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Requests Addl Info Re 851227 Application for Amend to License NPF-29 to Change Required Date for Obtaining NRC Approval of Adequacy of Installed Hydrogen Control Sys from First Refueling Outage to 861231
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 01/17/1986
From: Butler W
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Kingsley O
NUDOCS 8601240084
Download: ML20137K440 (4)



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, 5 j WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555

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Docket llo. 50-416 Mr. Oliver D. Kingsley, Jr.

Vice President, Nuclear Operations Mississippi Power and Light Company P.O. Box 23054 Jackson, Mississippi 39205

Dear Mr. Kingsley:


GRAND GULF liUCLEAR STATION, UNIT-1 HYDROGEN CONTROL SYSTEl1 ANALYSIS By letter dated December 17, 1985, Mississippi Power & Light Company (MP&L) requested an amendrent tc Grand Gulf Unit 1 Operating License No. [1PF-29, Paragraph 2.C.(33)(c), " Hydrogen Control." The amendment would change the required date for obtainire NRC cpproval of the adequacy of an instailed hydrogen control system from the first refueling outage to a schedule which was developed in accordance with the previsions of 10 CFR 50.44, " Standards for combustible gas control systems in light-water-cooled power reactors" (hydrogen control rule). In accordance with Paragraph (c)(3)(vii)(A) of the hydrogen contrci rule, MP&L submitted by letter datec June 23, 1985, a proposed schedule for reeting the requirements of the ruie. This proposed schedule identifies December 31, 1986, as the dctt. for completion and submittal of all eierrents of the final analysis required by the rule. The proposed schedule is based on the schedule for cortpletion of all the generic and plant specific tasks incorporated in the Mark III Containment Hydrcgen Control Owners Group (HCOG) Program Plan.

In its October 22, 1985, letter, the NPC staff requested that the licensee con-sider having the Grand Gulf plant-specific tasks cenpleted earlier in the HC0G prograru plan so that the cerrpletion date in the present license condition could be met. In its letter of Decen.ber 27, 1985, MP&L states that the prepcsed over-

. all schedule of December 31, 1986, cannot be 1mproved upon because of the inter-relationships between generic and plant-specific work for the four plants included in HC0G.

The NRC staff requires certain additional information, as detailed below, to con;plete its review of the December 27, 1985, application for license amenoment and the associated proposed schedule for submittal of the final analysis required by the rule. The analysis of significant hazards considerations in the application for license amendment does not clearly address the three standards in 10 CFR 50.92.

The " accident previously evaluated" in the standards, refers in this case to degraded core accidents. The MP&L analysis appears to exclude degraded core accidents from consideraticr. by stating that it is not related tu design basis accidents as previously analyzed in the FSAP. The reason given in the analysis for making the required findings of 10 CFR 50.92 is that the amendment does nct involve a change to " hardware, logic or procedures." However, one pcssible 8601240084 860117 PDR ADOCK 05000416 p PDR

2 outcome of the tests and analyses is that modifications will be made to eouip-ment and emergency operating procedures, and this shculd be considered in the

analysis. Accordingly, we request that you augment your bases for concluding that there are no significert hazards considerations associated with your proposed license amendment. Provide also a summary of preliminary analyses ano l

quarter scale test results to date that provide the basis for statements that the previous test results and analyses (used in staff's Safety Evaluation Report as a bosis for the present license condition) were overly conservative and that quarter scale test results are expected to lead to few modifications. Also, for degraded core accidents address the change in probability and consequences for 1

the interval of tine from startup following the first refueling outage to the date when required modifications, if any, will be completed.

In order to complete our review as scheouled, you should provide the additional information requested herein by January 31, 1986.

Sincerely, Walter R. Butler, Director EliR Project Directorate ho. 4 Lisision cf BWR Licensing cc: See next page 4


t Mr. Oliver D. Kingsley , Jr.

hississippi Power & Light Cor:pany Grand Gulf Nuclear Staiton cc:

Robert B. ficGehee, Esquire The Honorable William J. Guste, Jr.

Wise, Carter, Child, Steen and Caraway Attorney General P.O. Box 651 Department of Justice Jackson, Mississippi 39205 State of Louisiana Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70804 Nicholas S. Reynolds, Esquire Bishop, Liberman, Cock, Purcell and Reynolds 1200 17th Street, N.W.

Washington, D. C. 20036 Mr. Ralph T. Lally Manager of Quality Assurance Office of the Governor Middle Scuth Services, Inc. State of Mississippi P.O. Box 61000 Jackson, Mississippi 39201 New Orleans, Lcuisiana 70161 Attorney General Mr. . Larry F. Dale, Director Gartin Building Nuclear Licensing and Safety Jackson, Mississippi 39205 Mississippi Power & Light Company P.O. Box 23054 Mr. Jack McMillan, Director Jackson, Mississippi 39205 Solid Waste kississippi State Board of Health Mr. R. W. Jackson, Proiect Engineer 880 Lakelar.d Bechtel Power Corporation Jackson, Mississippi 392C6 15740 Shady Grove Road Gaithersburg,l'aryltrd 20877-1454 Alton B. Ccbb, M.D.

State Health Officer Mr. Ross C. Butcher State Board of Health Senior Resloent Inspector P.O. Box 1700 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cercission Jackson, Mississippi 39205 Route 2, Boy 399 Port Gibson, Mississippi 39150 Fresioent Claiborne County Board cf Supervisors Regional Administrator, Region II Port Gibson, Mississippi 39150 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission, 101 liarietta Street, N.W., Suite 2900 Mr. Ted H. Cloninger Atlanta, Georgia 30323 Vice President, Nuclear Engineering and Support Mr. J. E. Cross Mississippi Power & Light Company Grand Gulf fluclear Station Site Director Post Office Box 23054 Mississippi Power & Light Company Jackson, Mississippi 39205 P.O. Box 756 Port Gibson,Itississippi 3S150

!!r C. R. Hutchinson GGNS General Manager Mississippi Fcwer & Light Company Post Office Box 756 Port Gibson, Mississippi 3915C



t outcome of the tests and analyses is that modifications will be made to equip-ment and emergency operating procedures, and this should be considered in the analysis. Accordingly, we request that you augment your bases for concluding that there are no significant hazards considerations associated with your

, proposed license amendment. Provide also a sumnary of preliminary analyses and quarter scale test results to date that provide the basis for statenents that t

the previous test results and analyses (used in staff's Safety Evaluation Report as a basis for the present license condition) were overly conservative and that quarter scale test results are expected to lead to few modifications. Also, for degraded core accidents address the change in probability and consequences for the interval of time from startup following the first refueling outage to the i date when required ncdifications, if any, will be completed.

In order to complete our review as scheduled, you should provide the additional information requested herein by January 31, 1086.

j Sincerely, i

omwi c" ~=-m Walter R. Butler, Director 4

BWR Project Directorate No. 4 Division of BWR Licensing cc: See next page DISTRIBUTION Docket F.ile NRC'FDR Local PDR PD#4 Reading RBerrero Young, OELD EJordan BGrimes JHuluan JPartlow LKintner NDuncan ACRS (10) hL PD#4/PM PD 4/ A PSB PD#4/D LKintner:lb NU{666[hn JHulma% WButler 01/f 7 /86 01// 7/86 01// /86 , 01/ /86 7
