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Forwards FEMA Transmitting Findings for Offsite Emergency Preparedness Aspects of 880426 Exercise.Three Areas Require Corrective Actions.Offsite Preparedness Adequate
Person / Time
Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/12/1989
From: Greger L
To: Gerstner W
NUDOCS 8904240262
Download: ML20244E029 (2)


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APR 12 1989 Docket No. 50-461-Illinois Power Company' ATTN: Mr.'W. C. Gerstner

' Executive Vice President 500 South 27th Street

.Decatur, IL 62525


We have received the~ enclosed Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

correspondence dated January 31, 1989, transmitting the findings for the offsite emergency preparedness aspects of the Clinton Power Station's exercise conducted on April 26, 1988. FEMA identified no deficiencies in the, performances of offsite agencies during the exercise. However, three areas-requiring corrective. action were identified by FEMA. Based on its review of.the final exercise report and' schedule of corrective actions, FEMA concluded that offsite radiological emergency preparedness is adequate to' provide reasonable assurance that appropriate offsite measures can be taken to protect the health and safety of the public living in the vicinity of the Clinton Power-Station.

We fully recognize that corrective actions to be implemented may involve parties,and political institutions which are not under your direct control.

.Nonetheless, we would expect the subject of offsite preparedness for the area around the Clinton Power Station to be addressed by you as ..all as others.

In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790 of the Commission's regulations, a copy of this letter and the enclosed FEMA report will be placed in the NRC Public Document Room.


I L. Robert Greger, Ciiief Reactor Programs Branch


As stated See Attached Distribution 8904240262 890412 /

PDR ADOCK 05000461 p PDC pg RIII RIII ya RIII qV I R lJ }

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Illinois Power Company 2 g

Distribution cc w/ enclosure:

D. P. Hall, Vice President

.J. S. Perry, Assistant Vice President

'R.-D. Freeman, Manager, Nuclear Station Engineering Department DCD/DCB (RIDS)

Licensing Fee Management Branch Resident Inspector, RIII Richard Hubbard J.'W. McCaffrey, Chief, Public Utilities Division 3

H. S. Taylor, Quality Assurance Division, Sargent & Lundy Engineers David Rosenblatt, Governor's Office of Consumer Services Sheldon Zabel, Esquire, Schiff, Hardin, & Waite L. Larson, Project Manager, General Electric Company Chairman of DeWitt County Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety D. Schopfer, Project Manager, Sargent & Lundy Engineers



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1t Federal Emergency Management Agency

  • # Washington, D.C. 20472 WN 3 I iS9 MEMORANDUM FOR: Frank J. Congel Director Division of Radiation Protection and Emergency Preparedness Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Re ulatory Commission FROM: d1 Assistant Associate Director Office of Natural and Technological Hazards Programs


Exercise ~ Report for the o

April ;26, 1988, Exercise of Offsite Radiological Emergency Response Plans Site-specific to the Clinton Nuclear Power Station Attached is aicopy'of the exercise report for the

[4 April 26, 1988, joint exercise of the offsite radiological emergency response plans, site-specific to the Clinton Nuclear Power Station. DeWitt County, Illinois exercised at a full-scale participation level.

The State of Illinois and the Counties of Macon, McLean, Platt, as well as the Illinois Power Company partially participated in the exercise. The report was prepared September 21, 1988, by Region V of the Federal Emergency Management' Agency (FEMA)..

There deficiencies observed'during the April 26, 1988, exercise. The report identifies three Areas Requiring Corrective Action. The FEMA Region V staff ~has reviewed the schedule of corrective actions provided by the State of Illinois in response to the exercise-weaknesses identified,. included a copy of the corrective actions, and'has forwarded a copy of the exercise report to the State.

Based on our review of the final exercise report and schedule of corrective actions, FEMA considers that offsite radiological emergency preparedness is adequate to provide reasonable assurance that appropriate offsite 0 .

'*h measures can be taken to protect the health and safety of the public living in the vicinity of the Clinton Nuclear Power Station, in the event of a radiological emergency occurring at that site. Therefore, the approval of the offsite plans for the Clinton Nuclear Power' Station granted under 44 CFR 350 in August 1987, continues to be in effect.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me on 646-2871.

Attachment As Stated l

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Facility Location: Located in the State of Illinois, DeWitt County, Near the City of Clinton,. Illinois Exercise.Date: -April 26, 1988 Date of Draft Report: July 7,.1988 Date of Final Report: Sep02mber 21, 1988


State of Illinois (partial participation),

DeWitt County (full participation), Macon County (partial participation) , McLean County (partial participation)

Piatt County (partialparticipation) and the Illinois Power Company 1


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page l

' State of Illinois page 'l DeWitt County. . . page 2

-Mutual 1 Aid Counties page 3-6 EXERCISE' REPORT page 6 INTRODUCTION page 6

1. Exercise Background page 6
2. Participating and Non-participating State:and~ Local Governments page 6
3. List'of Evaluators page 7
4. Evaluation. Criteria page 7
5. Exercise Objectives .page 7 a 6. Summary of Scenario page 9
7. State.and Local' Resources-Planned to Be Used in the Exercise page 10
8. Weaknesses Noted In-Past Exercises page 11
9. Exercise-Objectives Still To Be Effectively Achieved page 11 Narrative, page 11:
1. State of Illinois- page 11
2. DeWitt County page 19
3. Mutual Aid Counties page 23-29



1.-Deficiencies .

page 31

2. Areas-Requiring Corrective Actions page 32
3. Areas Recommended For Improvement page 33-35 ATTACHMENTS
1. Scenario Summary s.



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State of Illinois State EOC, Springfield The Illinois Emergency Se rvices and Disaster Agency (IESDA) promptly and effectively implemented staff mobilization procedures to activate the State Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in Springfield. The IESDA dispatcher and Operations Chief fully demonstrated operations procedures by contacting EOC staff members and notifying each.of them of the emergency situation and requesting only key emergency personnel to report to the State EOC. Because the exercise level was partial participation the State EOC staff was comprised of IESDA, Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety (IDNS) and utility representatives.

The State EOC was activated and readied for emergency response activities. The necessary displays and maps were posted or available and information boards were utilized to track events during the exercise.

The communications equipment and personnel were activated to maintain the flow of information vital to the emergency response.

Radio and land-line telephone were the systems relied upon and included the dedicated Nuclear Accident Reporting System (NARS).

The IDNS made dose assessments based on utility and DNS data to determine projected dosage to the public and appropriate protective measures. Included in their recommendations were sheltering, evacuation, evacuation time estimates and other appropriate factors associated with the need to protect people.

The EOC staff demonstrated the ability to make decisions in a coordinated fashion and coordinated emergency activities with DeWitt County and the JPIC.

Decontamination ,

A tour of the decontamination center for evacuees, emergency workers, vehicles and equipment was conducted for Federal evaluators at the Centennial High School, Champaign, Illinois.

The tour was conducted by representatives from the City of Champaign Fire and Emergency Services Department, IESDA, and IDNS. The representatives explained their respective responsibilities in the operation of the decontamination center. l However, there is a need for additional planning for the center, I between IESDA and Champaign County and training of staff responsible fcr its operation. The Centennial High School location also serves as a reception / congregate care location.


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, Medical Drill The staff of the John Warner Hospital, Clinton, Illinois demonstrated the ability to transport and handle a contaminated injured individual from the Clinton Power Station. The hospital received notice of the injury and the possibility of contamination and following verification dispatched an ambulance to transport the patient. The ambulance crew was able to communicate with the hospital emergency room by radio while enroute. The hospital staff proceeded to activate and prepare a portion of the hospital and parking lot to receive the patient.

Facility setup was excellent with personnel demonstrating obvious prior training and experience.

Personnel assigned to the emergency room were outfitted in protective clothing and had appropriate personal dosimetry.

Effective hotline procedures were established and maintained throughout the drill. Of particular note was the demonstration involving the mobile X-Ray unit.

Health physics capability was provided by the Clinton Power Station in accordance with the hospital's procedures. One Radiation Protection Technician (RPT) accompanied the ambulance and a second was dispatched to the hospital by the plant and arrived later. While the RPTs were generally knowledgeable of health physics practices some problems were noted. Specifically, the-role of the RPTs should be defined, mobilization procedures refined, training conducted with the hospital staff, and written agreements and procedures developed.

Overall, the John Warner Hospital staff demonstrated the appropriate knowledge, procedures and ability to decontaminate an injured emergency worker. Throughout the drill they demonstrated procedures to minimize the spread of contamination to themselves and the hospital.

DeWitt County DeWitt County activated their EOC and mobilized staff in a timely manner to respond to the simulated accident at the Clinton Power Station. The EOC staff coordinated the emergency response in an effective and professional manner through press briefings, the use of maps and displays, and primary and backup means of communications. They demonstrated around the clock staffing by doubling staffing positions and the presentation of a roster of personnel for subsequent shifts. The staff, through the County Sheriff's Department, the IESDA Regional Coordinator and other means, coordinated information and response efforts with Macon, Piatt, and McLean Counties, IESDA and the JPIC. They demonstrated the ability to alert the public and disseminate an initial and subsequent instructional messages for the public, in a timely fashion and within the frame of time allotted.


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  • l The staff responded to protective action recommendations, from IESDA, and effectively simulated in place sheltering and l evacuation of designated areas within the EPZ; the evacuation of parks and recreational areas; the communities of DeWitt and Weldon and school children in the DeLand/Weldon School District.

The evacuation also included the notification of farm homes and farmers in the fields, via helicopter and emergency vehicles with public address systems. The staff simulated response to evacuate mobility impaired individuals, including one person requiring an iron lung, although the evacuation of mobility impaired individuals was not selected as an objective for demonstration during the exercise. They provided Federal evaluators a list of mobility impaired individuals residing in the County. The list H includes all pertinent information on the mobility impaired individuals, including their respective special needs.

EOC staff of the County Highway Department, the Sheriff's Office and the Clinton Police Department demonstrated the organizational ability to control access to the evacuated areas, by simulating the manning of traffic and access control points, and setting up barricades to control access and egress into the evacuated areas.

The EOC staff were issued dosimetry kits and staff of the County Highway Department, Sheriff's Office and Clinton Police Department simulated the issuance of dosimetry to their respective emergency worker personnel. They demonstrated the ability to continuously monitor and control worker exposure by periodically announcing, in the EOC, the need for EOC staff and field personnel to check their dosimeters for readings, reporting and recording the information. Emergency workers in the field were instructed to voluntarily consume their issuance of KI upon receipt of the PAR from their counterparts in the EOC. The EOC staff simulated the notification of nursing homes, hospitals and other institutions housing immobile individuals to inform them of the recommendation for individuals to voluntarily take KI.

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MUTUAL AID COUNTIES McLean County The McLean County scope of participation in the exercise called for activation of the County EOC in support of DeWitt County.

Operations were conducted in the McLean County EOC at Bloomington. The EOC is an excellent facility and is equipped with essential furniture and equipment capable of supporting l emergency response activities. Emergency classification levels were posted, status boards maintained and appropriate maps displayed. The EOC has its' own radio and telephone systems. The staff was capable of communicating with all appropriate exercise locations. A 3

4 s Upon notification and verification of the Alert conditions at the utility, the McLean County ESDA Coordinator reviewed the situation with the DeWitt County ESDA Coordinator and the IESDA Regional Coordinator. Upon receipt of the Site Area Emergency notification, all key personnel were called into the EOC with staffing completed in about thirty (30) minutes, There was a roster indicating the full staff on call and those available for subsequent shifts. Thorough professional emergency management was demonstrated throughout the exercise. This was characterized by proper responses, anticipating activities and preplanning actions.

McLean County staff reacted properly when DeWitt County alerted the public within the 10 mile EPZ, by preparing a corresponding response plan, had their portion of the EPZ become affected.

Supplemental alerting was conducted by fire personnel and traffic and access control points were immediately established by the Sheriff and Highway Departments in accordance with the plan. Upon i receipt of the notification that evacuees might be coming from DeWitt County, a reception / congregate care center was activated at the Horton Field House at the Illinois State University. This !

activity was coordinated with IESDA and the Red Cross. Though there are no schools in the McLean County EPZ, the EOC staff was knowledgeable of the procedures for receiving school children from DeWitt County. The staff demonstrated the procedures as they 1 prepared to receive school children from the DeLand/Weldon School District (DeWitt. County).  !

Radiological exposure control for emergency workers was demonstrated through the issuance of dosimetry, record keeping cards, TLDs, KI and by briefing response personnel on exposure limitations.

Macon County The call initiating activation of the Macon County EOC was received by the County ESDA Coordinator. The call advised of the Alert conditions. at the utility. It was received from the DeWitt County Sheriff's dispatcher and a return telephone call. Key individuals of the EOC staff were contacted by use of a current staffing roster. The staff of four response agencies were placed on standby. The EOC was partially staffed in. support of DeWitt County. An up-to-date personnel roster was used to demonstrate around the clock (24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />) staffing capability.

The County ESDA coordinator was the individual in charge of the EOC operations. Discussions were held and decision making was appropriate to the situation and events. Copies of the plan were available for reference and the staff had checklists and excerpts of the plans. The staff were knowledgeable of their respective responsibilities and the County plan. Access to the'EOC was controlled by use of a roster and personal identification. The 4

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staff was kept abreast of. changes in conditions at the utility and the accompanying protective action recommendations, in a i timely fashion and as appropriate, by staff of the~DeWitt County EOC.

Emergency classification levels were posted in the EOC and a status board was clearly visible and kept up to date on significant events. The required maps were- posted or available-for' reference. Primary and back-up means of communications are available in accordance with the County plan and enabled the staff to coordinate emergency response activities.

The County, in support of DeWitt County, was prepared to dispatch personnel of the County Sheriff's Office to man predesignated traffic and access control points. Sheriff's personnel alerted for potential dispatch were issued dosimetry kits.

The ESDA Coordinator and his assistant is aware of procedures concerning the use of KI and the whole body exposure limits allowed without. authorization. They are also aware of the locations for evacuees and emergency worker radiological monitoring and decontamination centers.

Piatt County The. call initiating activation of the Piatt County EOC was received in the communications center of the Piatt County Shec'iff's Department. The call, advising of the Alert status at the utility, was received from the DeWitt County Sheriff's dispatcher and verified by a return telephone call. The Piatt County Sheriff's dispatcher contacted key individuals of the EOC staff by use of a current staffing roster.

The . County ESDA Coordinator activated the EOC in support of DeWitt County. An up-to-datc personnel roster was used to demonstrate around the clock (24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />) staffing capability.

Staff of three response agencies were alerted and placed on stand-by status.

The Piatt County ESDA coordinator was in charge of the EOC operations. Briefings and decision making were appropriate to the situations and events. Copies of the plan were available for reference and the staff had checklists and excerpts of the plan that pertained to their respective responsibilities. The staff were knowledgeable of their respective responsibilities and the County plan.

The staff was advised of the Alert, Site Area Emergency, General Emergency and the accompanying protective action recommendations, in a timely fashion and as appropriate, by staff of the DeWitt County EOC. '- '

The Piatt County EOC is well outside the 10 mile EPZ of the j 5

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Clinton Power Station. Emergency classification levels were posted in the EOC and a status board was clearly visible and kept up to date on significant events. The required maps were posted f or available for reference.

Primary and back-up means of communications are available in accordance with the County plan and enabled the staff to coordinate emergency response activities.

The County in support of DeWitt County, was prepared to dispatch personnel of the County Sheriff's Office to man predesignated traffic and access control points. Sheriff's personnel alerted for dispatch were issued dosimetry kits.

The Coordinator is aware of procedures concerning the use of KI and coordinated with the Sheriff's office to ensure that Sheriff's personnel designated to man traffic and access control points would be notified when to take KI. EOC staff were aware of the maximum dose allowed without authorization. They were also aware of the locations for evacuees and emergency worker radiological monitoring and decontamination centers.


1. Exercise Background This was the third joint exercise for the State of Illinois, DeWitt County, Macon County, McLean County, Piatt County and the Illinois Power Company, resulting from a simulated accident at the Clinton Power Station. the first joint exercise was conducted on December 4, 1985 and involved full participation by the State of Illinois, DeWitt County and the Illinois Power Company. The second joint exercise was conducted January 13, 1987 and also involved full participation by the State of Illinois, DeWitt County and the Illinois Power Company. This report addresses the most recent joint exercise for the Clinton Power Station, which was conducted on April 26, 1988.
2. Participating and Non-Participating State and Local Governments The 10 mile plume exposure EPZ of the Clinton Power Station impacts primarily on DeWitt County. It impacts to a lesser extent on Macon, McLean and Piatt Counties. The State of Illirois, all four EPZ Counties and the municipalities of Clinton, DeWitt


Village, Weldon and Wapella participated in the exercise.

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. 3. List of Evaluators There was a total of eight (8) Federal evaluators observing offsite exercise activities. Onsite activities were evaluated by a separate team from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region III. Of the offsite evaluators, six (6), including the Offsite Exercise Evaluation Team Director, were FEMA Region V staff. The balance of the team was composed of FEMA contractor personnel from the Argonne National Laboratory. The exercise evaluator assignments were as follows:

Offsite Evaluation Team Director Wallace Weaver, FEMA Team Leader State of Illinois Gordon Wenger Team Leader DeWitt County Woodie Curtis Team Leader Macon and Piatt Counties William Knoerzer Team Leader McLean County Edwin Hakala 1

4. Evaluation Criteria The plans being evaluated by this exercise were developed using the " Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants" (NUREG-0654/ FEMA REP-1, Revision 1). Therefore, these criteria and the exercrit based on these criteria, " Modular

- Format for Uniformity of Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Observations and Evaluations", dated June 1983, were used for exercise evaluation.

5. Exercise Objectives Objectives for this exercise were selected from among the FEMA thirty-five (35) standard objectives listed in Tab "M" of the

" Modular Format for Uniformity of -Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Observations and Evaluations", dated June 1983. The objective numbers listed below correlate to Tab "M".

The State of Illinois selected the following twelve . (12) objectives, including those applicable to the JPIC, to be demonstrated during the exercise.

1. Demonstrate ability to mobilize staff and activate facilities promptly.
3. Demonstrate ability to make decisions and to coordinate emergency activities.
4. Demonstrate adequacy of facilities and displays to support emergency operations.
5. Demonstrate ability to communicate with all appropriate locations, organizations and field personnel.

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10..-Demonstrate ability to project dosage to the public via plume.

exposure, -based on plant. and field data, and to determine appropriate protective . measures, based on PAG's, available shelter, evacuation . time estimates, and all other appropriate factors.

13. Demonstrate ability to alert-the public within the 10 mile

'EPZ and disseminate an initial instructional message, within 15 minutes.

14. Demonstrate ability to formulate and distribute appropriate instructions to the public, in a timely fashion.
24. Demonstrate ability to brief the media in a clear, accurate and timely manner.
25. Demonstrate ' ability to provide advance coordination of information released.
29. -Demonstrate adequate equipment and procedures for decontamination of emergency workers, equipment and vehicles.
30. Demonstrate -the adequacy of ambulance facilities and procedures for handling contaminated individuals.
31. Demonstrate the adequacy of hospital facilities and procedures for handling contaminated individuals.

DeWitt County selected the following fourteen (14) for demonstration:

1. Demonstrate ability to mobilize staff and activate facilities promptly.
2. Demonstrate ability to fully staff facilities and maintain staffing around the clock.
3. Demonstrate ability to make decisions and to coordinate emergency activities.
4. Demonstrate adequacy of facilities and displays to support emergency operations.
5. Demonstrate ability to communicate with all appropriate locations, organizations and field personnel.
13. Demonstrate ability to alert the public within the 10 mile EPZ and disseminate an initial instructional message, within 15 minutes.
14. Demonstrate ability to formulate and distribute appropriate

. instructions to the public, in a timely fashion.


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15. Demonstrate the organizational ability and resources necessary to manage an orderly evacuation of all or part of the plume EPZ.
19. Demonstrate the organizational ability and resources necessary to effect an orderly evacuation of schools within the plume EPZ.
20. Demonstrate ability to continuously monitor and control emergency worker exposure.
24. Demonstrate ability to brief the media in a clear, accurate and timely manner.
25. Demonstrate ability to provide advance coordination of information released. j
30. Demonstrate the adequacy of ambulance facilities and procedures for handling contaminated individuals.
31. Demonstrate the adequacy of hospital facilities and procedures for handling contaminated individuals.
6. Summary of Scenario A series of unusual incidents occur at the Clinton Power Station that causes a loss of power onsite and the reactor to scram.

Additionally, the area is experiencing severe weather in the form of a thunderstorm, with a warning watch for tornadoes, j The onsite incidents include fires that were caused by lightening; the breakdown and stoppage of the three division


i diesel generators, due to a thick translucent substance in the fuel lines and filters; workmen find obscene threatening notes, and an airborne commuter airplane breaks apart and pieces of the plane causes severe damage to the plant.

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The following is the time line of actual events:

. Time of occurrence State'ofEIllinois Governor's' County onsite notified decision notified i

Alert- 0854- 0906 -

0924 Site Area Emergency 0938 0952 -


- General.

. Emergency 1026 1033 1055' 1100 State of Disaster Emergency! - -

1050 1100

- Evacuation PAR (#1) -

1033 1055 .1100 EBS/ Sirens Activated' - - -

'1105 Shelter PAR-(#2) - -

1113 1118-Evacuation PAR (#2) - -

1113 1118 EBS/ Sirens

- Activated - - ~- 1125 Shelter PAR (#3) - -

1128 1133 Evacuation PAR (#3) - -

1128 1133 EBS/ Sirens

- Activated - - -

1142 See the. summary of the exercise scenario which is included in

. this report as attachment 1.

7.-State and Local Resources Planned To Be Used in the Exercise The State of Illinois planned to use the State EOC and the State Radiological Emergency Assessment Center (REAC) in Springfield.

They also planned to use the necessary communications systams~to conduct emergency operations.

DeWitt County planned to use the County EOC in Clinton, their s.


e , a emergency response staff and communications systems and the John Warner Hospital and it's emergency staff.

The mutual aid Counties also planned to use their respective EOCs, their emergency response in support of DeWitt County. staff and communications system,

8. Weaknesses Noted in Past Exercises During the January 13, 1987 exercise there were no deficiencies identified for the State were three areas requiring of. Illinois nor DeWitt County. There corrective actions (NUREG criteria items O.4.j, I.7 and J.11) by the State of Illinois. However, the ARCAs by the State of Illinois had been successfully demonstrated at other ' sites, prior to the April 26, 1988 exercise of the Clinton Power Station.

DeWitt during the January 13, County did not have any Areas Requiring Corrective Actions 1987 exercise of the Clinton Power Station.

9. Exercise Objectives Still To Be Effectively Achieved There are weaknesses identified as Areas Requiring Corrective Action in this report. Appropriate action will be required to correct future exercise. these weaknesses and the objectives demonstrated during a An unannounced and off hours drill requirement has not yet been satisfied. These need to be accomplished within the exercise cycle.

Narrative State of Illinois Activation & Staffing The Illinois Emergency Service and Disaster Agency (IESDA) maintains a continuous communications capability with the Illinois Power Company via the Nuclear Accident Reporting System (NARS).

The NARS dedicated telephone is monitored 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> a day by IESDA dispatchers on duty.

-The initiating event activating the Emergency Operation Center (EOC) was received from the utility at 0906. The call was verified by the IESDA dispatcher.

was by use of an up to date written call list. Mobilization of the EOC staff completed in The staffing was scenario. ~a timely manner and in accordance with the exerpise

, According to exercise participants a pyramid call up system is



used for notification and the activation of the EOC staff. The IESDA dispatcher and IESDA staff notify key individuals of the EOC staff. The Key individuals are then responsible to notify staff of their respective organizations.

A member of the IESDA Staff was dispatched to the utility's EOF to maintain liaison with the State EOC and coordinate information.

Emergency Operations Management The IESDA Operations Chief was the individual in charge of the emergency operations as designated in the plan. Periodic briefings were held and the staff participated in the decision making process.

Copies of the plan were available in the EOC for reference.

Written procedures and checklists were used by the staff for reference and as operational guides. Message logs were kept and incoming messages were reproduced and distributed in an efficient and timely manner. Access control to the EOC was established due to the partial participation by the State staff.

The EOC staff was notified of the Alert conditions at the utility at 0906, Site Area Emergency at 0952 and the General Emergency at 1033. The Governor declared a " State of Disaster

-Emergency" at 1050. Actions were taken by EOC staff to activate the reception and congregate care centers at the Centennial and Central High Schools, Champaign, Illinois and at the Horton. Field House, Normal, Illinois.

The State notified FEMA of the incident at the utility and subsequently requested that FEMA establish a liaison team at the State EOC and the Forward Command Post. The Department of Energy (DOE) and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Region III.

were notified through appropriate channels.

Facilities The State EOC is well furnished with sufficient space, lighting, telephones, backup power and other amenities necessary to support i

extended operations. Noise is well controlled throughout the facility. Emergency classification levels were posted in the operations room. Status boards are well positioned and are visible from any point in the operations room. The boards were kept up to date on significant information for the staff and their use. The required maps were posted or available in the EOC.

The maps posted depicted the EPZ with sectors labeled, evacuation routes, relocation centers, population by evacuation areas, access control points and radiological monitoring points.


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. . o Communications Communications are well established between the State, County EOC and all field operations. Land line telephone, NARS and two-way radios are the main systems used to communicate. The State established communications with the local EOC and the utility by the Nuclear Accident Reporting System; adjoining States by FNATS; the EOF by telephone; FEMA and JPIC via telefax. Conferencing is available but it was not used during the exercise.

Telefax machines were used throughout the exercise to convey l information vital to the emergency response. The media center staff communicated with the State EOC through such devices. The information was reliable and reasonably fast.

The EOF staff responsible for recording messages on the NARS form needs training on the procedures for receiving and recording informational messages. One individual manning the NARS phone at the EOF admitted he has received no training in the function.

His unfamiliarity with the form caused the EOC dispatcher difficulty in message transmission.

Area Recommended For Improvement: IESDA needs to coordinate with the utility to insure that utility personnel responsible for the transmission of emergency response information to the State are well trained in that responsibility.

Dose Assessment and Protective Action Recommendation The State radiological monitoring teamc were not activated for the exercise per the exercise scenario. Protective Action recommendations were implemented based on information received from the utility's EOF after IESDA's assessment of the recommendations.

The initial protective action issued by the State was a livestock advisory., The IDNS staff at the REAC made a recommendation which was received in the State EOC at 0952. The advisory recommended that milk producing animals should be sheltered, fed from stored feed and provided safe drinking water. Following the Governor's decision, the REAC implemented the livestock advisory. DeWitt County was informed of the State's action.

The initial utility recommendation to evacuate the population was included in the General Emergency notification received in the State EOC at 1033. The REAC and State EOC staff reviewed the utility recommendation and formulated a PAR for considera-ion by the Governor (simulated) . The Governor recommended evacuation of the 0-2 mile EPZ at 1055. The General Emergency PAR advised the County to evacuate all sectors in the 0-2 mile radius of the utility. It also included an expanded recommendation for livestock to be sheltered out to 10 miles in all sectors. It also 13 l

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l l provided the recommendation that emergency workers should voluntarily ingest potassium iodide (KI). j I

Subsequent recommendations for in place sheltering and expanded evacuation were disseminated to the County EOC staff at 1118, and 1133. The 1118 recommendation included sheltering 2-5 miles for the five downwind sectors (R, A, B, C and D). The 1133 recommendation included evacuation out to 10 miles in sectors A,  ;

B and C and sheltering out to 10 miles in sectors R and D. The recommendation that the immobilized population should voluntarily take KI was included in the 1133 message.

l Alerting & Instruction Public alerting and instructions for sheltering and evacuation are implemented at the County level after the State has provided recommendations. Dairy advisories are implemented by the State through direct contact between the Department of Health and the REAC and the affected dairyman.

Protective Action Protective actions, except for dairy advisories, are also implemented at the County level after the Governor has provided the recommendations.

Decontamination A tour of the decontamination center for evacuees, emergency workers, vehicles and equipment was co" ducted for Federal evaluators at the Centennial High School, Champaign, Illinois.

The tour was conducted by representatives from the City of Champaign Fire and Emergency Services Department, IESDA, and IDNS. The representatives explained their respective responsibilities in the operation of the decontamination center.

However, there is a need for additional planning for the center, between IESDA and Champaign County and training of staff responsible for its operation.

Area Requiring Corrective Action: (NUREG 0654 criteria items K5b and 049) -

Additional preplanning and training of personnel responsible for the operation of the decontamination center.

The Centennial High School location also serves as a reception / congregate care location. The Champaign Fire and Emergency Services Department are responsible for the !

decontamination of vehicles and equipment in coordination with the IDNS. Additionally, the IDNS is responsible for radiological monitoring and decontamination of evacuees and emergency workers.

The American Red Cross is responsible for registration of evacuees at the reception / congregate care center, feedin'g, etc.,

as defined in agreements between the City of Champaign and the 14


l Radiological monitoring of evacuees and emergency workers is conducted in an area that is segregated from the general


population of individuals that may have a need to be at the '

reception / congregate care center. The predesignated area will be cordoned off and a defined pathway established by use of a paper l pathway from_ the entry way into the building to the school's decontamination shower facilities. There are separate male and female shower facilities, with means of access and egress that prevents the potential spread of radiological contamination.

Individuals that are determined to be free of radiological contamination are directed to the center registrars, for registration and assignment to congregate care shelters, etc.

Individuals determined to be radiologically contaminated will be registered at the monitoring entry point and processed through decontamination, as verbally demonstrated by the aforementioned responsible center staff.

Vehicles and equipment are monitored for radiological contamination at a predesignated distant location at the rear of the center. Vehicles will be monitored for radiological contamination by fire department personnel. The area (s) used for decontamination of vehicles and equipment will be cordoned off and posted as contaminated area (s) . The IDNS in conjunction with the utility operator will coordinate the clean-up of the sites.

Medical Drill The John Warner Hospital in Clinton conducted a demonstration of the facilities and procedures to transport and handle a contaminated injured individual. The Clinton Power Station notified the hospital that there was an injured worker at the utility site that required medical treatment. The initial notification included the description of the injuries and an indication of potential radiological contamination. Following verification of the call an ambulance with two Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) were dispatched to the Clinton Power Station.

The EMTs were equipped with a pocket dosimeter (0-200R), a TLD and 'a record keeping card. They demonstrated the proper procedures for initializing their dosimeters. One of .the two EMTs had recently received training; the other had been recently assigned to the position. They explained and demonstrated the proper procedures for handling the contaminated individual so as to minimize the potential for the spread of contamination to themselves and the ambulance. -

The hospital had the ability to communicate with the local EOC staff by telephone and radio. The ambulance crew was able to communicate by radio with the hospital emergency room staff. This radio system would also allow the ambulance crew and hospital 15


..b staff to communicate with various local emergency response organizations such as traffic control personnel. The ambulance crew- used this radio capability to apprise the emergency room

. staff on tha status of the injured worker at the utility.

While the ambulance was enroute the hospital staff converted a small corridor and room, within the hospital, into an emergency room to receive the contaminated injured individual from the utility. They also isolated a portion of the parking lot for the ambulance and established a protected pathway from the parking-lot to the emergency room. The facility setup was excellent with all of the staff demonstrating obvious- prior training and experience. This was further evidenced by the planning for the X-Ray procedures which would be required when the patient arrived.

The personnel assigned to work within the controlled area of the emergency room donned protective clothing from a prepackaged kit which contained instructions and diagrams for its use. The staff included a doctor and two nurses in the emergency room and a nurse in the buffer zone. Additional personnel were available outside of the control 1(3 area to maintain communications, record data from the emergency room staff and procure supplies as needed. The personnel in the controlled area were equipped with a pocket dosimeter, a TLD badge and two ring TLDs. A log was maintained which recorded the names of the staff with their dosimeter and TLD serial numbers.

When the ambulance arrived the patient was transferred .to the emergency room. Once the patient had been stabilized and monitored for contamination, X-Rays of his injuries were obtained. Effective hotline procedures were followed during the activities.

One Radiation Protection Technician (RPT) from the Clinton Power Station, accompanied the ambulance from the plant and assisted the emergency room staff by monitoring the patient, hospital staff and equipment, as necessary. This is in accordance with established hospital procedures. However, this RPT indicated that he was not the person planned for this activity but accompanied the ambulance because no other RPT was available at the time. He did hot bring a survey meter with him but utilized the hospital equipment, which was an Eberline monitor and HP 260 pancake probe. This RPT was extremely busy prior to the arrival of a second RPT from the plant. The second RPT was equipped with an Eberline monitor and HP-260 pancake probe. After consultation with the first RPT he surveyed the ambulance to determine the level of contamination, if any, which was present. Throughout the entire process the ambulance crew was kept waiting in the hospital entrance way because they had not been checked for contamination. When the ambulance crew was released at^the end of the drill they had received monitoring for their hands and 16

b a b & O feet only. Better coordination between the two RPTs would have resulted in the expeditious monitoring and release of the ambulance crew.

Area Requiring Corrective Action: (NUREG-0654 criteria item L.1)

The health physics capability which is provided to the hospital by the Clinton Power Station needs to be reassessed. Specific issues should be addressed in a written agreement between the hospital and the utility and in the appropriate hospital and utility procedures. The specific issues include the milimum RPT staffing necessary to ensure efficient hospital operations, a description of the duties to be performed by the RPT staff, mobilization procedures for the RPT staff, training for the RPT staff in conjunction with the training for the hospital staff, and the development of procedures for the coordination and supervision of the health physics activities at the hospital.

The written agreement and procedures should be incorporated into the planning currently underway in compliance with GM MS-1, Medical Services and, if not included in IPRA Volume VIII, provided to FEMA for review along with the plan update.

The emergency room staff demonstrated the appropriate equipment and procedures for the decontamination of the patient. They were quite knowledgeable of their duties and worked together in a coordinated and efficient manner. The decontamination kits were brought into the emergency room with additional hospital supplies available just outside the controlled area to minimize the potential for contamination. In addition, the hospital staff demonstrated appropriate hotline procedures to minimize the spread of contamination within the emergency room and the surrounding area of the hospital. This was particularly true during the time the emergency room staff was exiting the controlled area, and the patient had been transferred to surgery.

- The patient transfer procedure was also conducted in a manner which would eliminate the potential for the spread of contaminatic7 to other parts of the hospital.

Media Relations The State and local governments were represented in the Joint Public Information Center (JPIC) by staff from the Illinois Emergency Services and Disaster Agency (IESDA), Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety (IDNS) and DeWitt County. Other agencies represented at the JPIC were the Illinois Power Company (IPC) and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).

The JPIC is located in the Illinois Power Company Building, Parkway Drive, Decatur, Illinois. The JPIC is spacious and well equipped and each agency represented in the Center has private work areas. Computers and other specialized equipment is provided by the respective agencies. A room is available for the PIOS to coordinate presentations prior to briefings. Maps a'nd'other briefing aids are also available.


The IPO had staff available to assist with graphic and briefing aids, typing and' copying of releases, and to monitor radio and TV l broadcasts. Additional personnel were available to respond to l inquiries from the public. {

The IESDA, IDNS and Dewitt County used commercial telephone as their primary means of communications. The State agencies have mobile radio as back-up means of communications. A datafax system was available for hard copy transmissions. Telephones were also provided for the media.

A total of seven briefings were conducted during the course of the exercise. The State presentations were well coordinated and timely. However, during the early part of the exercise the use of two individuals for briefings resulted in information being provided fragmentarily. Complete information was provided to the media, but not as one complete cohesive statement.

Area Recommended For Improvement: The State should use one Individual as their spokesperson. This individual should be familiar with emergency operations and speak for all State agencies. This would leave the public information and technical people to prepare the releases and presentations and if necessary answer technical questions. Having the assistance of others, in preparing media releases and coordinating it with Springfield, should improve the timeliness of materials to be released to the media.

During the briefings and in printed releases #2 and #3, the State referred to the alpha-numeric sector designators, in addition to the familiar landmarks and boundaries. The use of both designations caused confusion among media representatives at the JPIC.

Area Recommended For Improvement: The State should delete all alpha-numeric references from the body of the canned protective action recommendations.

During the briefings the protective action recommendations for livestock were incomplete. Sheltering of livestock was not mentioned until questions were asked by media representatives.

The reference in the media release livestock advisory, regarding a need to " confine" milk producing livestock, was confusing and should be changed to the term " shelter" milk producing livestock.

Area Requiring Corrective Action: (NUREG 0654 criteria item 04j)

More attention must be paid to protective action recommendations

! for livestock in briefings and printed releases, to insure that farmers are given complete and accurate instructions on protective actions. ^

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The JPIC staff were advised that the Governor had declared a State of' Emergency. However, they were not provided a copy of the Governor's declaration, by the State EOC, and therefore could not release it to the media at the JPIC.

Area Recommended For Improvement: A copy of the Governor's declaration should be forwarded to the JP1C for release to the media.

Two copies of summaries, which included times of State and local emergency response activities, were received at the JPIC. The summaries were not incorporated into the press releases by the JPIC staff, nor were they developed into a summary suitable for release to the media.

Area Recommended For Improvement: The State should consider preparing summaries of offsite emergency activities suitable for release to the media. Also, IESDA should consider preparing canned releases, similar to their protective action drafts, that describe the activation of State and local resources and the implementation of protective actions recommended by the Governor.

Copies of the States' printed releases were datafaxed to the JPIC and the counties, and hard copies of the material, presented at the briefings, were made available to the media.

DeWitt County Activation and Staffing The Nuclear Accident Reporting System (NARS) is the direct communications link between the DeWitt County EOC, the Illinois Emergency Services and Disaster Agency (IESDA) and the Clinton Power Station. The NARS communications link for DeWitt County is located in the. communications center of the County Sheriff's Department and~is' monitored around the clock (24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />), seven days a week. Upon activation of the DeWitt County FOC incoming calls from the State EOC are routed via a secondary NARS telephone line in the EOC. -

The initial NARS call concerning the incident at the Clinton Power Station, was received during normal working hours by County ESDA personnel who had arrived for the normal work day. The call

' initiating full activation of the EOC was received by the County at the Site Area Emergency notification, at 1009 via the NARS, from the IESDA dispatcher. Staff mobilization procedures were initiated by County ESDA personnel, by use of an up-to-date call-up roster. According to EOC exercise participants the use of staff call-up rosters is the system in place to receive calls directing emergency activation of the County EOC. After normal duty hours communications personnel of the County Sheriff's Department are responsible to contact key individuals of the 19


, County EOC staff. The key individuals then become responsible to notify and/or mobilize staff of their respective organizations.

The County EOC was staf fed in a timely manner and in accordance with the County plan.

Around the clock (24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />) staffing was demonstrated by double staffing and the presentation of a roster of personnel for subsequent shifts. The EOC staff were aware of their respective responsibilities and were knowledgeable of the County plan.

Emergency Operations Management The County Board Chairman, in concert with the ESDA Coordinator, was the individual in charge of the EOC operations as designated irtthe _ County _ plan _. _ Briefings were held to update the staf f and keep them abreast of the situation. The EOC staff were actively involved in the briefings and participated in decision making as it pertained to their respective responsibilities. Copies of the plan were available for reference, and the staff had excerpts of the plan that pertained to their respective responsibilities.

Message logs were kept and messages were reproduced and distributed, as necessary, by use of an effective message handling system. Access to the EOC was controlled by use of personal identification, an access roster and uniformed personnel of the Clinton Police Department and the County Sheriff's office.

The EOC staff were notified of the Alert status at the utility at 0924, the Site Area Emergency at 1009 and the General Emergency at 1100. The staff was also notified at 1100 that the Governor had declared a " State of Disaster Emergency" effective at 1050.

The initial livestock advisory was issued during the Site Area Emergency. The livestock advisory was issued by the State EOC.

The County was informed of the State's action at 1043. The advisory recommended that milk producing animals be sheltered, fed from stored feed and provided safe drinking water.

The initial protective action recommendation for the protection of the public was to evacuate. This evacuation PAR was received by the staff as part of the General Emergency notification at 1100. The PAR recommended the evacuation of all sectors in the 0-2 mile radius of the plant and a recommendation for emergency workers to voluntarily ingest KI. It also included an expanded recommendation for livestock to be sheltered out to 10 miles in all sectors.

Subsequent recommendations for in place sheltering and expanded evacuation were received by County EOC staff at 1118, and 1133.

The 1118 recommendation included in place sheltering for the five 2-5 mile downwind sectors (R, A, B, C and D). It was expanded at 1133 to include evacuation out to 10 miles in sectors A, B 'and C and sheltering out to 10 miles in sectors R and D. This message 20

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  • also included the recommendation that the immobilized population should voluntarily take KI. iodide.

The County was. informed by the State EOC that reception and congregate care centers wep; being activated at the Centennial and Central High Schools, Champaign, Illinois for the receipt of evacuees.

Facilities The County EOC is located in the DeWitt County Courthouse. The facility is radiation protected and has sufficient furniture, space, lighting, telephones, backup electrical power and other amenities to support extended EOC operations. The noise level in the EOC is adequately controlled. Emergency classification levels were posted and status boards were- clearly visible to the EOC staff. The status boards were kept up to date on significant events by EOC staff assigned that responsibility. The required maps were posted in the EOC. The maps depicted the plume EPZ with sectors labeled, evacuation routes, relocation centers, access control points, radiological monitoring points, and population by evacuation areas.

Communications The County EOC Staff demonstrated the ability to communicate with all appropriate locations, organizations, and field personnel by use of primary and backup means of communications. The primary and backup means of communications demonstrated were the use of the dedicated NARS, commercial' telephone, and two-way radio during various phases of the exercise. A telefax machine was available for hard copy capability between the County and State EOC, Macon County and the JPIC. The telefax machine was reliable and reasonably fast.

Dose Assessment and Protective Action Recommendation l

Dose assessment is the responsibility of the Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety. Protective action recommendations are provided to the County, by the State, for implementation.

l Public Alerting and Instruction DeWitt County is designated for implementation of public alerting j and instruction for the 10 mile EPZ of the Clinton Power Station. '

Public alerting was initiated by County EOC staff upon receipt of the Site Area Emergency notification at 10:09 a.m., at which time public parks and recreational areas were ordered evacuated by personnel of the County Sheriff's Department. The EOC staff further simulated activation of the alert and notification system by activation of the siren system and the EBS station, teldphone calls to school officials and the dispatch of sheriff's vehicles, i 21 l


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with public address systems. The sirens were' sounded and the EBS station (WSOY) was activated at 1105 after receipt of the General Emergency notification at 1100. The EBS waa reactivated and the sirens resounded at 1125 and 1142 in conjunction with the 1118 and 1133 PARS (respectively) for sheltering and expanded evacuation. The timing of public instructions were coordinated with the public alerting process, so that the sounding of the sirens were followed immediately by an instructional message.

Emergency instructions were drafted in the EOC by use of prescripted messages. Messages were generally clear and appropriate to the situation. Protective action areas were described in terms of familiar boundaries and landmarks. The sheltering messages were in accordance with IESDA and FEMA agreement. The evacuation messages included information on the evacuation of school children.

Protective Action The EOC staff of the County Highway, Sheriff and Clinton Police Departments simulated the activation of traffic and access control points and setting up barricades to control access and egress in and out of the evacuated areas. Estimates of expected traffic volume was discussed. According to EOC staff, through mutual aid agreements, there are appropriate resources, in terms of personnel and equipment, to keep evacuation routes clear during inclement weather, in the event of stalled or wrecked cars, and to cover traffic and access control functions simultaneously.

The County EOC staff was advised of the activation of reception and congregate care centers at the Centennial and Central High Schools, Champaign, by the State EOC. The County staff simulated the notification of individuals in parks and recreational areas by dispatch of police vehicles with public address systems. They also requested assistance from the State EOC co provide a helicopter, with a public address capability, to assist in the evacuation notification of farmers in the fields, etc.

After notification of the General Emergency and subsequent protective action recommendations, the EOC staff simulated the evacuation of the communities of DeWitt and Weldon; mobility impaired individuals, including one individual requiring an iron lung; schools in the DeLand/Weldon School District, and farms in out lying areas within the 10 mile EPZ.

The staff had a roster of mobility impaired individuals within the County. The roster listed the names, locations, telephone numbers, contacts and special needs of the respective individuals. Arrangements are in place for the evacuation of mobility impaired individuals, as reflected above, althou'gh their evacuation was not selected as an objective to be demonstrated 22

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  • during the exercise.

Radiological Exposure Control The County EOC is located in a nuclear radiation protected facility approximately six miles from the Clinton Power St.4 tion.

The EOC staff were issued dosimetry kits which contained high range dosimeters (0-200 R), TLDs, record keeping cards and placebo KI. The supply of dosimetry was adequate and included l dosimeter chargers. The EOC staff included representatives from j l IDNS, the utility and IESDA, all of which are aware of procedure for the use of KI, dosimetry, decontamination, etc.

Media Relations The EOC includes a media briefing area which is adjacent to the EOC operations room. Two briefings were conducted with media personnel from Television Channel 3, Champaign. The briefings (provided by the County ESDA Coordinator and the County Board Chairman, respectively) were accurate and complete. Technical jargon was avoided. The information released was consistent with the information coming from the State EOC.

Area Recommended For Improvement: The media briefing area should include maps and displays to augment briefings.

Recovery and Reentry Recovery and Reentry was not selected as an objective to be demonstrated during this exercise. However, there was considerable discussion of recovery and reentry requirements by the EOC staff at the close of the exercise.

MUTUAL AID COUNTIES Macon County Activation and Staffing The call initiating activation of the Macon County EbC was received at 0930 in the EOC by the County ESDA Coordinator. The call advised of the Alert conditions at the utility, was received from the DeWitt County Sheriff's dispatcher and verified by a return telephone call. The County ESDA Coordinator contacted key individuals of the EOC staff, via telephone, by use of a current staffing roster. The staff of four response agencies were placed on standby at the notification of the Alert conditions at the utility and the EOC was activated and partially staffed by the ESDA coordinator, the Deputy ESDA Coordinator and a secretary, in support of DeWitt County. An up to date personnel roster was used to demonstrate around the clock (24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />) staffing  ;


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[' Emergency Operations Management The Macon County ESDA coordinator was'the individual that was effectively in charge of the EOC operations. Discussions were

-held and decision making was appropriate to the situation and

events. Copies of the plan were available for reference and the staff had checklists and excerpts of the plan that pertained to their responsibilities. Message handling and distribution was efficient. The staff were knowledgeable of their respective responsibilities and the County plan. Access to the EOC was controlled by use of roster and personal identification.

The staff was advised of the Alert, Site Area Emergency, the General Emergency and the accompanying protective action recommendations in a timely fashion and as appropriate, by staff of the DeWitt County EOC.

Facilities The Macon County EOC is located well outside the 10 mile EPZ of I the Clinton Power Station. The use of the present EOC is temporary and will be relocated upon completion of a new County building, which is presently under construction. The present facility _is small but has sufficient furniture, lighting, telephones, backup electrical- power and other amenities to accommodate the number of staff represented in the EOC during the

. exercise. Emergency classification levels were posted in the EOC and a status board was clearly visible and kept up to date on significant events. The required maps were posted or available for reference. The maps depicted the plume EPZ with sectors labeled, evacuation routes, relocation centers, access control points, radiological monitoring points and population by evacuation areas.

Communications Primary and back-up means of communications are available in accordance with the County plan and enabled the staff to coordinate emergency response activities. The primary means of communications is commercial telephone with the IESDA radio net as backup. The County has hard copy capability with the State l EOC and JPIC by use of datafax.

Radiological Exposure Control The County, in support of DeWitt County, was prepared to dispatch personnel of the County Sheriff's Office to man predesignated traffic and access control points. Sheriff's personnel alerted for potential dispatch were issued dosimetry kits. The kits included self reading high range (0-200 R) dosimeters, TLDs, instructions on the use of dosimetry, record keeping cards and placebo doses of potassium iodide (KI).

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The dosimetry is issued from the County EOC, where verbal instructions are provided regarding the need. to . read the dosimeter every half hour and radio the information directly to the County EOC. The information is recorded by EOC staff' assigned that responsibility by the ESDA Coordinator. The ESDA Coordinator and his assistant are aware of procedures concerning the use of KI and the maximum dose allowed without authorization.

They are also aware of the locations for evacuees and emergency worker radiological monitoring and decontamination centers.

l-l Media Relations No media Briefings are held at the County EOC. Media representatives arriving at the EOC are referred to the JPIC.

McLean County The McLean County ESDA supports DeWitt County during emergencies at the Clinton Power Station. As a support county, McLean County ESDA received all information and support requests from DeWitt County ESDA or the IESDA Regional Coordinator located in McLean County. The McLean County EOC was activated following notification of Alert conditions at the utility by DeWitt County.

The call was verified by a telephone call back to Dewitt County.

Staff mobilization procedures were demonstrated by use of up-to-date written call lists. The regular system for activation and  !

staff. mobilization provides for a 24-hour sheriff's dispatcher to receive the initial call and relay it to the McLean County ESDA Director or other predesignated staff members. A pager system provides for off-hours coverage.

The EOC was staffed with key emergency responsa personnel. These included ESDA staff, a Sheriff's representative, a communications officer, and the County Administrator. All other entities normally in the EOC were telephoned and placed on standby pending a need for their activation.

1 The staff displayed excellent understanding of their responsibilities and duties. Around-the-clock (24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />) staffing was demonstrated by the presentation of a roster, which listed personnel from ESDA and all other organizations' represented in the EOC.

Emergency Operations Management The EOC operations was effectively managed by the McLean County ESDA Director as designated in the County plan. His calm, effective leadership and the other highly professional staff members contributed to effective team work. Periodic briefings were held to update the staff, who assisted in decision-making.

Access to the EOC was controlled by use of personal identification and a security guard.

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i A copy of the McLean County plan was available for reference, as well as ~ritten procedures and checklists. The NARS message {

1 forms were the basic source of information. Meticulous personal action logs were kapt, recording calls made and actions taken.

The flow of messagas were efficient and the supply of copies were sufficient.

The EOC staff received notification of the Alert at 0938, Site Area Emergency at 1027, and the General Emergency at 1116.

Following conversation with the DeWitt County EOC, a call was made to activate the reception center at Illinois State University at Normal (ISU).

Facilities The McLean County EOC is an excellent, mission-designed facility in the basement of the County Law and Justice Center, Bloomington. It has sufficient furniture, space, lighting, telephones, and a low noise level. The facility c.n support extended operations, having back-up power which is tested weekly.

The emergency classification levels were posted near a clearly visible status board, which was kept up-to-date on significant events. The following maps were posted or available: plume EPZ with sectors labeled, evacuation routes, relocation centers, access control points; and population by evacuation areas.

Communications The EOC has a communications room which has adegaate systems to provide contact with all appropriate organizations, locations, and field activities. Though telephone is the primary means of communicating with DeWitt County, the IESDA radio net was available and demonstrated. Communications with county support activities (i.e., congregate care center, schools, etc.) are by telephone. The addition of a hard copy facsimile machine to link all counties, JPIC, and IESDA points would enhance emergency operations.

Area Recommended For Improvement: A hard copy facsimile machine should be installed in the McLean County EOC. This will enable the EOC staff to receive hard copy items of concern (i.e., EBS messages, news releases, situation summaries, etc.).

Public Alerting And Instruction McLean County supported the DeWitt County evacuation order by having fire department personnel from Heyworth, Downs, and LeRoy carry out route alerting. After receipt of the General Emergency notification. "


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Protective Action When the evacuation order affected the limited McLean County portion of the EPZ, access control points were promptly ordered and sited according to plan. The EOC staff were knowledgeable of probable traffic volume, and all appropriate roads were controlled. The county has adequate resources .in terms of personnel and vehicles, and knows how to obtain help if needed.

Similarly, the County has resources to keep evacuation routes clear in event of bad weather or stalled vehicles.

There are no mobility impaired individuals in the McLean County EPZ; however, the EOC staff is alert to this concern, and is prepared to handle the matter should such individuals become a McLean County concern. The reception and congregate care center at ISU was activated in a timely fashion; between 1040 and 1045 both ISU staff and Red Cross were notified, and by 1430 approximately 245 evacuees were at the center.

Radiological Exposure Control McLean County EOC adequately demonstrated radiological exposure control for its field workers through issuance of dosimeters, record keeping cards, TLDs, KI, and briefing of field persc.inel.

The following types of dosimetry equipment were available in adequate amounts, tested, and issued: mid-range 0-20R dosimeters; high-range 0-200R dosimeters; chargers for dosimeters; record keeping cards and permanent record dosimeters (TLDs). The staff were not issued the actual TLDs. They were issued a card representing the item.

The supply of potassium iodide (KI) was adequate and staff members were aware of procedures concerning its use, maximum radiation dose allowed without authorization, and when and where to go for decontamination.

Area Recommended For Improvement: The County should develop emergency worker radiological exposure control kits, by use of small zip-lock plastic bags, containing one or more dosimeters, TLDs, dose reading record cards, and emergency worker protection instructions. This will facilitate the issuance and provide written instructions on the use of the dosimeters, recording dosimeter readings, and provide information on the use of KI.

Media Relations The McLean County EOC normally has little or no news media activity and inquiries are referred to the JPIC.


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Platt County Activation and Staffing The call initiating activation of the Platt County EOC was received in the communications center of the Piatt County Sheriff's Department. The call, advising of the Alert status at i the utility, was received from the DeWitt County Sheriff's dispatcher and verified by a return telephone call. The.Piatt County Sheriff's dispatcher contacted key individuals of the EOC staff, via telephone, by use of a current staffing roster. The County ESDA coordinator activated the EOC in support of DeWitt County. Piatt County, in concert with Macon and McLean Counties, support DeWitt County ditring emergencies at the Clinton Power Station, in accordance with mutual aid agreements.

An up to date personnel roster was used to den.onstrate around the clocx (24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />) staffing capability. Staff of three response agencies were alerted and placed on stand-by status.

Emergency Operations Management The Piatt County ESDA coordinator was the individual that was effectively in charge of the EOC operations. Briefings and decision making were appropriate to the situations and events.

Copies of the plan were available for reference and the staff had checklists and excerpts of the plan that pertained to their respective responsibilities. Message handling and distribution was efficient. The staff were knowledgeable of their resp.ective responsibilities and the County plan.

The staff was advised of the Alert, Site Area Emergency, General Emergency and the accompanying protective action recommendations, in a timely fashion and as appropriate, by staff of the DeWitt County EOC.


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The Piat't' County EOC is well outside the 10 mile EPZ c the Clinton Power Station. The EOC is large and it has sufficient furniture, lighting, space, telephones and other amenities to support extended operations. Emergency classification levels were posted in the EOC and a status board was clearly visible and kept up to date on significant events.The required maps were posted or available for reference. The maps depicted the plume EPZ with sectors labeled, evacuation routes, relocation centers, access control points, radiological monitoring poin s and population by evacuation areas.

Communications, s.

Primary and back-up means of communications are available in 28

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accordance with the County plan and enabled the staff to coordinate einergency response activities. The primary means of communications is commercial telephone with the IESDA radio net as backup. Communications with county support activities (i.e.,

congregate care center, schools, etc.) are by telephone. The addition of a hard copy facsimile machine to link all counties, the JPIC, and IESDA points would enhance emergency operations.

Area Recommended For Improvement: A hard copy facsimile machine should be instal ^ led in the McLean County EOC. This will enable  !

the EOC staff to receive hard copy items of concern (i.e., EBS messages, news releases, situation summaries, etc.).

Radiological Exposure Control The County, in support of DeWitt County, was prepared to dispatch personnel of the County Sheriff's Office to man predesignated traffic and access control points. Sheriff's personnel alerted for dispatch were issued dosimetry kits. The kits included self reading high range (0-200 R) dosimeters, TLDs, instructions on the use of dosimetry, record keeping cards and placebo doses of potassium iodide (KI). The dosimetry is issued from the County EOC, where verbal instructions are provided regarding the need to .

read the dosimeter every half hour and radio the reading  !

information directly to the County EOC. The information is recorded by the ESDA Coordinator and/or his secretary / assistant coordinator. The Coordinator is aware of procedures concerning the use of KI and coordinated with the Sheriff's office to ensure that Sheriff's personnel designated to man traffic and access control points would be notified when to take KI. EOC staff were aware of the maximum dose allowed without authori,zation. They were also aware of the locations for evacuees and emergency worker radiological monitoring and decontamination centers.

Media Relations No media Briefings are held at the County EOC. Media representatives arriving at the EOC are referred to the JPIC.



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.a-g- 0-600556 1

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R60-88(08-01)-LP j IN.140 i


G August, 1, 1988

}3 Nij C 1 C'03 Ms. Jana S. Fairow '

Radiological Emergency Preparedness Supervisor jjjjn0iS Emer;5ncy $2TVICSS Illinois Emergency Services and Disaster Agency 110 East Adams Street BMd OiSaStBT Ag80CV Springfield, Illinois 62706

Dear Ms. Fairow:


Draft FEMA Report for April 26 Clinton Exercise Attached is Illinois Power Company's response to the draft Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) report on the April 26, 1988 Clinton Power Station emergency preparedness exercise. The response describes the proposed corrective actions Illinois Power Company plans to take to address the concerns related to the medical drill and provides the scheduled dater for completion of these action items. It also includes comments in response to item (1) of that section of the draf t report titled Areas Recommended for Improvement (page 32). ,

If you have any questions or concerns on the response, please contact me at 217/935-3881, extension 3400.

Sincerely yours, s ),l W F. A. Spangenberg, III Manager - Licensing and Safety SPH/kar Attachment cc: M. J. Hein, Administrator - Dr. John Warner Hospital 1.

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l' o-

"t ? 0-600556 j R60-88 ( 08- 01)-LP 1N.140 i

Clinton Power Station Emergency Preparedness Exercise I April 26, 1988 Areas Requiring Corrective Action NUREG Item L.1:' Medical Drill Specific issues should be addressed in a written agreement between ~  ;

the hospital and the utility and in appropriate hospital and utility procedures. Specific issues include minimum radiation protection technician (RPT) staffing necessary to ensure efficient hospital operations, a description of the duties performed by the RPT staff, mobilization procedures by the RPT staff, training for the RPT staff in conjunction with the training for the hospital staff, the development of procedures for the coordination and supervision of the health physics activities at the hospital.

Proposed Corrective Action

  • An evaluation to determine the minimum number of RPT staff required is in progress.--Upon- completion of-this evaluation, the results will be discussed with the Dr. John Warner Hospital and incorporated into both the hospital's and Illinois Power Company's Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure (EPIP) RA-08, Radiological Injuries. Scheduled date: September 30, 1988.

A description of the duties performed by the RPT staff is presently included in'section E.13 of the Dr. John Warner Hospital procedure entitled, Decontamination and Treatment of Radioactively Contaminated Patient (s) at Dr. John Warner Hospital. This section will be reviewed to determine the need for revision. Scheduled date: September 16, 1988.

Mobilization procedures for the RPT staff will be included in a revision to EPIP RA-08, Radiological Injuries. Scheduled date:

September 30, 1988.

The training of the RP staff will be conducted in two stages; the i first stage will be a walk through of the facilities, equipment, and basic responsibilities. The second stage will require all RP personnel to participate in at least one quarterly training being offered to the support hospitals. Stage 1 is scheduled to be complete by December 28, 1988 with Stage 2 ongoing.


  • EPIP RA-08, Radiological Injuries, will be revised to include coordination and supervision of the health physics activities at the hospital. Scheduled date: September 30, 1988. ,

A letter of agreement including the above items will be presented to Dr. John Warner Hospital for concurrence. Scheduled date:

l November 4, 1988. ,,

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3/ .

1, 0-600556

  • R60-88 (08-01)-LP

','; 1N.140 Clinton Power Station Emergency Preparedness Exercise

.. April 26, 1988~

Areas Recommended for Improvement Item 1: Communications The Emergency Operation Facility (EOF) staff responsible for recording messages on the NARS form needs training on the procedures for receiving and recording' informational messages. One individual manning the'NARS.

phone at the EOF admitted he has received no training in the function.

This unfamiliarity with the form caused the Emergency Operation Center (EOC) dispatcher difficulty in message transmission.

Illinois Power Company Response According to Illinois Power Company records, all EOF staff who were responsible for receiving and recording informational messages on the NARS form during the April 26 exercise were appropriately trained on the procedures for this fu ction.

n The individual making admission that she has received no training in this function was not responsible for recording messages on the NARS form and was not attempting to perform this function during the April 26 exercise. Rather, the individual was only performing a line check to determine if the telephone was working properly. When questioned by the dispatcher, this individual _ attempted to relay the message that she was only performing a line check and that she could not answer his questions because she had no training on the procedures for recording' messages on the NARS form.

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' INITIAL CONDITIONS The plant is presently operating at 100% power, at normal temperature and pressure, in Operating Condition 1.

DeWitt-County and the surrounding area is under a severe thunderstorm warning and tornado watch until 5:00 p.m. today. Several funnel clouds have been spotted in Macon County. A severe thunderstorm. is currently traveling through DeWitt County.

During'a routine surveillance run of the Division I diesel generator, the diesel attained 900 RPM for two minutes and then quit running.

Troubleshooting is in progress and preparations are underway to run

" -Divisions-II and-III per' technical specifications, i


OF EVENTS The operability test on Division II diesel generator produces the similar results. The diesel will run however at reduced speed and therefore loading capability is also reduced. Further investigations by mechanical maintenance produces a thick translucent substance in the fuel lines and filter. Some material has hardened and some appears to be a thick epoxy-like substance. Fuel oil tanks show no contamination but the day tank drains appear to be clogged with the same substance. A security. guard also reports workmen have found an I(k obscene threatening note written on the bottom of each diesel day tank. The plant is ordered into a controlled shutdown due to,techni-cal specification requirements.

A lightening strike on the Emergency Reserve Auxiliary Transformer causes it to burst into flames and trip. The deluge system quickly extinguishes the fire but the ERAT is damaged beyond repair. Also as a result of the lightning strike, the Reserve Breaker on the Division III 4160 volt bus fuses causing a fire in the IC1 switchgear.

A funnel cloud is reported sighted over the city of Clinton traveling north. A commuter plane enroute to St. Louis from Bloomington via Decatur encounters severe turbulence and breaks into 2 large pieces.

One piece impacts the UAT/ RAT area, destroying the transformers causing a loss of offsite power. The other piece impacts the second-ary gas control boundary ripping a 2 ft x 10 ft long hole before penetrating the side of the RCIC tank. Water begins to pour from the RCIC tank at approximately 3000 GPM. The Reactor scrams due to the less of power.

A fire is raging at the UAT/ RAT vicinity. The E area operator has been knocked unconscious outside of the turbine building and has 3rd

. degree burns over approximately 25% of his body. 1.

ri ,


. 'o . s e TIMELINE


DRILL TIME ACTUAL TIME EVENTS T = -5 hrs. 0300 Division I diesel generator fails T = -1 hr. 0700 Severe thunderstorms passing through DeWitt County T=0 0800 Division II diesel partial failure Sabotaged fuel oil discovered plant ordered into a controlled shut-down per tech specs Notification of Unusual Event T = 0045 0845 Lightening strike on ERAT Fused bus work on Division III bus

  1. ~ Alert declared t T = 0115 0915 Funnel cloud sited over Clinton T = 0145 0945 Air crash occurs UAT/ RAT destroyed RT6, RT4, ET4 Buses destroyed Hole in Secot.dary Gas Control Boundary Hole in RCIC Storage Tank Site Area Emergency declared Suppression pool temp increasing 2 degrees /hr e

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. , % $-8 9 w l

.o T = 0205 1005 .RCIC suction shifts to suppression pool on low water level RCIC room temp

  • increases to isolation temp l'

(225 degrees)

RCIC isolates Boil off rate 400 spm (2"/ min.)

.T = 0230 1030 Division II diesel bus frequency j' drops to 57 hz h 'and slowly I decreasing T = 0245 1045 Division II diesel stops Suppression pool temp increasing 20 degrees /hr T = 0300 1100 VQ vent dampers g- discovered failed in the open i( . position giving a release path General Emergency declared T = 0305 1105 An SRV sticks open causing a 15"/ min, water level drop T = 0312 1112 Top of Active Fuel ,



Water level dropping 4"/ min.

T = 0400 1200 Bottom of Active Fuel reached

T = 0500 1300 Division I diesel returned to service

) Release terminated  ;

! s. . l T = 0600 1400 Terminate Exercise l
