IR 05000272/2008001
ML080610006 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Salem |
Issue date: | 03/03/2008 |
From: | Collins S NRC Region 1 |
To: | Levis W Public Service Enterprise Group |
Burritt A RGN-I/DRP/PB3/610-337-5069 | |
References | |
IR-08-001 | |
Download: ML080610006 (7) | |
rch 3, 2008
Dear Mr. Levis:
On February 12, 2008, the NRC staff completed its performance review of Salem Nuclear Generating Station (Salem), Units 1 and 2. Our technical staff reviewed performance indicators (PIs) for the most recent quarter and inspection results for the period from January 1 through December 31, 2007. The purpose of this letter is to inform you of our assessment of your safety performance during this period and our plans for future inspections at your facility.
This performance review and enclosed inspection plan do not include security information. A separate letter designated and marked as "Official Use Only--Security Information" will include the Security cornerstone review and resultant inspection plan.
Overall, Salem Unit 1 operated in manner that preserved public health and safety and met all cornerstone objectives with moderate degradation in safety performance for the Mitigating Systems cornerstone. Specifically, Unit 1s performance for the fourth quarter was within the Degraded Cornerstone column of the NRC=s Action matrix based on a Yellow performance indicator for the Emergency Power Mitigating Systems Performance Index. The Yellow performance indicator was the result of three emergency diesel generator failures in the last three years. As a result of the Yellow performance indicator, the NRC will provide additional regulatory oversight to include a supplemental inspection using Inspection Procedure 95002,
"Inspection For One Degraded Cornerstone Or Any Three White Inputs In a Strategic Performance Area," when your staff notifies us of your readiness for this inspection. This inspection is conducted to provide assurance that the root and contributing causes for the risk significant performance issues are understood, to independently assess the extent of condition, to independently determine if safety culture components contributed to the performance issues, and to provide assurance that the corrective actions are sufficient to prevent recurrence. In 2008, we also plan to conduct reactor oversight process baseline inspections at Unit 1.
Overall, Salem Unit 2 operated in a manner that preserved public health and safety and fully met all cornerstone objectives. Plant performance for the most recent quarter, as well as for the first three quarters of the assessment cycle, was within the Licensee Response column of the NRC=s Action Matrix, based on all inspection findings being classified as having very low safety significance (Green) and all PIs indicating performance at a level requiring no additional NRC oversight (Green). Therefore in 2008, we plan to conduct reactor oversight process baseline inspections at Unit 2. We also plan to conduct an inspection of the Unit 2 steam generator replacement scheduled for the Spring 2008 refueling outage. In our mid-cycle assessment letter dated August 31, 2007, we advised you of a substantive cross-cutting issue with procedural compliance. We were concerned, at that time, that your actions had not proven effective in substantially mitigating this longstanding cross-cutting theme. In the mid-cycle assessment letter, we stated that the substantive cross-cutting issue would be cleared when PSEG demonstrated sustainable performance improvement as evidenced by effective implementation of an appropriate corrective action plan that resulted in no safety significant inspection findings and a notable reduction in the overall number of inspection findings with the same causal factor.
During this assessment period, we noted that you completed a root cause evaluation and identified appropriate corrective actions to address procedural compliance issues. These actions included reinforcing standards through management observations and personal accountability. Nonetheless, we concluded that you did not meet the criteria for clearing the substantive cross-cutting issue. Specifically, you have not demonstrated sustainable performance improvement because there has not been a notable reduction in inspection findings with this causal factor. We also noted that your root cause evaluation was completed in December 2007, and that some of your corrective actions are still in progress. As such, the NRC will maintain this substantive cross cutting issue open.
We will monitor your progress in this area through the baseline inspection program, including a problem identification and resolution inspection sample to review your progress in this area during the second quarter of 2008, in accordance with Inspection Procedure 71152, Identification and Resolution of Problems. The criteria for clearing this substantive cross-cutting issue remains as stated in the mid-cycle assessment letter. Because this is the second consecutive assessment letter that identifies the same substantive cross-cutting issue, we request that you discuss your progress in addressing procedural compliance at the upcoming annual assessment public meeting.
The staff also identified that there were four inspection findings for the current assessment period with a documented cross-cutting aspect of complete, accurate and up-to-date procedures (H.2(c)). Unlike the long standing cross cutting theme in procedural compliance, this cross-cutting theme in procedure adequacy was newly identified. The staff determined that a substantive cross-cutting issue did not exist because you identified the problem with procedure adequacy, recognized that this problem affected multiple areas and developed comprehensive corrective actions. These corrective actions, which have been appropriately scheduled or completed, include implementing dynamic learning activities designed to reinforce standards for accuracy and completeness in procedures; incorporating procedure reviews into the work week management process; and revising as necessary all procedures required to support the upcoming refueling outage.
The enclosed inspection plan details the inspections, except those related to security, scheduled through June 30, 2009. The inspection plan is provided to allow for the resolution of any scheduling conflicts and personnel availability issues well in advance of inspector arrival onsite. Routine resident inspections are not listed due to their ongoing and continuous nature.
The inspections in the last nine months of the inspection plan are tentative and may be revised at the mid-cycle review. In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRC=s ARules of Practice,@ a copy of this letter and its enclosure will be made available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at (the Public Electronic Reading Room).
If circumstances arise that cause us to change this inspection plan, we will contact you to discuss the change as soon as possible. Please contact Arthur Burritt at 610-337-5069 with any questions you may have regarding this letter or the inspection plan.
Samuel J. Collins Regional Administrator Docket Nos. 50-272, 50-311 License Nos. DPR-70, DPR-75 Enclosure: Salem Nuclear Generating Station Inspection/ Activity Plan cc w/encl:
T. Joyce, Senior Vice President, Operations R. Braun, Site Vice President K. Chambliss, Vice President, Nuclear Oversight B. Clark, Director of Finance G. Gellrich, Salem Plant Manager J. Keenan, General Solicitor, PSEG M. Wetterhahn, Esquire, Winston and Strawn, LLP L. Peterson, Chief of Police and Emergency Management Coordinator P. Baldauf, Assistant Director, NJ Radiation Protection Programs P. Mulligan, Chief, NJ Bureau of Nuclear Engineering H. Otto, Ph.D., Administrator, DE Interagency Programs, DNREC Div of Water Resources Consumer Advocate, Office of Consumer Advocate, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania N. Cohen, Coordinator - Unplug Salem Campaign E. Zobian, Coordinator - Jersey Shore Anti Nuclear Alliance Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO)
Page 1 of 2 Salem 02/28/2008 10:38:42 Inspection / Activity Plan Report 22 01/01/2008 - 06/30/2009 Unit No. of Staff Planned Dates Inspection Number Inspection Activity Title on Site Start End Type 7112201 - PUB RAD SAFETY - RETS 1 1, 2 IP 7112201 Radioactive Gaseous and Liquid Effluent Treatment and Monitoring Systems 01/07/2008 01/11/2008 Baseline Inspections S/G - U2 S/G REPLACEMENT 2 2 IP 50001 Steam Generator Replacement Inspection 01/07/2008 04/25/2008 Other Routine TI-172 - TI-172 RCS DISSIMILIAR METAL WELDS 1 2 IP 2515/172 Reactor Coolant System Dissimiliar Metal Butt Welds 03/17/2008 03/21/2008 Generic Safety Inspectio 7111108P - U2 INSERVICE INSPECTION 1 2 IP 7111108P Inservice Inspection Activities - PWR 03/17/2008 03/28/2008 Baseline Inspections 71121 - OCC RAD SAFETY 1 2 IP 50001 Steam Generator Replacement Inspection 04/07/2008 04/11/2008 Other Routine 1, 2 IP 7112101 Access Control to Radiologically Significant Areas 04/07/2008 04/11/2008 Baseline Inspections 1, 2 IP 7112102 ALARA Planning and Controls 04/07/2008 04/11/2008 Baseline Inspections 2 IP 7112103 Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation and Protective Equipment 04/07/2008 04/11/2008 Baseline Inspections 2 IP 50001 Steam Generator Replacement Inspection 04/21/2008 04/25/2008 Other Routine 1, 2 IP 7112101 Access Control to Radiologically Significant Areas 04/21/2008 04/25/2008 Baseline Inspections 1, 2 IP 7112102 ALARA Planning and Controls 04/21/2008 04/25/2008 Baseline Inspections 1, 2 IP 7112103 Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation and Protective Equipment 04/21/2008 04/25/2008 Baseline Inspections 08/25EXM - INITIAL OPERATOR LICENSING EXAM 4 1 U01686 FY08 - SALEM 1 & 2 INITIAL OPERATOR EXAM 07/21/2008 07/25/2008 Not Applicable 1 U01686 FY08 - SALEM 1 & 2 INITIAL OPERATOR EXAM 08/25/2008 08/29/2008 Not Applicable S/G - U2 S/G REPLACEMENT CONTINUED 2 2 IP 50001 Steam Generator Replacement Inspection 04/26/2008 05/09/2008 Other Routine EP - EP EXERCISE EVALUATION 4 1, 2 IP 7111401 Exercise Evaluation 05/19/2008 05/23/2008 EP Baseline Inspection 1, 2 IP 7111404 Emergency Action Level and Emergency Plan Changes 05/19/2008 05/23/2008 EP Baseline Inspection 1, 2 IP 71151-EP01 Drill/Exercise Performance 05/19/2008 05/23/2008 Baseline Inspections 1, 2 IP 71151-EP02 ERO Drill Participation 05/19/2008 05/23/2008 Baseline Inspections 1, 2 IP 71151-EP03 Alert & Notification System 05/19/2008 05/23/2008 Baseline Inspections 7111121 - CDBI 6 1, 2 IP 7111121 Component Design Bases Inspection 07/14/2008 07/18/2008 Baseline Inspections 1, 2 IP 7111121 Component Design Bases Inspection 07/28/2008 08/01/2008 Baseline Inspections 1, 2 IP 7111121 Component Design Bases Inspection 08/04/2008 08/08/2008 Baseline Inspections TI 171 - TI 171 3 1, 2 IP 2515/171 Verification of Site Specific Implementation Of B.5.b Phase 2 & 3 Mitigating Strategies 09/08/2008 09/12/2008 Generic Safety Inspectio This report does not include INPO and OUTAGE activities.
This report shows only on-site and announced inspection procedures.
Page 2 of 2 Salem 02/28/2008 10:38:42 Inspection / Activity Plan Report 22 01/01/2008 - 06/30/2009 Unit No. of Staff Planned Dates Inspection Number Inspection Activity Title on Site Start End Type 71121 - OCC RAD SAFETY 1 1, 2 IP 7112101 Access Control to Radiologically Significant Areas 09/15/2008 09/19/2008 Baseline Inspections 1, 2 IP 7112102 ALARA Planning and Controls 09/15/2008 09/19/2008 Baseline Inspections 1, 2 IP 7112103 Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation and Protective Equipment 09/15/2008 09/19/2008 Baseline Inspections 1, 2 IP 71151-OR01 Occupational Exposure Control Effectiveness 09/15/2008 09/19/2008 Baseline Inspections 1, 2 IP 71151-PR01 RETS/ODCM Radiological Effluent 09/15/2008 09/19/2008 Baseline Inspections 71121 - OCC RAD SAFETY 1 1, 2 IP 7112101 Access Control to Radiologically Significant Areas 10/20/2008 10/24/2008 Baseline Inspections 1, 2 IP 7112102 ALARA Planning and Controls 10/20/2008 10/24/2008 Baseline Inspections 1, 2 IP 7112103 Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation and Protective Equipment 10/20/2008 10/24/2008 Baseline Inspections TI-172 - TI-172 RCS DISSIMILIAR METAL WELDS 1 1 IP 2515/172 Reactor Coolant System Dissimiliar Metal Butt Welds 10/20/2008 10/24/2008 Generic Safety Inspectio 7111108 - U1 INSERVICE INSPECTION 1 1 IP 7111108P Inservice Inspection Activities - PWR 10/20/2008 10/31/2008 Baseline Inspections 71121 - OCC RAD SAFETY 1 1, 2 IP 7112101 Access Control to Radiologically Significant Areas 01/12/2009 01/16/2009 Baseline Inspections 1, 2 IP 7112102 ALARA Planning and Controls 01/12/2009 01/16/2009 Baseline Inspections 1, 2 IP 7112103 Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation and Protective Equipment 01/12/2009 01/16/2009 Baseline Inspections TRI FIRE - TRIENNIAL FIRE PROTECTION INSPECTION 3 1, 2 IP 7111105T Fire Protection [Triennial] 01/26/2009 01/30/2009 Baseline Inspections 1, 2 IP 7111105T Fire Protection [Triennial] 02/09/2009 02/13/2009 Baseline Inspections EP PROGR - EP PROGRAM INSPECTION 2 1, 2 IP 7111402 Alert and Notification System Testing 03/22/2009 03/28/2009 EP Baseline Inspection 1, 2 IP 7111403 Emergency Response Organization Augmentation Testing 03/22/2009 03/28/2009 EP Baseline Inspection 1, 2 IP 7111404 Emergency Action Level and Emergency Plan Changes 03/22/2009 03/28/2009 EP Baseline Inspection 1, 2 IP 7111405 Correction of Emergency Preparedness Weaknesses and Deficiencies 03/22/2009 03/28/2009 EP Baseline Inspection 1, 2 IP 71151 Performance Indicator Verification 03/22/2009 03/28/2009 Baseline Inspections 7112203 - PUB RAD SAFETY - REMP 1 1, 2 IP 7112203 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) And Radioactive Material Control Program 04/27/2009 05/01/2009 Baseline Inspections 71121 - OCC RAD SAFETY 1 1, 2 IP 7112101 Access Control to Radiologically Significant Areas 05/18/2009 05/22/2009 Baseline Inspections 1, 2 IP 7112102 ALARA Planning and Controls 05/18/2009 05/22/2009 Baseline Inspections 1, 2 IP 7112103 Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation and Protective Equipment 05/18/2009 05/22/2009 Baseline Inspections 71152B - PI&R BIENNIAL TEAM 4 1, 2 IP 71152B Identification and Resolution of Problems 06/22/2009 06/26/2009 Baseline Inspections This report does not include INPO and OUTAGE activities.
This report shows only on-site and announced inspection procedures. In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRC=s ARules of Practice,@ a copy of this letter and its enclosure will be made available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at (the Public Electronic Reading Room).
If circumstances arise that cause us to change this inspection plan, we will contact you to discuss the change as soon as possible. Please contact Arthur Burritt at 610-337-5069 with any questions you may have regarding this letter or the inspection plan.
Samuel J. Collins Regional Administrator Docket Nos. 50-272, 50-311 License Nos. DPR-70, DPR-75 Enclosure: Salem Nuclear Generating Station Inspection/ Activity Plan cc w/encl:
T. Joyce, Senior Vice President, Operations R. Braun, Site Vice President K. Chambliss, Vice President, Nuclear Oversight B. Clark, Director of Finance G. Gellrich, Salem Plant Manager J. Keenan, General Solicitor, PSEG M. Wetterhahn, Esquire, Winston and Strawn, LLP L. Peterson, Chief of Police and Emergency Management Coordinator P. Baldauf, Assistant Director, NJ Radiation Protection Programs P. Mulligan, Chief, NJ Bureau of Nuclear Engineering H. Otto, Ph.D., Administrator, DE Interagency Programs, DNREC Div of Water Resources Consumer Advocate, Office of Consumer Advocate, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania N. Cohen, Coordinator - Unplug Salem Campaign E. Zobian, Coordinator - Jersey Shore Anti Nuclear Alliance Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO)
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- see previous concurrence page Distribution w/encl: J. Lubinski, NRR S. Collins, RA H. Chernoff, NRR M. Dapas, DRA R. Ennis, NRR, PM D. Lew, DRP J. Shea, NRR, Backup J. Clifford, DRP D. Collins, NRR A. Burritt, DRP S. Bailey, NRR L. Cline, DRP T. Valentine, NRR D. Schroeder, DRP, Sr Resident Inspector DRS Deputy Director H. Balian, DRP, Resident Inspector DRS Branch Chiefs (6)
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