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Informs That Deficiency Noted in Re Offsite Preparedness Satisfactorily Corrected,Per Encl FEMA 850611 Evaluation.Timely Activation of Prompt Alert & Notification Sys Demonstrated
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/17/1985
From: Shafer W
To: Reed C
NUDOCS 8512240160
Download: ML20138N801 (4)


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~j;Do 'cket Non 50-373 x

g ODocket No450-374"

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>f f- ' Commonwealth ' Edi_ son" Company . ~

JATTN: : Mr? Cordell-Reed-L ~

. . ..LVice Presidenti

<?PostL0ffice-Box 767<

EW lChicago,31Ls 60690 t

& lpi J ; __ -

M 1 Gentlemen;- ' -

,'M . . ~ . ... ~ ~ ..

.?In our letter;to;you: dated May-720,'x1985, we' stated.that the Federal: Emergency e '

Management Agency (FEMA)iwas performing"an evalution~ regarding'the deficiency? .

.ein:Grundy.Countyt JThis; evaluation:was being conducted to.-determine-what.effect, ~

Dif any,Lthe deficiency 1 ad h _on the overal1~' status'~of' offsite- preparedness. :Our

, yletter;further indicated that we would determine an appropriate course of' s


- (action under:our regulationsL for your LaSalle-and Dresden facilities afters

- f 1 receiving this; FEMA evaluation.' LThe: deficiency ;for Grundy County had been -

? characterized lasione affecting public health and safety.

, iWe haveireceived.the attached FEMA! evaluation, dated June 11,.1985, regarding_

Sthe o'vera11/ status _of offsite preparedness. ~ This evaluation is based on the -

ccorrective actionsisubmitted_to correct the' deficiency affecting public health fand. safety, and the FEMA evaluation of the Dresden exercise on April 23, 1985. ~
The" FEMA evaluation states that GrundyzCounty,did successfully. demonstrate a

= ,' '; timely l activation of theLprompt alert and notification ~systear~ It'is FEMA's Fopinion;that there-is reasonable assurance'that the; health:and safety of~the

public;can^be" protected inlthe--event offa. radiological emergencyfat the:
  1. ~ 2LaSa11efor'Dresden Nuclea'r GeneratingtStations. Thereforp,'the approval;under CFEMAirule 44 CFR 350'for thetLaSalle Nuclear Generating Station' will remain in




' ! Based on this FEMA evaluation,.we conclude that the. deficiency 'affecting

, , . 'Lpublic health:and. safety which we. identified toiyou in'our May 20, 1985 letter thas been) satisfactorily correctedL and~no further action under our regulations J ,

iisiwarranted. .

. , ~ . ,


m" :In:accordance;with10CFRL2.790of$heCommihsion'srehulations,acopyof  ?

Dthis letterfand the enclosure will beplaced'in the NRC's Public Document


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1. Commonwealth: Edison: Company ~  ; 2-l

. .DEC 1 :7 -1985.-

E A-y iShould you'have-any , questions regarding this -letter, please contact



.Mr.;M.:Phillips;of:myfstaff.'ati(312)'790-5530.. ,


p 4


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' Original U.D. Shafer" 7 -E; w c _ , ' , x ..

s -:W.}D. Shafer,: Chief- ._-

Emergency' Preparedness and- .


-f ,: Radiological ~ Protection: Branch

u .

" * ' ~ '



1 FEMA Eval'uation idtd 6/11/85:

icc.w/ enclosure:.

LD. L Farrar, Director Jof Nuclear Licensing-

. . :G.fJ. Diederich, Plant. '

?7 [ ?iManag'er " .

N ' -DCS/RS8-(RIDS)J Licensing Fee Management Branch


1 Resident Inspector,iRIII-Phy111s1Dunton~,: Attorney : ~

.~  : Gen'eral's-Office, Environmental ControitDivision-1

_ Ti - c, ,



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t Federal '

Em2rgency Manag; ment Agency . . .

u +. a.

Region V 300 South Wacker,244h Finor. Chicago. I1. 60606 (312) 353 I500 '


,ii;l l MAY 13 MB6 -


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m Memorandum For: Assistant Associate Director Office of Natural and Technological Mazards Programs

[ Atta: sob Turner SL-TM .r w q '

.From: Wallace J. Weaver, Chairman

. Regional Assistance Committee dY-A j

, Subject :


October 10, 1984 LaSalle REP Exercise Corrective Actions


l In my memorandum of March 27, 1985 to you concerning the t.aSalle exercise corrective actions, I, indicated that I would provide you with a statement concerning the disposition of the category A deficiency identified for Crundy County during the October 10, 1984 LaSalle REP exercise. The I flaal corrective acties for Crundy County was the timely and successful i activation April 23, 1985of the prompt alert and notification system during the I Dresden REP exercise. As noted in the Dresden exercise report, which will be provided to you under separate cover later this 4

month. Crundy County did successfully demonstrate a timely activation L-of the prompt alert and notification system.

j Upon receipt of the protective action recommendations from the State 5

1 of Illinois, Crundy County accomplished all of the following within the prescribed fifteen stemte period. First, Crundy County coordinated p


the timing of the stree activation with Will County and notified i

Kendall County that they would be sounding the sirens. (per incidents '

involving the Dresden maclear Power Station,' Crundy County controls .% ~

the stres activation for both Crundy and Kendall Counties.) When .

this motification to Kendall County could not be accomplished via

! commercist telephone, backup cosuunication was demonstrated by means of the sheriff dispatcher's radio. The Grundy County Sher'if f Dispatcher ses then ordered to sound the sirens. '


Concurrent with the coordination discussed above, Crundy County contacted f the, appropriate E85 station and reviewed the procedures for activation of to the be EgS notification including the appropriate prescripted message utilized.

The Eg3 message itself was not actually broadcast.  ;

Again all effective manner.

of these activities were accomplished in a, timely and .

b I


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- As you will have noted, the demonstration of public alert'ing'

  • and, }.

- nottification by Crundy County during the Dresden~ MP esercisel repres ,.


a significant 14Salle improvement over their previous performenee derlag the REP exercise. .

trainlag conducted by the State of Illinois forand Grundy countyThis the seu ESDA Coordinator in particular, as well as a more esop,"er ti attitude belas displayed by key Cready county officials. I fullya ve '

expect this vigorous training program and cooperative effort on the

'during.the November. Braidwood Nuclear Power Station n

initial exercise  ;

i t

Civen the above, and the corrective actions noted in my March 27 memorandum. I constder the category A deficiency from the laSalle MP esercise to have been fully corrected by Crundy County . It is ny opinion that Crundy County could effectively alert and motify i the public la the event of as facident at either the LaSalle or I

Dresden Nuclear Power Station.

4 do not hesitate to call me.If you have any questions or require any additional i State transmittal of to Illinois NRC. until af ter your review of this memorandum andI will with l

i !

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Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 JM f I B60 4

DEMRAMUM FOR: _ Edward L. Jordan Director. Division of Emergency Preparedness and Engineering Response Office U.S. of Inspection and Enforcement;-

Nuclear atory Commission FA0M: .._ j

_- - - ' ' ~ ~ .

Assistant Associate Director

< Office of Natural and Technological

_ Hazards Programs q- 1 -


p Report en the Grundy County Corrective Actions for the '

Category A Deficiency Identified During the October 10, '

. 1984 Exercise of the Offsite Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Plans for the LaSalle Nuclear Pouer Plant Attached is a copy of the May 13, 1985 memorandum from Region V Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) concerning the Grundy County corre actless REP esercise for _the Category on October A deficiency identified during the LaSalle offsite 10, 1984 ii corrective actions was sent to you on AprilThe exercise report and schedule of 15, 1985.


- ' E.5)Q Cemety was cited for a Category A deficiency (WREG evaluation criterion i-

,- entti the~talttal instructional message was forwarded The to i

EB5 ty point estification the federalwas everlooked untti the E0C staff were questioned on this evaluator. ,

the tornecer Geordlester of'the just prior Grundy to the esercise.County Emergency Services and Disas j tratatag as to the duties and responsibilities of his positionspect radielegical. emergency preparedness.

withtoreThis indiv a timely and soccessful activation of the prompt alert i

) s (PAES) dortag the_ Dresden jotat REP exercise on April 23, 1985. As reported

'tterly act19etten of the FEIR teglas V's momerandum Grundy C report e4fch.wfl1u he provided to you at a later date.This will be reflected in the a +

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1he County's demonstration of the ability to alert ~ .

.tleely manner during the presden jefst exercise, combined with th  ;

provided County during eartfer, the LaSalle corrects the Category A deficiency identified for Grun offstte REP'esercise.

Therefore,'the. approval effact.

under Fim rule 44 CFR 350 for the LaSalle Offsite REP Pla 3 ,

i t

Technolegtcal Merards Dfvisfon atIf yee have.any questions, please  ;

646-2861. ,


_As Stated _



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