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Responds to 890622 Request for Addl Info Re Allegation RIII-88-A-0032,providing Info to Substantiate Allegations 1-4 & Corrective Actions Taken Re Allegation 5.Allegations Regard Unsatisfactory Performed Work
Person / Time
Site: Zion  File:ZionSolutions icon.png
Issue date: 07/05/1989
From: Kovach T
To: Davis A
Shared Package
ML20247J040 List:
0193T:1-2, 193T:1-2, NUDOCS 8907310222
Download: ML20247J048 (5)


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  • .t ,_ _ / 72 West Ariams Street, Chicago, liknois

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l- July 5, 1989 l .

Mr. A. Bert Davis i Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region III 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 l


Zion Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2 License Nos. DPR-39 and DPR-48 Request for Additional Information Regarding Allegation No. RIII-8 0 - ?. -00 3 2 l NRC_DacAnt_11oru _53L-?a5._am1_It0 .10!.

References a) June 22, 1989 Telephone conversation between WD Shafer and TP Joyce b) May 26, 1989 Letter from TJ Kovach to AB Davis transmitting the response to Allegation No.

RIII-88-A-0032 Dear Mr. Davis During the course of a telephone conversation on June 22, 1989 between WD Shafer of your staff and TP Joyce, Zion Station Manager, a verbal request for additional information was made regarding Zion Allegation No.

RIII-88-A-0032. The request was made following NRC review of our May 26, 1989 submittal. Specific concerns raised by the NRC addressed the reasonableness of the dates of the modifications that were reviewed in order to support the conclusions that were reached in the response to Allegations Ntunbers 1 and 4.

The information originally submitted in response to these allegations was consistent with an allegation (i.e. unsatisfactory work performed in late 1970's) made by the alleger to Zion Station personnel, prior t.o raising the same or similar allegations to the NRC. However, when the alleger did contact the NRC, the dates of the alleged events were said to occur in the enriy 1980's.

In order to satisfy the apparent discrepancy, an independent review of a sample population of safety-reinted and nonsafety-related modification was performed by the Quality Assurance Departzent (See Attachment A). The ,

conclusion drawn from thir. additional review remains that Allegations Numbers 1 and 4 are unsubstantiated.

8907310222 890724 PDR ADOCK 05000295 .

p PDC sIUL10 g

', A'.B. Davis July 5, 1989 A question was also raised regarding the corrective action that the Station had taken in response to Allegation Number 5. Attachment B contains the response to this request.

Please address any questions that you may have regarding this matter to this office.

Very truly yours, l ~

T.J Kovach s Nuclear Licensing Manager GET/sc1:0193T: 1-2 cc: Senior Resident Inspector-Zion Station e


V . ATTACHMENT A t- ",;, ,: ,

' June 29,1989 QAS 22-89-137 TO: T. Joyce


Insoection of Welds Associated with Modifications M22-0-75-14. M22-2-75-36. H22-2-75-74. H22-0-75-18.

M22-1-80-62 During the period of June 23, 26, 27 and 28th, 1989. Quality Assurance conducted a walkdown of selected modifications which were completed from January 1981 to January 1984. '

Inspections were performed on welded brackets and unistrut which were 1: sed during electrical installations. The welds examined were found to be acceptable. noting no gross discontinuities. This inspection was performed on ,


-the safety and non-safety related modifications listed:

MOD # HORK RE00EST # EOUIPMENT M22-0-75-14 7-03001, 5-02335 0 Diesel Generator M22-2-75-36 12099, 12100, 5-0236, -

5-024612 2A & 2B Di'esel Generator -

M22-2-75-74 . 5-04519, 8-04528 Cable Spreading RM Fire Prot.

M22-0-75-18 05694 0B Fire Pump Battery Charge M22-1-80-62 11069 Pyra Alarm Panel Based on the weids examined and documentation reviewed these modifications are considered to be acceptable. This surveillance is CLOSED.

w- /

R.J.idel'ey QualityAssuran/ ce Inspector Zion Station N. W$( --

T.L. Van De Voort Station Quality Assurance Superintendent Zion Station RJN/dsp/1647n cc: J. Bitel Regulatory Assurance /-

Quality Control Master File L L_ __ _':_l__ -.. L -J =- .L'~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '

F .

. ATTACHMENT B {continu d) l June 26, 1989 i


Reporting of Safety concerns to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)

This memorandum is a reiteration of longstanding Company policy with regard to reporting or discussing concerns with the NRC.

All employees are encouraged to identify potential safety concerns to any appropriate Commonwealth Edison management level '

or discuss them directly with NRC. You may directly contact the NRC, you can request an NRC inspection and you are protected under federal law from discrimination by the Company. Specific activit'les protected under the law are: 1) asking NRC to enforce its rules against your employer, 2) testifying in an NRC proceeding, 3) providing information to NRC about violations of requirements and 4) testifying, helping or taking part in an NRC proceeding.

This memorandum is intended to clarify the rights of any employee to freely communicate safety concerns to NRC without reprisul.

Questions or comments should be directed to your Department Head.

. -_. ._ - ._________________- ._____-______: _ .__2

D- I l

ATTACIDENT B June 26, 1989 To: J. Molitor


Employee contact with NRC regarding potential concerns Per our telephone conversation of 6/18/89 the attached memo is being forwarded for prominent posting at various Substation Construction facilities. In addition you agreed to discuss the contents of the memo at your Department's tailgate or formal group meetings.

Please notify W. Stone at Zion when these actions are completed.

Your cooperation with these items in a timely manner is appreciated, b

W. Stone W

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