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Requests Commitments to Special Low Power Test Program for Facility & Augmented Operator Training for Compliance W/Tmi Task Action Item 1.G.1
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/16/1981
From: Tedesco R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Abel J
NUDOCS 8101300818
Download: ML20148R560 (3)


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RVollmer NSIC f'r. J. S. Abel TMurley TIC Director of Nuclear Licensing DZeiman ACRS (16)

Commonwealth Edison Company P. O. Cox 767 Chicago, Illinois 60690

Dear fe. Atel:

r SUFJECT: TMI TASK ACTION ITEM I.G.1 SPECIAL LOW POVER TEST PPCCRAf' FOR BVPS By letter dated October 31, 1980, we sent you a ccpy of f.UREC-0737,

" Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements." Enclosure 2 of t<UREG-0737 constitutes a compilation of those items that have been specifically approved by the Comission for implementation as operating license requirements.

The purpose of this letter is to provide additional guidance with regard to TNI Task Action Plan I.G.1 as it applies to EWR CL applications. The basic recuire-ments for a special low power test program were provided in f.'UREG-0694 (referenced as being issued 6/26/80 in Erclosure 2 to MUPEG-0737).

f'UPEG-0694 recuires applicants to " define and ccenit to a special low power testing procram approved by imC to be conducted at pcwcr levels no greater than 5 percent for the purposes of providing meaningful technical information beycnd that obtained in the nonral startup test program and to provide supplemental training".

A low power test program similar to the one developed by TVA for Secucyah and i

i and consisting of demonstrations of simulated decay heat removal under degraded plant conditions has been approved for PWR applicants. The " degraded conditions" to which PWRs are being subjected include varicus ccmbinations of natural circulation and reduced saturation margin operations with actual and simulated

a. c. power losses, steam generator isolations and baration and cooldewn.

In view of the fact that natural circulation and reduced saturation margin conditions are routine to EPR operations, the PWR programs cannot be used for BWRs in their entirety.

It would be possible to use the standby boron system to perform a boren mixing test uimilar to one of the PWR tests, however, the experience cained would not justify the cleanup problem. We consider cne i

of the PVR tests, a simulated loss of all a. c. pcwer, to be feasible and one that should be performed en CVRs. The objective of this test is to familiarize operators with plant respense and determine plant limitations in a blackout.

To perform such a test, a real or simulated source of decay heat is necessary.

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L Mr. J. S. Abel '

'(In the PWR programs decay heat is simulated by input of fission Feat or coolant pump heat.) To use decay heat it will be necessary to defer the test until decay heat is available (as is permitted for one of the PFR q

tests in which reactivity control would be difficult).

If you decide to perform this simulated loss of a. c. power test with decay heat, you should p, cform this test within the first 1500 M1D/T core exposure and inrediately fellowing 7 days of operation at 80 percent rated power or above.

If you decide to use a simulated source of decay heat (such as steam from an external

!.ource or actual reactor power), you should perform this test during the initial test program.

Ycu sbculd commit to the special low power test program for your facility now. Detriled test procedures and safety analyses should be submitted for our review four weeks' prior to licensing.

In addition to the above, i

you should also commit to augmented operator training by participation in the pre-cp and startup test programs. Guidelines for the latter will be provided by the EVR Owners' Group. The format for your test precedures should be consistent with Regulatory Guide 1.68.

The results of the test program should be documented as part of the " Start-up Test Report" (see peculatory Guide 1.16).

Taking the above actions will constitute a basis for your satisfactory compliance with item I.G.I.

t Sincerely, I

Robert L. Tedesco Assistant Director for Licensing Division of Licensing i

l cc: See next page r.




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'Mr. J. S Abel

- Director of Nuclear Licensing Commonwealth Edison Company Post,0ffice Box 767 i

Chicago, Illinois 60690 CCs:

Mr. William Kortier Mr. Edward R. Crass Atomic Power Distribution-

_ Nuclear Safeguards and Licensing Division Westinghouse Electric Corporation Sargent & Lundy Engineers P. O. Box 355 55 East Monroe Street Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15230 Chicago, Illinois 60603-Paul M. Murphy, Esq.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region III Isham, Lincoln & Beale Office of Inspection and Enforcement One First National Plaza 799 Roosevelt Road 42nd Floor Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 Chicago, Illinois 60603 Myron Cherry, Esq.

Mrs. Phillip B. Johnson Cherry, Flynn and Kanter 1907 Stratford Lane 1 IBM Plaza, Suite 4501 Rockford Illinois 61107 Chicago, Illinois 60611 Ms. Julianne Mahler Marshall E. Miller, Esq., Chainnan Center for Governmental Studies Atomic Safety and L-icensing Northern Illinois University Board Panel DeKalb, Illinois 60115 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C.

20555 C. Allen Bock, Esq.

P. O. Box 342 Dr. A. Dixon Callihan Urbanan, Illinois 61820 Union Carbide Corporation P. O. Box Y Thomas J. Gordon, Esq.

Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 Waaler, Evans & Gordon 2503 S. Neil Dr. Richard F. Cole Champaign, Illinois 61820 Atomic Safety and Licensing Eoard Panel Ms. Bridget Little Rorem V. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Appleseed Coordinator Washington, D. C.


-117 North Linden Street Essex, Illinois 60935 Kenneth F. Levin, Esq.

Beatty, Levin, Holland, Basofin & Sarsany 11 South LaSalle Street Suite 2200 Chicago, Illinois 60603



