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        #            ,'o,                        UNITED STATES
      '; J 3m      i t
* 9.....g OCT 0 61988 r
;              Occhet No.: 50-293 The Honorable James M. Shannon Attorney General                                                                .
Convenwealth of Massachusetts                                                    ,
John W. McCormack State Cffice Building                                          '
)              One Ashburton Place Boston, Massachusetts 02108-1698
==Dear Mr. Atto ney General:==
This letter is in further respense to the Petition filed by Governor Michael S. l Dukakis and you on behalf of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and its citizens (Petitioners) with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission on October 15, 1987.
The Petitioners reouested that the Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor i              Regulation institute a proceeding pursuant to 10 CFR 2.202 to modify, suspend, or revoke the operating license held by the Boston Edison Company for the        ;
;              Pilgrim Nu,: lear Power Station.
You were notified by letter dated November 13, 1987, that your Petition would    l be treated as a request for action pursuant to 10 CFR 2.206 of the Comission's    l regulations. Subsequently, on May 27, 1988, the staff concluded its evaluation of the infortration contained in the Petition concerning the need for a          l probabilistic risk assessment and, for the reasons stated in the enclosure,      !
                "Interim Director's Decision Under 10 CFR 2.206." that portion of your Petition  l was denied. I further stated that the portion of your Petition covering          l i              management and emergency preparedness issues would be addressed ir, a subsequent
!              response.
l i
The staff has concluded its evalustion of the information contained in the l              Petition concerning numerout deficiencies in lictasee management and, for the j              reasons stated in the enclosed "Second Interie rfrector's Decision Under 10 e
CFR 2.206," that portiop of your Petition has been denied.
The staff has provided an update on the status of ercrgency preparedness to supplement the information provided in the May 27, 1988, Interim Cecision. A decision cannot be made at this time regarding emergency preparedness and the      l issues you raise in this area will be addressed in a Final Decision.
i 0010120041 001006
)i                    ADOCK000g93 gDR                      U                                        gj Y)
2 A copy of this Decisien will be filed with the Secretary for the Commission's review in accordance with 10 CFR 2.206(c). As provided in 10 CFR 2.206(c),
this Decision will become the final action of the Commission in 25 days,      ,
unless the Commission determines to review the Decision within that time. !    '
have also enclosed a copy of a notice that is being filed with the Office of  ,
the Federal Register for publication.
Sincerely, hb 4
Thomas E. Murley, Director          !
j                                                    Office of Nuclear Reactor Pegulation
: 1. Second Director's Decision
: 2. Federal Register Notice                                                    !
cc:  See next page 1
)                                                                                            e I
4 I
: l.                                                                                          I
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1                                                                                            i l                                                                                            l 1
          ,                                                                                      t 2
A copy of this Decision will be filed with the Secretary for the Cornmission's      ,
            ' review in accordance with 10 CFR 2.206(c). As provided in 10 CFR 2.206(c),          i this Decision will become the final action of the Comission in 25 days, unless the Comission determines to review the Decision within that time. I have also enclosed a copy of a notice that is being filed with the Office of j              the Federal Register for publicatior..
Sincerely,                          ,
i                                                            Original aigned by.                  ,
n.c=a: E. Murley.                  t
,                                                            Thomas E. Murley, Director
]                                                            Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation i
)              1. Second Director's Decision                                                      :
: 2. Federal Register Notice                                                        L
{              cc:  See next page                                                                !
!                                                                                                i 1
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OGC              Ed            1    J  A lSP l            dc onald:ck  RWesstran l.ChNy                    . 0111ns      og6'r arga I            9/c.V88        9/4YS8      9/Ja/88    9/l27/86    9/4788 g//88 [S/}/88 l            t      /          NRR          R
;              O u    ifield      fezek    TR
          /A/{/88            p h/88 $/yrley  D/88 i
l i
Mr. K. L. Highfill                    Fr. Ralph G. Bird Station Director                    Senior Vice President - Nuclear Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station        Boston Edison Company RF0 #1 Rccky Hill Roac              Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Plymouth, Passachusetts 02360        RFDil, Rocky Hill Road Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360 Resident Inspector's Office          Mr. Richard N. Swarson, Manager U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission    Nuclear Engineering Department Post Office Box 867                  Boston Edison Company                  l Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360        25 Braintree Hill Park                  ;
Braintree, Massachusetts 02184 Chairman, Board of Selectmen                                                  !
11 Lincoln Street                    Ps. Elaine D. Robinson Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360        Nuclear Information Panager Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Office of the Commissicner            RF0 #1, Rocky Hill Pead Passachusetts Department of            Plymouth, Massachusetts 02300          .
Environmental Guality Engineering                                          j One Winter Street                      Charles V. Barry                        ,
Boston, Massachusetts 02108          Secretary of Public Safety              i Executive Office of Public Safety        ,
Office of the Attorney General        One Ashburton Place                    !
1 Ashburton Place                    Boston, Massachusetts 02108 20th Floor Boston, Massachusetts 02108 Radiation Centrol Program Massachusetts Department of            Federal Emergency Panagement Agency Public Health                      Region I                                ,
150 Tremont Street. Prd Flcor        442 J. W. McCormack                      i Boston, Massachusetts 02111            State Office Building                    !'
Cne Ashburten Place Regional Administrator, Regien I      Boston, Massachusetts 02108-1698 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission                                              !
475 Allendale Road                    Honorable William B. Golden              !
King of Prussia, Pennsylvania    19406 Massachusetts State Senate              !
Boston, Massachusetts 02133            l Mr. James 0. Keyes                                                                !
Regulatory Affair band' Programs Group Fr. Richard W. Krim                      l Leader                            Assistant Associate Director              !
Boston Edison Company                  Office of Natural and Technological      !
25 Braintree Hill Pr,rk                  Hazards Programs                    l' Braintree, Massachusetts 02184        Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington D.C. 20472 i
l l
Docket File w/ incoming ltr only %
NRCPDR Local PDR EDO #3 V 6 E00 Reading TMurley/JSniezek DCrutchfield FMiraglia SVarga BBoger RWessman DMcDonald MRushbrook GPA/PA DMossburg, PMAS (EDO#-Oc'MVS)
PO!-3 r/f VStello
      **CCarter Secy 16H21 (5)
      ****ASLAP                                                /
LChandler, OGC                                            (
i kP      >
                                                            '<\    \

Revision as of 19:17, 17 December 2020

Forwards Second Interim Director'S Decision DD-88-17 Under 10CFR2.206,in Response to Petition to Modify,Suspend,Or Revoke OL of Plant.Portion of Petition Re Numerous Deficiencies in Licensee Mgt Denied
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 10/06/1988
From: Murley T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Shannon J
Shared Package
ML20155D937 List:
CON-#488-7219 2.206, DD-87-17, NUDOCS 8810120041
Download: ML20155D933 (5)


4 e



'; J 3m i t


  • 9.....g OCT 0 61988 r
Occhet No.
50-293 The Honorable James M. Shannon Attorney General .

Convenwealth of Massachusetts ,

John W. McCormack State Cffice Building '

) One Ashburton Place Boston, Massachusetts 02108-1698

Dear Mr. Atto ney General:

This letter is in further respense to the Petition filed by Governor Michael S. l Dukakis and you on behalf of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and its citizens (Petitioners) with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission on October 15, 1987.

The Petitioners reouested that the Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor i Regulation institute a proceeding pursuant to 10 CFR 2.202 to modify, suspend, or revoke the operating license held by the Boston Edison Company for the  ;

Pilgrim Nu,
lear Power Station.

You were notified by letter dated November 13, 1987, that your Petition would l be treated as a request for action pursuant to 10 CFR 2.206 of the Comission's l regulations. Subsequently, on May 27, 1988, the staff concluded its evaluation of the infortration contained in the Petition concerning the need for a l probabilistic risk assessment and, for the reasons stated in the enclosure,  !

"Interim Director's Decision Under 10 CFR 2.206." that portion of your Petition l was denied. I further stated that the portion of your Petition covering l i management and emergency preparedness issues would be addressed ir, a subsequent

! response.

l i

The staff has concluded its evalustion of the information contained in the l Petition concerning numerout deficiencies in lictasee management and, for the j reasons stated in the enclosed "Second Interie rfrector's Decision Under 10 e

CFR 2.206," that portiop of your Petition has been denied.

The staff has provided an update on the status of ercrgency preparedness to supplement the information provided in the May 27, 1988, Interim Cecision. A decision cannot be made at this time regarding emergency preparedness and the l issues you raise in this area will be addressed in a Final Decision.


i 0010120041 001006

)i ADOCK000g93 gDR U gj Y)

2 A copy of this Decisien will be filed with the Secretary for the Commission's review in accordance with 10 CFR 2.206(c). As provided in 10 CFR 2.206(c),

this Decision will become the final action of the Commission in 25 days, ,

unless the Commission determines to review the Decision within that time. ! '

have also enclosed a copy of a notice that is being filed with the Office of ,

the Federal Register for publication.

Sincerely, hb 4

Thomas E. Murley, Director  !

j Office of Nuclear Reactor Pegulation


1. Second Director's Decision
2. Federal Register Notice  !

cc: See next page 1


) e I

4 I



l. I

~ \


! l i '

i I

! l i  ;

1 i l l 1


, t 2

A copy of this Decision will be filed with the Secretary for the Cornmission's ,

' review in accordance with 10 CFR 2.206(c). As provided in 10 CFR 2.206(c), i this Decision will become the final action of the Comission in 25 days, unless the Comission determines to review the Decision within that time. I have also enclosed a copy of a notice that is being filed with the Office of j the Federal Register for publicatior..

Sincerely, ,

i Original aigned by. ,

n.c=a: E. Murley. t

, Thomas E. Murley, Director

] Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation i


) 1. Second Director's Decision  :

2. Federal Register Notice L

{ cc: See next page  !


! i 1

J l 4

I i

i  !




}CU ]

OGC Ed 1 J A lSP l dc onald:ck RWesstran l.ChNy . 0111ns og6'r arga I 9/c.V88 9/4YS8 9/Ja/88 9/l27/86 9/4788 g//88 [S/}/88 l t / NRR R

O u ifield fezek TR

/A/{/88 p h/88 $/yrley D/88 i

l i



Mr. K. L. Highfill Fr. Ralph G. Bird Station Director Senior Vice President - Nuclear Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Boston Edison Company RF0 #1 Rccky Hill Roac Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Plymouth, Passachusetts 02360 RFDil, Rocky Hill Road Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360 Resident Inspector's Office Mr. Richard N. Swarson, Manager U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Nuclear Engineering Department Post Office Box 867 Boston Edison Company l Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360 25 Braintree Hill Park  ;

Braintree, Massachusetts 02184 Chairman, Board of Selectmen  !

11 Lincoln Street Ps. Elaine D. Robinson Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360 Nuclear Information Panager Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Office of the Commissicner RF0 #1, Rocky Hill Pead Passachusetts Department of Plymouth, Massachusetts 02300 .

Environmental Guality Engineering j One Winter Street Charles V. Barry ,

Boston, Massachusetts 02108 Secretary of Public Safety i Executive Office of Public Safety ,

Office of the Attorney General One Ashburton Place  !

1 Ashburton Place Boston, Massachusetts 02108 20th Floor Boston, Massachusetts 02108 Radiation Centrol Program Massachusetts Department of Federal Emergency Panagement Agency Public Health Region I ,

150 Tremont Street. Prd Flcor 442 J. W. McCormack i Boston, Massachusetts 02111 State Office Building  !'

Cne Ashburten Place Regional Administrator, Regien I Boston, Massachusetts 02108-1698 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission  !

475 Allendale Road Honorable William B. Golden  !

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406 Massachusetts State Senate  !

Boston, Massachusetts 02133 l Mr. James 0. Keyes  !

Regulatory Affair band' Programs Group Fr. Richard W. Krim l Leader Assistant Associate Director  !

Boston Edison Company Office of Natural and Technological  !

25 Braintree Hill Pr,rk Hazards Programs l' Braintree, Massachusetts 02184 Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington D.C. 20472 i

l l



Docket File w/ incoming ltr only %

NRCPDR Local PDR EDO #3 V 6 E00 Reading TMurley/JSniezek DCrutchfield FMiraglia SVarga BBoger RWessman DMcDonald MRushbrook GPA/PA DMossburg, PMAS (EDO#-Oc'MVS)

PO!-3 r/f VStello

    • CCarter Secy 16H21 (5)
        • ASLAB
        • ASLAP /
        • ACRS(10)


LChandler, OGC (

i kP >

'<\ \
