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Accepts Revs to Initial Test Program,Allowing Deletion of 50% Load Reduction Test from 75% Power & Minor Manual Intervention When Conducting Load Reduction Test from 100% Power,Per Reg Guide 1.68,App a & 861211 Request
Person / Time
Site: Byron, Braidwood, 05000000
Issue date: 02/26/1987
From: Olshan L
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Farrar D
RTR-REGGD-01.068, RTR-REGGD-1.068 NUDOCS 8703040225
Download: ML20212D889 (3)



Fzbruary 26,-1987 Docket Nos. 50-455, DISTRIBUTION 50-456, Doctet 111e; and 50-457 NRC PDR ~

  • Local PDR PD#3 Rdg.

T. Novak OGC Mr. Dennis L. Farrar E. Jordan Director of Nuclear Licensing J. Partlow Commonwealth Edison Company B. Grimes Post Office Box 767 N. Thompson.

Chicago, Illinois 60690 ACRS(10)

C. Vogan

Dear Mr. Farrar:

L. 01shan D. Hickman


50% LOAD REDUCTION STARTUP TEST By letter dated December 11, 1986 you proposed a revision to the Initial Test Program for Byron Station, Unit 2 and Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2. You proposed to delete the 50% load reduction test from 75% power and to allow minimal manual intervention when conducting the 50% load reduction test from 100% power.

Regulatory Guide 1.68, Appendix A, Paragraph 5.h.h, states that the Initial Test Program should demonstrate that the dynamic response of the plant to the design load swings is in accordance with design. As discussed in FSAR Section 10.2.1, the plant is designed to accept a maximum step load rejection from 100% to 50% power without reactor trip. Therefore, a 50% load reduction test from 75% power is not needed to verify plant design. Furthemore, minimal manual intervention,~as called for in the operating procedures,-is not prohibited by the Regulatory Guide. Therefore, the revisions to this test that you proposed in your December 11, 1986 letter are acceptable for Byron 2 and Braidwood I and 2.

Sincerely, Leon rd N. Olshan, Project Manager i

Project Directorate #3 Division of PWR Licensing-A l

cc: See next page


L01shan* DHickman JSte ns 2/24/87 y 2/24/87 2l=i47 2h /87 I 8703040225 870226 PDR ADOCK 05000455 P PDR

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Docket Nos. 50-455, DISTRIBUTION ,

.- 50-456, Docket File

. and 50-457: NRC PDR Local PDR


PD#3 Rdg. '

T. Novak OGC Mr. Dennis L. Farrar E. Jordan-Director of Nuclear Licensing J. Particw -

B. Grimes 7 Commonwealth Edison Company ~ .

Post Office Box 767 N. Thompson Chicago, Illinois 60690 ACRS(10)

C. Vogan

Dear Mr. Farrar:

- L. Olshan-D. Hickman


50% LOAD REDUCTION STARTUP TEST By' letter dated December 11 1986 you proposed a revision to the' Initial Test Program for Byron Station, Unit 2 and Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2. You proposed to delete the 50% load reduction test from 75% power and to allow minimal manual intervention when conducting the 50% load reduction test from .


100% power.

' Regulatory Guide 1.68, Appendix ~ A, Paragraph 5.h.h. states that the Initial 1 Test Program should demonstrate that the dynamic response of the plant to _the design load swings is in accordance with design. The plant is designed to accommodate step load changes of-up to 110% and this design is verified by the 10% load swing test described in FSAR Table 14.2-88. The 50% load reduction test described in FSAR Table 14.2-89 is not required by Regulatory Guide 1.68.

Therefore, the revisions to this test that you proposed in your December 11, 1986 letter are acceptable for Byron 2 and Braidwood -1 and 2.



/ Leonard N. Olshan, Project Manager Project Directorate #3 Division of PWR Licensing-A 4

cc: See next page FOR PD#3 PD#3 PD#3 d CVogan DHickman JStevens i w L01shan 2/g/87 2/$/87 2/ /87 2/a /87

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  • Mr. Dennis L. Farrar Byron Station Comonwealth Edison Company Units 1 and 2 cc:

Mr. William Kortier Ms. Diane Chavez Atomic Power Distribution 528 Gregory Street Westinghouse Electric Corporation Rockford, Illinois 61108 Post Office Box 355 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15?30 Regional Administrator, Region III U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Michael Miller 799 Roosevelt Road Isham, Lincoln & Beale Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 One First National Plaza 4?nd Floor Joseph Gallo, Esq.

Chicago, Illinois 60603 Isham, Lincoln 8 Beale Suite 1100 Mrs. Phillip B. Johnson 1150 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.


1907 Stratford Lane Washington, D. C. 20036 Rockford, Illinois 61107 Douglass Cassel, Esq.

Dr. Bruce von Zellen 109 N. Dearborn Street Department of Biological Sciences Suite 1300 Northern Illinois University Chicago, Illinois 60602 DeKalb, Illinois 61107 Ms. Pat Morrison Mr. Edward R. Crass 5568 Thunderidge Drive Nuclear Safeguards & Licensing Rockford, Illinois 61107 Sargent & Lundy Engineers Ms. Lorraine Creek 55 East Monroe Street Chicago, Illinois 60603. Rt. 1, Box 182 Manteno. Illinois 60950 Mr. Julian Hinds U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Pyron/ Resident Inspectors Offices

, 4448 German Church Road w ,_ f(yron, Illinois 61010

'Mr. Michael C. Parker, Chief Division of Engineering i

Illinois Department of l Nuclear Safety .

I 1035 Outer Park Drive Springfield, Illinois 6?704

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