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Provides Alternative Y2K Readiness Status Described in Supplement 1 to GL 98-01, Y2K Readiness of Computer Sys at Npps. Y2K Readiness Disclosure Rept Encl
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 06/28/1999
From: Wanczyk R
BVY-99-79, GL-98-01, GL-98-1, NUDOCS 9907070233
Download: ML20209B586 (6)


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185 Old Ferry Road, Brattleboro, VT 05301 7002 (802) 257-5271 June 28,1999 BVY 99-79 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington,DC 20555



Generic Letter 98-01, Year 2000 Readiness of Computer Systems at Nuclear Power Plants, NVY 98-73, dated May 11,1998 (b)

Generic Letter 98-01, Supplement 1, Year 2000 Readiness of Computer Systems at Nuclear Power Plants, NVY 99-11, dated January 14,1999


Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station License No. DPR-28 (Docket No. 50-271)

Response to Generic Letter (GIS 98-01 Supplement 1 Required Response item (2) of Reference (a) requested a reply by July 1,1999 regarding the status of facility Year 2000 (Y2K) readiness with respect to safety-related systems and other systems required by the nuclear power plant operating license or NRC regulations. The NRC subsequently issued Reference (b),

which permits licensees to submit a " voluntary response" in lieu of the response required by item (2) of Reference (a). This letter provides the alternative Y2K readiness status described in Reference (b).

The Voluntary Response portion of Reference (b) states, in part:

"In responding to this supplement to GL 98-01, the addressee should confirm Y2K readiness of the facility with regard to those systems within the scope of the license and NRC regulations, and those systems required for continued operation of the facility after January 1,2000. For those systems which are not Y2K ready as of July 1,1999, the addressee should provide a status and completion schedule for achieving readiness by the year 2000."

Vermont Yankee Response.

Vermont Yankee (VY) is voluntarily reporting facility readiness as outlined in Reference (b). Enclosed is the Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure for VY, reporting the status of facility Y2K readiness. This disclosure is submitted unde-the guidelines of the " Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act" (Public Law 105-271), and constitutes a " Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure" within the meaning of the act.



9907070233 990629 PDR ADOCK 05000271 P


1 VI'.HuoNT YAni.i.; Nt ci.i.Au l'ows:n CoimonAlsos BVY 99 79 / Page 2 -

'We trust that the information provided will be acceptable; however, please contact Mr. Wayne M.

Limberger at (802) 258-4237 if you have any questions.


(/V Robert J.

n k

j Director o ty and Regulatory Affairs Attachments cc:

USNRC Region 1 Administrator USNRC ResidentInspector-VYNPS USNRC Project Manager-VYNPS Vermont Department of Public Service Nuclear Energy Institute - Attention: Jim Davis 1


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r pocket No. 50-271 BVY 99-79 l

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Attachment I Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station Response to Generic Letter 98-01 Supplement 1


1 1

Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure i

k A.

II BVY 99 '79 / Atta'chment 1/ Page 1 of 2 This Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure is made for Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Statica (VY) under the

" Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act"(Public Law 105-271).

This disclosure addresses the Year 2000 (Y2K) readiness of the VY facility with regard to those systems within the scope of the facility operating license and NRC regulations, as well as other systems required for continued operation of the facility aAer January 1,2000. A facility that is "Y2K Ready" has followed a prescribed program to identify and resolve Y2K issues so the facility can operate reliably while meeting commitments.

VY has conducted a Year 2000 readiness program based on the principles outlined in Nuclear Utility Year 2000 Readiness, NEI/NUSMG 97-07. The program applies to software, hardware and firmware whose failure, due to a Y2K problem would prevent the performance of the safety function of a structure, system or component. Additionally, the program applies to any software, hardware or firmware whose failure due to a Y2K problem, would prevent continued operation of the nuclear facility well beyond December 31, 1999. Our program also includes identifying and, where appropriate, remediating embedded systems with date-sensitive features, as well as providing for risk management efrorts and development of contingency plans for key rollover dates.

Except for the items discussed below, the Vermont Yankee Y2K readiness program has been completed through the detailed assessment, remediation and testing phases for systems within the scope of the VY license and NRC regulation, and systems required for continued operation of VY after January 1,2000.

Those systems are Y2K ready. For systems that are not expected to be Y2K ready as of July 1,1999, the following status updates and completion schedules are provided. By adhering to these schedules, VY will achieve readiness for the remaining systems by the year 2000.



Security Computer.


Testing has shown that the computer will experience a hard failure and stop operating at midnight on December 31, 1999. This would require entry into preplanned -

contingency actions for loss of the security computer.

Status / Schedule:

Replacement computer hardware and associated software have been ordered. The new system is scheduled for installation in October,1999.



Refueling Platform.


The electronic logic required for control of the safety-related platform would be rendered inoperable, preventing fuel movement. However, movement of the refueling platform is not expected to occur during the millennium rollover. If the platform is needed immediately following the 1999 refueling outage (after December 31,1999) and hasn't been remediated, the computer date could be manually reset to an earlier 1999 date. This would allow the platform to be operated safely.

4 Status / Schedule:

VY has undertaken a project to upgrade the platform computer that is scheduled for completion by the end of September 1999.

d BVY 99-77 / Attachment i / Page 2 of 2 -



Software for the Plant Process Computer.


Complete loss of the process computer would cause loss of the Safety Parameter Display System and would also result in the inability to determine fuel thermal limits.

This inability would require action as directed by plant Technical Specifications and could require VY to shut down.

Status / Schedule:

This software has been remediated and testing is underway but is not finished. The integrated testing is scheduled to be completed and the software is expected to be fully operational by September 1999.

Upon completion of these three items, VY systems within the scope of the VY operating license and NRC regulation, and systems required for continued operation of the facility aAer January 1,1999 will be Y2K ready to the best of our knowledge and belief. Furthermore, contingency plans have been developed for the above items to mitigate the impact of any Y2K-induced events at key rollover dates.

.Se SUMM.ARY OF VERMONT YANKEE COMMITMENTS BVY NO.: 99-79 The following table identifies commitments made in this document by Vermont Yankee. Any other actions discussed in the submittal represent intended or planned actions by Vermont Yankee. They are described to the NRC for the NRC's information and are not regulatory commitments. Please notify the Licensing Manager of any questions regarding this document or any associated commitments.


VY will achieve Y2k readiness for all affected systems that are not Y2K ready as of July 1,1999.



VYAPF 0058.04 (Sample)

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