NUREG-1177, Advises That Facility May Resume Power Operations Based on Operational Readiness of Plant & 850910 & 861210 Responses to NRC Concerns.Changes in Organizational Structure Subj to NRC Approval

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Advises That Facility May Resume Power Operations Based on Operational Readiness of Plant & 850910 & 861210 Responses to NRC Concerns.Changes in Organizational Structure Subj to NRC Approval
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 12/19/1986
From: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Smart P
RTR-NUREG-1177 NUDOCS 8612310228
Download: ML20212C908 (5)



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DocketNo.-5b-346i '

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December 19, 1986 ,

Mr. P'aul' Smart President and Chief Operating Officer Toledo: Edison Company

300 Madison Avenue Toledo, Ohio 43652 7

. Dear Mr. Smarti


RESUMPTION OF POWER OPERATIONS AT THE DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION On August 14, 1985, the Comission issued a letter pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f)

.which requested Toledo Edison Company to provide the plans and resolve concerns arising from the June 9,1985 loss-of-feedwater event at Davis-Besse. - Additionally, the letter confirmed that the Davis-Besse facility would not be restarted without specific NRC approval.

In response to the infonnation requested, Toledo Edison Company submitted the

" Davis-Besse Course-of-Action" on September 10,.1985. This document was revised periodically as new information was developed and to respond to specific requests from the NRC for additional information. The " Course-of-Action" was' reviewed.and evaluated by the NRC staff, and on June 10, 1986, the staff's evaluation of the " Course-of-Action" was issued (NUREG-1177, Safety Evaluation

. Report Related to the Restart of Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1, Following .the Event of June 9,1985).

'In NUREG-1177, the staff concluded that those actions taken, or to be taken, by Toledo Edison Company to improve performance at Davis-Besse and to resolve the staff's concerns, along with the systems testing program, provide reasonable assurance that the health and safety of the public will not be endangered by the resumption of power generation at Davis-Besse. The Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards reviewed the staff's evaluation and concurred with the staff's conclusion.

The staff's conclusion was based on the completion before restart of certain actions by Toledo Edison Company identified in the SER, and on completion of other actions in the longer term following restart. These were listed in the NRC's letter to Toledo Edison Company dated June 10, 1986. The specific actions to be completed were identified in our letter dated August 28. 1986.

By letter dated December 10, 1986, Toledo Edison has confirmed that those items required to be completed prior to restart have been completed. The NRC staff has independently reviewed the status of actions required to be completed prior to restart and has cencluded that resolution of these items is acceptable. The staff will periodically review the status of the remaining actions following restart to determine whether further regulatory action is required. Accordingly, please provide in writing, pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f),

8612310228 861219 PDR ADOCK 05000346 S PDR

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t reports of any changes in the scope or. schedule for the remaining long-term actions. You should also provide any reasons for the changes.~ Such reports should be provided within 30 days of any change.

On November 21, 1986, the Commission voted 5 to O to authorize the staff to

, permit the restart of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1..

Based upon findings that 1) you have satisfactorily responded to our concerns as identified in my August 14, 1985 letter, 2) you have satisfactorily completed those actions. required prior to restart as identified in our letter dated August 28,1986, and 3) the operational readiness of the plant has been verified, we have no objection to your resumption of power operation at the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1.

We are aware that the final structure of the Centerior Energy Corporation as

-it relates to Toledo Edison Company is still being formulated. It is our view-that the current management structure has been vital in implementing the improvements at Davis-Besse. We are concerned that short-term changes to this structure may be detrimental to fulfillment of the commitments identified in the

" Course-of-Action". We expect that you will inform the staff prior to final approval of any~ organizational structure affecting the management chain as related to the Davis-Besse facility.



Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

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scope or schedule for the remaining long term actions. You should also provide any reasons for the changes. Such reports should be provided within 30 days of any change.

On November 21, 1986, the Comission voted 5 to 0 to authorize the staff to permit the restart of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Unit No. 1.

Based upon findjngs that 1) you have satisfactorily responded to our concerns as identified in my August 14, 1985 letter, 2) you have satisfactorily completed those actions reouired prior to restart as identified in our letter dated August 28, 1986, and 3) the operational readiness of the plant has been verified, we have no objection to your resumption of power operation at the Davis-Besse' Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1.

We are aware that the final structure of the Centerior Energy Corporatien as it relates to Toledo Edison Company is still being formulated. It is our view that the current management structure has been vital in implementing the improvements at Davis-Besse. We are concerned that short term changes to this structure may be detrimental to fulfillment of the commitments identified in the

" Course-of-Action". We expect that you will inform the staff prior to final approval of any organizational structure affecting the management chain as related to the Davis-Besse facility.

Sincerely, Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Pegulation Distribution:

Docket File NRC & LPDRs PBD#6 Rdg FMiraglia OGC-Bethesda EJordan BGrimes JPartlow NThompson ADeAgazio LKelly RIngram

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scope or schedule t'or the remaining long tenn actions. Ycu should also provide any reasons for the changes. Such reports should be provided within 30 days of any change. On Novenber 21, 1986, the Commission voted 5 to O to authorize the staff to permit the restart of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1.

Based upon findings that 1) you have satisfactorily responded to our concerns as identified in my August 14, 1985 letter; 2) you have satisfactorily completed those actions required prior to restart as identified in our letter dated August 28, 1986, and 3) the operational readiness of the plant has been verified. We have no objection to your resumption of power operation at the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1.

We are aware that the final structure of the Centerior Energy Corporation as it relates to Toledo Edison Company is still being fonnulated. It is our view that the current management structure has been vital in implementing the improvements at Davis-Besse. We are concerned that short term changes to this structure may be detrimental in fulfilling the commitments identified in the course of action. We expect that you will inform the staff prior to final approval of any oroanizational structure affecting the management chain ar, related to the Davis-Besse facility.

Sincerely, Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Distribution:

Docket File NRC & LPDRs PBD#6 Rdg FMiraglia OGC-Bethesda Edordan BGrimes JPartlow NThompson ADeAgazio LKelly Ringram ACRS HSmith RVollmer HDenton PWP#6 PWR#6h PWR#6 P V8 D:P IAE LKellySM ADeAgazio;eh CMcCracken JSt Ptx FMi . ia JTaylor w 4A /86 ///2//86 // ////86 // h/ /86 // /y//86 / /86 Region III DD:NRR D:NRR RVollmer HRDenton 4.g. ,

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Mr. P. Smart Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Toledo Edison Company Unit No. I cc:

Donald H. Hauser, Esq. Ohio Department of Health The Cleveland Electric ATTN: Radiological Health Illuminating Company Program Director P. O. Box 5000 P. O. Box 118 Cleveland, Ohio 44101 Columbus, Ohio '43216 Mr. Robert F. Peters Attorney General Manager, Nuclear Licensing Department of Attorney Toledo Edison Company General Edison Plaza 30 East Broad Street {

300 Madison Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43215 Toledo, Ohio 43652 Mr. James W. Harris, Director Gerald Charnoff, Esq. (Addressee Only)

Shaw, Pittman, Potts Division of Power Generation and Trowbridge Ohio Department of Industrial Relations t 2300 N Street N.W. 2323 West 5th Avenue L Washington, D.C. 20037 P. O. Box 825  !

Columbus, Ohio 43216 h Mr. Joe Williams, Jr. Mr. Parold Kohn, Staff Scientist Senior Vice President, Nuclear Power Siting Commission Toledo Edison Company 361 East Broad Street Edison Plaza - Stop 712 Columbus, Ohio 43216 l 300 Madison Avenue Toledo, Ohio 43652 President, Board of County Commissioners of Mr. Robert B. Borsum Ottawa County Babcock & Wilcox Port Clinton, Ohio 43452 Nuclear Power Generation Division State of Ohio Suite 200, 7910 Woodmont Avenue Public Utilities Commission Bethesda, Maryland 20814 180 East Broad Street Columbus, Ohio 43266-0573 Resident inspector U.S. Nuclear Reaulatory Commission Pegional Administrator, Region III 5503 N. State Route 2 U.S. Nuclear Pegulatory Commission Oak Harbor, Ohio 43449 799 Ponsevelt Road Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137