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Confirms 900321 Telcon,Granting Regional Waiver of Compliance for Facility.Operators Briefed on Condition of Equipment & on How to Respond by Manually Initiating Diesel Generator Emergency Start
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 03/23/1990
From: Ebneter S
To: Hairston W
NUDOCS 9004050070
Download: ML20012E412 (3)




1 Docket No. 50-424 License No. NPF-68 Georgia Power Company ATTN: Mr. W. G. Hairston,'111 Senior Vice President -

Nuclear Operations P.O. Box 1295 Birmingham, AL 35201 l



REGIONAL WAIVER OF COMPLIANCE - V0GTLE UNIT 1 This letter confirms the telephone conversation-between Mr. G.. Bockhold, Jr.,

i of your staff and Mr. L. A. Reyes of my staff on March 21, 1990,~ granting.a:

Regional Waiver of Compliance for Vogtle Unit' 1.

Our action was based on your verbal request of March 21, 1990, as documented in your letter. issued on J

March 22, 1990.

Technical Specification requires that as a minimum, the!following A.C.

electrical power sources be operable when in Modes 5 and 6:- (a) one circuit i

between the offsite transmission network and the onsite Class 1E Distribution System and (b) one diesel generator.

Technical Specification 3.0.4 prohibits entry into an operational mode' or other specified condition unless 'the conditions for the limiting condition for operation are met without reliance on provisions contained in the action requirements.

Recent failures on the Unit'1 i

train A diesel generator and its associated load sequencer have. rendered their operability questionable.

The Unit I train B diesel generator has'been out of service for scheduled maintenance, and the reactor coolant system water has been at mid-loop.


The waiver allowed entry into Mode 5 from Mode.6 with operability of diesel l

generator 1A and its associated load sequencer unverified.

This in turn pennitted tensioning of the reactor pressure vessel head which then would allow filling and venting of the reactor coolant-system.

This would' result in an increase in reactor coolant system water inventory and make the steam i

generators available for heat removal should they be required.

.As an additional compensatory action, operators have been briefed on the condition of the equipment and on how to respond by manually initiating a diesel. generator emergency start should it be required. This is a one-time waiver of compliance based on the justification provided in your request letter dated March 22, 1990.


P s\\'

.T.E0 /

' Georgia Power Company 2

II i

.\\ -

s should you have any' questions concerning this letter, please contact us.-


't Sincerely, s/

.i Stewart D. Ebneter.

I Regional Administrator cc:

R. P. Mcdonald Executive Vice President-Nuclear Operations.

. Georgic' Power Company

't Birmingham, AL 35201 C. K. McCoy Vice President-Nuclear Georgia Power Company i

P. O. 1295 l

Birmingham, AL 35201 1

l G. Bockhold, Jr.


l General Manager, Nuclear Operations 1

i l'

Georgia Power Company P. O. 1600 j

Waynesboro, GA 30830 I

J. A. Bailey i

Manager-Licensing i

Georgia Power Company

.l l

P. O. Box 1295



Birmingham, AL 35201

,t Ernest L. Blake Esquire I

Shaw, Pittman, Potts and Trowbridge f

2300 N Street, NW j!

x Washington, D. C.

20037 J. E. Joiner, Esquire Troutman, Sanders, Lockerman, and Ashmore 1400 Candler Building 127 Peachtree Street, NE Atlanta, GA 30303 (cc continued - see page 3) l f

r q

.w a

Georgia'P'ower Company-3'

' MAR 2 8 ##W cc:.(Continued)

D. Kirkland, III, Counsel Office of the Consumer's Utility Council, Suite 225, 32 Peachtree Street; NE Atlanta, GA 30302 Office of. Planning and Budget Room 615B 270 Washington Street, SW-Atlanta, GA. 30334 Office of the County Commissioner

' Burke County Consnission Waynesboro, GA 30830 J. Leonard Ledbetter, Director.

Environmental Protection Divisio'n Department of Natural-Resources 205 Butler Street, SE, Suite 1252 Atlanta, GA 30334 Attorney General Law Department 132 Judicial Building Atlanta, GA 30334 State of Georgia bec: K. Brockman, RII A. Herdt, RII D. B. Matthews, NRR L. A. Reyes, RII G. R. Jenkins, RII J. L. Milheon, RII G. R. Jenkins, RII Document Control Desk NRC Resident Inspector U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission P. O. Box 572 Waynesboro, GA 30830 klew bb o


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