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Confirms Arrangements for Written & Oral Exams Scheduled for Wk of 880229,per Telcon.Requirements for Conducting Exams, Rules & Guidance to Be in Effect During Exams & Requirements for Facility Review of Written Exam Encl
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/06/1988
From: Wright G
To: Larson C
NUDOCS 8801140011
Download: ML20149E764 (6)


JAN 6 1988 Docket No. 50-263 Northern States Power Company ATTN: Mr. C. E. Larson Vice President, Nuclear Generation 414 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN 55401

Dear Mr. Larson:


OPERATOR AND SENIOR OPERATOR LICENSING EXAMINATIONS In a telephone conversation between Mr. R. C. McGillic, Operations Training Supervisor, and Mr. D. E. Hills, Operator Licensing Examiner, arrangements were made for the administration of examinations at the Monticello Nuclear Generating Station.

The written and oral examinations are scheduled for the week of February 29, 1988.

The facility management is responsible for providing adequate space and I accommodations in order to properly conduct the written examinations.

Enclosure 1, "Administration of Reactor / Senior Reactor Operator Licensing Written Examinations," describes our requirements for conducting these examinations. Mr. R. C. McGillic has also been informed of these requirements.

In addition, to better document simulator examinations, the chief examiner will have the facility simulator operator record prespecified plant conditions (i.e., plant pressure, temperature, pressurizer level, etc.), for each simulator scenario. The candidate will be responsible for providing this information, along with any appeal of his simulator operating examination. Therefore, the facility training staff should retain the simulator examination scenario information until all candidates taking the examination have either passed the operating examination or all appeals filed by the candidates who failed the operating examination have been completed.

Enclosure 2 contains the Rules and Guidance that will be in effect during the administration of the written examination. The facility management is responsible for ensuring that all candidates are aware of these Rules.

Requirements for submittal of all reactor operator and senior reactor operator license applications have also been discussed with Mr. R. C. McGillic so that we will be able to review the training and experience of the candidates, process the medical certifications, and prepare final examiner assignments after candidate eligibility has been determined.

8801140011 880106 PDR y

ADOCK 050002o3 ,h DCD lg

DAN 6 1988 Mr. C. E. Larson 2 i i

This request for information was approved by the Office of Management and .

Budget under Clearance Number 3150-0101, which expires May 31, 1989. Comments <

on burden and duplication may be directed to the Office of Management and Budget, Reports Management Room 3208, New Executive Office Building, Washington, 1 D.C. 20503.

The facility staff review of the written examination will be conducted in accordance with requi-ements specified in Enclosure 3, "Requirements for Facility Review of W (;cen Examination." Mr. R. C. McGillic has been informed  !

of these requirements.

l Thank you for your consideration in this matter. If you have any questions -i regarding the examination procedures and requirements, please contact Mr. D. E. Hills at (312) 790-5600.


Geoffrey C. Wright, Chief Operations Branch ,

i Enclosures-

1. Requirements for Administration of Written Examinations
2. NRC Rules and Guidelines For  !

License Examinations l

3. Facility Review Requirements i cc w/ enclosures:

W. A. Shamla, Plant Manager '

E. Earney, Plant Training Manager t DCD/DCB (RIOS) i Licensing Fee Management Branch Resident Inspector, RIII Monticello Resident Inspector, RIII Prairie .

Island John W. Ferman, Ph.D.,

Nuclear Engineer, MPCA l

e cc w/o enclosures: l R. Auluck, Project Manager, NRR  ;

J. N. Hannon, Branch Chief, OLB '

D. C. Boyd, Section Chief, DRP l R. W. Cooper, NRR  ;

RIII RIII RIII OcAI/C/18 Hi1is/abl Q

Burdick kh Mright

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a ENCLOSURE 1 Requirements for Administration of Written Examinations Operator Licensing Branch requirements are:

1. A single room shall be provided for completing the written examination.

The location of this room and supporting restroom facilities shall be such as to prevent contact with all other facility and/or contractor personnel during the duration of the written examination. If necessary, the facility should make arrangements for the use of a suitable room at a local school, motel, or other building. Obtaining this room is the responsibility of the licensee.

2. Minimum spacing is required to ensure examination integrity as determined by the chief examiner. Minimum spacing should be one candidate per table, with 3 foot spacing between tables. No wall charts, models, and/or other training materials shall be present in the examination room.
3. Suitable arrangements are to be made by the facility if the candidates are to have lunch, coffee, etc. These arrangements shall comply with Item 1 above. These arrangements will be reviewed by the examinar and/or proctor.
4. The facility staff shall be provided a copy of the written examination and answer key after the last candidate has completed and handed in his written examination. The facility staff shall then have five working days to provide formal written comments with supporting documentation on the examination and answer key to the chief examiner or to the regional office section chief.
5. The facility licensee will provide pads of 8-1/2 x 11" lined paper in unopened packages for each candidate's use in completing the examination.

The examiner will distribute these pads to the candidates. All reference material needed to complete the examination will be furnished by the examiner. Candidates can bring pens, pencils, calculators or slide rules into the examination room and no other equipment or reference material 1 will be allowed. )


6. Only black ink or dark pencils should be used for writing answers _ to l questions, i 4


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ENCLOSURE 2 NRC Rules and Guidelines for License Examinations During the administration of this examination the following rules apply:

1. Cheating on the examination means an automatic dental of your application and could result in more severe penalties.
2. Restroom trips are to be limited and only one candidate at a time may leave. You must avoid all t ntacts with anyone outside the examination room to avoid even the appearance or possibility of cheating.
3. Use black ink or dark pencil only to facilitate legible reproductions.
4. Print your name in the blank provided on the cover sheet of the examination.
5. Fill in the date on the cover sheet of the examination (if necessary).
6. Use only the paper provided for answers.  ;


7. Print your name in the upper right-hand corner of the first page of each section of the answer sheet.
8. Consecutively number each answer sheet, write "End of Category "

as appropriate, start each category on a new page, write on only one side of the paper, and write "Last Page" on the last answer sheet.

9. Number each answer as to category and number, for example, 1.4, 6.3.
10. Skip at least three lines between each answer.
11. Separate answer sheets from pad and place finished answer sheets face down on your desk or table.
12. Use abbreviations only if they are commonly used in facility literature. i
13. The point value for each question is indicated in parentheses after the question and can be used as a guide for the depth of answer required.
14. Show all calculations, methods, or assumptions used to obtain an answer ,

to mathematical problems whether indicated in the question or not. I

15. Partial credit may be given. Therefore, ANSWER ALL PARTS OF THE QUESTION  ;


l l

16. If parts of the examination are not clear as to intent, ask questions of  ;

the examiner only.

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17. You must sign the statement on the cover sheet that indicates that the work is your own and you have not received or been given assistance in completing the examination. This must be done after the examination has been completed.
18. When you complete your examination, you shall:
a. Assemble your examination as follows:

(1) Exam questions on top.

(2) Exam aids - figures, tables, etc.

(3) Answer pages including figures which are a part of the answer,

b. Turn in your copy of the examination and all pages used to answer the examination questions.
c. Turn in all scrap paper and the balance of the paper that you did not use for answering the questions,
d. Leave the examination area, as defined by the examiner. If after leaving, you are found in this area while the examination is still <

in progress, your license may be denied or revoked.

l l

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1. There shall be no review of the written examination by the facility staff before or during the administration of the examination. Following the administration of the written examination, the facility staff shall be provided a marked-up copy of the examination and the answer key.

The facility will have five (5) working days from the day of the written


2. given to provide formal comment submittal. The submittal will be made to the responsible Regional Office by the highest level of corporate management for plant operations, e.g., Vice President for Nuclear Operations. A copy of the submittal will be. forwarded to the chief examiner, as appropriate. Comments not submitted within five (5) working days will be considered for inclusion in the grading process on a case by case basis by the Regional Office section chief. Should the comment submittal deadline not be met, a long delay for finalization of the examination results may occur.

3. The following format should be adhered to for submittal of specific comments:
a. Listing of NRC Question, answer and reference.
b. Facility comment
c. Supporting documentation NOTES: (1) No change to the examination will be made without submittal of complete, current, and approved reference material.

(2) Comments made without a concise facility recommendation will not be addressed.

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