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Advises That Util 871028 Application for Amend to License NPF-29,changing Power Supplies for Two RWCU Isolation Valves Determined Inadequate.Application Should Be Resubmitted Addressing Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Requirements
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 11/10/1987
From: Kintner L
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Kingsley O
NUDOCS 8711200087
Download: ML20236Q487 (5)



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I November 10, 1987 Docket No. 50-416 DISTRIBUTION y' Docket /pler ACRS (10)

NRC & Local PDRs Gray File  !

Mr. Oliver D. Kingsley, Jr. PD22 Reading L. B. fiarsh  :

Vice President, Nuclear Operations S. Yarga i Systcm Energy Resources, Inc. G. Lainas P.O. Box 23054 D. Miller Jackson, tiississippi 39205 L. Kinter l OGC-Dethesda  ;

Dear Mr. Kingsley:

E. Jordan J. Partlow )



GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION (GGNS), UNIT 1 - 1 LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST DATED OCTOBER 28, 1987 By letter dated October 28, 1987, System Energy Resources, Inc. (the licensee) {

requested a change to the GGNS Unit 1 Technical Specifications to support a  !

desigr. change to the divisicnal power supplies for two isolation valves in l I the reactor water cleanup (RWCU) system. This change was proposed to correct i

) a design or installation error which resulted in the same divisional power 1 I supply for the outboard containment isolation valve and the inboard containment isolation valve in a branch line of the RWCU system. The error also resulted l in a portion of the branch line in the drywell being designated ASME Section III, Class 2 instead of Class 1, as intended in the initial design.

This error and the potential corrective actions were described in LER 87-011-00, i l dated August 28, 1987 and in a September 15, 1987 meeting as summarized in I l Inspection Report 50-416/87-22, dated October 6, 1987. I 1

The staff has made s general overall review of the submittal dated October 28, 1987. The submittal addressed only a change in power supply to the two isola- j tion valves so that containment isolation decign criteria would be met. However, '

l it did not address the manner by which the NRC requirements for the reactor l

coolant pressure boundary (RCPB) wculd be met for the branch line in the RWCU.

The definition of RCPB in 10 CFR 50.2 indicates that'the reactor coolant pressure boundary for this branch line should include the outermost containment isolation valve. For this branch line, it would appear to require that valve ,

F253 and the piping between valves F253 and F254 should be part of the RCPB -)

and therefore, should be designated ASME Section III, Class 1. However, the ]

proposed correction of the error would leave this portion of piping designated '

as ASME Section III, Class ?.

t 8711200087 e71110 PDR ADDCK 05000416 P PDR l


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3 Mr. 0. D. Kingsley

- -)

q Because the submittal' dated October 28, 1987 does-not address RCPB requirements

for this branch line, the staff;has determined that the: submittal is not ade-quate; The manner of meeting.RCPB requirements should be addressed in a re-submittal of the' corrective. action for,this. error. -;

Sincerely, I-

' Original signed by Lester L.-Kintner, Project Manager Project Directorate II-2' Division of Reactor Projects-I/II Office of Nuclear _ Reactor Regulation-k


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L4f4LI-2. PM:PDII_2 MEB D:PD DkPV er -LKintner:bg. TMars [h HBer 11/- 87~ 11/IO/87 11/j _87 11/ef/87 re.,pcg7 1

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,,,,,8 November'10', 1987


Decket No. 50-416 l l

Mr. Oliver D. Kingsley, Jr. ",

Vice President, Nuclear Operations Syster: Energy Resources. Ire.

P.O. Box 23054 Jackson,fiississippi 39705 '

Dear fir. Kingsley:





! By letter dated October 28, 1987, System Energy Resources, Inc. (the licensee)-

requested a change to the GGNS Unit 1 Technical Specifications to support a design change to the divisional power supplies for two isolation valves in the reactor water cleanup (RVCU) system. This change was proposed to correct a design or installation error which resulted in the same divisional power supply for the outboard containment isolation valve and the inboard containment isolation valve in a branch line of the RWCU system. The error also resulted in a portion of the branch line in the drywell being designated ASPE Section III, Class 2 instead of Class 1, as the initial design. 2 This error and the potential corrective actions were' described in LER 87-011-00, dated August 28, 1987 and in a September 15, 1987 meeting as summarized in Inspection Report 50-416/87-22, dated October 6,-.1987.

l The staff has made a general overall review of the subniittal dated October 28, 1987. The submittal addressed only a in power supply to the-two isola-tion valves so that containment' isolation design criteria would be met. 110 wever, it did not address the manner by which the NRC requirements for the reactor coolant pressure boundary (RCPB) would be met for the branch line in the RWCU.

The definition of RCPB in 10 CFR 50.2 indicates that the' reactor ~ coolant pressure boundary for this branch line'shculd include the. outermost containment isolation valve. For this branch line, it would appear to require that' valve l F253 and the piping between valves F253 and F254 should be part of the RCPB l and therefore, should be designated ASME Section III, Class 1. However, the I

proposed correction of the error would leave this portion of piping designate.d' as ASME Section III, Class 2.

O l


,a ,


Mr. 0. D. Kingsley '

l )

1 Eecause the submittal dated October 28,'1927 does not address RCPB requirements I for this branch line, the staff has' determined that the submittal is not ade-quate. The manner of meeting RCFD requirements should be addressed in a re-submittal of the corrective action for this error.


Sincerely, M%

l Lester L. Kintner, Project Manager Project Directorate II-? .

Division of Reactor Projects-I/II i Office of Nuclear Reactor. Regulation-l cc: See next page-t i



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Mr. Oliver D. Kingsley, Jr. l System Energy Resources, Inc. Grand Gulf Nuclear Station (GGNS) j I


Mr. Ted H. Cloninger Mr. C. R. Hutchinson Vice President, Nuclear Engineering GGNS General Manager i and Support System Energy Resources, Inc.

I System Energy Resources, Inc. Post Office Box 756 Post Office Box 23054 Port Gibson, Mississippi 39150 Jackson, Mississippi 39205 l 1 Robert B. McGehee, Esquire The Honorable William J. Guste, Jr. i Wise, Carter, Child, Steen and Caraway Attorney General '

P.O. Box 651 Department of Justice Jackson, Mississippi 39205 State of Louisiana-Baton Rouge,' Louisiana 70804 Nicholas S. Reynolds, Esquire-Bishop, Liberman, Cook, Purcell Office of the Governor and Reynolds State of Mississippi 1200 17th Street, N.W. Jackson, Mississippi 39201 i Washington, D. C. 20036 Attorney General Mr. Ralph T. Lally Gartin Building 1 Manager of Quality Assurance Jackson, Mississippi 39205 Middle South Utilities System Services, Inc.

P.O. Box 61000 Mr. Jack McMillan, Director New Orleans, Louisiana 70161 Division of Solid Waste Management Mississippi Department of Natural Mr. John G. Cesare Resources Director, Nuclear Licensing System Energy Resources, Inc. Post Office Box 10385-P.O. Box 23054 Jackson, Mississippi 39209 Jackson, Mississippi 39205 Alton B. Cobb, M.D.

Mr. R. W. Jackson, Project Engineer State Health Officer Bechtel Power Corporation State Board of Health 15740 Shady Grove Road P.O. Box 1700 Gaithersburg, Maryland 20877-1454 Jackson, Mississippi 39205 Mr. Ross C. Butcher President j Senior Resident Inspector Claiborne County Board of Supervisors '

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Port Gibson, Mississippi 39150 Route 2. Box 399 Port Gibson, Mississippi 39150 i

Regional Administrator, Region II s U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 101 Marietta Street, N.W., Suite 2900 ,

Atlanta, Georgia 30323 Mr. James E. Cross GGNS Site Director System Energy Resources, Inc.

P.O. Box 756 Port Gibson, Mississippi 39150
