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Responds to FOIA Request for Documents Re Severe Accident Source Term Data.App a Documents Placed in Pdr.App B Documents Available in Pdr.App C Documents Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 5)
Person / Time
Site: Shoreham File:Long Island Lighting Company icon.png
Issue date: 04/26/1985
From: Felton J
To: Belair R
Shared Package
ML20127A367 List:
FOIA-85-199, RTR-NUREG-0771, RTR-NUREG-0956, RTR-NUREG-771, RTR-NUREG-956 NUDOCS 8507130246
Download: ML20128P302 (9)


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  • ;j wAssiworow, o. c. 20sss
  • %...../ APR 2 61985 Robert R. Belair, Esquire Kirkpatrick & Lockhart 1900 M Street, NW IN RESPONSE REFER Washington, DC 20036 TO F01A-85-199

Dear Mr. Belair:

This is in response to your letter dated March 20, 1985, in which you requested, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (F0IA), copies of documents related to severe accident source term data.

The documents identified on enclosed Appendix A are being placed in the NRC Public Document Room (PDR) located at 1717 H Street, NW, Washington, DC 20555, ,

in file folder F01A-85-199 in your name. The documents identified on enclosed Appendix B are already available in the PDR. I have indicated the file location beside each document description.

The documents identified on enclosed Appendix C contain the predecisional legal analyses, opinions and recommendations of the Office of the General Counsel (0GC) and the Office of Policy Evaluation (OPE) for the Commissioners' consideration of the immediate effectiveness review of the October 29, 1984 Licensing Board order authorizing the grant of exemption from GDC-17 for low-power testing of the Shoreham facility, and for the Comissioners' consideration of the petition for review of ALAB-788 regarding the Shorehan facility. Because these documents reflect the predecisional process between 0GC, OPE and the Commissioners, the dccuments are exempt from mandatory disclosure pursuant to Exemption 5 of-the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C.

552(b)(5), anc' the Commissien's regulations,10 CFR 9.5(a)(5). Release of the documents would tend to inhibit the open and frank excharge of ideas essential to the deliberative process. The documents do not contain any reasonably segregable factual p'rtions. The documents are being withheld in their entirety.

Pursuant to 10 CFR 9.15 of the Comission's regulations, it has been determined that the information withheld is exempt from production or disclosure and that its production or disclosure is contrary to the public interest. The person responsible for this denial is James A. Fitzgerald, Assistant General Counsel.

This denial may be appealed to the Commission within 30 days from the receipt of this letter. Any such appeal must be in writing, addressed to the Secretary of the Commission, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555, and should clearly state on the envelope and in the letter that it is an " Appeal from an Initial F0IA Decision."

B507130246 850426 PDR FOIA PDR BELAIRBS-199

.s t. .

3 l

The search for and review of documents that are subject to your request are o continuing. We will notify you upon completion of the search and review.

Sincerely, ,Q b i J. M. Felton, Director 1 Division of Rules and Records i Office of Administration [


As stated I t

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i l


Re: F01A-85-199 APPENDIX A Documents Being Placed in the PDR

1. 09/24/82 Letter to Harold Denton from Robert Budnitz Re: Reactor Accident Sequence Probabilities w/ enclosure Draft Report -

Review and Critique of Previous Probabilistic Accident Assessments for the Shoreham Nuclear Power Station (75 pages) 2, 11/22/82 Memo to Darrell Eisenhut from T. Novak Re: Proposed Board Notification - Shorehan w/ attachment Board Notification (15pages)

3. 12/02/82 Letter to Dr. Charles Graves from Donald Knuth Re: Hand Calculations Performed by P.MC w/ enclosures References for SAI PRA and various graphs (16 pages)
4. 04/13/83 Mero to Distribution frem Jim Martin Re: A Perspective on Emergency Planning, Risk and the Source Term Issue w/ enclosure various graphs (13 pages)
5. 09/20/83 Pero to Ashok Thadani frcm L. Hulnan Pe: WAPR, Shoreham, Midland and Seabrook PRA Reviews (2 pages)
6. 10/17/83 Letter to Dr. Themis Speis from Walter Kato Re: Form 189 entitled " Review of Probabilistic Risk Assessment for the Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant" (2 pages)
7. 10/17/83 Letter to Ashok Thadani from I. Papazoglou Re: Risk Evaluation Group (2 pages)
8. 10/20/83 Letter to A. Thadani from Walter Kato Re: Monthly Report for Activities w/ enclosures Division of Safety Techrology Monthly (Highlights for September 1983 and Financial Status 4 pages)
9. 10/27/83 Memo to Lester Rubenstein from Frank Rowsome Re: Review of BWR Water Level Measurement Systems w/ attachment PRA Review of BWR Water Level Measurement System (16 pages)
10. 11/17/83 Letter to A. Thadani from Walter Kato Re: October Monthly Reportw/ enclosures Highlights for OctoberDivision 1983, and of Financial Safety Technology, Monthly )

Status (5 pages

Re: F01A-85-199

11. 12/20/83 Letter to A. Thadani from Walter Kato Re: November Monthly Report w/ enclosures Division of Safety Technology, Monthly Highlights for November 1983, and Financial Status (5 pages)
12. 12/29/83 Memo to Harold Denton from Roger Mattson Re: Shoreham Reactor Building - Internal Flood Protection (2 pages)
13. 01/1984 State of the Art of Reactor Containment Systems, Dominant Failure Modes, and Mitigation Opportunities - Final Report (294 pages)
14. 01/16/84 Letter to A. Thadani from Walter Kato Re: December Monthly Report w/ enclosures Division of Safety Technology, Monthly Highlights for December 1983, and Financial Status (5 pages)
15. 01/30/84 Memo'to A. Thadant from A. Schwencer Re: Shoreham Flooding (1page)
16. 02/16/84 Letter to A. Thadani from Walter Kato Re: January Monthly Report w/ enclosures Division of Safety Technology, Monthly Highlights for January 1984, and Financial Status (5 pages)
17. 03/16/84 Letter to A. Thadani from Walter Kato Re: February Monthly Report w/ enclosures Division of Safety Technology, Monthly Highlights for February 1984, and Financial Status (5 pages)
18. 03/30/84 Memo to Albert Schwencer from Ashok Thadani Re: Shoreham Flooding w/ enclosures Evaluation of Shoreham Flooding and Preliminary BNL Report (66 pages)
19. 04/1984 Status Report for the Month of April 1984 - Shoreham PRA Review (14 pages)

F. 04/16/04 Lrtter to Thtdani fron 'rl alter Kato Ec: fW ch Monthly Repor' w/encicsures Division of Safety Technology, Monthly Highlights for March 1984, and Financial Status (5 pages)

21. 05/1984 Probabilistic Risk Assessment Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Low Power Operation Up to 5% of Full Power (141 pages)
22. 05/07/84 Letter to A. Thadani from Ioannis Papazoglou Re: Flood-Initiator (1 page)
23. 05/09/84 Memo to Albert Schwencer from Ashok Thadani Re: Shoreham Flooding w/ enclosure BNL Final Report on Shoreham Flooding (83pages)

Re: F01A-85-199

24. 05/16/84 Letter to A. Thadani from Walter Kato Re: April Monthly Report w/ enclosures Division of Safety Technology, Monthl Highlights for April 1984, and Financial Status (6 pages)y l
25. 06/05/84 Letter to A. Thadani from Ioannis Papazoglou Re: Shoreham l PRA Review (1 page) i
26. 06/12/84 Letter to Ashok Thadant from Robert Youngblood Re: Shoreham '

PRA Review (1 page)  ;

27. 06/18/84 Letter to A. Thadani from Walter Kato Re: May Monthly Report w/ enclosures Division of Safety Technology, Monthly Highlights for May 1984, and Financial Status (5 pages)
28. 06/19/84 Memo to Albert Schwencer from Ashok Thadani Re: Shoreham PRA Review (1 page)
29. 06/22/84 Letter to Gregory Ogeka from Themis Speis Re: BNL Technical Assistance to the Division of Safety Technology " Review of Probabilistic Risk Assessment for the Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant w/ enclosure NRC Form 173 (11 pages)
30. 06/28/84 NRC Form 189 - Review of Probabilistic Risk Assessment for the Shoreharr Nuclear Power Plant (2 pages)
31. 07/02/84 Letter to Davis Schweller from H. Grahn Re: Review of' Probabilistic Risk Assessment for the Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant w/ enclosure NRC Form 189 (3 pages)
32. 07/31/84 Project Identification Summary - Review of PRA for the Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant (3 pages)
33. 09/1984 Letter to Gregory Ogeka from Themis Speis Re: Review of Prob;bilistic Rist Assessment for the Shm @an tbclear Power Plant w/ enclosure NRC Form 173 (2 pages)
34. 09/18/84 Letter to A. Thadani from Walter Kato Re: August Monthly Report w/ enclosures Division of Safety Technology, Monthly Highlights for August 1984, and Financial Status (5 pages)
35. 09/27/84 Memo to W. Pratt from K. Perkins and S. Hsieh Re: Preliminary Review of the Containment Response Analyses in the Shoreham PRA(38pages)

Re: F01A-85-199

36. 10/1984 Monthly Highlights for October 1984 - Review of the Probabilistic Risk Assessment for the Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant w/ enclosure Financial Status (3 pages)
37. 10/01/84 Letter to Marc Wigdor frcm Kenneth Perkins Re: Containment Response Analyses (1 page)
38. 10/02/84 Memo to Robert Bernero from L. Hulman Re: Proposed Plan for Commission Polic Regulation (3pages)yPaperonSourceTermUsein
39. 10/19/84 Letter to A. Thadani from Walter Kato Re: September Monthly Report w/ enclosures Division of Safety Technology, Monthly Highlights for September 1984, and Financial Status (5 pages)
40. 11/84 Objectives of Emergency Response and the Potential Benefits of Evacuation and Shelter (8 pages)
41. 11/16/84 Letter to A. Thadani from Walter Kato Re: October Monthly Report (1page) ,

42, 11/26/84 Memo to Themis Speis from Robert Bernero Re: Proposed Conmission Paper on the Regulatory Uses of Source Term Research w/ attachments Charter for Managerent Graup to Develop a Commissien Policy Paper on Integration of the Radiological Source Term, ltr. dated 2/22/83 to William Dircks and Design Basis Radiological Accident Source Terms (20pages)

43. 12/17/84 Letter to Ak, Thadani from Walter Kato Re: November Monthly Report w/ enclosures Monthly Hi and Financial Status (4 pages)ghlights for November 198a,
u. :F/31/F4 f%:c te Darrell Fiserbut fret Themis Stei; Pe: Prelicitary Review of Shorehan PRA Study v./ enclosures Preliminery Review of Shorchan PRA Study, and "A Review of the Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Frobabilistic Risk Assessment (16 pages)
45. 01/18/85 Letter to A. Thadani from Walter Kato Re: December Monthly Report w/ enclosures Monthly Highlights for December 1984, and Financial Status (4 pages)
46. 01/23/85 Letter to Gregory Ogeka from Themis Speis Re: Review of Probabilistic Risk Assessment for the Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant w/ enclosure NRC Form 173 (6 pages)
47. 02/1985 An Evaluation of Unisolated LOCA Outside the Drywell in the Shoreham Nuclear Power Station (54 pages)
48. 02/06/85 Memo to Ashok Thadani from Brian Sheron Re: RSB Coments on Preliminary Review of Shoreham PRA Study (1 page)

Re: F01A-85-199

49. 02/12/83 Letter to David Schweller from H. Grahn Re: Review of Probabilistic Risk Assessment for the Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant w/ enclosure NRC Form 189 (3 pages)
50. 02/13/85 Letter to Gregory Ogeka from Themis Speis Re: Review of the Probabilistic Risk Assessment for the Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant w/ enclosure NRC Form 173 (3 pages)
51. 02/13/85 Note for Themis Speis from Arthur Busiik Re: Interim Report on HPCI/RCIC/RWCU Line Break in Shoreham Reactor Building (3 pages)
52. 02/25/85 Letter to Harold Denton from John Leonard Re: LILCO Coments on Preliminary Review of Shoreham PRA study w/ attachment SNRC-1149(7pages)
53. 02/20/85 Letter to A. Thadani from Walter Kato Re: January Monthly Report w/ enclosures Monthly Hi and Financial Status (4 pages)ghlights for January 1985,
54. 03/01/85 Letter to David Schweller from H. Grahn Re: Review of Probabilistic Risk Assessment w/ enclosure NRC Form 189 (3 pages)
55. 03/19/85 Letter to A. Thadani from Walter Kato Re: February Month 1.v Report w/ enclosures Monthly Highlights for February 1985, and Financial Status (4 pages)
56. 03/?2/85 Memo to Hugh Thompson from Themis Speis Re: Ur. isolated LOCA Outside Drywell in Shoreham w/ enclosure An Evaluation of Unisolated LOCA Outside Dryvell in the Shoreham Nuclear Power Station (74 pages) 57 03/ 3 /85 Letter to Gregery Ocda from Therir Spei W : Review of the Probabilistic Risk Assessnent for the Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant (1 page)
58. 03/25/85 Letter to Gregory Ogeka from Themis Speis Re: Review of the Probabilistic Risk Assessment for the Shoreham Nuclear i

Power Plant w/ enclosure NRC Form 173 (2 pages)

59. Undated Major Milestones for Completion and Publication of NUREG-0956 (5 pages)
60. Undated Testimony of Robert Weatherwax, Mohamed El-Glasseir and Gregory Minor on Behalf of Suffolk County (95 pages)

Re: FOIA-85-199 APPENDIX B Documents Already Available in the PDR

1. 12/02/82 Letter from J. L. Smith, LILCO, to H. R. Denton, subject:

Evaluation on Internal Flooding-Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1. Accession No. 8212070219

2. 04/18/84 Memo from R. J. Mattson to Various Addresses, subject: Review and Concurrence on Draft NUREG-1070, "NRC Policy on Future Reactor Designs: Decisions on Severe Accident Issues in Nuclear Power Plant Regulation" [ Advance copy filed in PDR with NUREGs, as a re-draft].
3. 10/29/84 Initial Decision by Licensing Board re: Shoreham Unit 1, LBP-84-45.[AvailableinDocketFileNo.50-322-OL-4]

[ NOTE: This document is Attachment E to SECY-85-38, which is being addressed in Appendix C]

Re: F01A-85-199 APPENDIX C Documents Being Withheld

1. 02/04/85 SECY-85-38, memorandum from M. Malsch, Deputy General Counsel, and J. Zerbe, l Director of Office of Policy Evaluation, to the Commissioners,



-Immediate Effectiveness Review of October 29, 1984 Licensing Board Order Authorizing Grant of Exemption from GDC-17 for Phases III and IV of Low Power Testing.


2. Attachment A to SECY-85-83 Undated

" Summarypaper byDecision."

of Board OGC attorney (entitled 18pages)

3. Attachment B to SECY-85-83 Undated paper entitled " Analysis of Parties' Comments on Licensing Board's Decision Authorizing Grant of Exemption. (42pages)
4. Attachment C TO SECY-85-83 Undated paper entitled " Prior History (Detailed)." (2 pages)
5. Attachment D to SECY-85-83 Undated draft Memorandum and Order re: Shoreham. (4 pages)
6. 03/21 /85 SECY-85-101, menorandum from J.

Fitzgerald, Assistant General Counsel, and J. Zerbe, Director Office of Policy Evaluation to the Commissioners,


Petition for Review of ALAR-788 (LILCO). (5 pcqcs)

7. Attachnent to SECY-85-101 Undated paper entitled " Analysis of Issues Raised by Suffolk County in Its Petition for Review." (16 pages)