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- WASHINGTON 25. D. C. i May 20, 1963 i
Dear Dr. Seaborg:
This letter is in response to requests made by l'r. Robert Lowenstein, Director of your Division of Licensing, and l'y Mr. Harold Price, j Director of Regulation, for comment by this Department on the l
Application itnd the Preliminary Summary Hazards Report submitted to q the Atomic Energy Commission by the Pacific Gas and Electric Company j i
proposing construction and operation of a 325 megawatt (e) nuclear power reactor on Bodega ifcad which is on the coast of Sonoma County, l California. Thoso requests were made in accordance with an informal agreed-upon Procedure for Cooperation betwcon our two agencies.
Attached for your consideration are comments by the Director of the Geological Survey, the Director of the Bureau of !!ines, the Research !
Geologist of the National Park Service, and the Assistant Secretary f for Fish and Wildlife. The Assistant Secretary's coments are sup- 1 plemented by a special report by the Director of the Radiobiological j Laboratory, Bureau of Commercini Fisheries. j l
Our three main areas of concern are: (1) probable adverse effects i on coastal fisheries in event of accident, (2) possibilities l of adverse effects on public use of the new Point Reyes National Seashore, and (3) seismic hnzards that involved in locating a major nucicar reactor in close proximity to the San Andreas earth-quake fault.
With regard to points (1) and (2) -- barring major seismic event --
with continuous and vigilant monitoring, adverse effects can probably be held well below the radiological limits that have been officially established to safeguard public health and safoty. But with regard to point (3), I feel there is reason for grave concern.
In the Pacific Cas and Electric Connany's " Preliminary Summary Hazards Report" there is a section prepared by Mr. Don Tocher, Consulting
- g. Seismologist, and tir. '11111am Guade, Consulting Ceologist. One of the QQ several conclusions set forth by these men (Appendix IV, page 12) is tu as follows:
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"The region near Bodega Bay is remarkably free of small to moderate sized earthquakes. The recion is
, MS s' \. W <\ subject to infrequent major earthquakes generated 000
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, by fault' movements in the Snn Andreas fault ' II zone. \t'1 cast one and oerhaps.two'or noto major
. earthquakes ~ can ha om,ceted near the site- within:
the next century.' T!pso may bc .ns strong or. even somewh it stroncer than :the Californin carthquake of toril 18, 1906."
No detailed studies of scismic hazards at the proposed reactor site on Dodena Ifcad have been made by this Department. But on the basis of tho' general knowledge we have concerning the San Andreas Fault, the above-quoted statement of ?fessrs. . Tocher and .nunde appears to be a fair. statement of prohnbilities that should faced.
The Commission's Advisory Comnittee on Poactor Safeguards, in its April 18, 1963, PEPORT m BODF.GA . BAY PAP.K--UNIT # 1- takes note of' the location. as an activo soismic area, observes that the reactor build- t ing and the turbino building are to be anchored in different geolog-
, ical formations which may introduce stress offects during'and subse-quent to violent carth shocks, and suggests the need for design of-carthquake-induced reactor shutdown apparatus ~ nlong with isolation of the primary system..
It therefore seems to me that very thorough Linvestiration of the
seismic hazards of the Bodega 11 cad sito should be ~ carried out before any construction permit can safely be granted.- The Geological Survey is available to undertako such an investigation if that should be your desire.
If this matter involved no moro than construction of a conventionni thermal electric plant, the seismic hazards might be tolerable. .But
. w#. the proposed nucicar-power installation (planned with ultimate expan-sion to 1,000 mecavatt(o) capacity in mind)lwould multiply those hazards many fold. The hazards I am most' concerned about are to public health and safety, but one cannot completely overlook the '
Government's further legal obligation ' to pay " indemnification" up to $500 million per nucioar incident for any casualty damage in excess of $60 million and for any property damnee in excess of $60 million that might occur in the event of nuclear power plant accident from whatever cause.
. . . . .... . . - ~.7 9 Sincarely yours, 1 Secretary of the Interior,. !
.I Dr. Glenn T. Seab~org ]
, Chairman, United States Atomic Energy Commission ^j j
Washington 25, D. C.
r Attachments (4) b .
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,f May 20, 1963 Memorandum To: Assistant Socrotary of Interior - flineral Resources From: Director - Geological Survey
lioquest by Atomic Energy Commission for review and comment on proposed location of a civilian nuclear power reactor on Dodega llend, Sonoma County, California The Preliminary llazards Sur. mary for the Bodega . Bay Atomic Park Unit Pumber 1, prepared by the Pacific Gas and E1cetric Company, has been revicued with respect to hydrologic and soismic considerations as requested by your-office. We have also reviewed a Ictter of April 19 by Dr.. Pierro St.-Amand to Mr. !!arold Gilliam, Special Assistant to tho'Secretnry. That Ictter is a report on a recent personal inspection which Dr. St.-Amand modo of the proposed ~
renctor sito on Bodega !! cad.
The Itazards Sunmary contains evaluations of the carthquake hazards of the site by Don Tocher and 1.'1111am Ouaide, and George W. Ilousner.
Their conclusions unrco thut, although earthquakes of high intensity have occurred on Dodona llend in the past and aro likely to recus within the lifetire of the ronctor, no surface faulting has' occurred on the sito for a period of perhaps several thousand years, and that it is unlikely that such fdulting will occur in the future. On the other hand Dr. St.-Anand concludes that the sito is unsafe for the -
proposed construction unicss exceptional nessures are taken to insure safety.
I Dr. St.-Amand's statements are based on observations made in April 1963, whercas llousner's report is dated January 1961, and Tocher's and cunide's observations were made at some unkncun dato. St.-Amand had the advantage of inspecting excavations nndo since the observations of Tocher and Quaide, l' The problen of'scist ic offects can be divided into t'vo parts.
i- .
a) What nro the noxinun accelerations to be expected? b) that is the
' likelihood of. faulting or severe tilting of the ground at the proposed reactor site?
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. a llousner (hgendix V, p. 7) estinatos that the maximum accolorations to be c::pected would bo about d;5 n, whorens St.-Amand gives " peak accolcrntion on the anler of I h, uith averar.c acccicration of around 0.4 g for severn1 ninutes". Ilousner points out (p. 4) that j
" strong ground icotions produced by rangnitudo D.2 shocks havo ncycr been measured". !!c then nrnues fro::: several points of view that the cecolorations caused by the El Centro carthquako of May 1940 (magnitudo 7, maxinum accolcration 0.3 g) should bo taken as the j
maxinum to bo expected at Dodoga 1! cad. Although Housnor's argunonts s ucy be valid, St.-Amand's figures tro the more conservative and should probably forn the basis for the design critoria.
Tho second question regarding faulting of the ground at the site may be the uore irportant. It may bo possible to design for high accoloration, but "it is quito inpossibic to design a power plant to survive without danage to the largo pernmnont ground surface displacements that might occur if the carthquaho fault slippage occurred on the sito", (flousnor, Appendix V, p. 3).
Tho question is then whether faulting at the sito is likely or not.
Tocher and Quaide, although recognizing faults in the quartz diorito forming the bnsc:::ent rocks of Dodegn I! cad, found no evidence of faulting on Dodega licad during the pnst several thousand years, llowever, St.-Amand is not so suro and points out that the soil cover cny effectively hido evidence of recent v.ovenent. This is a critical point and should be very thoroughly investigated.
After reading the material cited uo concludo:
- 1. Because of the possibility of recent faulting in the cron which may nou be masked by soil cover, and becauso of tho evidence of foulting described by St.-An:and on the bedrock hill on the northern sido of the pit, careful exarainations should be mado for evidence of recent faulting.
- 2. If faulting has occurred at the sito, a further evaluation should be mado as to its suitability as a reactor site.
If roquested to do so, the Ccological Survoy is qualiflod to nako such an investigation. The field examination and preparation of a report would tako approximately two weeks. '
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To i r J. C. Senior Leonomigtj , Resources Program Staff
' Tilrcught Agaicteat Secretary, Mineral Ecsources . p' -) #
From Directcr,11uroca cf liinns y l') '
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Subje6pf The Secretary'a memorandum of April 25 regarding f fconraents on thq Yocation of a cv.vilian nuclear i e
. pow .ir plant en 15odega IIcad, Sonoma County, California t
' .t .
The Dureau's Cltief Nucicar Engineer, lir. John E. Crawford, has "
cenuidqred the availabic' data concerning the location of the i
- Dodcl;n 11ead po pa reactcy. Becauco of t.he citt ! e proxinity to J the pan Andren: J g finit coac the periaibility of a' natural catastrophe cannot Se tahan It;;htly. In case of a major earth--
p ;
'a quate ef.n the area, it should b..t detaruined if. damage to the i reactq.Y and its do:rconents'wouldf rel5av9 radioactivity to the )
envircament uith.the cubaa.luont contaninhtion of natural resources .:
and recreational!Parcas.. pround chaaring action and shock effects L
from i ::ignificant carth'eremor near the site might cause
} micaligt pdr;of yritical reactor parts and rupture of coolant plumbing with i'99stimablo resulto'. A ciore thorough evaluation of thcae peas'icilitics should be made.
Our Chief Huclear Engineer will be pleased to assist the Depart- '
ment in a more thorough review of the prob 1cm if such a review is decmod appropriate. '
mar.LCO.J. ErNy .
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!!ay lb, L963 rgrgen ro:
Monomndum To: Jacco C. Ecttic, Senior Econstist', Department of the Interior From: Iobert H. Roco, Ecccarch Geologist, Nationni Purk Servico
Review and Cassent on Propocca Civilian Nuclear Power Reactor on LodcCa Hee.d, Sonoma County, California Incation - The nucicar power reactor cito on Bodeci Head is located about b nilea vect and clicLt17 couth of Santa Roca and 50 miles northwest of Ec.n Fmncicco. Point Ecyco National Scachore, a recently established unit
'of the Untionni Park Systcs, lien vithin distance limits of.5 and 35 niles frcs the reactor cite.
The Nationni Scachore in a penincular triencio of lord with its 35 mile-long baso runnin3 the 1cacths of Tc ales ray, 01cra Valley, and an cdce of Bolinas Insoon. Point Ecyco at the ceasard verbcx of the triancio'in
, ;g apprc:htcly 10 niles vect of thic base line. The broad central portion of the trian;u22.r area in about 20 niles distant from DodcGa Head.
Typo of Reactor - The EcacCa Ecad nuclear power reactor functions no a low cnricu:.:ent uranius oxide basic fuel unit and 10 licht water moderated and cooled. It cupplies ste: to operato a 325 masavatt turbine generator.
Water fcr cooling purpocos 13 drain from Dcdosa Day and returned to the Pacific Ocean. TM vater flow rato is 250,000 callona per minute which appresinates DO acro feet par hour, or 1,100 acro feet per day, based on cround-th:-cloch operc. tion. Under rated load conditions the " radiator" vater leavco the reactor about 180F. varcer than upon entering the cysten.
Radicactivo Uactes - Fo11oving are the three types of wasten produced by the plant:
Dadicactive liquid vastes.
I Radioactive colid imetes. -
Radioactive caccous vactos.
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The meiosctive liquid vastes are.h plant origin. Disposition ray be effected by: .(a) return to caponcate of the reactor s storuge on sito for eventual off-sito disposal, or (c) discharco ystes, (b)thlv.141-long-tem a vaste tunnel.into the Pacific' Ocean. '
The rudioactivo solid vastes contsist of dmWmlizer resins or cicancre, filter sancrial, nad taiscellaneous-cont:ctinated traoh. . A portica of these. to be sluiced to special stozuge tanko. Other solid vuotca in this category are to be stored in special vaults at the site on a tearotary tacis. Final off-site storage, when required, vill be done by a licenced '
The radioactive enaccus vastes are con: posed of vcatilation eximuoto s. cud l nir nad nonconuustiuto casi~.6"'fzum around the reactor vecsci, condenscra, I
and'other nujor cceronents of the plant. The gaseous vastes'are to he dicchc.r;,cd through a, atact into the atsocphere. Apparently the hch ht of the utack, discharco velocities, and pcluissible release raten~ are subjcct to Inter actomination. ,
, Vorthy of note is the statcc:ent in the license application to the effect' l that there vill be no vnste disposal directly into tha groundiat the site.
paze.rdo Analycia = Potential hazards fall into two broad categories. 'They luclii;;c: (a) LLuce connected with no2Lal operation of the plant, and (b) thace existina because of the close proximity of the nuclear reactor and Ato unjor ccoponcnts to the ihn'Andreas fc 11t zone. The'Inttcr,,for, brevity, are toracd "scic::ic hazards."
The licence application recognizca the ytt:cence of these two cincues of hn::nyda and the prevulence of numelwua variabics of. undetermined naturo and cagnituno vith regard to thcc. In the circunstarces,'thereforo, thero in enple ductification for reasonabic and sound speculation on '
juct how theco 1:azards could conceivably adveracly affcet fishcries and other public uses of Inndo and waters in the vicinity of the reactor -
power unit including the Point P. cyes Ikitional Doashore. ~ .
With respect to normal operationni hnenrd3 without adequate.nnd offcetive controls the following adverse conditions within and near Point fu.;yeu
!!ational Ocuchore could poosibly develop .
The vamed and radioactive liquid wastes discimrced into the racific Occan through the ttnnel at the plant site could be deflected choreward and tend to concentrate in water inicts either northvprd o'r southward from Bodcas Ucca detaiim! on .
the. direction of novement of the nearby occanic currcats.
Dodcan, Toc: ales and Drakes Tays and Drakes ratero and Bolinas Iacoon would be particularly vulacrable.
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Ar.3malies and abnormal behavior of both the atmosphere and weather generally cou2A spread the radioactive gaseous wastes
, from the plant stack over the National Scashore and vicinity in hisher than permissible or predictable concentrations.
l W s co m.ents of the Weather Bureau on the license application identifies several factors in this category on which considornble further study is needed.
Se locations for the off-site permanont disponni of the radioactive solid vnstes are not identified. Vero these selected locations to be chonon nearby on land or in f n1nnd or sciine .
vnters, the flora and fauna olose to 1he disposal sites could become contaminated. Containment of these vestos vould have to be effootive, not for a matter of a few years but for-centurios, to insure acefnst eventual injury to living things in the Esnaral area.
2hformation is insufficient upon which to base firm safety cuerantece that norml onerationni hc_cnrds connected with the nuclear power unit on Bodaca liend vill not adversely affect fisheries and public uso of lands and vnters in the vicinity including the cren of the Point Ecyes Nationni Coachore. In the circumstances, however, it scoms rcesonable to depend upon offective cite and off-site controls and s:onitoring system to hold cdverso effects within radiological limits required for t.ho safet;uarding of public health and the protection of flora and fauna in the vicinity.
Scismic_ bn~rrda, on the other hand, Civo retson for'scrious if not grava Le Eodeca lioni reactor site is but 1,000 yardo ibom the crect Can latdrons fault zone. The can Andreas fnuit is recognized
) as a major tectonic feature of the ventern mercin of Ucrth Ar arica and no one of the wrld's Crunt continental rifts.
l Tomales Ecy and 01c a Vc11cy lie alonc a portion of the Can Anarces l fcult zona cad ove thoir configuration to it. During the crest San Francisco ccrthquahe of 1905, a cround crcek was forted along the full length of Olema Valley and caparently cutondins elong the floor of Tonnico Dcy for it reappenrod accin on the sandspit et the opposite end near Lodeca Ecy. Ic.tcral movement of 20 feet vcs noted. Eccent coolocical studica in Ole:.:n Vciley discloso evidences of einilar cracks having been instantaneously formed at various times during violent quakt,s preceding 1906. As stated in Calloway's coologieni report on the Point Ecycs Penirmula, "the rer.c. ins of old cracks are too indistinct to be counted, but it is clear that thora has been a treranNeus cr:>unt of recurrent movensig along the zone of vechness." ~(thtacrucorin3 supplied.) Th:w observations and conclusions further corroborate l those made earlier by the famed "esethquake geolocist." the late Dailey Willis, along the San Andreas rift sone just vest of Palo Alto and Stanford University. ,,
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The carthquche of April 18, 1906 p is determined to have hcd a tbitfied E:realli Intensity of X. This decree of intenalty is defined na one ,
that resulta in the dcotruction of sone of the well-built woodca structures as voll as thoco of masonry and frane restin6 on foundations.
Ground ficourcs and contortion of strata usually occur and there r.ay be j considerable rock fall from cicfts and mountain sides. The =one of !
destructive intensity during the creat 1905 quaho extended for ateut '
400 milca. Uater linen vore brohon and street car tracks badly tvisted.
Danaco of this kind occurred in several cos::nnities located quito cone ;
distanco from the unin San Andreas fault zone.
nocent studies indicate that continuous lateral neverEnt on the
' Point Reyes side of Olema Valloy of about two inchoa a year is occurring '
relativo to the M nin"d. And not to be overloohod in the evidence of vertical displacescut that has occurred during the cocevhat renote !
l c:olecical past. Along the fault zone north of Dolinas vertical (
displacxont of at 1 cast 500 feet is indicated. All of these fccto cive ci.:phaals to the highly dyncaic nature of the San Andreas fault {
zone in the concral vicinity of Bodeca Head. j A report by Consulting Seicuologist and Consulting Geologist Don Tocher and Millia:a Quado, appears in Appendix IV of the "Prolininery curr.ary ,
IIc:arda Coport," a purt of the licenso application to the Atclaic Dnarcy j Cocuiccion by the Pacific Cas and Electric Cc::quny. They belicyc that 1 I
the trend of the valley or saddic crescing Bodeca Ecad vcatvard from Corphall Cove is not due to faulting but adL:it that the evidance is.
inocn:lvaiva. In ot,her vords tha possibility exists, though p rha;s renoLv, thub this valley or caddic does 1: ark the location of a cubnidiary fault zone.
L Refarring to the presence of old ninor faults in the quartz-dicrito !
c:3.n:d nearby and which they belicyc underlico the reactor cite appeni:ntely at cea level, the concultanto ctato that the lack of recent 4..ov.c a t alon3 these old faults "stroncly inplies, but dcco not of a pc.;cr that cuarantaa there vill be no novements throuch the life-c::pactancy plc.nt." They conc 1hdo ciscuhcro in their findiu;s that this quart.:-diorite "chould provide as cood foundation eith resp 20t to tha Lacerds of ground chakirc in carthept: hec, as any rc::h foruation to be found in the Dodoca Bay recica." Dut they also cay that "this fortuc.ita circunchaneo ic largely counterbalanced by tha is:. cit *.E~
pro .i....t f cr T.ha Su.a I.nuruco ruult, ::,ow." (Unicreccriac curjEJ~)
Geologiuta vould be inclined to acreo with the inforence of the con-oultanto that the quartz-diorite acco exist at an anticipated depth cf about uca leve.l.beneath the reactor eito. So::.c rco.s is left for doubt on thic point, houever, ao indicated in the following ctatom nt frca the Tocher-Quade conclusions l
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... "If borings fail to show ' quartz'diorite. near sca'leyc1 at the '
site (aa. succested by ceiomic and c'c ologic evidence) the -
- characteristics of the unexpected material should be studicd -
" carefully to determino it. it'is, suitable foundation r.:sterial 4
for massive structuros so cloals to the San Andreas fault zono.?
Particularly pertincut to the frequency and intensity of the earth. ,,
quakes that m.ight occur in the DodcCa Hoad locality is, the folleving conclualon from the'Tocher-Quade report:
"The recion near Bodega Bay is;remarhably free of scall to codcrate-sized earthquakes. The region is subject to infrequant major earthquakes generated by large fault movements in the can Andreas fault zone. At least one and perheys two or I; ore major earthquakes can be expected near..the site within the next century. ' Theaa may be as strong or even corewhat
, atronger, than the California earthquake of April'18,11906."
Qualified engineering spacialista and nuclear scientists must be'civen the reopensibility for' passing judguent on.the types and standards of, construction required to moet specified conditions. By the same token, howcVer,'acismolecists and ensinocring geologists must be relied upon-to detorcine and define the oriciu . snature and magnitude of those
conditiona. ,
The propoacd nuclear reactor power unit. includes a number of vulnerable companenta cuch as a reactor vensol; condenser systems; tanks and vaults containing highly radioactive naterials; circulation nystems for, trans.
fer of radioactive liquido, sluiced fragmental solids, and gases; and stacks and other relatively tall structures.
- In view of the known history of seismic activity in the inanediate ..
vicinity and the considerable number of unknown variables involved,.it ocees uurcasonable on the basis of present information to conclude that the power plant can be constructed in a manner that would' overcome all of the seisnic hazards involved.
It seems reasonable to concede that normal operational' hazards can be overcome through continuous,-effective monitoring. With respect to
- i the ocinnic hazards, however, a =N== cf caution and prudence would . '
uppear to make it imperative that a very thorough seismic and engineering Coology study be completed before serious consideration is Given to the i
Granting of a licence or permit for actual construction.
@CD) R0ERT H. Rost - [
/ . Robert E. Rose Research Geologist r
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'I Ectorancca *
Crovell, J. C.,1952, Displaccrant altas the San Androcs Itult,-
da'llfornia: G001. Soc. Ancr{ca Special Papr 71, p.- 1-61.
Gc11cucy,y Alen J._,1961,' Geology of the Point Roycs Paninsula:
- p. 3 0 .9, Land Uso Survey, Propcoed Point Ecyos Eationc.1 Seashore, National Park Scryice. ,l Hir/. ins, Cimrles G.,1951, San Andreas Pault north of San Francisco, caluornia: Gool. soc. Ancrica Bull., v. 72, p. 51-68. -
1 Ihrphy, rocn:rd M.,1950, United States Earthquakes 1947: Coast and. J Geomulo Gurvey Sorial Ho. 730, p.1-62. 1 3
' Tocher, Jon end, U1111an, Appndlx IV, 'of the "Pe14r'4" n y
Dr ray ha= 2es hoport," Pacific Gas ant 1 Electric.- {
Ccc.peny license application to the Atcnic Encrgy Caw.icsion, 1 dated Daccabar 28,-1962..
Uillic, Bailey, 1938, San Androcs Rift !
- v. 40, no. 6, p. 793-PL*7; ani 193b, California:San Androcs Jour.niftGeology, in soutiriestern California: Jour. Geology, v. 46, Ho. 6, p.1017-1057 -) 1
,,,,,,,,_ Uood, Harry O. and Hock, N. H.,1951, Earthquako History of the.
Lndtca 13catos: Coast and Goodetic Survey Serial No. 609, )
Part II, p. 1-35.
I i
- Ecfczences for attehmnt to statement, dated Ity 14,'1963 under
'l Dubject tith: .,d' Review and Cremnt on Proposed Civiliaa Unclear Power Reactor on Bodoca Head, Sonoma Coanty, California."
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.5 ' UNITED STATES Hj k !~
DEPARTMENT OF'THE INTERIORlia riio cop ,,,_ [Y bf.
s NAY 151963 Memorandum
. Tot Secretary of the Interior From: Annistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife
Request by Atomic Energy Cormicolon for review and comment un proposed location of a civilian nuclear power reactor on Bodega Head, Sonoma County, California In compliance with your requent of April 25, 1963, we have reviewed the Licence Application and the Preliminary Hazardo Summary Report by Pacific Gas and Electric Company for the Bodega Eny Atomic Park project.
Enclooed is an evaluation report prepared by T. R. Rice, Director, Radiobiological Laboratory, U. B. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Beaufort, North Carolina. Thio report has been reviewed and a19 roved by the Dureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife and the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries.
'It to well established that certain levels of radioactive vaates .
can be discharged into the oceano without adverse effects on fish and vildlife, since circulation insuren mixing of radioactivity with large volumes of water, quickly diluting and diopersing the radioactivity. However, the permicoible levolo and rates of discharge of radioactivity are difficult to determine in advance for any opecific area. Thereforo, an extensive monitoring progrcm is ecocntini for each reactor cite to insure that concentrations of radioactivity in the organismo do not exceed proactermined maximum levels.
Therefore, it 10 roccomended that:
After the reactor becomes ceperational, the circulation pattern of water from the coolant outfall again be determined. It to poonible that the coolant water may bring about come significant changen in'tho, circulation pattern.
Copico of the preoperational radiological monitoring survey report and the operational monitoring program report be made avail-
, able to the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service to determine uhether or not unsafe levels sedimento, of radioactivity have been found in the water, or biota.
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- 3. ntreet or caeh previous stece of developr.ent be deEemined as -
saf'o before cructruction of additional unito are approved.
- 4. A decision be made concernius the iptfance whi be maintained between reactors.
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By T. R. Rice, Director Radiobiological Laboratory U. S. Bureau of Cormercial Fishories Beaufort, N. C. q l
l i s I. Statement of' probicm.
The Pacific Gas and Electric company has submitted an applica. !
tion to the Atomic Energy Conaissi.on for a construction permit for a 1
nuclear reactor at Bodega Head,. California. )
The reactor site is on the 1 I
shore of the Pacific Ocean in an area of some inportance for commercial fisheries. 'I The entry of radioactive materials into the ocean or Bodega.
Bay, either by design or by accident, might conceivably result in damage to the fisheries.
It was therefore deemed advisable that the Eureau of i
Commercial Fisheries of the U. S. Fiah and Wildlife Service review t proposal and evaluate possible effects of the operation of the proposed j
l reactor on the cotanorcial fichories of the Bodega Bay area.
! II. Proposed reactor typo. i The proposed nucicar installation at Dodega 11 cad will conoist of a single-cycle, forced-circulation, bciling unter reactor of the ther-mal neutron, heterogeneous type, using slightly cariched uraniu:a ~ oxide o
j as fuel and ordinnfy' vater as moderator and coolant. Operating at a rated 2 i
1000 megawatts thermal output, the reactor will supply steam to a 325 a
magavate turbine generator.
The steam then passes through a condenser l, l
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eturned to the reactor. Cooling water for the condenace vill be drawn from Bodega H arbor at the rato of 250,000' ca11ono per minuto and diccharged into the Pacific Oce III. .
Handling, treatment, and diccharco os.
of vast The installation vill includo awanto radioactive facility to '
handle solid, naccoua, and liquid wastes .
domineraliser resina, filter materia 10 The colido, which includo apent atored offaite by a licenced contractor, and miscellaneous trash atach after a 20-30 minuto holdup in buried.- Gacco vill be ro piping.
Liquid vasten will be handled on a batch basic, which permit Dicpooitton'of liquid wactes may consiot a accurato uonitoring an s
l cystem, long term o' torage pending offcito diof return to the discharco tunnel uhich. flous into c the Pa ifi cpocal, or disposal to c Ocean.
condencer cooling water having a flow race Wastes diluted with of approximately 250,000 gallons ~
por ninute vill be monitored in the dischar into the ocean and will confora to limita go tunnal before being releas Regulations, Title 10 Part 20. . octabliched in' Code of Fodoral IV.
Cococreial fichcries of Bodega Day a.
- Commercial ficherica of economic importan Bodega Harbor and in the nearchore unter co are located in 1 s of Bodega Ucad.
Bodega narbor.
is a protected challou cater harbor with the habitat of a rich' invertebrate fauna extensive tide fla root are the horconeck or gapor s clams, the Wa hi. Fisherico
'chell clams, and cochlea. ngton clamo, the soft i
and spauning grounds for auch fichesurcery ao lingThe cod, groenling, red and bicch i
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. rock fichoc, flounders, and colcr. I Silver and chinook colmon inhabit theco untora during their migratory movemento.
Abalone are harvected l in and about the rocky covea. s Dodega Ilarbor is also a port of landing for corncretal opecico including calmon, the edible crab, chrimp, ling cod, rock fish, and colo and alco is used as a port for privato and charter sport fiahing boato.
4 Propocod monitoring program by Pacific Cas and Electric Company.
Three curvoya are either being carried out or vill soon be i initiated by the Pacific Gas and Elcetric Company. These curveys are ao followa:
An oceanographic curvey which vill include studies of the circulation of unter in the vicinity of the outfall, f
s An ecological survey uhich will include an inventory of (
the organicas in the vicinity of the outfall. Prom another curvey mado ,
after the reactor beconco operational it can be determined whether or nct any changco are occurring in either the hindo or ' numbers of plants and animalo procent in the area.
- 3. t An environmental curvey which will include a gross dotar-mination of the radioactivity in the marine organicmo at the precent time.
After the reactor becomes operational, tentative plans call for quartorly enmpling of the marine unters, plankton, bottom sediments, in~
vertebrates, chc1'1fich, rocident fiches, and of the intertidal algao and col graco; quarter,1y campling of the soil, vegetatifon, local agricultural producto, voll unter, ctream vator, and ctream aud; vochly canpling of air particulatco and air bachground; and continuous sa=pling of atmoophoria I
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, fallout. Fiom this onmpling pr ram any significc e increano in the a
radioactivity of the organions: or environment can be detected and coj
. uith' that occurring prior to the roloacc. of radioactive wasto.. )
Possibic adverso offecto of disposal' of radioactive vaste into the marine environm ne. i l
1 Unfortunately the problem of radionettve vaste disposal into
a tho aquatic environment is complex and unloso adequate controlo^are eno i-
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ciced could Icact the four following adverse effects, (1): Poo- '!
1 sibic hazard to people from eating contaminated scafood. : The degree of )
j radionuclido concentration which constitutes a contaminant to not cle i defined but Maximun Formincible Levolo of radioactivity which can be l l
disposed of have been calculated baced on available knowledge ,.
to date (2) Possibic economic damage to the fisherica of the area reculting L the etigua associated with radioactivity by the conotcsor public i .-(3)
Pocaibic damage to marine organismo fron internc1 radiation which cou recult in reducing a fishery, and (4) Poccible bacard to peopic from I l
exposure to radioactivity ascociated with sand on bosches or with cedi-monta in challow voter, VII.
Fate of radionuclides in cea water. i When radionuclides are rolcased into the' aquatic environx nt , ;
various factora tend to dilute and dioporce then while other factors i tend to concentrate them.
If the rate of dilution.tiere the only conoi-doration, undoubtc41y th'a M uicus Permissible Concentrations of radio ' -
nuclideo which dicposed ~of as vastec uould be adequate criteria'- ,
in determining the maximum safe rat e .of diccharge. ~ 11ouever, radioactive ;
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cleacuta cro corbed onto cediacato and are concentrated by organica uhich require cany of theco c1cuento for t!hoir nonaal metabolic acti--
,. viticc.. In addition, couc orcanica.c concentrate rcdioicotopcc not I:
normily required but uhich arc chcaically ciailar to c1cuento cocen-tial for actobolica. Further, the distribution of radionuclides ic alco complicated by the trancaiccion of radionuclidcc froa ono orca-
- nica to anothed through variouc trophic Icycla of the food ueb and by the micration of orgaitions from the arco.
VIII. Knouledge gained froa pact radioactive uncte dicpocal operationc.
Poccibly the noot uccful information on which to bacc cotiante of future radioactive contamination in any cpecific case may be obtained froa obccrvationc 'of environacuta contaminated by radioactive nactcc froa.
reactora aircady in operation. There are many cuch reactora throughout ;
the world uhich have operated uithout any apparent hacardouc concequencco to the aquatic environment. For inctance there have been no adverce offects on fich or chc11fich from the operation o' f reactora at Ilanford, a
Uachington; Uindacalo, Encland, and Chalk River, Canada. The Uindacale j reactor in England hac boca diccharcing radioactive vactoc into coactal j j
untera for coveral yearc. Concurrently, a nonitoring program of the txtrine environment hac been carried on and the caount of radioactivity conten-trated by orconicac has boon related to the rate of diccharco.- Particu-l- . lar attention hac been given to the amount of radioactivity concentrated 1 H. ! by floundere and edibic coaucedo. Thoce tuo organicac were determined to be good. indicatord of contamination cince they ucro intilsotely' acco-ciated with hichlyl radioactive codinento, reculting in relatively high l
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c6acontJotima of radioactivity ig'thcoc fo.ess. At c diccharto rcta 0315) ci*.rico of ctrontie:4-0J per c:onth, floundero in the arca concea-tanted only 5.4 :: 1]"O uic:ocurica per crea, sfaich uno betw the pe -
alcai*alo linita cct for food crenaicus. At a dicchcrco ecco of 2ND f cc).cs of ruthentua-100 por nonth, ficuadora conecutrated caly 2 a 10'0
ulcracuries per Ceca, cleo uith'.n th' c pcraic::ibic licito for cofo h.: ct conett.ption.. Thcho ob cevations ccd accruccacnts indicated it ucs poscibic to incrcaco the m"# m pernicaibic diccharco rato of atreati.u-N to 3%0 curico por exth cnd ruthentua-105 to 5]00 curica pe a mth.
The increcccd rcto of dispacal allcr.:cd ct.Uind::ccio choua that the calculated racco cro bered on conservative cctinatos.
fcccr.c: ended 1 cyclo of radioactivity in ces uster.
' t Coveral ucrthtfailo cpproachoc to determinius the caount of redbectivity t/.sich can Lo dicpeccd of into the oceans hcyo boca cuc-ac:: tad.
Cac of the nact recent of theco acthods to deceribed in Pa'a-
'icction 035 of the Uctional 1.ccdog of Ecicaccc--Uctional Roccarch .
Thic Ocport p::c::cnta II?C 'valuco for cca vator. 02CC'o) rather th::n for the efflucut vete: itocif,- The cpproach to quito realictic in that the concentration factoro of the various mnto cic- in cesfood, specific cctivity, bioloc! cal half-life, decay, ced ITC'o cro all conuMored in deriving the 1DCC valucc.
In Code of Federal nc0ula-tions Titic 10, Part 20, t/aich contains tho 1ccal critoria for cafo discharco of vactcc,'the quection of the probabic fato of the radio -
nuc1 Moo is ccepictoly nociccted. t
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X. . Vicit to Bodega Itcad, Califu-711a- and pcrac,nal intervicire.
On April. 23, the authoi*, cecompanied by.-11r. Floyd A.1:endercon, En:cauo2 Recreation; I;r. Corald D. Talbot, Eureau of Sporto richerica and Uildlife; ik. Donald R. Johncon, Eureau of Co:.ncrcial Fichorica; IIr.
I Cordon V. Richardo, Pacific Cao and'Elcetric Cce.tpany; !!r. t,ucca C. Cornich, California Departacnt of Public IIcalth, undo a trip' to Dodega Bay, Califor-nia.
Uo incpected the reactor cito and the location .of the 'outfall and also had a very cticulating:diccuccion'about tho' reactor,.the poccibic effect of the reactor on the marino environment, and the public oppo---
cition the proposed canctruction of the reactor created. I made a cpecial' offort to contact coveral scienticto in thic area that arc concerned uith the propoced tiucicar installation.
1Ir. Anaca C. Cornich, Radiological 11ealth, California Department of Public IIcalth, stated that the environ = ental nonitoring' is being con-3,ee ducted for the Pacific Cao and Ilcetric Company. by Dr. Ernect D. Salo, uho collecto the caupico, and the IIacc1 ton IIucicar Science Corporation uhich analy::co the caapice for radioactivity. lir. Cornich caid that P. G. & E. instructed the 11acciton Corp. to check tiith hic group and to follo:i his instructions for analycco. Alco, IIr. Cornich'c group tiill go .
along once a year to co11cet campico and to run their otin radiological neacure:tonto as a chech on the 11arciton Corp. The California nadio- -
locical Group ic requiring P. C. & E. to hecp the radioactivity of con unter belou 10,,0 uierocurios por n111111ter tihich they believe.uill cafecuard the marine orcanicac and uan.
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I tudo o phono call to b. Barold Disco 11, the radiological i
! ro;r.cccate.tivo at Scccc=cnto for the Califo;uia Depart:sont of Fich and .
ca.:n, uho norho clocoly with Itr. Cornich's group. 11a stated that ha vaa not concerned about tho disciurce of varm coolant vator to.tilb ocean.
ti In othat creas uhcro P..G. 6 E. has 'outfalls fraci conventional concrntors )
ho had found no cicnificant changes due to the vom water c:: cept in the
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l innadicto vicinity of the outfall. !!c stated that P(C. & E. had folloucd .
n1L reca afetiono mdo by his department at the first hearing. Sinco .I E.000 gallona of water vill be usod por minuto for cooliac purpocca ha ,
1 otated t!nt a scroca chould be placed over the intaha to'provent the de:truction of which otborutoo nicht be puapod in with the coolant
vator. Ccrocna havo boon placed over other intshes along the Californis l co:ct.
!?r, Arnold' Joseph. Enviran' anal Sciences AEC, and I vioited l Dr. Cadot Hand of the Zoolocy Department Univoralty of California at Bochicy 'on Ucdnooday, April 24. Dr. Iland has an AEC contract to study l tho marino ecology of Dodega ! kind. His contract began about Septa = hor, i
l'X3. 11o has c,absidorod the proposod placcoont of the nucicar reactor and in of tho kinion that it vill not be hamful to the marino biota, neither from radiation nor frocn a temperature chance from the coolant ~
vator.1.s ho continuca his curvey and then the reactor is placed in operation ho trnt be able to dctcet any chancos that nicht occur. Aino, .
!!r. Joacph and I(1' sited the AEC Branch Offico located at Dorhloy. 'We l
discussed the litotory of the Sodoca reactor with ltr. Rodney L. Scitlatich -
amt the requiremta for obtaining a licanoe to operato a reactor. '
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- . Departmento ' f Interior No.
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I Stewart Udall. Secy. . ,E, . orsEa, ,
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I and attachments '/
onio CC. . ormEn Seaborg 39 reproduced cys.
REG. NO. Be % 205 REFERRED to DATE RECEIVED BY DATE Ltr. furnishing comments on Bodogn Eey reactor PG&il is constructing per request 3. Price 5-22 of Dirs of Regulation & L&R . w/allcyn(perr.upseet) i I
ENCr.osuaEs4 Couments by: Director of Geological lh er. 496 61 Director of Bu of Minos,, 5-13 63 . ..
l National Park Service 0 ten. GeninaistE 41 bh l s., Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife, 5 'L5-63, !
(39 era each) l
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'***""' Jh 2 . M./ W , /~ cfA/4.(S-22-G3 y,X /?2
0602 1 1
- U. 8. Government Printing Osco ,1962 837800 v.8. ATOMIC ENERGY COMG5810N MAIL (640) . CON
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