NUREG-0814, Forwards Methodology for Evaluation of Emergency Response Facilities Review of Beaver Valley Power Station,Unit 1. Conceptual Design Plan Insufficiently Detailed to Determine Compliance w/NUREG-0696

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Forwards Methodology for Evaluation of Emergency Response Facilities Review of Beaver Valley Power Station,Unit 1. Conceptual Design Plan Insufficiently Detailed to Determine Compliance w/NUREG-0696
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 11/09/1981
From: Varga S
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Carey T
Shared Package
ML20011B119 List:
RTR-NUREG-0696, RTR-NUREG-0814, RTR-NUREG-696, RTR-NUREG-814 GL-81-10, NUDOCS 8112040021
Download: ML20011B118 (3)


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,i local PDR ORB 1 File 9,



NOV 9 1981 D. Eisenhut J. Heltemes O!

S. Varga Docket No. 50-334 4%

Q'd[U. 'f;*)g' C. Parrish x

D. Chaney 6

Mr. J. J. Carey


OELD NOV191981a -,-

ISE (3) l Vice President, Nuclear Duquesne Light Company

'63 u.Atm gym j NSIC TERA 435 Sixth Avenue


ACRS (10)

Pittsburg, PA 15219 g

Dear Mr. Carey:

This letter is in response to the design plan proposed for the Emergency Response Facilities of the Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit 1, which was submitted in response to the Generic Letter 81-10 from the Director of Licensing.

Enclosed is an evaluation, using NUREG-0814 " Methodology for Evaluation of Emergency Response Facilities," to determine whether the proposed conceptual design plan fulfills the design concepts of NUREG-0696,

" Functional Criteria for Emergency Response Facilities".

The proposed conceptual design provided is not sufficiently detailed to determine if it meets the criteria set forth in NUREG-0696.

The major items described in the proposed Beaver Valley, Unit 1 conceptual design plan requiring additional information are as follows:


Legible diagrams of locations and layout for the TSC, OSC and E0F illustrating work station locations, data aquisition hardware, comunications hardware and locations within the emergency response facilities where emergency functions are to be perfonned.


The staffing, data flow and communications procedures for the TSC and E0F, 3.

The habitability and structural features for the TSC and EOF.


The functional description, staffing, comunications and size of the OSC.


The radiological monitoring systems, dose assessment, monitoring techniques and hardware for the TSC, OSC and E0F.


The descriptions of the emergency equipment and procedures used in the control room to interface with the TSC, OSC and E0F.


The radiological monitoring procedures and equipnent for emergency response facilities personnel.


The descriptions of computer environment, display devices and formats, documentation, reliability, maintenance, training and quality assurance for the data acquisition systems.

8112040021 811109 PDR ADOCK 05000334 F



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idr. J. J. Carey

-2 NOV 9 1991 We are unable to fully evaluate and approve your conceptual design plan for Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit 1 Emergency Response Facilities until you have resutnitted your design correcting the deficiencies noted above. Whereas fl0REGs 0696 and 0014 only provide guidance and are not requirements, they do provide a method by which your emergency response facilities can fulfill the requirements of 10 CFR 550.47 and 10 CFR, Appendix E, for adequate emergency facilities and equipment to support an emergency response. The enclosed evaluation. report, using flUREG-0814, provides additional guidance to assist you in reviewing your sutnittal.

Your revised conceptual design plan should be sutmitted for reevaluation within 45 days of the date of this letter. He will provide you with the results of our review of your revised plan within 40 days of the date of receipt. Whether or not you make a timely sutnittal of revised material, your emergency response facilities must be completed by the date by which operating reactors must complete these facilities.


' Original Simed 41 Steven A. Varga, Chief Operating Reactors Branch flo. 1 Division of Licensing


As stated cc: See next page CR2

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Mr. J. J. Carey Duquesne Light Company ie cc: - Mr. 4. P. Williams Mr. J. D. Sieber, Manager Station Superintendent Nuclear Safety and Liter,;ing Cuquesne Light Company Duquesne Light Company beava Valloy Power Station Nuclear Division i

Inst Of fice Box 4 Post Office Box 4


Shippingpert, Pennsylvania 15077 Shippingpert, Pennsylvaria 15077 i

Mr. T. D. Jones, Manager Resident Inspector

-Nuclear Operations U. S. Nuclear Regalatory Conmission Duquesne Light Company Post Of fice Box 298 Post Of fice Box 4 Shippingport, Pennsylvania 15077 4

Shippingport, Pennsylvania 15077 i

_ U. F. Jones Memorial Library 663 Franklin Avenue Aliquippa, Pennsylvania 15001 Gereld Charnoff, Esquire Jay E. Silberg, Esquire t~

Shaw, Pittman, _ Potts and Trowbridge t

1800 M Street, N.W.

l Washington, D.C.

20036 Karin Carter, Esquire Special Assistant Attorney General i; -

Bureau of Administrative Enforcement Sth Floor, Executive House l

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 i

Marvin Fein j

Utility Counsel City of Pittsburgh l

313 City-County Building Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219 Mr. John A. Levin Public Utility Commission 4

P.O. Box 3265 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 i

Irwin A. Popowsky, Esquire Office'of Consumer Advocate 1425 Strawberry Square Harrisburg,' Pennsylvania 17120=

l Charles A. Thomas, Esquire

. Thomas and Thomas 212 Locust Street-l Box 999 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17108 l

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