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Forwards Insp Rept 50-029/74-04 on 740430-0502.No Noncompliance Noted
Person / Time
Site: Yankee Rowe
Issue date: 05/10/1974
From: Brunner E
To: Minnick L
Shared Package
ML19339A400 List:
NUDOCS 8011030765
Download: ML19339A399 (2)

See also: IR 05000029/1974004


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631 PARK AVE'4UE Q- / is, KING OF PRUS$t A, PENN':YLVANI A 194M \\ ";. . % .k M .y 10 MAy 1974 - Yankca Atcaic Electric Cc pany Licenca No. DFR-S Atteat.ica: tir. L. ::. 7.innick, Inspection ::o. 5.'-29/74-04 Vice President 2C 'Terivike P.ced I!cachoro, ;hseac1.ucetts 01531 Gen This refera ta the inc.,;ction ccit. cted by :: . Oberc, of this office ou 'Nay 2,1974 cf activiiles :>uthorized by .*iG Licenna IM. :..C--5 :c.d to tha t'ii.:c. c.91cra c. cur findini;s i:cl ' y !*r. O'aerg ~ o '

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- . . ' ., .; - , > . . I. . , . , 4 Yankee' Atomic Electric Conpany - -2- l No reply to this letter is required; houcver, if you should have any questions concerning thir, inspection, we will be pleased to discuss them with you. Sincerely, 9 A %J- &;[~} ,W {{a-)Z (as , Eldon J. Brunner, Chief ~ Reactor Operations Branch Enclosure:

RO Inspection k oort No. 50-29/74-04 cc: IIr. H. Aut'o, Plant Superintendent Star Roura . , Rowe. I:as w huretts 01367 bec: R0 Chief, FGt.E3 - ., RO:;iQ (4) DL (4) . ' RO Files

DR Central Files . RS PDR .; Local PDR NSIC DTIE ', State of :lassachusetts , Reg Reg Reading Roon OGC < . ! . I q 4 9 e "-*N

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