IR 05000272/1985019

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Physical Security Insp Repts 50-272/85-19 & 50-311/85-21 on 850819-23.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Security Plan & Implementing Procedures,Mgt Effectiveness & Security Program.Portions Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 11/18/1985
From: Bailey R, Keimig R
Shared Package
ML18092A915 List:
50-272-85-19, 50-311-85-21, NUDOCS 8512050463
Download: ML18092A916 (8)




50-272/85-19 Report No /85-21 50-272 Docket No DPR-70 License No DPR-75 Licensee:

Public Service Electric and Gas Company 80 Park Place Newark, New Jersey 07101 Facility Name:

Salem Nuclear Generating Station Inspection At:

Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey Inspection Conducted:

August 19-23, 1985 Date of Last Physical Security Inspection: April 8-11, 1985 Type of Inspection:

Routine, Unannounced Physical Security Inspector:

ity Inspector Approved by:


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//-11-85 date Inspection Summary:

Routine, nannounced Physical Security Inspection on August 19-23, 1985 (Combined Report Nos. 50-272/85-19 and 50-311/85-21)

Areas Inspected: Security Plan and Implementing Procedures; Management Effec-tiveness, Security Program; Security Organization; Testing and Maintenance; Physical Barriers (Protected Area); Security System Power Supply; Assessment Aids; Alarm Stations; Communications and Safeguards Contingency Pla The inspector conducted followup on an allegation and licensee actions taken in response to NRC's Regulatory Effectiveness Review finding The inspection involved 44 hours5.092593e-4 days <br />0.0122 hours <br />7.275132e-5 weeks <br />1.6742e-5 months <br /> onsite by one NRC region-based inspector, of which four were during non-regular hour Results:

The licensee was found to be in compliance with NRC requirements in the areas examined.

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, ss12oso463 051122 I

PDR ADOCK 05000272 I


DETAILS Personnel Contacted P. Moeller, General Manager - Nuclear Services J. Bavlish, Manager, Nuclear Security T. Di Guiseppi, Security Supervisor The inspector also interviewed other Public Service Electric and Gas Company employees and members of the Yoh contract security forc.

MC 30703 - Exit Interview.

The inspector met with licensee representatives listed in paragraph 1 at the conclusion of the inspection on August 23, 198 The purpose and scope of the inspection were reviewed and the licensee acknowledged the finding At no time during the inspection was written material provided to the licensee by the inspecto MC 92704 - Followup on Headquarters Requests During this inspection, the inspector reviewed the open items remaining from the December, 1982 Regulatory Effectiveness Revie The items were identified as numbers 5, 6, 8 and 10 in the attachment to NRC Combined Inspection Report Nos. 50-272/85-10 and 50-311/85-10 transmitted to the licensee by letter dated August 12, 198 See Attachment 1 for the inspector's finding MC 92706 - Independent Inspection Effort The inspector reviewed an allegation (RI-85-A-0091) received by NRC, Region I on August 19-23, 198 The allegation was made by a former employee of Yoh Security, Inc. who had terminated his employment voluntaril The Yoh officer stated that the security program was being mismanaged by PSE&G and Yoh Security, In The allegations were as follows: At approximately 10:13 p.m. on July 24, 1985, the door to the plant control room (Door 331) was pushed by the alleger, who was on duty as a security officer, and it opene When he requested assistance from his supervisors to handle the situation, none was provide In addition, the officer stated that the card readers (access control devices) on the control room door did not work.

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There was inadequate manpower at the site to support the new security computer system, and that some guards were being transferred to the Hope Creek Station. Also, the new computer did not work properly and it became inoperable without notic Post orders were not signe They do not apply to the situation at Salem, as it is now, and many posts do not have post order He was told that he would be fired because of his interruptions at guardmount (roll call formation).

Personal radios were confiscated from all security personnel because one was played over the security radio networ The following information was obtained by the inspector during review of allegations:

Issue 1: Through interviews with security management personnel of PSE&G and Yoh Security Inc., the inspector learned that the licensee had experienced difficulties with the newly installed security compute Additionally, that during the entire day of July 24, 1985, the Central Alarm Station (CAS) was recording numerous alarms from several location The inspector reviewed the alarm history record on the control room door (Door 331 for July 24, 1985) and observed that numerous exit door alarms had annunciated in the CA In response to questions from the inspector, a security force lieutenant stated that plant employees were unfamiliar with the new control room door exit card reader and that was the cause of the alarm He explained that employees were not inserting the key card before attempting to open the door, thereby causing an alar A total of ten exit alarms annunciated between 10:06 p.m. and 11:22 Each alarm was responded to by the officer who had made the allegation The computer recorded two different alarms after 11:22 A plant employee created one entrance alarm at 11:31 p.m. by holding the door open for an extended period and the officer again responde At 11:54 p.m. the officer himself created another entrance alarm at the door and that alarm was cleared by the CAS since the officer was already there and no additional response was necessary. A review by the inspector of the Security System Failure Reports for the period July 1 - August 19, 1985 (period when new computer was installed) indicated that on July 18, August 7 and 15, a hardware problem occurred on Door 331 and that appropriate repairs were mad The inspector conducted several operating tests on Door 331 during the week of August 19-23 and observed that the door locked properl The inspector also noted that plant employees exiting Door 331 were still causing exit alarms because of their unfamiliarity with the new card reade When questioned by the inspector, employees admitted to having difficulty remembering to insert the key card before attempting to exit. The licensee stated that since the use of the exit card reader is not required, they will reconsider its us The inspector was unable to substantiate that Door 331 could be pushed open without using a key card and that, if it was already open, an alarm would not have been receive *

One of the Yoh Security, Inc. Supervisors (Lieutenant) who was on duty the night of July 24, 1985 stated that he was having difficulty with numerous alarms and that he could not recall the details of conversations with members of his shif He further stated that he was not completely familiar with the full capabilities of the new computer at that point in time because the system had just been activated and training in its use had not been complete Issue 2:

A review by the inspector of the Contingency Event Log for July 25, 1985 revealed that the PSE&G Site Security Supervisor was notified at home by the on-duty Security Shift Supervisor at 12:31 a.m.,

to return to the site because of problems with the new computer syste At 12:48 a.m., the Security Shift Supervisor completed manning all security posts to compensate for the problem The Site Security Supervisor arrived on site and determined that six additional security force members would be needed if the system failed completel The system had not failed completel Compensatory security force members remained on post until 2:42 a.m., July 25, 1985 when the computer was stabilize The shift activity log revealed that Door 331 alarmed again at 4:10 a.m. and a security force member was posted at that tim The inspector reviewed the new system with the Site Security Supervisor who stated that the new security computer is designed to avoid total system failur Further, because of this feature and the expected reliability of the computer when all personnel become totally familiar with its operation, a 50% reduction in manpower could be realize In addition, to further reduce dependence on human resources, senior PSE&G management elected to eliminate non-security related duties previously assigned to the security forc The Site Security Supervisor stated that the elimination of these duties allowed some security force members to concentrate on learning the joint Salem/Hope Creek security program The inspector observed the operation of the upgraded security computer and witnessed the licensee perform a test on all external intrusion alarm systems, selected internal door alarms and closed circuit television system The security computer functioned as described in the physical security plan and the test was successfu Issue 3:

The Site Security Supervisor produced a new set of special post orders which were prepared to implement the upgraded security syste These post orders were different from those previously used prior to installation of the new security syste The Site Security Supervisor also produced a set of standing post orders for management and functional positions, i.e. Shift Lieutenant, Sergeant and patrols. These post orders are considered permanent and did not change as a result of the new syste They do not get placed on a post. There are no NRC or licensee requirements for post orders to be signed and the inspector could find no evidence that post orders for Salem had been signed in the past.

Issue 4:

The inspector interviewed several members of the security force to determine if the officer was disruptive or was told he would be fired if he continued to disrupt roll cal None of the interviewees could recal The inspector did not pursue the issue since there was no indication in the allegation that the issue was within the jurisdiction of the NR Issue 5:

The inspector learned through interviews with the PSE&G Site Security Supervisor and Yoh Security, Inc. Project Manager that a former Yoh Security, Inc. project manager had advised his security shift lieu-tenants to ensure that personnel practice better radio discipline or he would disallow the use of personal radios on post. Apparently, this resulted because personal radios could be heard in the background whenever security force members were transmitting over the security radio network. The officer who made the allegations had his personal radio {and those of others on his shift) confiscated by his Shift Lieutenan When the project manager learned of this, the Lieutenant was advised to return the radios and to discontinue the prohibitio Based on the records reviewed by the inspector, and interviews conducted, the inspector did not identify any violations of NRC requirements associated with the events on July 24, 198 The remaining issues could not be substantiated or were found not to be within the NRC 1s jurisdictio.

MC 81018 - Security Plan and Implementing Procedures The inspector confirmed that the licensee 1s new security system conformed to the security plan and implementing procedures by comparing the plan and procedures to the capabilities of the syste The inspector found no evidence that plant safety was being affected by the security program, procedures, or equipmen The licensee submitted a total Physical Security Plan revision to Region I on July 8, 1985 and it is currently under revie.

MC 81020 - Management Effectiveness - Security Program The inspector discussed the following activities with the licensee: Construction of a new main plant access facility to meet the needs of the Salem/Hope Creek Nuclear Generating Site Operation of the new integrated security computer system that includes: (1) backups for the primary security computer in both the Central and Secondary Alarm Stations {CAS/SAS); and, (2) new access control devices and support equipmen Realignment of PSE&G security personnel to provide around-the-clock oversight of the contract security force.

  • Realignment of the security contractor 1s supervisory personnel commensurate with the current size of the forc Initiation of plant employees being escorts for their own visitors instead of security personnel to reduce further the number of guards needed per shif.

MC 81022 - Security Organization The licensee 1 s security organization and chain of command was in the process of change; however, the existing organization was found to be in conformance with the approved physical security pla The proposed revision to the organization is under review by the NR Inspector Followup 50-272/85-19-01 and 50-311/85-19~0.

MC 81042 - Testing and Maintenance The inspector observed the licensee conduct a successful detection test of each zone around the protected area perimeter and of selected vital area door The licensee 1s program for testing and maintenance of security equipment conformed to the requirements of the security plan and procedure.

MC 81052 - Physical Barriers (Protected Area)

The inspector observed the entire physical barrier surrounding the protected area and found that it was being maintained in conformance with the security pla.

MC 81058 - Security System Power Supply The inspector verified through records review that the licensee conducted an online loaded test of the uninterruptable power supply (UPS) system on June 22, 198 The test demonstrated that the computer system was not affected during a power failur.

MC 81066 - Assessment Aids The inspector observed that the licensee completed the installation of enhanced assessment aids as part of the security program upgrade project and that they functioned as designe.

MC 81084 - Alarm Stations The inspector observed the operation of the new integrated security computer installed in the Central and Secondary Alarm Stations. Trained security console operators were observed conducting their routine duties and responsibilitie No discrepancies were identified.

1 MC 81088 - Communications The internal and external communication links were in conformance with the physical security plan as determined through communications checks observed by the inspecto.

MC 81601 - Safeguards Contingency Plan The inspector determined that the licensee's program for responding to security threats and other contingencies, as outlined in the approved Safeguards Contingency Plan (SCP), was adequate by reviewing drill critiques. The licensee had conducted drills, to date, simulating half of the security events described in the SC The remaining events will be exercised by the end of the calendar year.



Attachment 1 Inspector's Review of Licensee Actions on RER Findings On December 2-10, 1982, the NRC conducted a Regulatory Effectiveness Review at the Salem Generating Statio The findings of that review were transmitted to the licensee by letter of February 24, 198 That letter requested the licensee to review the findings and implement corrective action as require During this inspection, the inspector reviewed the action taken by the licensee in response to that reques Following are the inspector's findings on those items that were not yet fully corrected as of Combined Inspection Nos. 50-272/85-10 and 50-311/85-10 conducted April 8-11, 198 Item 5 The inspector observed that the licensee installed an improved low light level closed circuit television system and witnessed a satisfactory test of the system during daylight and night hours on August 22, 198 The Central and Secondary Alarm Stations are now equipped with 12 inch monitoring screens as recommended by the RER tea Additionally, the inspector observed a satisfactory performance test on all perimeter intrusion devices which operate in conjunction with the CCTV system on August 22, 198 The system functioned as described in the physical security pl a Item 6 The inspector learned through discussions with the licensee that, although the new security computer was fully operational, they had experienced difficulty in synchronizing all of the component Item 8 Item 10 l'HIS PMIAG!UIPH CONTAINS SAFF.GUARDS INf'ORMATlGN rrn 1.s NOT FOR Ptrnuc DISCLOSURE, ff iS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLAN.


