ML20197H602 (4)



NY 121986 Docket No. 50-412 Duquesne Light Company ATTN: Mr. J. J. Carey Vice President Nuclear Group Post Office Box 4 Shippingport, Pennsylvania 15077 Gentlemen:


NRC Independent Measurements The NRC will perform an independent verification inspection at Beaver Valley Nuclear Power Station, Unit 2 using the NRC Nondestructive Examination (NDE)

Van and contractor technicians under NRC direction. Construction activities and materials will be sampled through nondestructive examinations as a supple-ment to our existing inspection efforts. Similar nondestructive examinations by the NRC have been performed on a routine basis at yours and other construc-tion sites.

The inspection onsite will begin on June 9, 1986, and will conclude on June 20, 1986. Welds will be selected by the NRC Resident Inspector for examination by the NDE van team. The selection will be made from structural supports, pipe hangers, and electrical tray supports. Selected welds in the Preservice Inspection (PSI) Program will be re-examined in conjunction with a review of your FSI data. Some concrete will be tested. We will update our NDE proce-dures to be consistent with your committed codes and standards. All documenta-tion supplied by your staff will be returned, upon request, at the conclusion of the inspection.

Members of your, staff will be kept informed of our inspection progress and sig-nificant findings. An exit meeting with you or members of your staff will be -

conducted on June 20, 1986, in accordance with our normal procedures. The evaluation of examination results and preparation of an inspection report will be completed and the results of the inspection will be transmitted to you through the standard NRC inspection report. Additional information relating to the NDE Van activities at your facility are discussed in Attachments A and B. I l

If you should have any further questions regarding this planned inspection, d please contact the assigned Senior Resident Inspector, or Mr. James Wiggins at l (215) 337-5198 of the NRC Region I Office. Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated.

Sincerely, l Or18 nalSiE"*d37' 1

Jacquo P. Durr 8605190205 86 ADOCK O jt2 PDR PDR Stewart D. Ebneter, Director G Division of Reactor Safety Attachments:

As Stated 0\

OFFICIAL RECORD COPY KERCH4/30/86 - 0001.0.0 t f g .


i Duquesne Light Company 2 cc w/attchs:

E. J. Woolever, Vice President, Special Projects E. Ewing, Quality Assurance Manager R. J. Swiderski, Manager, Startup Group J. P. Thomas, Manager, Engineering R. E. Martin, Manager, Regulatory Affairs

, C. O. Richardson, Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation j

Public Document Room (PDR)

Local Public Document Room (LPDR)

Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC)

NRC Resident Inspector l Commonwealth of Pennsylvania bec w/ enc 1:

Region I Docket Room (with concurrences)

Management Assistant, DRMA (w/o encls)

Senior Operations Officer (w/o encis)

DRP Section Chief

., L. Tripp, DPR, Section Chief #3A T. Rebelowski, SRI, Millstone 3 W. Troskoski, SRI, BV-1 & BV-2

P. Tam, LPM, NRR 9

i 1

1 1

4 RI:DRS hWr RI:DRS RI:DRS Kerch Wiggins Durr 1

0FFICIAL RECORD COPY KERCH4/30/86 - 0002.0.0 i 05/09/86 1



1. NDE Van Support Requirements We request that the NRC-NDE Van be positioned as near as practicable to the containment area entrance to facilitate the performance of inspec-tions.
a. The van requires the following connections while sited at your facility:

Two 30 amp, 110 volt circuits are required for operation of the van,

b. The van will contain PT and MT approved materials,
c. It will be necessary for you to remove the paint, rust or other mate-rial that could interfere with PT or MT on the selected welds. Also, wa will need scaffolding erected and insulation removed for access.
2. Administrative Information
a. The names of the NRC and contractor NDE personnel will be supplied to you by Region I. Clearance for these personnel is necessary.

, b. A camera site pass will be needed for a Canon AE-1, 35 mm, camera, Serial No. 1969401.

c. The NDE personnel will be using 5 watt Motorola radios on the site; <

the frequency used by the NRC is 165.6625 MHz.


ATTACHMENT B The NDE van team will perform the following examinations and inspections as appropriate:

! Ultrasonics:

Flaw detection and material thickness measurements, as appropriate, of piping, welds, structural components, vessels, heat exchangers, bolts and other equip-ment.

Liquid Penetrant:

1 Piping system components and structural elements.

Magnetic Particle


l Piping system components and structural elements.

Hardness Testing:

All of the previously listed components.

1 Windsor Probe:

Safety related concrete.

Delta Ferrite Indications (Severn Gage):

Stainless steel welds.

Alloy Analysis:

Selected metallic components will have confirmatory chemical analysis performed.


Visual Examinations:

i Weld quality and configuration verification of piping and structural systems.

Quality Records Review:

Welding documentation, materials and personnel certification, NDE records to .

include radiographs. '

i l

1 .


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