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Informs That Safeguards Regulatory Effectiveness Review Will Be Conducted from 860331-0404.Appropriate Plant Personnel Support for Review Teams Should Be Provided.Review Purpose Discussed
Person / Time
Site: Duane Arnold NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/31/1986
From: Hind J
To: Leslie Liu
NUDOCS 8602040085
Download: ML20140E805 (2)



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Xt; 31 1,56 Docket No. 50-331 Iowa Electric Light and power Company ATTH: Mr. Lee Liu President and Chief Executive Officer IE Towers P. O. Box 351 Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Gentlemen:

The NRC is in the process of conducting safeguards Regulatory Effectiveness Reviews at ruclear power reactors. I wish to inform you that the Duane Arnold facility has been chosen for such a review scheduled for the week of March 31 through April 4, 1986.

The prime purpose of the review program is to evaluate the overall effective-ness of the Duane Arnold safeguards program and to determine whether existing safeguards regulations yield the level of protection intended by NPC. The team performing the review supports NPC's quality assurance program for safeguards, both as it applies to the Duane Arnold security system and to NPC's regulations. The review will complement, but be independent of, the licensing and inspection functions.

The review at Duane Arnold will be conducted by a tean with representatives from the Division of Safeguards, Region III, and U.S Army Special Forces personnel fron Fort Bragg, North Carolina. The review team will be conprised of two groups. One group will look at the facility's safeguards from the perspective of an insider, while the other will view safeguards from an external adversary's perspective. The resident inspector will participate.

The names and other identification information will be forwarded in another letter.

The review will initiate with an entrance briefing. You may wish to have a representative of your corporate staff present during this briefing, as it will provide an overview of the team's objectives and anticipated activities for the duration of the visit. Any questions that may arise concerning the team's review technioue or other matters, will be addressed at that tine.

For the remainder of the first day, the team would like to have a plant orientation tour with emphasis on safeguards areas and systems, ar.d begin the


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Icwa Electric Light and 2 JMt 3 i 1986 Power Company examination of plant vital areas. During the remainder of the onsite assessment, the team will continue reviewing vital areas and components and the entire safeguards program. The last day is reserved for any activities the team has been unable to accomplish and for a briefing of plant and corporate personnel on the preliminary results of the review.

Please provide appropriate plant personnel support for both groups of the team during the scheduled review. The external group will require an escort from the security department who can comunicate with alarm stations. The internal group will need escorts from both security and plant operations. The latter should be individuals familiar with the locations and detailed operation of the engineered safety feature systems and components at Duane Arnold. The team will make every effort to schedule its activities so as to avoid disruption of nonral plant operations. The time that various team members will spend onsite will vary, but generally will range from 4 to 7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br /> per day.

If you have any questions regarding the conduct of these regulatory effectiveness reviews which you wish to have answered prior to the team's visit, please contact Robert Dube, Safeguards System Evaluation Section, at (301) 427-4723 or G. M. Christoffer (312) 790-5744 of the Region III staff.

Sincerely, (kh Jack A. Iind, Director

" Division of Padiation Safety and Safeguards cc: D. Mineck, Plant Superintendent Nuclear DCS/RSB(RIDS)

Licensing Fee Managerrent Branch Resident Inspector, RIII Thomas Houvenagle, Iowa State Correrce Consnission bcc: R. F. Burnett, NMSS H. N. Berkow, NRR M. C. Thadani, PM, NRR RIII RIII tile,3i RIIIk eoyd P d 9,, , ,-

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