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Advises of Conclusion of Advisory Committee Investigation & Submittal of Final Rept Re Facility Site.Rept Concludes Const & Development of Nuclear & Desalting Plant Feasible
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, 05000307, 05000308
Issue date: 10/25/1967
From: Udall S
To: Seaborg
Shared Package
ML20235X376 List: ... further results
FOIA-87-462 DR-1447, NUDOCS 8710200490
Download: ML20235Y804 (2)



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Dear Dr. Seaborg:

f In May'1966, the Department of the Interior, with the' full concurrence of the Atomic Energy Comission, established a special comittee reporting directly to me to investigate geologic, seismolo61c and soils. factors pertinent to the. siting of large nuclear power and desalting plants.

The tomation of this group was prompted by the recognition that the development of large-scale desaltin6 Plants is intiinately reinted to the availability of nuclear heat sources for both power and water production.

Accordingly, I selected a. number of highly-qualified and experienced' ex-perts in the fields of seismology, engineering geology, soils and struc-tural mechanics to serve on this Committee and directed their initial-efforts to the examination of the proposed site for the Bolsa Island Project. As a participant in this program, along with Interior, the Metropolitan Unter District, an4,the electric utilities of Southern l

California, you are certainly aware of its importance. : We in Interior feel that the future of.larse-scale desalting plants may well rect'vith I

the outcome of this project and our planned investment of $57 2 million reflects this level of interest.

The Comittee has concluded its investigation of this proposed site and submitted a final report to me with their conclusions. Concurrent with their' activities,' an extensive and' detailed invest 1 ation of the proposed 5

- site was conducted by the project participants. _ The Advisory comnittee 1

periodically reviewed progress of these investigations and provided valu-i able guidance and criticism.

l The conclusions of the Comittee as stated in their final report ares l

..........that it is entirely feasible to construct and develog the Bolsa Is3and site for a nucicar and desalting plant with due regard for geologic-seismic hazards without jeopardizing 6 Public safety." The Com-mittee presents the reasons for these conclusions and' recomiends criteria which define the geologic-seismic and soils characteristics of the site that should be followed in the construction of the island and its facili-i ties which are critical to the protection ~ of public safety..

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After review and analysis by ::y staff, and based upon the qualifications 1

. and reputations.of members, of the Advisory Comittee, I have. accepted this report and the included recoc:mendations as representing the best '

Judgments that can be made concerning the gcologic-ceismic character of

'this particular site.


'4 This conclusion is also supported by the Director of the U. ~8. Geological


Survey based on knowledge of the proceedings of the.Comittee and the qualifications of-its members.

In accordance with the general procedure regarding assistance by the the' AEC for proposed nuclear pinnts, a report was prepared over two years ago by Mr. Robert Castle on the

. geologic and seismic features of the general region for the proposed' site

- based upon the'infomation available at that time. In eyeinin6.Mr. Caotle's.

I report it became evident that questions which he had' raised cou14 not be answered on the bacis of existing infomation. - !It was the need to develop l

additional data and app 3y a broad stable concept of expertise that made it necessary to appoint the ad hoc site comittee. : Th.e Advisory Co:maittee has taken into account reco::nnendations made in Mr. Castle's review; however, their conclusions are based on considerably more data and infomation than was available at the time of. the early report..

1 The quality of this Comittee's work is fully consistent with what we had.

anticipated and.I feel that this effort has been extremely worthwhile and vill do much to insure the success of this project and ultimately the success of nuclear desalting.- I-have asked this Comittee to remain available to the Department for. discussions while the report is being re-viewed.

l I am pleased to transmit this report to you, and to express ny apprecia..

tion for the cooperation by the AEC and the participation of Mr.~ Case and Hr. Belter, who participated as' observers, and the efforts of Mr. Robert -

8 McFarren, who functioned as the Comittee's Secretary.

Sincere 3y yours, l


M St8W8Tt ( Uday Secretary of the Interior Honorable Glenn T. Seaborg Chaiman Atomic Energy Comission


Washington, D. C. 20%5 e

-1 Enclosure



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