IR 05000272/1988006

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Partially Withheld Physical Security Insp Repts 50-272/88-06,50-311/88-06 & 50-354/88-04 on 880201-05 (Ref 10CFR73.21).No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Procedures,Security Organization & Mgt Effectiveness
Person / Time
Site: Salem, Hope Creek, 05000000
Issue date: 03/18/1988
From: Bailey R
Shared Package
ML20148G506 List:
50-272-88-06, 50-272-88-6, 50-311-88-06, 50-311-88-6, 50-354-88-04, 50-354-88-4, NUDOCS 8803290176
Download: ML20148G546 (7)




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Report Nos. 50-354/88-04 50-272/88-06 50-311/88-06 Docket Nos.

50-354 50-272 50-311 License Nos. NPF-57


OPR-70 DPR-75 Licensee:

Public Service Electric & Gas Company Facility Name: Artificial Island Nuclear Generating Station Inspection At: Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey Inspection Conducted:

February 1-5, 1988 Type of Inspection Routine, Unannounced physical Security Inspectors:




f R. J. 'Baiie9, Physical pcurity Inspector

' date




W. K. La6casler, Ph sic [ Security inspector date de ::$/

8*/8'88 Approved by:



M. R. Ke1 T Chie g Safeguards Section date Division of Radiat(on Safety and Safeguards Inspection Summary:

Routine, Unannounced physical Security Inspection j

(Combined Inspection Report Nos. 50-354/88-04, 50-272/88-06, 50-311/88-06)

Areas Inspected: Security plan and procedures, security organization, management ef fectiveness, security program audit, records and reports, testing


and maintenance, physical barriers (protected and vital areas), access control (personnel, packages and vehicles), lighting, system power supply, assessment aids, detection aids (protected and vital areas), alarm stations, communications, personnel training and qualification, follow up on security program event reports, previous violations and inspector identified concerns, j

t Results:

The licensee was in compliance with NRC requirements in the areas inspected.



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Details 1.

Key personnel Contacted 1.

Licensee and Contractor Personnel

  • P. A. Moeller, General Manager, Nuclear Services
  • J. T. Bay 11sh, Manager, Nuclear Security
  • D. W. Renwick, Senior Security Supervisor 8. C. Weiser, Security Enmgineering and Planning Staff T. H. Deckerd, Security Shift Supervisor
  • R. L. Thomas, Security Shift Supervisor
  • M. Ivanick, Nuclear Security Support Supervisor L. Hamilton, Security Screening Specialist M. Murphy, Program Manager, Wackenhut
  • D. K. Schultz, Licensing and Regulation Engineer The inspectors also interviewed other Public Service Electric and Gas Company employees and members of the Wackenhut contract security force.
  • Present at the exit interview.


Security Plan and Implementing Procedures The inspectors met with licensee representatives and reviewed and discussed the NRC - approved Physical Security Plan (the Plan) and its implementing procedures. As a result of this review and discussion, it was determined that implementing procedures were current, clear, concise I

and consistent with the commitments in the Plan.


Follow-up on previous Violations i

(Clos 3d) Violation 50-272/85-10-01 and 50-311/85-10-01:

Inadequate 11-I lumiriation within a portion of the protected area. The inspectors


observed that a lighting fixture that was previously missing from a building wall and had caused a portion of the protected area to be inadaquately illuminated had been remounted and the area had adequate illumination.

Station Administrative Procedure No. 9 had also been revised to include a requirement for station maintenance to notify the security organization before work is performed on security related equipment.

(Closed) Violation 50-272/85-10-02 and 50-311/85-10-02: A security guard


failed to demonstrate adequate knowledge of assigned post duties.



inspectors determined that the individual was subsequently retrained as a result of this incident but that the individual is no longer employed as a guard at the site. During this inspection, the inspectors interviewed


numerous security guards about their duties and responsibilities. One


guard was determined to be unaware of his specific post duties, even though his duties were adequately described in the post orders that were in his possession. The inspectors considered this an isolated case of poor performance in view of the number of security guards (10) who were interviewed, each of whom demonstrated excellent job knowledge. The l-e t









i licensee relieved the individual from post and was to conduct an analysis to determine the reason that he could not demonstrate knowledge of his post duties.

I Subsequently, the Nuclear Security Manager stated that this security guard was subsequently terminated from employment for several reasons, including a record of poor performance.


Follow-up on a Previous Inspector Concern


(Closed) Inspector Follow-up Item (IFI) 50-354/87-15-01:

Inadequate assessment of two portions of a protected area isolation zone. The inspectors observed that the licensee had taken adequate corrective action to provide expanded coverage of the isolation zone in question.

The inspectors also determined that the licensee had documented the corrective action in a revision to the Plan and that the revision was accepted by the NRC.


Follow-up on Security Program Event Reports The inspectors reviewed records and discussed three security events, reported to NRC in accordance with 10 CFR 73.71(c), which occurred on September 18, October 9 and December 2,1987. One event involved a plant employee who knowingly violated access control procedures. The employee's access was temporarily suspended and he was formally disciplined for his actions. Af ter corrective action was taken, the employee's access to the site was reinstated. The other two events involved security officers being observed to be inattentive while on duty.

The licensee took prompt and effective corrective action in each case. The inspectors determined that the licensee developed a long term corrective action program to

minimize the recurrence of inattentive security guards.

This program i

includes limiting and controlling overtime and conducting organized discussions on topics such as proper nutrition and physical fitness. A i

physical fitness center is located on site and is available for use after I

work by all security force members.

The inspectors determined during this review, that the licensee took timely and appropriate compensatory and corrective actions with respect to all three events.



Security Organization The inspectors reviewed the security organization structure and found it to be in conformance with the Plan.

Through a review of records and discussions with the security contractor representatives, the inspectors determined that nineteen individuals left the security force between January 1 and December 31, 1987; six were terminated for cause and



thirteen terminated for personal reasons. A security force representative stated that no aaverse information about the security force or program i

surfaced during exit interviews with the employees.





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The Nuclear Security Manager stated that the Wackenhut Program Site Manager position is currently vacant and has not been continuously filled since April 30, 1987, when Wackenhut assumed responsibility for the


security program. On two occasions, the individuals assigned to the position resigned due to personal reasons.

He also stated that although there was an absence of continuous leadership, they have not experienced any significant problems with the security force. Wackenhut representa-tives ensured the inspectors that they were trying to resolve the management vacancy and that they would take every precaution to prevent performance related problems to develop as a result of not having a permanently assigned Program Site Manager.

The inspectors agreed with the licensee's assessment concerning the performance of the security force, however, the inspectors expressed their concerns about potential impacts on the security program if strong, experienced management is not assigned promptly.

This matter will be reviewed during a future inspection of the security program.


Managemer.t Effectiveness The inspectors discussed the following actions undertaken by the licensee to enhance the effectiveness of the security program at the Artificial Island Nuclear Generating Station since the last inspection:

the licensee implemented a Security Incident Review Committee to


review all security related events for significance and impact on the security program.

the licensee implemented a "Quality Circle" that will include


grievances reported to the security contractor and licensee security management.

the licensee substantially increased the nu.ber of armed officers


on each ser.urity shif t.

the licensee established a position for a "Technical Sergeant" on


each shift to allow the Shift Sergeant to devote more time to supervising the shift.

the licensee implemented a "Career Broadening Program" to allow


members of the management staff to cross-train for aliferent positions within the security organization.



Security Program Audit


The inspectors reviewed the security program audit, Nuclear Quality i

Assurance (NQA) 87-0726, that was conducted on August 13-14 and September 4, 1987 and verified that the audit had been conducted in l

accordance with the plan. The audit was comprehensive in scope and the


results were reported to the appropriate levels of management.

The review included the response of the security organization to the audit findings i









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and to the corrective actions taken to remedy any adverse findings.

The documented corrective actions appeared appropriate for the findings.


Records and Reports The inspectors reviewed various reports, records and logs, including, but not limited to, internal investigations, incidents, fence and door checks, intrusion detection equipment rate tests, vehicle accesses, post assignments, vital area key inventories, security key registers, and assessment aid surveys.

No discrepancies were noted.

10. Testing and Maintenance The inspectors reviewed testing and maintenance records.

The testing and maintenance records committed to in the Plan were on file and readily available for NRC review.

11. Physical Barriers-Protected Area t

The inspectors conducted a physical inspection of the protected area i


The inspectors determined, by observation, that the barriers were installed and maintained as described in the Plan.

12. Physical Barriers - Vital Areas The inspectors conducted a physical inspection of several vital area barriers. The inspectors determined, by observation, that the barriers were installed and maintained as described in the Plan.

13. Access Control - Personnel and Packages The inspectors reviewed the personnel and package access control procedures and determined that they were consistent with commitments in


the Plan.

Inis cetermination was made by observing personnel access processirig during shif t changes, visitor access processing, and i

discussions with members of the security force and licensee security staff about personnel and package access procedures.

14. Access Control-Vehicles The inspectors reviewed the vehicle access control procedures and determined that they were consistent with commitments in the Plan. This determination was made by observing vehicle processing and searches, inspection of vehicle logs, and discussions with members of the security force and licensee security staff about vehicle access procedures.

15. Lighting The inspectors conducted a physical inspection of the protected area security lighting system and determined that the licensee was in compliance with the commitments in the olan.







Locks, Keys and Combinations


The inspectors reviewed the security lock and key procedures and determined that they were consistent with commitments in the Plan. This determination was made by inspecting the protected and vital area key inventory legs, and discussing lock and key procedures with members of the security force and licensee security staff.

17. Security System power Supply The inspectors verified that all electrically powered security equipment

necessary for maintaining an effective security system will continue to operate as described in the Plan in the event of a loss of the primary /of f site power supply, except as follows:





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Onection Aids - Vital Arey The inspector observed the vital area detection aids and determined that they were installed, maintained and operated as committed to in the Plan.

21. Alarm Stations The inspectors observed the operation of the central and secondary alarm stations (CAS/SAS) and determined that they were maintained and operated as committed to in the Plan. CAS and SAS operators were interviewed by the inspectors and found to be knowledgeable of their duties and responsibilities.


Communications The inspectors observed successful tests of all communications capabil-ities in both the CAS and the SAS.

The inspectors also reviewed the testing records for the communications channels and found them to be as committed in the Plan.


Personnel Training and Qualification - General Requirements The inscectors observed firearms requalification of five security officers that was being conducted at the Lower Alloways Creek Township Police range. The inspectors determined that the firearms requalifications were being conducted in accordance with security program plans and that it was being properly documented.


Exit, Interview The inspectors met with the licensee representatives listed in paragraph 1 at the cenclusien of the inspection on Feburary 5,1988. At that time, the purpose and scope for the inspection were reviewed and the findings were presented.

At no time during this inspection was written material provided to the licensee by the inspectors.
