IR 05000395/1987028

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Insp Rept 50-395/87-28 on 871001-31.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Onsite Followup of Events & Subsequent Written Repts,Monthly Surveillance Observations,Esf Sys Walkdown & Monthly Maint Observation
Person / Time
Site: Summer South Carolina Electric & Gas Company icon.png
Issue date: 11/05/1987
From: Dance H, Hopkins P, Prevatte R
Shared Package
ML20236M679 List:
50-395-87-28, NUDOCS 8711130248
Download: ML20236M696 (8)



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. Report No.: E50'-395/87-28 Licensee: South Carolina-Electric-and Gas Company Columbia, SC 29218


Docket No.: 50-395 ,

Licen:e No.: NPF-12 '


Facility Name: V. C; Summer-I

.In'spection Conduc ed.: October 1-31,:1'987 Inspectors: -

$4h c I/ SM i Ric d L. PreNatt ' . Dite ' Signed . i

A Perry . H piin's '

04te Signed

Approved by: M ( h HughC// Dance,Se[t'lonChief

0(te. Signed

'Y ,

Division:of Reactor Projects SUMMARY



(Scope: .This routine, announced . inspection was conducted by tne resident' -)

inspectors onsite', -in the ' areas of onsite followup of. events and'. subsequent.--

l written reports, monthly surveillance . observations, engineered safety features - ,i system wal kdown , . monthly maintenance observation, operational ~ safety  ;

. verification, onsite review committee and other area i Results: No violations or' deviations were identifie i


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' 8711130248 871106 )

PDR ADOCK 05000395 g PDR l!

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REPORT DETAILS 7 Persons Contacted-

[ Licenses Employees o l

0. Nauman, Vice President,-Nuclear Operations 0. Bradham, Director,-Nuclear Plant Operations D_ Moore,- Director, Quality and Procureme'nt Services

  • J. Skolds, Deputy Director, Operations and Maintenance
  • G. Soult, Manager, Operations


  • M. Browne, Group Manager, Technical.and Support Services 1
  • M.,Quinton', Manager, Maintenance Services- .i A. Koon,' Manager, Technical Support ._


  • G.-Putt ~, Manager, Scheduling and Materials Managemen l


K.- Woodward, Manager, Nuclear Education and Trainin 'l L..' Blue,.Marager, Support Services . , ,'

'S. Hunt, Manager, Quality Assurance Surveillance Systems

  • K. Beale, Manager Nuclear. Protection Services A Paglia, Manager Licensing ,
  • Higgins, Associate Manager, Regulatory Compliance 1 B. Williams,-Supervisor', Operations-


j NRC Resident Inspectors

  • R. Prevatte, Senior Resident Inspector I
  • P. Hopkins,-Resident Inspecto .

~0ther licensee . employees contacted included engineers, technicians,

.3 operators, mechanics, security force members, and office' personne '

  • Attended exit interview-i Exit. Interview.(30702,30703) ,

.l The inspection scope and findings were summarized on November 2,1987, i with those. persons indicated. in paragraph 1 abov The inspectors .I described the areas inspected and discussed the inspection findings. . The l licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the materials provided to


i or reviewed by the inspectors during the inspectio !


3 Monthly Surveillance Observation (61726)

The inspectors observed surveillance activities of safety related systems

]i; and components to ascertain that these activities were ' conducted in )

accordance with license requirements. The inspectors observed portions of .

selected surveillance tests including all aspects of one major  !

surveillance test involving safety related system The inspectors also verified that the required administrative approvals were obtained prior to l (


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initia' ting the test, . that. the testing was . accomplished by qualified


personnel,:that' required' test' instrumentation was' properly calibrated,

,. that data .- met.j Technical . Specification (TS) requirements, that test .

discrepancies werec rectified, and that .the. systems were properly returned

>to service. The following specif.ic surveillance' activities were observed:

!STP 105.009 Accumulator Valve Interlock Test


STP 124.001 ' Control' Room Emergency Aif Cleanup ~ System Operability Test ,

I STP 120.003- Emergency Feedwater Valve Verification STP 137.002 Radiation Monitor Monthly Source Check

.STP 108.001'- Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio ~

STP 102.002 ' Nuclear Instrumentation System Power Range Heat Balance d u

STP 114.002 0perational Leakage Test' '



ST P ' 108.'001 - Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio Delta T - Tavg Protection Loop 2 Operational Test


STP 302.002 ,

STP 355.007 Waste Gas System Catalytic Hydrogen Recombiner Outlet


Hydrogen Analyzer (HAIC-1118)' OperationalLTest i


STP 508.0'3, 0 480V Molded Case ~ Circuit Breaker Test

'STP 105.'015 -Train."B" Slave Relay "Go" Circuit Test <

-STP 121 002 ' Main ' Steain -Valve Operability Test STP 302.001 Delta T - Tavg Protection Loop 1 Operational Test

'ICP 130.003 Boric Acid Emergency Bypass Flow FT-110 Operational Test i-I ICP 240.044 Feedwater Valves IFV00478, 488, 498 Maintenance


STP 123.002 Service Water System Pump Test-STP 125.002 Diesel Generator Operability Test

STP 134.001 Shutdown Margin Calculation i

STP 302.005 Pressurizer Pressure Instrument (PT-456) Operational Test 'l STP 302.002 Delta T - Tavg Protection Loop 2 Operational Test STP 345.078 Solid State Protection System Actuation of Train "A" Rx Trip Breakers i



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1 Noiviolations'or deviations were identifie . Monthly Maintenance Observation'(62703)- J



The' inspectors- observed ' maintenance activities of safety related systems, .

  1. and' components' to ascertain that; these- activities were ' conducted in



, .E accordance with'~ approved procedures, TSland' app lropriate industry codes andl


standards. . The, inspectors also determined that the . procedures used were ' l



adequate to control the activity, and: that.' these activities wer .I accomplished by - qualified . personnel . tThe. inspectors . independent 1y'; 3 verified that: equipment was properly tested before being . returned t '

L ,'  !

. servfce. Additionally.,- the inspectors ~ reviewed 'several" outstanding job i

. orders to determine 'that the licensee was ~giving priority to. safety related maintenance and.a backlog which might affect its performance 'was:

H not developing on a - given system. The following specific maintenance l' <

activities-were observed:. .


Repair / replace chiller gas check valve on the "A"


H MWR 870176 chiller- ,

MWR 8701769 Repair / replace. oil filter and oil on "C" chiller a

MWR_87M0511- Replace Freon "A" chiller


MWR ,8701765 Repair / replace breakers- for the "C" chiller XHX0001XC -l-MWR-8701755 t Repair service water' valve XVB03118A i'

PMTS P0094680 Repair service' water. building fan motor  ;

. ;

PMTS P0088642 Repair area-gamma radiation. monitor RMA-3 ,

PMTS P0093711 Calibrate: boric acid bypass flow transmitter j

'MWR 87E0232- Inspect and retape motor terminal on XFN0049B-M MWR 87E0231 Inspectandrep'airelectricalconnectionson"B{RHRpumps


MWR 8701551 Remove, repair and restore insulation as required on chiller XPP0048B STTS P00026624 Delta T - Tavg protection temperature element replacement ]



~MWR 701492 Investigate and repair charging pump oil pump XPP0043A-M PMTS P0092716 Lubricate and inspect charging safety injection pump mini flow isolation valve operator PMTS P0092960 Inspect and repair charging safety injection mini flow l i

isolation valve operator


MWR 87M0430 Replace the gasket on charging pump oil filter XPP0043A-FL I i

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' Operational' Safety Verification (71707)


a :. :The inspectors t'oured :the control roo'm, reviewed plant ' logs,irecords and held. discussions.with plant staff personnel' to verify that' the plant was- being operated safely and in conformance with- applicable-requi rement s .- Specific items the control room' included:

-adequacy of. staffing and attentivene'ss of control room ~ personnel, TS -

' and procedural' adherence, operability 'of equipmentEand indicated =


'controluroom status, control room logs, tagout books,: operating; orders, <

jumper / bypass controls, computer printouts and. a' annunciators.1 Tours


of other plant areas were conducted to verify equipment operability,.

control of ignition sources and combustible materials, the condition of fire . detection - and extinguishing equipment, the control of maintenance and surveillance activities ' in progress,. th ' '

implementation of radiation protective controls; and the physical security plan. : Tours were conducted during nortnal and . random. off hour periods, i

' The -- re sident inspectors notified the licensee of recent equipment'

qualification problems that have been. identified at several. plants in'-

Region.III .As a result'of these discussions, the licensee contacted

Alabama _ Power. Company in early October and discussed', in detail', th problems experienced at the Farley plant, .These problems primarily involved "V-stub" configuration electrical splices -in electrical motors and other. electrical equipment. As a result of the abovo



discussions andt a review of their equipment . qualification andL maintenance files, the licensee identified 29 electrical splices tha could contain potential problem The- licensee docurrented these potential deficiencies in-non-conformance notice (NCN)' 2852. A justification- for J continued-operation .was prepared and a copy was provided to Region II on 0ctober 16, 1987. A team' of inspectors f rom Region II conducted 'a special inspection on. the above items during the' week ending 1 October 23, 198 The results of that inspection are contained in report 395/87-3 On October 29, 1987 at 3 :13 a.m. , the reactor tripped from 100 H percent powe The first out indication ' showed that the trip resulted from a low steam generator water level in "C" steam generator with a steam flow feedwater flow mismatc The initial indication observed by the ' operator was the steam n generator feedwater _ flow / steam flow mismatch annunciator ~ alar The p operator attempted to take manual control of the fee-dwater regulating L valves and then observed all main feed pumps slowing down. At the time the reactor tripped, several alarms associated with pressurizer control elso annunciated. After the reactor trip the main feed pumps e did not trip, the steam dumps did not function and the pressurizer l 1 l: l


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(spray; valve'_ didLnot actuate._ . The pressurizer power' operated relief, d valve ' opened' at 2335 psi as. designed. This. relieved prima _ry system

, . pressure!and the-steam generator power operated relief va_1_ve operated ,

to control secondary. system pressure.- The. emergency feedwater pumps


I L ' started ; automatically on lo-lo E steam " generator water level as ,

designed. ?The main:. feed;and booster pumps were_ manually : trippe Pressurizer: pressure ranged from 2335 psi to a minimum' of 1940 psi'

and minimum-level'was 17 percent. Tave' maximum was 591 degrees F'and q the minimum was 535 degrees _ F. _ Stea'm generator minimum level was 9


i percent ~during'.-the' transients. Immediate. investigation of.y the '



incident by instrumentation and control technicians revealed that the output breakers on the primary and backup power st.pply to channel._IV-process rack and control group cabinet ' XPN '7008. was tripped. Thes breakers ~were reclo' sed approximately '13: mf nutes after the trip and all previously inoperable control functions such as steam' dump controls' and . pressurizer level was restored. The plant ? was stabilized in mode Investigation by the licensee revealed tha' t a driver card for. the-steam dumps.had.been damage The licensee has determined that the .,

failure of a capacitor on this card shorted 'the primary and. backup -


I power , supplies and. caused both breakers ' to trip -instantaneousl '

This. resulted ~in the above problem and the reactor trip. Repairs were accomplished on October 29 and 30 and,the unit was restarted on October 30. The licensee is currently. preparing a LER on this ite n' October.30, 1987 at 9:03 a.m., with the: plant in' mode-3 preparing


for startup, a reactor trip occurred. This trip was-the result of a q

, '.

licensed operator- replacing burned outt i_ndicator bulbs for .the 1 control and instrument power indicator lights on the nuclear instrumentation source. range ' channel N-32. instrument ' drawer in the ~

control . room ~. The _ bulbs .were replaced with-the incorrect type bulbi .}

, which resulted in blowing the instrument' and control power fuse for channel N-32. This resulted ~in a reactor trip and insertion of all' )

shutdown bank rods. Investigation by the licensee revealed that the i incorrect bulbs were of the same physical size'and characteristic but the base was of a different color - silver instead of gol The original bulbs _ were neon and the replacement were a filament typ The filament bulb measured approximately 170 ohms, the neon bulb measured infinite resistance. The licensee is currently preparing a LER on this even No violations or deviations were identifie . ESF System Walkdown (71710)





The inspectors verified the operability of an engineered safety features l- (ESF) system by performing a walkdown of the accessible portions of the j~ Emerge _ncy Feedwater System. The inspectors confirmed that the licensee's system _l ineup procedures matched plant drawings and the as-built configuration. The inspectors looked for equipment conditions and items j


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that might -degrade performance (hangers and supports were operable, housekeeping, etc.) and inspected the- interiors of electrical and .

j instrumentation cabinets for debris, loose material, jumpers, evidence of j rodents, et Tne inspectors ' verified .that valves, including instrumentation isolation valves, were in proper position, power was available, and valves were locked as appropriate. The inspectors compared both local and remote position indications. Miscellaneous deficiencies ;

such as missing value number tags were brought to the attention of the licensee and were immediately correcte l l

No violations or deviations were identifie . Onsite Followup of Events and Subsequent Written Reports (92700, 93713, ,

93702) l


f The inspectors reviewed the following Licensee Event Reports (LER's) and Special Procedures Reports (SPR's) to ascertain whether the licensee's review, corrective action and report of the identified event or deficiency was in conformance with regulatory requirements, technical specifications, license conditions,-and licensee procedures and controls. Based upon this !

review the following items are close !

LER 87-20 Voluntary entry into section 3.0.3 of Technical Specifications

~LER 87-16 Control room ventilation alignment to emergency mode SPR 87-006 Gaseous Radwaste System inoperable for more than 31 days SPR 87-002 Inoperable fire doors during refueling outage No violations or deviations were identifie . Onsite Review Committee (40700)

The inspectors attended the weekly meeting of the Onsite Plant Safety Review Committee (PSRC) held on October 8,1987, as non participants, and observed the conduct of the meetin The meeting was chaired by the Deputy Director, Operations and Maintenance and the necessary quorum for the meeting was presen Subjects discussed in the meeting included; ;

recent reactor trips, off normal occurrences, modifications, evaluations of events for deportability and procedure changes. The minutes of this and selected other recent PSRC meetings were reviewed for accuracy and that previously identified items had received adequate followup. The discussion appeared to be frank and objective with the required emphasis i on safet No violations or deviations were identified, i


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7 Other Areas The Deputy Regional Administrator, Region II, the Director Reactor Projects, and the Section Chief, Reactor Projects, presented the 1987 Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance (SALP) to the licensee on October 21,-1987 at'the V. C. Summer Nuclear Training Center. The results of the SALP-are contained in report 395/87-2 l u

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