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Forwards SER Based on Preimplementation Audit of Ongoing Plant Dcrdr from 860728-0801.Proposed Schedule for Completion of Certain Activities & Schedule for Submittal of Supplemental Summary Rept Requested
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 03/04/1987
From: Rooney V
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Capstick R
Shared Package
ML20212J801 List:
RTR-NUREG-0660, RTR-NUREG-0737, RTR-NUREG-660, RTR-NUREG-737 NUDOCS 8703090137
Download: ML20212J797 (2)


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4 MAR 1987 -


-D'ocket No. 50-271

- o i,c. 7 p -

7 Mr.-Rr W. Capstick Licensing Engineer f

Verment Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation

'1671 Worcester Road Framingham, Massachusetts 01701

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Dear.Mr. Capstick:

Re: Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant t

The NRC staff conducted a;preimplementation audit of the ongoing Vermont-Yankee Detafled Control Room Design Review (DCRDR) from July 28 through August 1,'1986. Based oh this ahdit the staff has prepared a,-Safety Evaluation Report (SER) which'lis ehclosed. Certain activities which must be finished before the Vermont Yankee DCRDR is complete are identified in the conclusion section of the SER.

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7 After reytewing this SER, please propose a schedule.for, completion of these-activities and propose a schedule for submittal, of a Supplemental Sumary Report which provides'the results of these activities.

, Sincerely, s







@ signed by.

Vernon L. Rooney, Project Manager 4

BWR Project Directorate #2

, Division of BWR Licensing


Safety Evaluation Report

,s cc w/ enclosure See Next Page DISTRIBUTION


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Mr. R. U. Capstick Virmont Yankee Nuclear Power Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation Station cc:

l'r. J. G. Weigan::.-

Mr. W. P. Murphy, Vice President &

President & Ct.ief Executive Officer Manager of Operations Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp.

Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp.

R. D. 5, Box 169 R. D. 5, Box 169 Ferry Road Ferry Poad brattleboro, Vermont 053C1 Brattleboro, Vermont 05301 Hr. Donald Hunter, Vice Presidert


Mr. Gerald Tarrant, Ccmmissioner Vermont Yankee Nuclear Pcwer Corp.

Vermont Department of Public Service 1671 Worcester Road 120 State Street' Fran.ingham, Massachusetts 01701

' Montpelier, Vernont 05602 New England Coalition on

['Publi-ServiceBoard Nuclear Polluticn State 'of Vermont Hill and Dale Farm 120 State Street R. D. 2, Box 223 Montpelier, Verrcnt 05602 Putney, Vertont 05346 Vermont Yankee.Decommissior,ing Mr. Walter Zaluzcy Alliance Chairman, Bchrd of Selectman Box 53 Post Office Sex 116 Montpelier, Vermont 05602-0053 Vernori, Vermont 05345 Resident Inspector fir. J. P. Pelletier,3Plent Manager U. S. Nuclear' Regulatory Commission Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp.

Post Office Eox 176 Post Office Eox 157-Vernon, Vermont 05354 Verncn, Vermont 05354-Vermont Public Interest fir. Raymond N. McCandless Research Group, Inc.

Vermont Division of Occupational 43 State Street

& Raciciogical Health Montpelier, Vernont 05602 Administratfon Building 10 Baldwin Street Regional Administrator, Region 1 Montpelier, Vermont' 05602 U. S. Nuclear Pegulatory Connission 631 Park Avenue Honorable John J. Easton King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406 Attorney General State of Vermont Ellyn R. Weiss 109' State Street Hermon & Weiss Montpelier, Ve rmont 05602 2001 S. Street, N. W.

Suite 430 Washington, D.C. 20009-1125 John A. Ritscher, Esquire Popes & Gray 225 Franklin Street Boston, Massachusetts 02110
