05000278/LER-1979-030, Forwards LER 79-030/01T-0

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Forwards LER 79-030/01T-0
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/17/1979
From: Cooney M
To: Grier B
Shared Package
ML19259D684 List:
NUDOCS 7910260249
Download: ML19259D683 (2)

LER-1979-030, Forwards LER 79-030/01T-0
Event date:
Report date:
2781979030R00 - NRC Website






2301 MARKET STREET P.O. DOX 8699 PHILADELPHI A. PA.19101 (215l lB 41 4 ooo October 17, 1979 Mr. Boyce H. Grier, Director Office of Inspection & Enforcement Region I United States Nuclear Regulatory Commissinn 631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, PA 19406

Dear Mr. Grier:


Licensee Event Report Narrative Description The following occurrence was reported to Mr. Greenman, Region I, Office of Inspection and Enforcement on October 3,1979


Docket Number 50-278 Report No:

LER 3-79-30/1T Report Date:

October 17, 1979 Occurrence Date:

October 2, 1979 Fccility:

Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station R.D. 1, Delta, PA 1731.4 Technical Specification Reference:

Technical Specification 6.9.a(9) requires reporting " Performance of structures, systems, or components that require remedial action or corrective measures to prevent operation in a manner less conservative than assumed in the accident analysis in the safety analysis report..."

Description of the Event:

During the seismic anchor inspection program being performed in response to IE Bulletin 79-02, a rigid hanger, 3-14-GB-S6, failed to satisfactorily meet the test criteria. This support is associated with the Unit 3 "B" Loop Core Spray discharge line.

Two of the four bolt shells were in ' contact with the base plate, resulting in a safety factor o f 1. 95.

}2}2 )k 7 910260 2-$Fc7

Page 2 Consequences of Event:

The safety significance of this event is minimal because the Unit ? reactor is in the cold shutdown condition for refueling.

The system associated with the supported piping, "B" loop of the Unit 3 Core Spray piping, need not be operable under these condi-tions per Technical Specification 3.5.F.3.

Cause of Event

The most probable cause of failure for these anchor bolts was improper installation.

Corrective Action

The two failed shell type bolts were reple..cd with 2 wedge type bol.s and plate washers were installed over t'.cce of the four bolts to satisfy the bolt hole criteria. Corrective action has been completed and safety factor is greater than 5.

Previous Similar Occurrences:

2-79-33/1T, 2-79-35/1T. 3-79-19/1T, 3-79-23/1T, 3-79-25/1T, 3-79-26/1T, 2-79-43/1T, 2-79-44/1T.

Very truly yours, il filO-A.

. Cooney G$[nerationDivision-Nucicar Sd erintendent Attachment Director, NRC - Office of Inspection and Enforcement cc:

Mr. Norman Haller, NRC - Office of Management & Program Analysis i212 044